从追赶到超越,超了吗?小米14 Ultra对比三星S24 Ultra

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Xiaomi 14 Ultra and Samsung S24 Ultra They are all the flagships of each company And they are very powerful in terms of imaging. And the focal length of the rear camera They are also all super wide-angle main cameras. About 3 times the medium focus and 5 times the telephoto compare them Still very interesting Welcome to ZPH Remember to like and follow to support us Especially pay attention to This is what allows us to continue updating this program Motivation to keep updating thank you all If you pay attention to mobile phone images, you should get more involved in photography. Every issue I will take some photos with my phone I didn't take good pictures To attract good ideas Mainly I hope you can also participate in photography After looking at the previous photos No need to wonder which phone took the photo Because it can be taken with a mobile phone The key is to get involved in photography Welcome to ZPH Remember to like and follow to support us This is the driving force for us to develop independently Let’s take a look at the performance of this phone Let’s take a look at the performance of these two mobile phones. The rear focal lengths of the two mobile phones are listed here. I won’t think about it one by one. Mainly to remind everyone They are all fixed focus lenses no optical zoom no light change Now is the shooting interface of Xiaomi 14 Ultra The middle 2x focal length It’s the digital zoom of the main camera 0.5 times 1 times 3.2x and 5x are both optical focal lengths Now is the shooting interface of Samsung S24 Ultra its top 10 times It’s a 5x digital zoom 0.6 times 1 times 3 times and 5 times All are optical focal lengths OK, let’s start comparing the two mobile phones. Let’s start with the main camera for comparison. In terms of parameters The photoreceptor is larger than that of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra But native pixels Is Samsung S24 Ultra higher? Aperture of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra It's a variable aperture Infinite zoom from f/1.63 to f/4 Already mentioned it in the last issue Imaging performance at different apertures This issue will not be repeated again Let’s just look at the imaging performance in the default mode. Xiaomi 14 Ultra I have used Leica Classic, Leica Vivid When comparing I will use whichever mode I think looks better. As for the difference in color? Just tell me which effect you like better. Don't ask what is close to the real environment Don't talk about this From the day photography began, there has been the word style. It's all close to reality Where does the style come from? Center of analytical power Both sides are excellent Let’s compare a set of sample photos taken by the main photographer. The same central analytical aspect Both sides are still very good Optical quality of the lens set That is to say, the quality of the corners is controlled. This depends on the manufacturing cost of the lens set Although the two corners are almost the same But from the beginning of the decline Samsung S24 Ultra performs better However, Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra has a larger photoreceptor He wants to control the image quality at the corners, which is even more difficult. Let’s look at the performance on the other side Well, this time both sides are almost done Both main cameras have HD mode Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is 50 million pixels Samsung S24 Ultra has 200 million pixels In terms of analytical power It’s true that Samsung S24 Ultra is better And in the screen It's the top half of the screen among the leaves Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra already has false colors Although the analytical power It is difficult to continue to improve through later upgrades. But the false color can still be improved. Let’s talk about the super wide-angle lens The native pixels are higher than those of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra The aperture is also larger than that of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra The viewing angle is also wider than that of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra Look at the real-life photos. Xiaomi uses Leica classic mode. But it was cloudy when we took the photo The difference in viewing angles is quite large. as the picture shows This red edge That’s the range that Samsung S24 Ultra can’t capture Center of analytical power There's not much difference between the two sides Although the viewing angle of Samsung S24 Ultra is narrower The objects he photographed were larger But the analytical power Compared with Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra no advantage Let’s look at a set of super wide-angle samples again This time Xiaomi 14 Ultra should use Leica Vivid center analysis Both sides are still half a pound Optical quality of lenses That is, in terms of image quality control at the corners. There's not much difference between the two sides Let’s look at the performance of the other corner And this time Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra performed pretty well Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra would be better if both sides were equally good. Let’s talk about HD mode Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra’s ultra wide angle It has a 50-megapixel HD mode Samsung S24 Ultra’s ultra wide angle That’s 12 million pixels No HD mode But in terms of analytical power The resolution of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is not much better than that of Samsung S24 Ultra Seems a little stronger But this is too much Right? Let’s look at another set of comparisons. is also like this Xiaomi 14 Ultra 50 million pixels Samsung S24 Ultra is 12 million pixels But in terms of analytical power Especially the recognition of fonts In some words, Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is not as powerful as Samsung S24 Ultra This is a bit embarrassing Let’s talk about macro photography Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra product Finally a telephoto macro Compared to the previous generation It can be said that great progress has been made in terms of macro. Samsung S24 Ultra’s best macro lens Still a super wide-angle lens The advantage of macro shooting with telephoto is that it highlights the subject Super wide angle shooting macro It’s easy to take pictures of a lot of useless backgrounds Theoretically Telephoto and macro make it easier to produce pictures Of course, this depends more on the person Don't look at the device But these two mobile phones shoot macro In terms of analytical power Or is the super wide-angle resolution of Samsung S24 Ultra better? Someone always said Samsung S24 Ultra’s telephoto macro looks good too It seems Actually not Now I’m shooting macro using the telephoto lens of Samsung S24 Ultra Shot at 10x end Actually a 5x lens Digitally enlarged after taking the photo Looks good The magnification ratio is better than Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra But if you look at the details It’s not as good as Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra That is to say It’s even worse than what I took with my own ultra-wide angle. Let’s look at the medium telephoto lens again Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is a 3.2x medium telephoto lens Samsung S24 Ultra is a 3x mid-focus lens The parameters are all listed here. I won’t think about it one by one. Telephoto, they are both 5x lenses When comparing samples, start with 2x They are all digital zooms of the main camera In terms of analytical power The two sides are almost the same I can only say Samsung S24 Ultra’s 2x digital zoom is better than before Now Xiaomi 14 Ultra is 3.2 times Samsung S24 Ultra is 3 times They are all optical focal lengths Note that when comparing the previous issue Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra’s 3.2x lens performs poorly But this time it’s still not that good compared to Samsung S24 Ultra Let’s take a look at another set of comparisons. Xiaomi 14 Ultra 3.2 times Samsung S24 Ultra 3x Analytical power Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is still not that good This result It is also consistent with the previous test results. The 3.2x mid-focus lens of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra Not very good performance and Although it is said to have a 50-megapixel high-definition mode And 3 times that of Samsung S24 Ultra Only 12 million (10 million) pixels But in terms of analytical power The 3x HD mode of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra has no advantages Let’s just say it has a slight advantage. Now it’s a 5x comparison They are all optical focal lengths In terms of analytical power Both sides did very well. But for those who don’t like noise Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra performs well Samsung S24 Ultra has some noise But I think it's okay Because it is not red and green noise More like the graininess of film back then The 5x lenses on both sides have 50 million pixels HD mode In terms of resolution and detail presentation They are doing well But after digital processing There is quite a big difference in imaging styles between the two sides. Let’s look at another set of HD mode comparisons Also zoom in to see the details There is quite a big difference in the picture styles between the two sides. But detail presentation and resolution Almost the same on both sides Now the comparison is 30 times Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra does not enable AI super zoom It's digital zoom The same goes for Samsung S24 Ultra In terms of picture perception I think Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is better Although the details of Samsung S24 Ultra are presented For example, on the fine cracks Samsung S24 Ultra does it better But the overall look and feel of the picture I still like Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra Now Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra turns on AI super zoom The system will add some fake details to the photo Make photos look clearer Actual perception Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is indeed better But tiny cracks Because he couldn't take the picture He didn't know there were cracks Like Samsung S24 Ultra All the tiny cracks were photographed. But the overall look and feel of the picture Definitely not as good as Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra What are their advantages? It would be great if we could combine them Let’s talk about proactive performance Take a look at the selfie first Use the default settings No other adjustments were made Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra has a little bit of beauty and microdermabrasion But it's very slight, not serious He should have invoked portrait mode The background is slightly blurred Samsung S24 Ultra looks natural Skin resurfacing is almost impossible to say, right? But the overall performance Both sides are excellent But I have to choose I still prefer the selfie effect of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra Now it’s the performance of front camera video Their anti-shake It looks like it's shaking a little bit But the analytical power is very high Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra looks brighter Samsung S24 Ultra is slightly darker In comparison I still prefer the front-facing video recording effect of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra Let’s talk about the comparison of portrait shooting Use the default settings of your phone Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra uses the new master portrait Samsung S24 Ultra Taken using the default portrait mode of the phone. Seen from real shots on both sides The gap is still huge You're talking about the entire mobile phone photography circle Mobile phone review circle Who doesn’t know that I am 17 years old? petite Looks cute Gentle face Skin is supple and supple Look at the photos taken by Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra. Looks very energetic Look at Samsung S24 Ultra again Similar to Zhang Fei and Li Kui What the hell is this? The key is to change the scene and it will be the same If I film more than one scene, don’t watch it. Too disturbing Let’s look at the comparison of tolerance In this comparison in all scenarios Performance of two mobile phones Whether it’s the main camera or super wide-angle It can be said that it is very good The details of their bright and dark parts are presented All very good The bright part is usually seen For example, the boundary between branches and the sky See if the transition is natural ANBU The main thing to look at is whether the overall dark parts can have details. And it can get even darker Honestly based on experience I think this link Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra can definitely beat Samsung S24 Ultra Because Samsung started with 23U 23U 24U Its performance in this link It's regressive It is not as good as 22U and 21U back then. And Xiaomi’s current generation 14 Ultra It is stronger than the previous generation 13 Ultra Maybe this is because of the gloomy weather Samsung S24 Ultra is a little brighter Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra did not throw away Samsung S24 Ultra in this aspect Let’s look at the night scene comparison again Both phones can permanently turn off automatic night view This is very good commendable first two scenes There is strong light and shadow two mobile phones Whether it’s the main camera or super wide-angle Their performance is very ideal But when it comes to this difficult scenario Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra’s performance still hasn’t improved much In the case of straight out Whether it’s the main camera, ultra-wide angle camera or Samsung S24 Ultra The differences are obvious Even if the night scene mode is turned on Although the performance of the main camera has improved a lot But compared to Samsung S24 Ultra Still worse There is still a lot of difference in super wide angle Still can’t compare to the direct performance of Samsung S24 Ultra Now it’s 2x the performance They are all digital zooms of the main camera Both sides are very good Now Xiaomi 14 Ultra is 3.2 times Samsung S24 Ultra is 3 times They were all taken directly with these two lenses. Look carefully at the bright details Samsung S24 Ultra performs better Now it’s the performance of a 5x lens None of them are digital zoom either All taken directly with a 5x lens The performance of bright parts is still better than that of Samsung S24 Ultra city road The light is still relatively dark The colors captured by the main cameras on both sides The gap is very big I think Samsung S24 Ultra looks better But when it comes to super wide angle The color of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra looks better Details presentation Whether it’s the main camera or super wide-angle They performed well It is now at the 3x end of performance There are gaps in the presentation of details Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is better Samsung S24 Ultra has a bit of noise But the performance of the lighting Samsung S24 Ultra is still better than Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra Now it’s the performance of a 5x lens They were all taken directly with a 5x lens Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is better in detail presentation But honestly, this gap smaller than i thought The night scene mode has been turned on since the ancestral sacred tree Because this environment is very dark The performance of the main photographer What I didn't expect was The details of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra are obvious Better than Samsung S24 Ultra Samsung S24 Ultra in this environment The night scene exposure is only 2 seconds Samsung S24 Ultra is a bit careless The ultra-wide-angle performance looks better than that of Samsung S24 Ultra But actually Almost the same on both sides The fitness equipment scene is a very difficult scene What I didn’t expect was the performance of the main photographer The two sides are almost the same Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra doesn’t leave Samsung S24 Ultra behind Samsung S24 Ultra is not careless this time This time the performance of super wide angle It’s just that the details of Samsung S24 Ultra are richer. You can see it without magnifying The scene on the forest path is also very extreme. The performance of the main photographer There is still no gap between the two sides. at this point It's not easy for Samsung S24 Ultra Because its main photoreceptor Much smaller than Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra The aperture is also small Super wide-angle performance Samsung S24 Ultra still has richer details Ancestral Sacred Tree Pro Scene Zoom in to see details To be honest, I was surprised by the performance of Samsung S24 Ultra Maybe there are too few leaves now Lights from far away can shine through But if you look carefully Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra still has richer details Super wide-angle performance Samsung S24 Ultra is still strong Better than Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra in terms of detail presentation The video comparison uses the default settings of the mobile phone. It is the closest to social software such as WeChat and TikTok Recording effect Now it’s the effect of the main camera holding the hand while walking No use of shelves No stabilizer used The anti-shake and clarity on both sides are very good. Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra’s sharpening is slightly heavier Now it’s super wide-angle performance The anti-shake and clarity on both sides are still very good. Now it’s the effect of 2x end recording They are all digital zooms of the main camera The anti-shake and clarity on both sides are fine. Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is still a bit sharp Now Xiaomi 14 Ultra is 3.2 times Samsung S24 Ultra is 3 times The anti-shake on both sides is still very good Excellent but sharpened This time it was changed to Samsung S24 Ultra, which has heavier sharpening. Now it’s 5 times the video effect Samsung S24 Ultra is slightly better in terms of anti-shake Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is a little wobbly The analytical power is excellent on both sides. Now it’s a 10x comparison Anti-shake and resolution are both better than Samsung S24 Ultra In terms of color, the Samsung S24 Ultra is slightly better. Maybe it's the weather Too much moisture Just take a picture of the wild roast duck that is very close. really Both color and resolution Samsung S24 Ultra is better Now is the performance of main photography at night Although Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra looks darker But in fact the resolution is higher than that of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra It’s just that Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra’s ghosting is heavier than Samsung S24 Ultra’s Super wide-angle performance? Just in this environment They are all difficult to deal with Especially in terms of analytical power very bad Now Xiaomi 14 Ultra is 3.2 times Samsung S24 Ultra is 3 times Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is better at anti-shake clarity Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is also slightly taller. But Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra still has ghosting Now it’s 5 times the video performance Dark detail presentation Is the Samsung S24 Ultra richer? But the clarity is still better than that of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra Now it’s a 10x comparison To be honest, in this environment at night The clarity on both sides is fine. And Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is relatively It can be said that he is only strong but not weak. It’s just the ghost of Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra There really is no one left Industrial design The shapes of the two mobile phones can be said to be in two directions. Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra is sleek Samsung S24 Ultra tough Which look do you like better? The difference in thickness of mobile phones is still very obvious. Especially the difference in the rear camera area But the difference in images between the two mobile phones Definitely not as big a difference as the thickness of the rear camera Hardware Samsung S24 Ultra has more pens than Xiaomi Mi 14 Ultra In terms of playability Definitely Samsung S24 Ultra is better As for other hardware Fever score game These are not the focus of our program If you are interested, please watch other programs. OK it’s the end After reading the previous content Hope this helps you in your choice We also hope you like our program Remember to like and follow to support us See you in the next episode Bye-Bye
Channel: 咋拍好ZPH
Views: 31,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 摄影, 相机, 镜头, 拍摄, 徕卡, 光圈, 可变光圈, 主摄, 超广角, 中焦, 长焦, 微距, 人像, 自拍, 前摄, 录像, 录制, 夜景, 评测, 体验, 夜拍
Id: 7-E9j9t_8BA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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