中國傳統功夫武術 Kung Fu 電影|少林寺十八銅人(18 Bronzemen)|上官靈鳳|黃家達|田鵬|少林功夫片|8號電影院 HK Movie|國語中字|MULTISUB|美亞電影

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The Shaolin Temple is a famous place in China and it is also a holy place for the widespread of martial arts Beginning with the Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei it was first founded in Shaoshi Mountain of Dengfeng in Henan Province during the reign of Emperor Congzheng in Late Ming Dynasty it migrated to Quanzhou in Fujian Province and set up places for meditation, worship, and practicing martial arts later became the place for overthrowing Qing and restoring Ming The descendants of Great Han the officials of former dynasty the orphans of loyalists who were unwilling to be slaves went there and seek refuge Under the leadership of Buddhist abbot, Zhishan the followers' spirit and temperament Buddhist rite and martial arts have been exerted If there is nothing to report retiring My majesty, about the general of Ming Guan Zhi Yuan after my three visits he is still not yield to our Qing Dynasty even insulting us To my investigation officials may ally with rebels to overthrow Qing government Officials dare to get ally with rebels to overthrow my empire Pass my will immediately No matter of officials from former dynasty or rebels their families should be exterminated Catch them and can't let one escape Kill all! Yes Master, Madame, assassin! Go away, be quick! Master, take care of Longer! General, they are coming Come here You take Longer to Madame Chang ask her to seek help from Official Lu and send Longer to Shaolin Temple Please open the door I'm Liuzhu, the staff of government Please open the door we are urgent to see Madame Chang please come in Supervisor Zhao, what happen? Madame Chang Family Guan has been exterminated by government General Guan entrust me to take Longer here Poor child Madame... Madame, gather your strength Guan Family suffers great changes the only thing we can do is to protect Longer General asks you to take Longer to Lu Haogong If it's not safe then send him to Shaolin Temple he is just a baby we couldn't send him to Shaolin Madame Chang you should restrain your grief we can't stay here for long leave here first Haogong, please don't bother My house is spacious stay here! And no strangers will come here here is safe! Madame, don't worry Bother you then Please Longer is weak inborn starting from 1 year old using refined Longgu powder apply on his chest then his arteries and veins and his health would be better than normal people and able to withstand hard and long term practice To achieve superior skills in martial arts first beginning from the head Dipan, southern style called Dipan northern style called footsteps it is for practicing inner energy and for physical strengthen also lightening the lower part of the body Master Lu, it's brutal Shut up! Long dan medicinal herbs act as normal herbs physical body becomes immortal after practicing You can go nowhere, stop! You can't escape You can hide nowhere hand him to me Don't move... see how I settle you all Take him Yes climb up the tree dad, dad, lift me down Tianjun, pardon send you to Shaolin what's for? Take care of Shaolung stay with him all day until I leave Shaolin I'll accomplish the task Good, good memory dad, we'll arrive Shaolin in a while Wai Ma Si pin Ma Zhu Ma Liu Bu This the end of today Thank you, teacher Tianjun Do you remember why you come to Shaolin? I won't forget My dad sent me here by sacrificed himself When you have great achievement in Kungfu what are you going to do? Re... Requite my favor Leave Shaolin and requite my favor Yes you want to requite your favor so you come to Shaolin You shouldn't forget this this is a secret and couldn't tell anyone What's the secret? I must accomplish his task to fulfill his wish No matter of venturing my life I must complete the task Good I am glad Let's go Yes Qing's army Master Lu... Supervisor Liu... Qing's army is coming... Qing's army is coming... Yes, they are at the path exit they are coming up here... Be quick I go to find Lu Haogong Supervisor Zhao tell Madame Chang immediately Yes What happen? Qing's army is coming For the sake of safety leave here Supervisor Zhao come up to the valley go to tell Wucheng Taoist Madame, leave here through the back of the mountain go to pack up your thing Yes Madame, don't worry there is a secret path it couldn't be found out by Qing's army If there is any emergency we send the child to Shaolin Madame, please There is no justice in world General Guan's family has also been exterminated only a five-year-old child is still alive Please all come here to discuss about this Mercy in God have mercy on this poor child Sir, I help you There is a tree Can you see that tree? Weird Sir Why does that tree grow in water? You shouldn't look down on its vitality it could grow in rapids that means it is capable you should know all things in the world only the strong ones could survive Sir, don't say Taoist beliefs Do you want that tree? No...sir, don't be misunderstood I just want to say it's lovely and also poor Hey kid! Sir I really don't want it I made a dream that I planted a tree in Ying Garden Everyday... everyday I play with it Mercy in God Sir, thank you sir Get up quickly it's time for practicing Good morning, sir Good morning Force comes from pubic region each move should be precise Don't move Good morning, sir Mercy in God I'm hungry Repeat the Tiger and Dragon Fist Shaolung What are you doing? Sir, I am practicing an exquisite move named Iron Belly Iron Belly Stop Tianjun Yes Come here, show me what you've learnt Yes Sir Liang Shao Qing Your son has been here for 20 years No matter he succeeds or not, he should leave Shaolin Shaoquan is coming back Please take care him Loyal to Qing forever I hope that he can get back as soon as possible Yes Wait Brother, take care Are you okay? It doesn't matter You are very tired, get some rest Even though we have to work hard, there's a limit Every day, you start practice before dawn That'll ruin your health Get up take a rest and get relaxing I'm ashamed of my slow progress Not at all, you are quite good now Yes, take this, put into your mouth You'll recover soon Oh, what is this? The big ginsend that I've been saving Take it, it helps you to relax Thank you very much, brother Oh, brother brother You can't even tolerate a little hardship But he has practised for a long time I just help him to brighten up Brighten yourself up Brother If you don't practise hard you'll learn nothing The Shaolin Temple is not a place for enjoyment You have to tolerate and continue Yes Don't blame him he's always like this We have no secret Tell me, why don't you be a monk? I... I want to be a monk but Abbot Fang said I couldn't I still have something to do I'll back home in the near future so I couldn't be a monk Tell me, what's your father's name? My father is named Tang Zhichang You have said tons of thing only a few is true believe or not, as you like Please no more bullshit Brother, I... forget it, we go practicing Kungfu together tomorrow morning Pupils, the nine of you now have finished the course in the Ta Mo Temple Now I let you proceed to the Lo Han Temple First you should pass 36 tests then you can enter the line of 18 bronzemen You should know there's no end for learning I hope you'll work even harder Work hard and you'll succeed one day Thanks, teacher Again, slow down Tongzi Jiao The left point The right point The clavicle point Qi Man Zhang Man Jiu Mei Throat Right One by one Not up to standard need more practice Stop Too bad, must work very hard from now on Brother..., gather your strength I'll shoot you continuously see how you deal with it take it as a reference to improve your skill You couldn't make a mistake Did you know? I know Thousands arrows go through your body Brother Brother they'll enter the line of 18 Bronzemen tomorrow Did you know? I knew I want to try would you come? We've already finished 36 tests We'll be succeeded it's not possible I have confidence confidence is not enough Brother The most important thing is your skill If not, you'll lose your life Brother, I want to go with Shaolong Yes, come together Yes If you all have confidence to pass I wish you all success Strongly built with a merciful heart Alive or death depends on fate Let's go Yes Brother, I am a bit nervous Be calm, do your best Daiqi, Shaolong Brother You all come back as soon as possible Brother Daiqi, let me go with Shaolong But I... I know, you bet your life when you get in Let me go, you try later Okay Let's go Yes, they are already entered the line of bronzemen Let's go Okay For anyone who enters the line of 18 bronzemen He must rely on his own skill No help from brothers Or else, you'll die inside For those who have no confidence to pass, go back now Think carefully Dragon Fist Brother, let me go first look carefully Okay Good, you pass Brother, your turn Yes show me your stunt Please let me enter the line of 18 bronzemen I'll test you boxing skills Yes Now you go in front of the bell Strike the bell with your hands Yes you pass Thank you You pass your skill isn't very good but as you work hard on Hard Skull Skill you pass Thank you Lo Han Fist Douzi Fist Okay, you pass Thank you Uncle, please don't be too harsh Brother, are you OK? Brother, I can't make it Gather your strength Brother, I can't make it Come, let me take you there Brother, be patient The next one will be better Good Kneel down... You deserve that you should know your own skill You shouldn't come in He want to have a try I think he want to die Brother, it's my fault Don't act like a woman, I hate it Practise hard, or you'll stay here for the rest of your life Secret of the Lo Han fist Brother What is it? Look Secret of the Lo Han fist Lo Han Fist is the highest stage in Shaolin Fist Where did you find it? The ceiling Go to sleep Please don't make a noise Stop Stop him, don't let him go Stay away, all of you Yes Brother, we want him alive He should die Mercy in God Liang Shaoqing I'm here, sir Tell me whether you get it or not No, it's my fault We can find nothing after searching for over 10 days at last, I find my target but the others notify us Who gives the order? it's me, sir You should be killed Please forgive me, please forgive me Zhentian Yes Take him out Come Yes Sir, I guarantee I could get it back in 5 days to amend my faults please believe me Lo Han Knocking-A-Bell Birds come home Virgin worships Guanyi Though Shaolin Temple is the sacred place of the Buddhists It has become the centre for anti-Qing people Many rebels go there to learn Kungfu They go against the government when they graduate Recently a secret of fist is found in Shaolin We have spent a lot of money to get this treasure and it is the Secret of Lo Han Fist From now on, we should practise hard Yes Shaolong, it is the second time you enter the line of 18 bronzemen You should succeed Or else, you'll die inside Do you understand? I understand Zazi Jue Pass Thank you We teach you skill Not only attack but also tolerate Now here are my 18 bats Your life depends on you own skill Yes It's settled You pass Thank you Brother Thousand-catties gate Brother, you can hold the gate with armful and waist Brother, you teach me Look at me Be careful, brother step forward hold your breathe Brother, good the heaven entrance In front is the dragon vessel To pass, we must remove the vessel It burns us Hold your breathe be quick and stable Look at me Brother, you get hurt Yes, very painful, at least, the twenty years have proved to worthwhile The dragon is the sign for Shaolin pupils Brother, congratulations It's nothing, brother, your turn Good Brother Brother, the vessel has gone back to the original place Brother, don't worry I'll wait for you convey Qigong to inner force, be quick and stable Yes Brother, I did it Good, come out Yes Brother Brother, congratulations We have done it Mercy in God Uncle Uncle Tianjun, Shaolong You've done very well Congratulations on your graduation You should know Every year, tens of people try to pass the line Only one or two succeed Come, get up abbot is waiting for you Thanks, uncle So much time, so much hardship In return for the success The outside world is evil I hope you'll serve your country serve your people as a reward to us We'll remember you, sir We'll bear the regulations in mind If we break it, god will be our guarantor Good, good, value your future We'll get back home first Thank you very much for your teaching You should bear in mind that you are not always be the superior one Don't act rashly Goodbye, teacher Hei Chuying got good skills, be careful Yes Go! Brother, teacher said that uncles fought with Hei Chuying 20 years ago but they failed to defeat him Hei Chuying may practise an exquisite move now Is it possible? Maybe Strange, there is nobody here Yes, it's barren No, I remember very clearly my grandma always takes me here Half a month later I'll meet you at Andong Okay Brother, this is my grandma's home He is finding you Thank you Uncle, I am Tang Shaolong Oh, Shaolong Are you Uncle Liu? Yes You must suffer a lot Fine uncle, where is my grandma? She... She... My grandma hopes that I can get back as soon as possible She died last year of September... What? She is dead My grandma, she... She is dead She is still thinking of you before death Grandma, I am sorry Two years ago, I can't pass through the Bronzemen line I can't get back in time Grandma... I am sorry Wait here I'll show you something Yes sir I send you to Shaolin to learn Kungfu you must work hard Don't be back if you are failed Let me try No, please sit down You are the only member of Guan left behind Tang isn't my surname? Your surname is Guan, your name is Guan Long Your father was the general of Ming Dynasty Guan Zhiyuan As he refused to submit so he was murdered by Hei Chuying You were saved by the head of guards general Wan After hiding for four years your grandma finally sent you to Shaolin To escape from Qing's army and learn Kungfu so you can take revenge for your father Look, here's the blood letter of your father Dad, Mum This is the precious sword of your family Look, that man looks handsome but he is careless Sorry What are you doing? Nine Flowers Tower Hey, sir. Please go inside Hey...inside please Sir, please don't fight Sir, let's talk in over we are friends, don't get angry Sir Sir Look, it's you who wants to fight Yes, it's me, what? Brother Brother Hey, Pal don't take it seriously He went up and wanted to start a fight since we haven't started it, just forget it Brother, he is just too much Forget it You forgot your main task Let's go Let's go Hey, wait. Don't forget your life is mine Get down I've told you, it's not the end yet Brother, look! Rower, we want to cross the river Okay Rower, please make haste, we're in a hurry Not a bird in the mountains, not a man in the paths Alone an old man in a boat, fishing in the cold river of snow Please go inside Okay, we need a rest inside, inside, please! Serve the customers! Sir, please sit down Sir, inside, please Sir, what do you want? Following us like a ghost! Sir, anything to eat? Five vegetarian dishes Okay A pot of iron goddess Okay, in a moment Shopkeeper coming, coming! Sir A pot of iron cock Oh, iron cock, sir Our shop has been doing business for over thirty years but we have never sold any tea called iron cock I've been here for ages You didn't even give me a cup of water but you pulled chairs for them is their money more valuable? Or, do they have one more life than I have? Sir, what do you mean? The sticks can tell your fortune The pen can tell your life Come, come, come If it's true, reward me if not I'll break the pen and hide Sir, will you try? I can foretell your future life to change the bad to good Oh, this gentleman! Look, you'll have a long life and a good fortune You will be rich, very rich! Iron pen You don't have to foretell his life his life is mine Life depends on fate not on man with a fortune cloud over him he'll have assistance of a good man Come, come, come, let me foretell yours Be careful Hold it I've told you His life is in my hand Let me tell you now, you will die today This piece of jade, one half is a dragon Another half is phoenix It is in the hand of your future wife, Lu Xiaoyun If you find her someday Kill Hei Chuying together That's right, your life is mine Who are you? Me? Your life-owner Give it back to me You are going too far Sir, here's the man tou Please take your time Don't touch it it hurts people Be careful next time Or else, you'll lose your fingers Yes, yes... Good, none of your business you may go now! Yes Please go inside, sir Mercy in God You are too modest, please go inside Brother Shaolong, it's you You have come out too Yes I was bored to death when you all left so I came out too It's marvelous We can go to Kaifeng together then You came out alone? Yes, just me I nearly died inside the sixth entrance Now I'm fine Fiery Dragon is sealed on my body Me too This is your future sister-in-law This is the brother who loves me most Brother, how are you? Fine This big brother is also here Really? Where? Here Brother I am glad to you all Please Brother, he has succeeded too Congratulation, Daiqi I'm not so good as you I still need your guidance Don't be too modest, sit down You first Brother, please sit down Okay Sit down please What's wrong? What's wrong with you? No, it doesn't matter Still painful? A small wound only No, it is quite serious, brother Brother, you are lucky this time this is the poisoned arrow When I left Shaolin with big brother we were on the way to Andong We didn't expect someone on the way waiting for me Did you find out who it was? I guess it's someone sent by Ching Why are you involved with Qing? I... Brother, are you hiding something? Don't let me know Brother, well... You tale me as an outsider? We grow up together In these twenty years, we lived together We are even closer than real brothers If you have any difficulty I should help you Now you have been hurt so seriously you still want to keep me out Brother, don't worry Okay, you don't have to tell me Keep this medicine with you two times daily take the medicine continuously Brother, don't get angry with me No, I won't Big Brother, Madame Lu, I have to go now I have to go to Loyang Please take good care of Shaolong Brother, please don't go You are the one who is kindest to me I don't mean to keep you out of it I just don't want you to get involved in it Get me into trouble? What do you take me to be? If one day I need your help Will you be afraid to get involved? No, I won't Then will I? Brother, please forgive me Because my father Guan Zhiyuan was murdered by Hei Chu Ying who worked for Qing And now, they sent people to kill me We shall live and die together No matter what, I won't be afraid Brother, don't worry Brother, I'll help you Brother Who are you? Shit! Don't run Hold it, don't kill your own brothers show yourself, we'll talk face to face Oh! Poison Pins I'll settle you Lung it's my fault it doesn't matter I hope we can die together No, until I take revenge Oh, Daiqi It's you, Daiqi! Big Brother Brother, it's you Why did you try to kill him? Yes, you are sent by Qing Why? Why did you do that to me? You're sent by Qing, isn't it? Tell me Get away! I don't want to kill you, go! Brother, he was gotten a hurt by poison pins Brother, please give this to Shaolong Brother, Brother, Brother Brother Brother, why are you so cruel to me? When I was four I have sent to Shaolin by my father I knew nothing but to obey my father Yes, we should I still have to take revenge for my parents He'll go to Loyang on Mid Autumn Festival Brother, how do you know? Hei Chuying has got the secret of Lo Han How did he get it? I gave him His martial skill is superior Take care Who is he? He... he is my father Oh, brother! Brother... Make way, make way... Get away, get way Now, get away, make way did you hear? Make way... Get away Here he comes... Let's go Hold it, Hei Chu Ying will be here soon Hold it, who are you? Guan Long, my father is Guan Zhiyuan he was murdered by you After twenty years in Shaolin you still can't escape from your death! It's you who's going to die I am the real Hei Chuying You want to kill me? I'm afraid you can't live over 5 Brother, what is it? Wait No one is good Remember the Slogan of Tiger Yes Let's go Long, look! which is the real one? Come, revenge, come! You dare to enter Loyang I'll bury you in the death valley Come Yes! Shaolin Kungfu, it's not a challenge to me Brother, Lo Han Tricks Brother, come on Virgin worships Guanyin Lo Han Knocking-A-Bell, Tiger Downhill Hundred Birds come home Tiger and Dragon Fist His vital point is his throat Attack the throat Tianjun, you should remember his stunt is Heilong sword the only way is to use an Jingang Ax to prevail his Heilong sword Using Golden Cicada and Tiger Slogan to kill him Follow me to the capital I'll let you live in comfort for the rest of your life Bullshit! Brother, let me kill him Big brother Now you are in the tiger's mouth, don't dream of living Tiger Slogan Yes Hide from God, Cross the Sea Strike to the centre Troops from Heaven Brother Brother Brother, why do you sacrifice yourself? this is the only way to kill Hei Chuying Brother, brother, you couldn't die You couldn't die, today I've fulfilled my duty Big Brother Big Brother Big Brother, what's your duty? My father is the one who saved you from the assassinate that year is he General Wan? Yes he feels sorry in these years For not being able to protect your family After that, he persuades your grandma to send you to Shaolin The year you were sent to Shaolin He also sent me in He wants me to protect you with my life until you have Hei Chuying's life To kill that son of a bitch for our people Brother, why didn't you tell me earlier? No, I couldn't let the secret out Or else, we would have been killed Big Brother Now I've fulfilled my duty I... I can die in peace Big Brother, brighten up Big Brother, Big Brother Big Brother, Big Brother
Channel: 8號電影院 - HK Movie
Views: 3,039,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 線上看, Online movie, Hd movie, 線上電影, 電影線上看, Free Movie, 免費電影, 熱門戲劇線上看, 美亞電影, 週末好去處, weekend Movie, 電影推薦, 繁體中字, 田鵬, 上官靈鳳, 郭南宏, 少林寺十八銅人, 18 Bronzemen, 黃家達, 功夫, 武術, 動作片
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 55sec (5695 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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