#三星小學堂 OneUI驚喜包一次送給你! 如果你不知道這些功能 那就分享出去吧|【Galaxy S23 Ultra】
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Samsung Galaxy Workshop in Taiwan
Views: 21,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SamsungGalaxy, 三星手機, GalaxyWorkshop, SAMSUNG, 三星學園, Galaxy Workshop, 手機教學, 三星 手機教學, Z Flip3, Z Fold4, Z Flip4, 手機拍照, 手機拍攝技巧, 三星s22, 三星 台灣, S23, S23 ultra, Samsung S23, OneUI, OneUI
oneui5.1, Samsung S23 ultra, 三星電子
Id: p206Bflt9AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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