【Multi | FULL】EP01 Luo Yunxi meets Song Yi, who can transform🤣 | Follow your Heart 颜心记 | iQIYI

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[English subtitles are available] [Follow Your Heart] [Episode 1] [Zornia herb, which can cure many diseases, became popular in the first year of Daqi. As it has poison, it's strictly regulated. However, it's still being sold illegally for profit] [Heman City] Bravo! Slow down. Wait for me. Who is that? Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! [Phantom Physician] [Yan Nanxing] Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Dear Heman citizens, we mother and daughter have been in this precious place for days and made many friends. [Jiang Xinbai] So we invited an opera troupe to perform today for free. Bravo! Before the show begins, I'd like one volunteer to get a medical consultation for free. Anyone willing to come up? Me! Traveling doctors nowadays work so hard to make a name. Free shows and consultations. How lively. Unsolicited hospitality masks evil intentions. As long as they don't affect our job, who cares? My lord. We... Mr. Xi. The general didn't reply to our visit request yesterday again. Why? He's still drunk and can't see anyone. Such are the vices of alcohol and lust. Nan Jifeng's served the military for 20 years with great merits. If he's really debauched, His Majesty wouldn’t have him guard the Southern regions gate. So he's purposely avoiding us? Since we can't get to the higher-up, let's check out Mr. Bai San first. Mr. Xi. Among the many restaurants here, which one is Mr. Bai San at? Just a few dozen meters ahead. How do you know? When we last met outside the city, they requested this song too. You're it! Who? Him? Me! It’s not me! Dr. Yan is there. Hurry. Here. Careful. Want a consultation? Crossed eyes? It's nothing! Watch me. Will that work? Doctor! To treat crossed eyes, shouldn't you prick his face? Exactly! The root of ailments isn't so obvious. What do you know? Stop talking! Watch Dr. Yan's treatment! Done. How is it, buddy? How is it? Are these my hands? I'm not cross-eyed anymore! Bravo! So this is what the world really looks like. Thank you, Miss. Everyone, the free consultation is over. The show will start now! [Peace] Bravo! Bravo! Let me tell you. I heard a few days ago General's wife is a reincarnated snake demon. You know? Don't talk nonsense. Keep it down. Don't talk nonsense. I'm not. Enough. Stop drinking. Sir. This price is the lowest I can go. Our ladies can earn 30 silver taels per month here. You're paying for the month, so I'm giving a huge discount. As you said then. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Enjoy your wine. Mr. Xi, I've checked. No ambushes outside. It's fine inside too. Where's Mr. Bai San? Mr. Bai San. The one on the left is Bai San. The one on the right is Ma Jiu. -Mr. Bai... -Right side. Mr. Bai San, Mr. Ma Jiu. Mr. Xi. Welcome to Heman. When we first met outside the city, [Bai San] I said I must invite you here and show you great hospitality. Look. We're wearing Heman's traditional costume to welcome you. Mr. Bai San, you're so thoughtful. Actually, I felt an affinity with you when we first met. So I decided I must do this business with you. Sit! Please. There are four elements in Heman's floral tea: Wind, Flower, Snow, and Moon. Wind is the fragrance of osmanthus. Flower is the clusters of roses. Snow is the snowy mountain's spring water. Moon is the red clay stove. Soak osmanthus in snowy mountain's spring water and add rose dew. Then simmer it for an hour in a red clay stove and you'll get the most fragrant tea. Mr. Xi, you really know your tea. Mr. Bai San. Do you think I'd be fooled... by defective products? Goodbye. Mr. Xi, please wait. This tea is called "Entrancement". Please try it. It's good stuff indeed. Mr. Xi. You're new here. Take some goods and test them in the streets. I want to see the big boss of this world. This money is your introduction fee. Okay? I'm the big boss. I have the final say in everything. I'll be frank with you. I know you are number one in Heman, but you aren't a big shot. Please pass my message. I'm sincere about doing business. If we get along, money isn't a problem. Mr. Xi. This is different from what we discussed. It's the same. I just wanna make more money. It's human nature. I'll wait for your good news. Wait a minute. The deal's not done yet. Sorry for the trouble then. Goodbye. Let's go. Mr. San. This isn't how business is talked. Are you talking business? Then what is it? Someone's dead! Someone's dead! Someone's dead! Murder! Murder! Clean up! What are you doing? What's going on? Move. Bravo! Who are you? Get down! And who are you? Don't disturb our opera. Step aside. This is my turf. You two can scram! Who the hell are you? I'm not with you. Miss. This thief stole my money. It's up to me how I deal with him. I don't care. Get down! Stop fighting! Stop before you kill someone. I just saw soldiers coming. Let's just compromise and stop here. Okay? He's dead! Someone's dead! What's going on? Out of the blue? Someone's dead! Move! Move! [Lieutenant General Li] Excuse me. Killing someone by faking it as acting? Officer. You misunderstood. That thief barged in. It was an accident. Everyone can testify, right? Yes, we can testify! We can testify! We can testify! Nonsense! Take everyone on stage away! Yes! Wait! Wait. Officer. I set the stage. I'll take full responsibility. I'll go with you to see the general. Don't implicate others. Of course you can't escape. Even without this murder, you'd be condemned. Out of all the operas, you insisted on "Li Ji Slays the Serpent". You're asking for trouble! Could she've put on this show to meet Nan Jifeng? Officer. Actually, I'm involved in his death. I'll go cooperate with your investigation. Who the hell are you? Who are you? I'm just an ordinary tea merchant. Tea merchant? Officer! I did it. It's unrelated with you. Besides, they want to take me away not only for the thief's death but also for the opera. You... All the more should I go with you. I've only heard of being convicted for one's words, and not for singing operas. I want to see how powerful the general is. How dare you slander our general! Take him away too! Yes! Officer! Calm down, Officer. Calm down, Officer. Thank you for your righteous words. I appreciate your kindness. But I don't like to implicate others. Leave now. I'm not doing this for you. Then for whom? It's my own business. Go. Don't be stubborn. Go. Stop arguing. Take them all away! Yes! Lieutenant General Li! Let him go. There's nothing to see. Dismiss! Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Buddy! Thanks. Let's go. Mr. Xi. Why didn't they arrest you? Did Nan Jifeng catch on to us and is just not exposing us for now? [General's Residence] General. The tea merchant Xi claiming to be from Yazhou was living outside the city and just met Bai San and Ma Jiu. It's his first night in the city. Ma Jiu and Bai San died because of him. Two inferior men died. Don't make a fuss. Keep an eye on the tea merchant. Yes, General. Where's the female traveling doctor? She's been sent to Her Ladyship. Your Ladyship, she's here. You may all leave. Yes. Yan Nanxing. Greetings, Your Ladyship. You and your mother [General's wife, Gaya] consulted for days in the city just to get my attention, right? You deliberately arranged tonight's show because you couldn't wait to see me. So you already knew. I was being a smarty pants. I haven't been out for a long time. What are the rumors about me? They say you're a reincarnated snake fairy. You're so sweet. They clearly say I'm a reincarnated snake demon bewitching the general. They're ignorant. Your Ladyship just has a minor skin disease. To be honest, my mother and I heard this rumor while consulting at a nearby state capital. I was already guessing you have a rare silver snake disease. So I came to Heman to treat you. I wanted to wait for you to summon us. But I heard you're returning to your maiden home soon. So in a panic, I resorted to this. You are well-informed. General did ask me to return to my maiden home. But the date hasn't been set yet. Fake news? Since you're here, please treat me. Of course. After the full moon, I'll treat you. After the full moon? Can you only treat on auspicious days? It's because I use unique recipes. I need to prepare some herbs carefully. Preparing well is the key to success. Please pardon me. General said since you're here, don’t leave. Ridiculous! How dare they detain you! And you. Don't you have legs? Why didn't you run? You know that with my shabby skills, I can’t defeat the men here. Besides, even if I defeat them, how can I get in again? Our plan will be all ruined. You sure are my kid. You have a pretty face and a meticulous brain. I have a meticulous brain. What about you? You paid so much for fake news. General's wife is leaving soon? But they haven't even set a date. Is it all my fault? Didn't you believe it? What's this? Tea. It's fresh. Have some. Her Ladyship wants treatment in three days. The full moon is in three days, when I'll menstruate. Menstruation! We'll be doomed. So annoying. Listen. Count on me. Everything will be fine. You said the same thing last time. Last time... that was a unique situation. It'll be different this time. Here. Keep this secret whistle on you. In an emergency, just blow it and I'll show up. Will it work? You said the same thing last time. Why not? Whenever it is, I'm always by your side. I'll protect you whenever you're in danger. Besides, once we get Her Ladyship's miracle medicine, you'll be completely free and no longer afraid of the full moon. Is that medicine really so magical? Of course. How would you know if you don't try it? The most important thing now is to win Her Ladyship's favor. As for the rest, count on me. Everything will be fine. Why are you copying me? It'd better be so. What is Nan Jifeng's deal? It's been a day. He just sent men to keep an eye on us; nothing else. He's so calm. Has he found out our identities? Impossible. Our trip is confidential. Just in case, let's not stay in inns from tomorrow. Where will we live? A place that's easy to defend and hard to attack. Renting a pleasure boat without courtesans? Your boss is really strange. Exactly. You can just keep this money. Have the girls sing and dance as usual. Based on the usual rate, we'll pay for all the expenses. I've met you two at a restaurant. You caused such chaos. Someone even died. Are you two killers? Madam, come on. We did that for justice. If we were really evil, we'd be convicted already. Well... Don't worry. Of course. My lord. It's been two days. Still nothing from Nan Jifeng. In my opinion, you should use the Inspection Office badge to transfer soldiers over to surround his residence. Nan Jifeng's earned military merits to be sent to Heman. Even the Inspection Office must have evidence to arrest a general with merits. Isn't this evidence? It's a lack of supervision at most. We might not be able to arrest him. I came all the way here to seal off the Zornia trade route and arrest all their big fish in Heman once and for all. Tonight, let's check out the General's Residence. Your Ladyship, how do you feel? I feel hot and relaxed. The itching seems to have subsided. When your pores are fully opened, I'll apply medicine for you. Okay. By the way, Dr. Yan, what's the mystery behind waiting until the full moon's over? Actually, there's no mystery. I menstruate around the full moon, so it's inconvenient. Speaking of mysteries, I heard that you come from the border tribe. It is said that they have some magical medicine that can cure incurable diseases. Is it just a legend? The medicine exists indeed. What is this? It's so weak. Are you curious why I don't use the medicine? Yes. Strong medicine may not cure mild diseases. They're made from highly toxic substances from the mountains and jungles. My skin disease was caused by my hometown's miasma. Using wild poison on miasma poison could be fatal if it doesn't work. You're right. You do know a little about medicine. [Chishan] [National General, Nan Jifeng] Dr. Yan. How many doses will it take to see results? How many doses? Let me think. Well... How many? Well... It varies. Some only take one dose; some may need several. Your Ladyship. We're at a vital stage of the treatment. Don't open your eyes. Is the cloth necessary? Don't open your eyes. Yes. This is my... secret recipe. Don't open your eyes. Or it'll affect the results. Next... Next... Next, there's... my special massage technique. It's so effective. Listen to me. Don't open your eyes. There's a whistle. Whistle? Why didn't I hear it? It's a secret signal whistle. Ordinary people can't hear it. What did it say? -Stop there! -Stop there! -Stop there! -Don't run! -Stop there! -Stop there! Dr. Yan. Why are you using more and more force? Dr. Yan. Who are you? Stop staring! Help! Help! Help! -Stop there! -Stop there! -Stop there! -Don't run! I'll jump over the wall. Stop there! -Don't run! -Don't run! I'm talking to you! Stop there! Don't run! Stop there! -Stop there! -Stop there! I'll protect you whenever you're in danger. -Stop there! -Stop there! Stop there! Stop there! Don't run! My lord. It's the traveling doctor and her mom. They were after the mom. Now they're after the daughter. You follow the mom. I'll chase the other one. When you get her, ask what happened. But don't confront the soldiers. Yes. -Stop there! -Stop there! Don't run! Don't run! Stop there! Stop there! Don't run! Stop there! Stop there! Chase them down! Yes! Get the boats to dock and search them one by one! Yes! Oh no. There's Zornia in my pleasure boat. Idiots. A few of you, search here! Yes! Hurry up! You, search the back! Check over there! Yes! Over there! Nothing! Nothing here either!
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Keywords: 颜心记, Follow your Heart, FollowYourHeart, LeoLuo, LuoYunxi, SongYi, 陈瑶, ChenYao, ChengLei, 爱奇艺, iQIYI, Leo Luo Song Yi, 罗云熙, 宋轶, 罗云熙颜心记, 宋轶颜心记, 罗云熙电视剧, 罗云熙 白鹿, 罗云熙歌曲, 罗云熙 白鹿半是蜜糖半是伤, 罗云熙唱歌, 罗云熙综艺, 罗云熙跳舞, 罗云熙电视剧2023, 罗云熙古装剧, 罗云熙新剧, 罗云熙白鹿电视剧, 宋轶电视剧, 宋轶 白敬亭, 宋轶的电视剧, 宋轶综艺, 宋轶最新电视剧, 宋轶 郭麒麟, 颜心记 预告, 颜心记花絮, 颜心记线上看, 颜心记电视剧, 颜心记爱奇艺, 丞磊, 颜心记丞磊, 丞磊电视剧, 丞磊卢昱晓, 丞磊综艺, 丞磊 田嘉瑞, 丞磊 你好星期六, 陈瑶电视剧, 陈瑶叶凡, 陈瑶新剧, 陈瑶短剧, 陈瑶 张予曦, 陈瑶 无心法师, 古子成, 古子成颜心记, 爱奇艺电视剧精选, 爱奇艺电视剧, 爱奇艺古装剧, 爱奇艺甜宠剧, 爱奇艺心动剧场, 中国电视剧推荐, 中国电视剧古装, 宋轶长风渡, 宋轶庆余年, 宋轶范若若, 罗云熙润玉, 罗云熙澹台烬
Id: CS9jw7M9Rno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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