上古情歌 A Lifetime Love 01 黃曉明 宋茜 CROTON MEGAHIT Official

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A Lifetime of Love Episode 1 I, Chi Yun, was born in the vast lands of the vast cloud of Ruo Jiang. I possess the power to control all beasts. According to legend, in Da Huang, there are 3 main tribes they are Xuan Mu, Xuan Yang and Ling Yun tribes. Ruo Jiang is considered weak, but under my leadership it has risen in strength, and it has caught the attention of many enemies. One day, I was in danger and was almost killed. It was her, who came to my rescue and blocked the fatal blow for me. She was severely injured trying to save my life. Because of the severity of her injuries, she has forgotten all about me. but she has become my permanent memory. 10 years later Oh no! I trespassed into big bother's banned barrier. The ban was lifted? Fourth Brother. Thanks for helping me out! Big brother's trap is a little bit too strong. If it's not strong, it is impossible to control you. Thinking of going down the mountain again? Staying in Yunfeng cloud everyday with a group of maids following me feels like prison. You...If big brother finds out He won't spare you! This is from mother. She wants you to wear it before going out. Bing Chan Si (Ice Silk Robe) Did mother make it herself? Of course. You might face all kinds of trouble during travel. Go out but do not use Xuang Yang's name and cause trouble. Yes. I understand. At home, I am Xuan Yuan Ruo. Outside, I am Mu Qing Mo. Ah Mo. I only have one request of you. Do not get hurt. If you get hurt again I will stand with big brother, hold you in Chao Yunfeng until you get married! I don't want to get married! Ah Mo, you have to be careful. Come back soon! I know! Bai Li Shan Hurry and leave! Faster faster faster! Who dares to... I finally found you. You better quickly leave here. Bai Li Shan is home to dangerous insects and beasts. It seems she doesn't recognise me yet. I will make you remember who I am. Thank you for the lady's great help. I just helped a little. No need to thank me. Go home quickly. Oh right, do you know which direction is Bai Li town? Oh! What a coincidence! I am also going to Bai Li town! To thank you, how about I take you there, is that okay? Great, we can travel together! Oh yeah. My name is Mu Qing Mo, you can call me Ah Mo, How about you? My name is Chi Yun. Chi Yun? How can this person also be called Chi Yun? Chi Yun is the Leader of Ruo Jiang. He is a brave hero, have fought against 10 thousand soldiers alone. He is the hero of Ruo Jiang that has taught the people how to safely live in a dangerous place. You? You have no shame saying you're Chi Yun. No, but... Only a hero is suitable to use this name. Look at yourself! What part of you looks like a hero? Don't I resemble him? Just by this much. Anyway let us hurry and go. This place is crawling with insects and beasts. Don't be afraid, come with me! Hey you. Chi- Small Chi Yun, follow me! Why am I small? If you're not coming, I'm going first. Whatever, I'll be Small Chi Yun then. Small Chi Yun is coming! If it were not for me, you would definitely not be able to find this place. My debt to you for saving my life is paid now. Where can I get some water? Man, hurry, give me some water! We are thirsty to death! Hurry, hurry, hurry! A pot of clean water is 5 Gui. You have to pay up first. 5 Gui? How can we drink without food? You have money? I don't have money. What are you doing? This will do. Though it's not good quality, but it will do for a meal. Here's the water guys. Bring good foods! What a rascal! I have never seen such a rascal. Hey friend. I heard the City of Bai Li have favourable weather. Why is it like this now? The weather was good. But since ten years ago, fire appeared on the mountain. Bai Li City has become hotter and hotter since and water is also becoming scarce. People even fight for water sources. Sometimes the water is even more precious than human lives. Ten years? Yes. People say the fire is from General Tong Zheng of Xuan Mu. We are angry yet no one dares to defy him. We have no idea how we offended him. Fire is easy to deal with but Tong Zheng is not. He is among the top ten Generals in Da Huang. He's said to be mean and revengeful. If someone put off his mana furnace, it might cost his life. Do you want to drink or not? If you don't I'll finish it. I am so thirsty. Hey. After we finish the meal I have some business to do. Let's go our separate ways. Stop following me. Hey. Why is it you again? Hey! So dangerous! Had I stepped onto it, I would have been killed. I... I was saving you. Oh right, What are you doing here? If we happen to find it, let us share. I am not greedy, 4% is enough. What...what 4%? Treasures! Isn't that why you came here? What treasures!? Humans die for money, and bird for food. Don't try to fool me. I am very smart. "Alone I come to the world" "My heart suddenly burns" "Waiting for a romance" "Expecting for tomorrow while trying to grasp today" I am so tired! Leave me here. Go on ahead. The fire here is strong, your body can't stand this extreme heat. Wear this. No, it's for girls. What's this? It's made from ice silk. It can help repel the heat. Oh. How did I meet such a troublesome guy? Are you cursing me in your head? If you curse me again, I'll claim 6% of the treasures. "I'll give every thing for this romance" "Looking at the billowing world" "I reversed the time for you" "The rosy dawn filling my eyes is what I scrawled for you" Ok, ok. We're here. What? You treated me so well from the start. Your heart is good and your strength is amazing. Why don't you become my wife? Wh-what are you talking about? Do you really think you're Chi Yun? What? If I'm really the Chi Yun that you admire, then would you be willing to be my wife? I... I don't have time for this nonsense. General Tong Zheng is indeed incredible. I didn't expect his power to be this strong. If I extinguish his fire he surely won't forgive me. I can only do it and see what happens. You can extinguish the fire? That's wonderful! If the fire is extinguished, we can freely look for the treasures! Move away! Ice silkworms. What is this? It's so cold! Hold it. Stay behind me, don't move. Wife, be careful! Look! What's happening?! Yeah, what's happening? Come look, quick! The fire is spreading! How could this happen? Hey look, look! The fire has been extinguished! We are saved! This is great! So great! It's out! The fire is out! Chi Yun! Hey wake up! The fire is out! What? The fire is out? Did you extinguish the fire? I also don't know who put out the fire. Maybe... you extinguished it? That's right! It was me who put out the fire! I saw 2 silk snakes were about to get eaten by the fire, So I gathered as much energy as I can, and threw the box at the fire. Then suddenly the fire got extinguished! It looks like he accidentally put out the fire. He didn't even recognise the ice silkworms. Or what its purpose is. He thinks he is such a capable person, for being able to extinguish the fire. Have I become a hero now because I put out the fire? When I come down the mountain later would people pay respect to me and prepare delicious food for me? Why are you laughing? You forgot who made this fire? It is Tong Zheng. Everyone knows his personality is fiercer than this fire. He only needs to use one hand to burn you to a crisp! You would not stand a chance. No! It wasn't me! At that time I was surprised! I only threw the box, that's all! and then I fainted! so I don't know anything. HEY! The hero who put out the fire is here! Don't you say that! Hurry and look! It wasn't me! The hero is over here! Who dares extinguish my fire? Come and show yourself! Hey! How come you are suddenly reliable? It's like this place is your backyard. Finally my wife knows about my capabilities. Who are you saying is your wife? Tong Zheng is chasing us! Dear wife. Did you want to see him bathe? Why would I watch him bathe? Follow me. I know my wife is powerful. You can surely change your appearance. Go ahead and make a copy of yourself, and wait by the river there. Why? When facing an opponent like him we should fight face-to-face! Grab him and beat him until he cries! Come on. I want to see it. So troublesome. Wow! My wife is so amazing! Hey. I don't know if this will work. He might find out at first glance. It will work. It looks like he really is mad. He is looking for the one responsible. As soon as he sees someone, he will surely approach. If you feel restless, you may use your voice to lure him. Tong Zheng! You were defeated by me. Now you are afraid and don't want to come out! Don't tell me your powers are that weak! Hey! I don't think you are capable enough to catch me! Try and catch me! You don't have any self awareness! Shhhh! What are you doing? Hey! How is it? It's going well right? Did you know? When I was at home, my brother always watched over me. I had no freedom. Now I feel so happy and free! What's wrong? You are usually talkative. Why are you quiet? Are you not afraid? At first, I did feel scared. but... eventhough we just met I feel like, we have known each other for a long time so I don't feel afraid. I'm on fire! I'm on fire! Now you know how to scream in pain! I will make you suffer until you can no longer scream! Would you like to be my wife? I thought you were a decent person. But turns out you can still joke like this. Let me hit you! Why are you hitting me? I am your husband. Fine, you can hit me. Hit me, but don't hit my eyes. You can spank me! Just spank me instead! You come here! Don't let me catch you! Yu Chen. Father. I heard Ah Mo went down the mountain again. Forgive me father. I did not take proper care of my sister. I heard Ah Mo extinguished the fire at Bai Li town. She has offended Tong Zheng. I fear she is in trouble. Such a troublemaker! I have an idea. Say it. I think Ah Mo has reached a suitable age to get married. Hmm? What do you mean? In my opinion, Lin Yung's first son, Prince Ling Yun Sheng is a suitable candidate. Why are you here today? At this time? I want to see how much stronger you have become. Judging by your personality, you wouldn't have come out for such a mundane reason. I really can't hide from you. What is the matter? I want you to marry my sister. For what reason? If you can defeat me, I will tell you. Father, from my predictions, it is inevitable that we will be at war against the Xuan Mu Tribe. Xuan Mu has Nuo Jiang, We Xuan Yang have Ling Yun. If Xuan Yang receives help, then there will be a chance of victory. So you want to establish familial relations between Xuan Yang and the Ling Yun Tribe? I have heard about Sheng Lun. I heard he is a highly skilled and capable person. For this matter, I leave it to you. Yes. I want you to evaluate and see if he is suitable or not to be married to Ah Mo and be her husband. Father, don't worry. I will look over the matter carefully. This time I looked for you, because I was afraid you were busy. My father just wants a capable man to care for his daughter. He understands well, that if there is a war it will be hard to protect the people closest to him. Sheng Lun. If... during war, any of us die, I want you to take care of her on behalf of my family. How about it? Of course. Where do you want to go after this? Go back to Ling Yun? You are half right. What about the other half? Have you heard about the He Tu Luo Shu? He Tu Luo Shu was made by King Fu Yi. It contains the valuable and detailed map of the entire Da Huang, mountains and rivers. Whoever has the He Tu Luo Shu, will have Da Huang. Since ages ago, Xuan Yang, Xuan Mu, the 4 major tribes and Ling Yun is searching for this book. Therefore... Therefore, I am planning to search for the book while I journey back home. Chi Yun! Finally you have returned! I heard the Xuan Mu King got poisoned when he consumed some herbal medicine. This time it is severe. He has been unconscious for 3 days & 3 nights. Why was I not informed earlier? When father regained consciousness for a moment, he ordered me not to alert anybody to avoid panic. It is all my fault. I am not able to help my father rule, and I am also unable to do anything to cure my father's illness. Chi Yun. You have saved my life. Father. Finally you are awake. Chi Yun. Please accept my thanks. You know me. I don't care about such formalities. Mo Jiang and Xuan Mu are good friends. I am only repaying my debt to the Xuan Mu King. Chi Yun! I am alright. No need to worry. You are not resting? Why are you here? Tell me. What problems are you facing? I am alright. Oh yeah. I asked you to extinguish the fire at Bai Li Town. I heard people say, that Tong Zheng was very angry. Did you fight with him? We didn't just fight, we also beat each other up. What?! Isn't that very dangerous? Did he recognise you? Don't worry. You think I am careless? I didn't give him a chance to recognise me. That's good then. Since you did your task, why didn't you return right away? I met the person I have been searching for all these years. I finally found her. If that is true, you have to be careful then. Do not let Chang Xin find out. You obviously know, she is in love with you. In addition, father already approves. I will love whoever I want. There is nothing I need to hide from other people. And also nobody can force me to do anything I do not want. Hey. I am really curious, who is this woman you like? What is she like? I am also curious now. What my wife is up to now? Your wife?? Oh no! Ah Mo is in trouble! You look after your father! Chi Yun! Sacrifice for the sky and earth! I will protect this tribe! We will definitely win this war!!!
Channel: Croton MEGA HIT 克頓傳媒 史詩傑作
Views: 8,375,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: croton media, 克頓傳媒, 電視劇, 大陸劇, 中國電視劇, croton mega hit, mega hit, 黃曉明, 宋茜, f(x, )Victoria, songqian, huangxiaoming, 盛一倫, 太子妃升職記, 張儷, 曾許諾, 桐華, victoriasong, 古裝劇, 桃花諾, 三生三世十里桃花, Thượng Cổ Tình Ca, 宣陽王, 赤云
Id: eOw6tbqGDIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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