【Monkey Review】Learning About Monkeys!

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome the monkey review hello this is with this hat it's too big and it's always covering my eyes [Music] all right hello everybody you guys excited welcome to this week's nature review uh today we'll be looking at some monkeys you guys know stuff about monkeys right you guys are educated about monkeys right he's uh cool I like monkeys oh yeah you guys you guys know about monkeys right yeah well if you don't today we're gonna learn about a ton of different monkeys I have here to show you uh yeah what have you guys been up to today huh what have you guys been doing so far yeah what is a monkey we must become the monkey we must taste the monkey we must have feed the monkey working a lot of working oh nice you know keeping Society Running proud of you no don't taste the monkey don't taste all right let's learn about monkeys I have my trusty amadex computer here owned by Watson Industries to learn about all types of monkeys and my handy dandy projector here okay all right monkeys live all over the world and come in various shapes sizes and colors as one of our closest relatives these mammals are very intelligent and have opposable thumbs you guys know that right allowing them to use tools and play games monkeys play games just like awesome they play games just like us that's crazy I wonder if you could teach a monkey like how to play like a CS go or something you know [Music] cool I bet it's possible I want to see a monkey play like a maybe there's a monkey that plays pong pong oh uh so yeah if you guys didn't know actually with monkeys they're separated into two different categories there's new world monkeys and Old World of monkeys and the new world monkeys live in the Americas while old monkeys live in Asia and Africa another difference is that all the old monkeys don't have a prehensile tails um I believe that means uh they can't like grab stuff with their tails or something hmm yeah there's like there's like uh well you'll see when we're going through the monkeys some monkeys can do stuff with their tails but other monkeys can't yeah I guess it's like uh you know just different monkeys do different stuff uh an old oil the monkeys have special pouches in their cheek where they can store food old world monkeys also have rump pads vanilla World monkeys do not also old world monkeys nostrils are small and curved and set close together most new world monkeys have round nostrils set far apart so now when we look through our monkeys that we have here uh what you know we can identify I'm gonna ask you guys okay I'm gonna test you is this a new world monkey or an old world monkey okay you're gonna get quiz and soon so committed to memory all right most monkeys live in trees but there are some that live in savannas for Mountain areas monkey tribes stay on the move to find food so one location isn't home for very long monkeys are very social creatures groups of monkeys are called missions tribes troops are cartilots cart loads a barrel of monkeys a barrel full of monkeys that's right you guys are gonna get quiz um uh okay the strongest and largest of the male monkeys is the leader of the troop in the monkey Judas groups that practice polygamy the leader were made with multiple females whoa well I guess it depends on the type of monkey but usually I guess that's how it goes yeah that's that's how it works in the monkey world all right let's go to our first monkey of today what do you guys what do you guys think our first monkey today will be any gases [Music] you guys know that's a good guess well actually gorillas are not monkeys yeah they're pretty different from each other well they classify differently anyways a nice try all right let's begin I bet you guys don't know this monkey well that's because you're gonna learn today this monkey is a blue monkey yeah it's not actually blue in fact it is not blue the species is called Blue Monkey due to the hairless face which seems to be colored in blue now can you guys guess what type of if this is a new world monkey or an old world monkey what do you guys think let's look at the nostrils let's take a look at their tail foreign [Music] monkey okay all right wow nice job you guys are pretty smart ah they do kind of have like a blue shoe to their face I could totally see that look at him look cute okay I don't think maybe I don't have a picture of the tail okay the coloration of the body is mainly Oliver gray additionally blue monkeys exhibit some Black and White markings all over the body so yeah we can see that they're cute little monkeys are cute I think all monkeys are cute now these monkeys are found in certain parts of Africa and it seems like uh they usually are in groups of 10 to 40. that seems to be pretty common with monkeys they're in pretty big social groups oh this is a female dominated Society in the monkey World whoa did this thing of a single male and multiple females with their young this kind of social structure prevents interbreeding within the group oh I see you the monkey has a harem one Lucky Monkey one lucky monkey uh these monkeys eat fruits and leaves and sometimes they eat invertebrates such as slugs and worms it's called a frugivor or Folly vore cute I have any other pictures of these monkeys here I have a picture of their tail as you can see whoa that's a long tail that's a long monkey they look like they're wearing pants they look very fashionable now they're pretty eyes too as a lot of monkeys like they have populations decreasing and that sort of thing that's sad don't eat monkeys why do people eat monkeys oh did you guys know that monkeys display aggression by a wide variety of whites including yawning head bobbing lip grading or pulling as well as jerking The Head and Shoulders [Music] yeah I probably like that as a matter of fact humans and Old World monkeys have the same ancestor according to scientists The evolutionary split happened 20 or 30 million years ago so pretty close to related pretty close to related to Old World monkeys all right I have another picture of the monkey here now we're going on to our next monkey we got a lot of monkeys to go through there's a ton of different monkeys all over the world [Music] everywhere now this monkey can you guys you guys know what type of monkey this is [Music] any guesses that's right you guys are right it is an old world type of monkey you guys are pretty good at this what the heck you guys are pretty good assist this is a a racist [Music] also known as these monkeys can live up to 30 years they're pretty small they look pretty small at least their tails are actually quite long and they have a rib cage that is wider than average with dorsal scapulae what the heck is that throw around words like that they have 32 teeth I don't know why it's funny to me it's just like a random fact about them look how big these monkeys nipples are and this is a monkey and this one is a monkey [Music] it looks like inquisitive you have a question for me [Music] um I think this is the same month here yeah uh race Macaws are native in Northern India Bangladesh Pakistan Verma Nepal Thailand Vietnam Afghanistan and Southern China oh they are tropical monkeys they're social and they're very terrestrial and aborio they live in the trees [Music] they also uh [Music] sorry I'm just looking at this fact sheet uh they like being in water and they can swim I guess that's why this monkey is by the water whoa they form groups as big as 200 monkeys I wonder I guess these monkeys they're not like the other monkeys where there's one male per group that would be crazy yeah whoa when the size of a group reaches 80 to 100 a subgroup of females can split up to create a new group generally the groups are made up of several unrelated males with many closely related females [Music] yeah oh they're not territorial or terrestrial I see it they're cute and these monkeys eat seeds Roots barks uh they don't bark like dogs they eat bark and cereal where do they get cereal from this is maybe somebody feeds them cereal they're so cute let's see oh that's our next month I guess I don't have any too many pictures of these monkeys uh yeah so this monkey is also their you know their population is threatened because they're collected they're held captive across the world for biological medicinal and psychological research for monkeys oh four monkeys but they're actually considered sacred animals in some parts of India they're considered sacred they're really cute I could see why I could see why they're very very okay so now we move on to the next monkey oh actually I have an interesting fact about these monkeys these monkeys were actually introduced in the United States in a state called Florida they were introduced into Florida and um they're actually known to be a little invasive there they've they've harmed Some Humans their population has gotten a little out of control and you're not allowed to feed the monkeys also yeah of course it's Florida and also these monkeys are known for having STDs yeah they're known for having um herpes so if you ever meet these monkeys in the wild in Florida just you know keep your distance don't don't try not to touch him okay uh yeah it's interesting because I guess there was a tourist attraction in the 1930s in Florida that uh they uh you know the person tried to make get off they tried to get it off the ground and it was called the colonel to his jungle cruise and I guess it failed and the monkeys just escaped or they got out in the wild I actually don't know the story on this but uh yeah apparently uh the monkeys do uh 25 of the monkeys there's about 300 monkeys there but about 25 of them have herpes so yeah extremely rare in humans but still careful with monkeys okay all right let's move let's move to the next month this is oh can you guys guess what type of monkey this is it an old world monkey a new world monkey a new world well that's right I do believe this is an old world monkey I want to say it's old let me see check my computer let's see maybe you guys are right [Music] oh [Music] yeah this is an old world monkey hold on monkey is that right sorry about that you guys confused me an old world monkey this is called the Francois a Langer I think they're saying that right hmm also known as a leaf monkey or a sideburned black monkey uh the lifespan of these monkeys are 26 years oh monkeys live for a pretty long time like 30 Years first pretty small monkeys are pretty impressive um let's see can we learn about these monkeys they're very cute that's uh listed on here in this on this uh stack computer fact checking amidex I have here these monkeys are found in southwestern China and Northeastern Vietnam oh they live in a tropical forest they have a picture of the monkeys babies the monkeys or the baby monkeys are like gold in color there they are good oh look at that face oh a little book it turns into this what happened cute uh Francoise languages are social creatures that spend most of the day resting and foraging the average group of these monkeys range from 4 to 27. oh this is actually not as big as yet the rest of the monkeys uh we've seen oh what did I just do okay yeah it's actually not that uh not as big as the other monkeys because they've gone up to like 100 monkeys in Italy these monkeys are matriarchal where the females will lead the group within the society the female share the parenting responsibility with one another oh males within the group take no apart and the raising of The Young and the young males leave the group before reaching maturity oh so it's all it's all women no not women but um female monkeys interesting now monkey just sleeps with the heck this monkey is their diet mostly consists of leaves they also eat fruits seeds flower stems roots and bark and occasionally insects I think it's pretty common with most monkeys you know they eat some they eat some leaves sometimes and they eat some bugs sometimes yeah see this monkey is these types of monkeys have that sort of system we were talking about a polygamous that's what it says you I thought it was spelled with an M but I guess what I'm referring to monkeys are probably like the within a group it's a polygamous not polygamous I like anyways interesting this look is really cute I like their sideburns oh look at the baby oh my God look at this smile okay oh it looks like we're going on to the next monkey can you guys guess what type of monkey this is what kind of monkey is this [Music] this is also known as a baboon people a color baboon yeah this is an old world monkey that is uh you see a lot of new world monkey guessing um this is an old world monkey no one for about I guess most monkeys live for about 30 years they're all called I don't know if I'm saying that correctly but that's what it looks like yeah that does yeah uh Gyarados are easily recognizable primates due to the identifying hairless patches of skin on their chest whoa it looks buff the monkey looks buff as heck [Music] these primates are sometimes called gelada baboons however they aren't actually baboons even though they are called some people call them baboons but tactically speaking they're not baboons uh instead kyotas form a separate genus of their own so I guess they're pretty similar to baboons but not exactly they are the last surviving member of a grass grazing primate group oh they eat grass so these are ground monkeys you know sometimes there are monkeys that live in the trees but these monkeys um yeah they they mostly live on the ground and they eat grass there's small powerful fingers that are designed for pulling grass with small and scissors that allow them chill let's see do I have a picture of their scissors there we go those are not small and scissors God damn ah oh it reminds me of one of the deep sea creatures where like the uh jaw like pops out of the mouth you know what I mean yeah not really small oh that tongue it's a pretty high quality pictures gonna zoom in on that oh the tongue is like green from eating grass cool a lot of these monkeys I couldn't uh take their picture because their dong was just hanging out and I don't think I could show that to you guys when walking they use all four of their limbs and slide their feet without changing body posture so they do like a little Shuffle unfortunately I don't have a live footage of this um particularly but this is a this is a monkey so they have that like weird chest area watch out we're gonna learn some more about oh these monkeys are actually found in a very very specific part of Africa uh yeah pretty much restricted to a small section of Ethiopia interesting oh they mostly live in Mountain grass at grassland and troubling uh the females lead the group consists of a single male and multiple females with their young when a male from the outside challenges the male in order to displace it the females of the group May support or oppose both of them accepting the winning male and fiercely driving away the defeated one that's pretty messed up they just have like a group of females and then if there's one male and you know he's not feeling too good that day and another male comes along just like it's him in a duel all the females are just like get out of here we hate you unless that's the monkey world it's a monkey world [Music] ah so this patch of uh hairless uh skin it's like a flap of skin I guess now usually with females they turn into a bright uh Crimson when it's time for me no they're kind of they're kind of scary looking I don't know baboons I don't technically they're not bad boots but they're they're kind of freak me out a little bit I like how they put their lip up like that and be scared to be this photographer taking this picture a monkey is about to attack or maybe maybe I don't know maybe some monkeys can be friendly that's a different type of monkey they're cool like they're so fluffy they're so fluffy oh cool okay let's move on to our next monkey um this is a can you guys yes let's see is this an old world monkey or a new world month oh so cute it looks like um [Music] looks like a oh that guy from Game of Thrones uh what's his name Littlefinger it looks like him we kind of like a little beard like a little patch beard oh this is an old world monkey these monkeys can be found in a certain part of Africa in the Republic of Congo these monkeys also live about 30 uh 30 000 years about 30 years not that long that'd be crazy [Music] this is called the de Braza monkey the Brazos monkey it sounds so cool uh the monkey's after named um it's called after a Franco Italian explorer who established brazzaville in the capital city of Congo this [Music] cute Terraria I know they're like they seem really expressive look at their face is so um I don't know what it says like detailed so it looks really cute too [Music] oh so these are tropical monkeys and uh they don't live on the ground and in the trees so you can find them both there and these monkeys tend to live in smaller groups of four to ten monkeys yeah not like the crazy other monkeys it was 200 monkeys in one group that's crazy uh they're very territorial very very Territorial and don't associate with other types of monkeys although like you know when you have a captive species and you raise them with like another type of monkey that can get along yeah that happens like you guys seen those videos of like a dog and like a baby tiger or something and they grow up and they're still friends and stuff that's like something if the babies grow up together they're kind of like a acclimated to each other and they learn each other's like behaviors the temperaments and stuff like that it's pretty interesting uh these monkeys when they're threatened they just climb two trees and they just stay very very still there's one right now the thing in Star Wars isn't it I bet the thing in Star Wars is Loosely based off this thing and that's a similar of porks yeah that's the one um unlike some monkeys these monkeys are actually pretty good swimmers oh cute most of their time is spent Roman with Arch tails and slamming branches oh I see the males usually they slam branches [Music] they're so cute with their long beards oh they look like they have little horns they were like little little ears are there but they're little spiky they're little spooky stuff on the face some cute after the um these monkeys are omnivores they eat leaves flowers mushrooms beetles termites worms but mainly they eat fruits and this is another uh polygamous system mating system where it's uh mostly females about 9 to 10 females and one male is the monkey harem they're so cute I like these monkeys oh Mom said it was my turn on the Xbox they're cute uh so a lot of monkeys and these monkeys included uh you know their population starts to decline because people cut down trees a lot of trees and people make room for like Agriculture and they cut down the trees for Timber and stuff and these monkeys are actually also hunted for their meat unfortunately but they're really cute um I hope these monkeys can live a happy healthy life yeah poor monkeys I believe there are some also good like uh conservation groups like Charities and stuff like that uh if any of you guys are interested in that sort of thing there they are they got a long tails they have pretty long tails yeah there's about 100 000 of these monkeys that's actually a lot oh when communicating territorially the Brasa monkeys are known to give out low booming sounds when separated from their group young isolation calls no let's see if we can find maybe I can find a de Brazos monkey call let's see foreign [Music] music in here all right let's hear a sample of what the de Braza monkey sounds like a monkey is it yes [Laughter] I don't believe this is a monkey I don't know why the it's listed like that on YouTube but the monkey does not look like that oh they're really cute though there's a lot of videos on them on YouTube if you guys ever want to check them out [Music] oh that's adorable okay I think um moving on to our next monkey [Music] let's see what do we have next the monkey do one what the monkey doing this this kid but she's thinking the big nipple uh this is a geese golden Langer Langer let's say not right also known as pithecus ghee oh so cute uh can you guys guess if this is an old world monkey or a new world monkey I love this picture it looks like a freaking Muppet uh wow you guys yeah pretty good guess um uh this is an old world monkey one of the most endangered primate species of India and they're actually considered Sacred by uh many Himalayan people interesting oh they were first brought to the attention of the Western World in the 1950s these monkeys have a black face and a very long tail their coat ranges from cream to Golden hmm ons oh they're so cute they have a really interesting face it's such a pretty color too it's like orange orange monkey so this picture is so good let's go that looks like the Muppet and I found uh there's only 5 000 around 5 000 a little over five thousand of these monkeys in existence actually because they're found in a very very specific a small region in uh India and they mostly are in tropical moist forests moist and uh they live in the trees as you can see that monkey's got God damn look at those little monkeys oh freaking straws um they are they have really long tails wow that's crazy uh let's learn more about these monkeys they spend most of their time in the canopy of trees and rarely come down to the ground they're social and live in a in a troops of about eight monkeys but it can sometimes be up to 50 with several females to each adult male again it's the uh polygamist um polygamous uh a mating system yeah many females are one male monkey heroin [Music] uh it seems for these monkeys that social grooming is a very important group activity it strengthens the fonts between their members that's so cute so cute oh the diet consists of ripe and unripe fruits mature and young leaves seeds Bloods and flowers so these monkeys are mostly herbivores yeah they don't really it doesn't seem like they eat really uh many bugs mostly just the plants they're so cute oh there's this monkey yeah these monkeys again you know the population uh suffers a little bit because of trees getting cut down in their homes oh oh poor monkeys small monkeys all right let's move on to the next monkey can you guys guess what this monkey is just from this image can anyone guess or what type of monkey it is tell let's see ah this is a spider monkey these are actually New World monkeys cute as you can tell these monkeys get pretty long and also they live for over 30 years sometimes these are spider monkeys yeah they're more primitive monkeys of the new world the males and females look just like each other oh they're cute they're so cute so this monkey is uh they have a prehensile tail which is like an extra hand as you can see uh I love this image look this image is so weird it's like uh it's so like it's this image just makes me kind of uncomfortable like that monkey's tail is that's actually the tail it looks like a foot right that looks like a foot but that's actually its tail and it's two feet are there so it looks like it's kind of like spreading it's it looks like it's kind of doing like a pose but it's just its tail and its face looks soft it looks so funny look it's got a little hairstyle a monkey's a model what the monkey doing this is so cute uh yeah so these are spider monkeys and uh they do use their tails like an extra hand oh this is a baby spider monkey look at his eyes He's Got The Whole World in front of it oh look at his little mouth can I make a mouth like that yeah they're small there's a baby spider monkey and there we go yeah that's what I was looking for so they can hang from their tails um yeah not all monkeys can do this not all monkeys can do this have a prehensile tail is what it's called it's so cool look at these monkeys they're just like hanging cuddling together they're so cute okay let's learn more about the monkeys what the monkey doing uh these monkeys are found in the southern tips of Mexico and also scattered areas of Brazil so uh like we said before uh old world monkeys usually inhabit um like Asia and Africa and New World monkeys are usually found in the Americas yeah South America or I don't know if there's many monkeys in North America uh but yeah this monkey is a like to live in tropical dry force and a tropical moist Force moist these monkeys usually live in about groups of 30 individuals but the groups can go as high as having 100 monkeys in a group usually large groups divide into subgroups for a forage you know monkeys are interesting they have like a hierarchy a lot of the time and it's pretty cool these monkeys actually bark when threatened or when they are approached by humans they'll throw branches and Shake tree limbs up and down now these monkeys mostly live in the trees uh some monkeys live on the ground but uh these are arboreal arboreal uh a boreal monkeys and obviously because their tails are you know it gives them the upper hand uh because you know they swing around the trees and stuff with the Tails let's see if we can find a monkey let's see if we can find a spider monkey bar let's see ah there's so many cute videos oh let's see okay hold on I gotta meet this just checking okay that that video had a video had a music in it oh man I can't find a bark of them like uh they're so cute there's a lot of uh videos of spider monkeys um I wish I could show them to you guys they're so cute okay anything else about spider monkeys see hmm uh spider monkeys are again polygamous with one male mating with multiple females hmm they're cute do we have a picture of the baby spider monkey no picture of the babies oh yeah the baby spider monkey [Music] so cute okay uh spider monkeys are actually they play a key role in the dispersal of seeds throughout the you know tropical forest pretty important like birds play a big part in that too they pick up a they'll eat a seed or something and then they'll poop it out you know it's pretty important for uh you know plants to grow and stuff oh yeah the Beats yeah sorry there we go [Music] um [Music] the spider monkeys also have a nickname of the trapeze artist of the Jungle so go watch videos of the spider monkeys because uh they swing around and jump around and they're very agile so cool obviously called spider monkeys because their limbs are long and when they're in the trees it kind of resembles spiders all right let's move on the next monkey this is a common marmoset a also known as a white tuft ear marmoset or cottonian marmoset also known as color strix these monkeys don't live as long as other monkeys um around 10 to 16 years yeah is this a new world monkey or an old world monkey what do you guys think hey guys all right this is a new world monkey hmm oh so cute these are unique primates with an unusual appearance in a number of special adaptations oh they have a considerably long tails covered with white and gray stripes as they age the animals grow white colored Tufts that begin from both sides of their face their claw like nails on their feet make the parliament excellent clingers and leopards and their large intestine allows them to consume large amounts of food additionally these animals have specialized in scissors [Applause] [Music] his little Tufts of hair so cute I want to see if I have a picture over there oh this is not uh this type of monkey but this is another type of monkey I think it's called like a bushy face or something a marmoset it's a different type of marmoset it was so cute this is fun it looks so goofy okay back to the uh mommy said oh yeah you can see their claws here they kind of look like a raccoon hands oh you're cute common marmosets these monkeys are found in different parts of Brazil yeah just like the uh we looked at the pygmy marmoset before uh on stream and those um those monkeys are also found in parts of Brazil so I guess marmosets are uh pretty commonly found in Brazil these primates live in a wide variety of forests uh like different types of forests yeah some introduced populations may occur in cities of Brazil actually I guess you can find them sometimes in the cities [Music] they're cute yeah yeah they're mostly found wow they can live in like a bunch of different biomes they can live in the savannas in the desert and drop tropical dry forest Urban wildlife and tropical noise Force so I guess you can find them like out in the city and stuff although I don't know if there's any like deserts in Brazil but uh that's what it says their biomes are here interesting they're very adaptables yeah uh these These are monkeys usually are found in units of three to twelve individuals oh they're very very Territorial and mark their uh mark their territory by rubbing their scent in their scrotal glance onto tree branches what's monkey doing uh these animals use tree holes and Cavities as shelters and rely on their excellent eyesight hearing and smell to perceive their environment well they just sit in their room all day huh like you guys uh they have a rather diverse communication system for example emotions are displayed through movement of the eyelids and ears as well as hairy adornments of the head as it comes to vocalizations these primates are known as to use noises and different high-pitched trips resembling these emitted by birds oh they also produced a short City sound which serves as a mating color or if I can find any common marmosetcoms let's see let's see I gotta tune into the radio [Music] oh here we go let me test let me check wow okay here we go foreign they're really cute you guys should uh see some videos of them very God loud but they really like the way they move that sounds like a bug uh they're very like uh Twitchy the way they move it like they're like they look like a bird kind of when they move you know how a bird that like shakes their head up and down and look around a lot that's like them they're so cute they're really cute common marmoset found in Brazil let's see if there's any interesting facts mostly these marmosets uh each Trace out insects spiders fruit flowers and nectar on occasion marmosets are also common warmer sets are also known to consume frogs small lizards as well as eggs and the chicks of some birds yeah I was looking um I was looking for some monkey pictures and I saw a monkey like eating a baby chicken it was I mean I didn't ask for this Google obviously I'm not going to show you guys that but you know that's the cycle of life that's just what they do um you know that this monkey these marmosets it seems like they are predominantly herbivores but they also you know they'll just eat anything else too they're really cute [Music] thank you the word marmoset originates from marmoset a French word meaning Loosely shrimp or dwarf a strip of monkeys Chef monkey uh and indeed marmoset species are the smallest true monkeys in the world while the pygmy marmoset is the lightest true monkey oh uh this is a fact about common marmosets these primates have an unusual skin which changes its color Under the Sun so that the animals literally tan oh they tan I wonder if it's like instantaneous but you know not instantaneous but you know happens pretty fast is what it sounds like well interesting [Music] oh apparently the males of this species of monkeys are colorblind they are known to confuse colors such as red green brown and orange on the other hand females generally see colors the same way as we do oh interesting whoa cool that's weird yeah poor monkey or monkey all right next up we have you guys guess what monkey this is seen this monkey before right I've seen this monkey before [Music] this is a Japanese macaque uh also known as [Music] let's see these monkeys I believe or old world cookies [Music] yes they are all the world of monkeys yeah also known as these monkeys can live well this is a kind of a weird range about six to 32 years uh they're pretty medium-sized monkeys they're also called snow monkeys because they often live in snowy regions their population size over 100 000 in Japan look cute uh I think these types of monkeys are really interesting uh if you guys didn't know apparently these monkeys see if I have a picture is monkey relaxing in the in the hot springs uh that's a monkey drinking a straw God damn there's a monkey on the big monkey and these monkeys have been seen riding deer before yeah these monkeys are really interesting because they have been found uh throwing snowballs they've been found riding deers they've been found a handling stones and uh you know taking hot spring baths obviously washing potatoes these monkeys are pretty high-tech these monkeys are pretty dang smart they're already trying to domesticate these deer well I wouldn't say domesticate but you're riding the deer and for transportation that's so smart uh let's see the Japanese macaque is a northernmost living monk they're found on three to four of the main Japanese Islands Honshu shikoku and Kyushu they usually inhabit the forest and uh they're also actually known to survive well in other habitats as well it seems like they can be found in Texas they can be found in Texas where a population was introduced there really interesting huh I wonder like if you can I guess you can find them in the wild wow yeah I did not know that there are Japanese macaques in Texas uh these these monkeys mostly mostly eat uh plants fruits Berry seeds flowers young leaves and sometimes they'll eat insects crabs and birds eggs in winter months they're very cute um very very cute so today's these monkeys don't really face too many population threats but uh seems like around 10 000 my cops are killed yearly by farmers who are trying to protect their crops and livestock because you know sometimes the monkeys can be a little invasive they'll come along and kind of mess with like farms and mess with um like uh chickens and stuff so uh yeah that's why sometimes you know unfortunately sometimes people deal with it that way um yeah they're really cool they're really good swimmers and they sleep up in deciduous trees yesterday deciduous am I saying that right oh let's see deciduous deciduous whoa whose voice is that that was cute deciduous deciduous deciduous what a cute voice um yeah so it's a shrub a shrub a shrubby tree with a leaves that shed annually I see it foreign raccoons and humans do the same thing yeah if you guys seen like a video of raccoon like washing its hands that's so cute oh God we have so many more monkeys we're gonna go for a while I've been talking for a while we've only gone through like so many monkeys okay all right let's go on to the next monkey wait wait uh oh these monkeys like the silk and the volcanic Hot Springs spending about 30 minutes per day in them the practice was first observed about 40 years ago a monkey had seen human soaking in Hot Springs and passed the idea onto troops whoa true that's crazy all right a next monkey not this month next month the monkey with the schnoz this is the problem I don't know if I'm saying this right let me see let's find a pronunciation of this one for bosses for bosses a proboscis monkey also knows a long-nosed monkey as a bank content or um the official name the scientific name for the monkey is these monkeys live about 13 to 23 years oh and they've got a top speed apparently these monkeys can go pretty fast uh these monkeys can I'm assuming run at about uh 12 miles per hour that's pretty pretty right yeah they got a top speed um so what do you guys think this is New World monkey or all the world of mine let's see I'll give you guys a hint these monkeys are exclusively found on the island of Borneo in Southeastern Asia that's right there all the world monkeys they've got a long schnoz um [Music] interestingly enough when first seeing this animal people didn't suppose it was a monkey because of its unusual appearance uh males of this species exhibit extremely long noses up to seven inches oh which are likely to attract females whose noses are usually shorter wow it seems like these monkeys display a wide variety or a wide range of colors they can be bright orange to yellow or pink a newborn provises monkeys can display blue faces that turn into a cream colors they grow up so I have a picture of a baby ah I think I have a picture of a baby monkey one of these baby monkeys um it didn't save this image but I'm gonna put it in here okay [Music] really cute um yeah so they're found in tropical uh moist Forest they're very social animals forming troops to 2 to 30 monkeys um consisting of a single dominant male and multiple females of the tent with their officers uh the males defend their group by exposing their teeth and emitting loud honking signals while females are responsible for foraging and caring for infants oh [Music] these uh probiosis monkeys rest and sleep among mangroves at the edge of the water the presence of freshwater bodies such as swamps or rivers of the primary life condition for these animals oh they're also accomplished swimmers oh maybe that's what they're swimming maybe that's what the top speed is for they're swimming oh they're able to take deep Dives cool I wonder if there's like a maybe I can find a gift of a monkey swimming the underwater monkeys no I can't find one oh no but they swim that's so cool they like can dive deep into the water so I guess uh quite a few monkeys are usually not too good with um with the swimming [Music] monkey we can get oh here we go [Music] finally here for monkeys any second what is it [Music] all right what the heck there's a monkey calling this hey let me mute this let me see if this one is doing oh man I'm looking where's the monkey here we go what the monkey doing ah here's what the monkey sounds like they sound like Minecraft villagers [Music] they're cute it's a video of them like sitting on a platform and there's like one two three four five six seven eight nine and let me think about a little less than 15 of them all eating they're cute they're really cute guys to watch videos of the monkeys okay uh spending too much time on the monkeys okay let's move on to the next monkey [Music] uh all right the next monkey can you guys guess what type of monkey this is a good guess actually this one is an olive baboon I believe they are a old world monkey also known as Anubis Babu yeah this is an old world monkey also known as Papio Anubis that's the scientific name the olive baboon is a largely heavily built animal with sturdy lips they look rather dog-like with their pointed uh long muzzles and the way they walk on all four legs guys it's just yawning he's just yawning it's a little scary though we're gonna zoom in on that whoa this is teeth okay all the baboons have cheek pouches where they can store food as they Forge oh kind of like hamsters oh they're running resembles Galloping like a horse and their jaws are very powerful they have long pointed canine teeth oh these monkeys live about 25 to 30 years and they're top speed well I guess this is how fast they can run okay it's about 27 miles per hour like freaking fast for for a monkey it's pretty fast let's see if I have a monkey yeah there's a monkey's butt as um Olive baboon uh these monkeys can be found uh throughout Africa yeah in a bunch of different countries in Africa they're mostly known to inhabit a biomes like the tropical Savannah and a desert the desert they spend most of their time on the ground but at night they do sleep in trees or Cliffs traveling as a family to feeding grounds hmm monkeys live a nice life they just they get food they groom each other and then they sleep and sometimes they play uh these Olive baboons can be found in troops between 20 to 60 animals sometimes up to 100 monkeys a typical troop the adult males numbers to seven or eight yeah there's about seven or eight males per group uh with two times the number of females if troops come across each other the larger group may cause a smaller one to be displaced or they just ignore each other these baboons communicate with vocalizations and a large race range of facial expressions staring erasing eyebrows and bearing teeth or signs of aggression oh I'm angry can't you tell are these monkeys eat seeds Grass Roots fruits leaves barking vertebrates lizards Turtles fish frogs eggs young birds young mammals including other primates and crocodile eggs what the hell baboons are crazy gotta do it like the house oh yeah [Music] oh they're cute I feel like this monkey this is not I think this oh there is a step monkey I wonder why their butt fits like that it has to do with mating when they're ready to mate because then look at this monkey this monkey 's butt isn't red hmm so it seems that these monkeys uh their population threat uh it also includes Predators right like a big cats lions and leopards wild dogs hyenas chimpanzees and crocodiles uh you can take these monkeys out and sometimes they're monkeys these monkeys are unfortunately hunted for food and sports or monkeys more monkeys what the monkey do it look didn't do nothing I gotta hunt the monkey uh all right moving on to our next monkey we have a lot I have so many monkeys this is a roll away monkey also known as a scientific name Circle physicists roll away these monkeys live around 20-30 years and uh they're Arborio now can you guys guess if this is a new world monkey or an old world monkey oh you guys are pretty good yeah yeah so you guys are good at this this is an old world monkey yeah they're really cute they're super cute look at it this one's got like a long beard like the other monkey we saw uh these monkeys mostly live in a tropical moist Forest they are found in a western Africa oh and a pretty small section of Africa it looks like a mostly in low and moist horse moist uh these monkeys the groups range from 6 to 22 monkeys and they have a single male with numerous females so very common with the monkeys where they come home now these monkeys eat uh seeds and insects and leaves like most monkeys they're cute [Music] that's one friendly monkey it's one friendly monkey oh uh grooming is very important to these monkeys lives allowing to settle conflicts and display personal affection oh so maybe when the monkeys have like a little scuffle they're just like all right come here let me groom you uh uh like humans these primates peel bananas before eating that they do not consume the skin maybe some monkeys do that I don't know don't all monkeys kill I don't know [Music] okay moving on to next monkey we got a lot of monkeys get there this is a red oh wait can you guys guess anyways do you guys know what type of monkey this is any guess [Music] that's right a howler monkey this is a red howler monkey also known as the Venice soil and a red howler monkey which means it is a new world monkey oh these monkeys of about 25 years and they have a top speed of 18 miles per hour oh they're cute so this monkey is they have a prehensile towel as well which means uh they can move around the branches and use their tail kind of as like an extra hand yeah their tails are very long without fur on the underneath of the last third of the tail interesting providing a better grip for holding onto branches oh cool this monkey looks so cool yeah they have a really they have a really cool face I'm gonna zoom in on this one [Music] cute these monkeys are mostly found in a Northwestern South American Bolivia Brazil Colombia Ecuador Guyana French Guyana uh Venezuela Peru and Serena Serena now they're mostly found in the canopy of tropical deciduous forest and rainforests they're really cute these monkeys usually form a group of one to three males with two to seven females oh it's actually pretty different from all the other monkeys Bales and Bachelor groups from time to town try to gain control of a group with females by fighting the lead male uh males wake up the forest Early in the Morning by howling loudy loudly being audible as far as two miles distance they also howl at night before sleeping being answered by males and other red Halloween groups letting them know where they are so there's no overlapping territories Red Towers are most active during the morning the groups are looking for some food oh they don't like the rain and they howl when it's raining and sit hunched in the trees see if we can find a red howler car red howler monkey [Music] let's see all right let me check it all right I just imitated before so you guys aren't too surprised okay you guys ready to hear the real thing [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] uh so yeah that is a red howler monkey call uh the red howler monkey specifically marking his territory scary they sound scary these monkeys they're diet UH 60 of their diet mostly consists of eating leaves others are selective eaters avoiding leaves that are poisonous or unsafe how do they learn how do they learn that oh that's cool [Music] they're so cute they're really cute there's a monkey eating a little some leaves wow [Music] I can't do it oh vocalization I want to learn more I like these monkeys called monkeys all right moving on next uh we've talked about this one before this is a pygmy marmoset also known as a pocket monkey little lion or dwarf monkey their scientific name being sebuela pigmeia these monkeys have a top speed they're pretty freaking fast they have a top speed of 24 miles per hour that's really fast for like a small monkey what the hell yeah these pygmy marmosets are the smallest monkeys in the world the adult of these species can fit in the adult uh hand of them what the Pegasus an adult individual this species fits in the hand of an adult human having the same weight as a stick of butter these species can be found in South America where it occupies high levels of the rainforest canopy oh they're so cute they also have a squirrel-like tail and the tail is not prehensile which means they can't use it as like an extra limb but it's still very helpful acting as a prop and allowing the animal to balance when traveling among Tree Tops uh in general this animal closely resembles a squirrel by its habit of hiding behind Tree Trunks and branches as well as freezing and fleeing on occasions you know when you see a squirrel and sometimes they just stare at you because they get scared [Music] that's so cute they're really cute you know the picture oh this monkey is being brushed with a toothbrush look how small how can a monkey be so small uh so this is the monkeys are found in a very specific part um of Brazil it looks like in northeastern parts of Ecuador as well they're really cute so yeah these monkeys are found in uh South America which means this is a new world monkey they're really cute these monkeys can live about 11 to 18 years it's pretty impressive they're being so small and living for so long so these monkeys their mating system like I feel like every monkey we've come across so far the mating system has been like you know multiple females and like a few males or just a single male and these monkeys actually only have one mate that's right the dominant male usually restricts excess of other males to the breeding females as a group oh oh but they are known for polyandrous breeding where a single female mates with multiple males oh so it's opposite interesting it's opposite but uh yeah it says these primates May looks a bit monogamous mating system where individuals of both genders have only one mate oh but it seems they do even though they do only have one mate it seems they do still partake in polyanders breeding oh interesting [Music] see another picture of the monkey he's eating a bug oh my God it looks evil and these monkeys mostly feed upon a wide variety of foods just next to our fruits leaves and insects but their primary type of food is gum or tree sap oh interesting there's a monkey eat the bug there's a monkey look at his face his face it doesn't even look real I'm real well most primates display flat nails also known as these animals possess cloths shaped nails known as tegulate just like the other marmoset we looked at they had hands kind of like a raccoon these monkeys can take long leaves up to 15 feet in the air as well as rotate their heads for up to 180 degrees that is spooky these monkeys are kind of op what if there's a sound let's try to see I want to I want to see if there's a pygmy marmoset if we can listen to pygmy marmoset Helen I gotta mute it because I gotta check it here it is so just like the uh other marmos that we listen to is very high high-pitched chirping sorted this is a baby pygmy marmoset sorry there's music in the background oh my God so yeah very high pitched yet cool um oh no this is wrong with me here we go that's crazy they can jump 15 feet in the air that's really that's uh really high so yeah they usually have uh they're pretty quiet these pygmy monkeys they just have uh some clicks as well as high pitch whistling sounds in the chirps the sharp lower canines of uh these monkeys teeth allow them to pierce tree bark in order to get the sap their favorite type of food all right let's move on to the next monkey uh can you guys guess what type of monkey this is okay we only have a few more monkeys after this yeah the small monkeys can jump up to 15 feet [Music] this is a black snub nose monkey a large primate that mostly lives in a Southern Chinese province also known as the Yunnan Golden Hair monkey although I know it's not really golden but might be golden is baby uh the scientific name is uh rhinopathicus uh these these monkeys have a very very very small population size about 1 000 of these monkeys in existence today um a lot of that has to do with uh these monkeys can be uh sometimes they are hunted uh they're poached uh for medicinal reasons and that sort of thing uh and I accidentally run into a lot of deer traps and so there's not too many of these monkeys unfortunately in existence but they're really really interesting they're like uh I don't know they look so odd they're very odd looking um [Music] it seems like these monkeys Thrive at extreme altitudes but and despite below freezing temperatures and thin air so these monkeys are known for living in a really really cold environment they have an extremely thick fur a coat that uh helps them against below freezing temperatures oh oh it seems like these primates get the snub nose part of their name from the absence of nasal bones they're really interesting looking monkey what the monkey doing Put the monkey doing they're so cute so yeah there's only 17 groups of these monkeys and um yeah there's a there's not too many of them only 17 groups between them oh it says Black's the nose monkeys are active during the day and spend majority of their lives in the treats they live together in very large groups of up to 500 members what what the heck oh splitting up into smaller groups oh I see this conflicting information because it says there's only 17 groups of them but there's 500 members in a group but then there's only one thousand the math doesn't work out but maybe it's um like the 500 member group's a group off into like different types of groups yeah uh they have territorial instincts defending their territory mostly with shouts they have a large vocal repertoire calling sometimes solo well at other times doing it in a choir like fashion I want to hear let's see if we can find how uh the black snub nose monkey sounds foreign [Music] oh that's nice so there's like a dedicated conservation group for these types of monkeys and they kind of apparently live like kings find any I can't find any calls any like sounds so then let me check this one yeah monkey choir they're really really cute all right um actually related to this there's also there's also well I guess I have to leave it where it is never mind because uh okay well there's also a different type of uh snub nose monkeys [Music] oh it's got like a little Swoop a little swoop unlike many primates the diet of these uh snub-nosed monkeys consist mainly of lichen you know like the it kind of looks like a moss and a lichen is usually found on Trace they will also eat bamboo leaves fruit and other more seasonal plants a cuta cute all right this monkey is smiling now he's not smiling not the gay images part oh I saved this one because this picture this monkey this picture this monkey reminds me of uh Steve Buscemi foreign can you guys guess what type of monkey this is any guesses ah this is a monkey from Lion King this is a man drill an old world monkey is this a monkey from Lion King oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah a mandrel mandrels are known to live from 25 to 40 years they have got a top speed of [Music] um sorry all done oh there we go 24 miles per hour yeah they got a top speed of 24 miles per hour uh scientific name is mandrellas thinks cool let's see more pictures oh look at this oh look at their butt yeah their butt is uh very multicolored okay the Magnificent mandrel is the world's largest monkey with a characteristic blue or red face and a bright rump meanwhile this primate is probably the most colorful mammal around the globe What excited its color pattern becomes even brighter the long canines of this animal serve as a means of Defense as you can see here God damn I do not want to get bit by that monkey however they may also display friendliness to Cone specifics by exposing their teeth oh so they could be this monkey could just be laughing maybe they're just laughing um and drills are natively exclusive to the rainforests of Equatorial Africa cool these guys are really cool I'm cute we'll learn more about the monkey's butt uh mandrels are very social animals and they have mixed groups up to 40 individuals in turn oh and gather into large troops of over 600 monkeys whoa 600 monkeys oh the individuals in these groups live in a well-defined social hierarchy each unit is led by the large and colorful dominant male who mates with receptive females and fathers nearly all young in the group oh interesting huh oh so yeah it's like a usually the type of uh mating system that a lot of other monkeys have whereas multiple females per male oh yeah the BTM is gone sorry about that I'm listening to it but I forgot you guys couldn't hear it um cool they're kind of weird looking at this guys zoom in on the baby I want to see the babies [Music] hmm and these mandrels are omnivores they'll eat bird seeds fungi Roots insects snails worms frogs lizards and occasionally snakes oh this monkey's a badass snakes but it looks like a Galaxy his butt what you looking at I'm sorry I didn't mean it okay all right all right all right let's move on to the next monkey we gotta prepare for two streams tonight we're having karaoke stream you guys you don't want to miss all right all right last few monkeys here we go Skye this is can you guys guess how you guys I actually don't know how to say this a red shanked it sounds like it might be sad like Duck but it's like d-o-u-c I don't know how to say look dog and also known as pie gastric numaeus this is an old world monkey the red shanked dog oh these are the most colorful monkeys among all species of primates most colorful I don't know I think the other uh I think the mandrel was more colorful they are considered queen of primates thanks to their distinctive and unique appearance their forearms are white upper legs are black um oh for some reason this picture this monkey reminds me of good at it's a face like this sometimes and sometimes you just like you guys see it you know what I'm talking about you guys know what I'm talking about right the queen of primates so cute uh this uh monkeys can be found in Southeast Asia oh Cambodia Vietnam interesting they mostly live in a tropical moist Forest oh that's a fat monkey look at him look at her tummy look at the tummy uh these monkeys mostly eat leaves but also eat fruits figs buds I know that it's flowers bamboo shoots and seeds they're herbivores huh these these monkeys live in groups from 4 to 15 monkeys but may also Gather in groups of up to five uh 50. a group usually consists of one or more males and approximately two females per male oh so it's not you like the other ones although it is more males or more females to males but uh well each male monkey gets two female monkeys female monkeys they're cute these monkeys prefer moving high up in the canopy and are very agile frequently make a breathtaking leaps of up to 20 feet whoa 20 feet you're telling me this big monkey this big round monkey can jump 20 feet that's insane oh yeah it looks like they're wearing pants look cute look at those little pants I got red pants oh not that one yet all right cool let's move on to the next monkey the next monkey as you might have seen is the Baldi any guys guess if this is an old world monkey or New World monkey what do you guys think scary yeah he's pretty red all the world now you guys are wrong this is a monkey found in South America which means it is a new world monkey [Music] and then we see a brighter picture of this summer into the bald look honey also known as the bald-headed and a scarlet fever honey I don't know if I'm saying that right also known as a scientific name pelvis these monkeys live from 15 to 30 years and uh yeah they're found in South America uh the both counties are believed to have developed this unique color pattern of this face as a result of malaria which is a common disease in their Amazon rainforest habitat those with bright red faces are considered to display healthiness while those with paler faces have definitely contracted malaria and lack the natural immunity to this disease oh hence these sick animals are typically left without mates oh so I guess the redder their face is the better they the better their health is interesting wow they know it could affect monkeys like that oh so these monkeys are found in a very specific part of western Brazil and Eastern Peru and Southern Colombia is a very very small part they must live in a tropical moist rainforest and they're very very social monkeys forming groups around 10 to 30 individuals but they've been observed in groups as large as 100. oh and this is the gift scale of the monkey so what the monkeys or how their size plays out because they kind of look big like in pictures but they're actually not that big [Music] now to spend a lot of their time grooming playing various games and yeah they're very playful and and super intelligent monkeys apparently and these primates are herbivores the diet usually consists of immature fruits ripe fruits leaves Dexter nectar and a few insects such as the caterpillars oh there is a it looks kind of like scheming Moon so cute they're really cute so apparently these uh types of monkeys are hunted for food food for food for monkeys poor monkeys no yeah poor monkey Miss Monkey that's what an angry monkey this is the monkey that will rise up and take revenge for their fellow hunting monkeys watch out I wish monkeys weren't haunted for stuff like that but can you do the word ukari is pronounced as wakari [Music] they're kind of cute I like them uh these animals exhibit the shortest Tales of All American monkeys so as we talked about before uh because these are new world monkeys it means uh usually their tails are able to like uh prehem style but I suppose these Tails because they're pretty pretty short maybe they can't use them as like an extra hand or something like that so apparently to these monkeys the redder their face is the more attractive they are to mates so that monkey that's the one handsome monkey apparently these uh these monkeys in particular have strong enough Jaws to crack tough nuts which other monkeys cannot open and this monkey apparently this monkey wags its tail when they're excited like a dog oh cute I want to see a video of this monkey wagging its tail that's so cute baby baby bald patties have Gray colored faces so I guess I say as a eight jump you know the face gets red okay moving on to the next monkey we're almost done this is the golden snub nose monkey similar to the black snub-nosed monkey also known as the Sichuan a gold snub-nosed monkey and the scientific name is rhinopithecus or Roxana these monkeys live about 26 years and they have a population size of about 15 000. so definitely more common than the black snub nose monk both snub nose monkey and as this monkey is from Asia this monkey is an old oiled monkey the tail is about as long as its body there's its teeth spooky what are these look um these are these snap those monkeys just like the black snub nose monkeys can live in very uh very extreme climates like a below freezing um and uh mature males of the species exhibit red swellings at the corner of their mouth so I suppose we can assume this is a male golden snub-nosed monkey I wonder why it swells like that interesting maybe it's their teeth no I don't know [Music] these monkeys can be found in coniferous forces uh montane grasslands and uh also broadleaf and mixed forests and these apartments are super super social they can be found in smaller groups 20 to 30 monkeys but can be found also in larger groups of the 200 monkeys oh and they've also been observed in high concentrations as many as 600 monkeys but that makes up to several different groups mm-hmm uh usually within a smaller group is about a single dominant male to four females so one male monkey gets four female monkeys interesting these monkeys mostly eat pine needles young Furs uh bamboo shoots leaves butts and fruits so they're herbivores they're really cute [Music] little tongue adorable uh so yeah unfortunately these golden snub-nosed monkeys currently suffer from large-scale hunting for food as well as uh the Pelt of the monkey and uh parts of the body used in traditional medicine [Music] poor monkey or monkey it's good to know though that there are a lot of groups like conservation groups as well that uh try to conserve these uh credible they're like super cool animals really interesting animals so I'm sure that there are conservation groups for them as well hormones monkeys so yeah because these monkeys are all the world monkeys uh their tails are not as uh um usable as a new world of monkeys so they're Tails uh mostly act as a cushion they're covered in a thick fur their tails are useless for hanging from trees or grasping objects when sleeping these monkeys huddle together in clusters oh stay warm when it's cold [Music] uh I actually have a video to show you guys these monkeys [Music] there's no audio oh well I just made it really fast here it is look how we walk Ed tummy I guess we couldn't say this is a male's a golden sun nose monkey because of the gonna walk down one more time [Music] yeah they're super cute [Music] they're so cute yeah it looks like somebody wearing a suit all right uh second to last monkey and there's also a oh this is the uh [Music] the young one yeah this is a young snubness monkey so cute baby all right our next monkey is a Panem this is a hard word to say it's from Panama Panama Panamanian white face Capuchin a Capuchin and because uh you guys should be able to know you should be able to guess by now if this is a new or old world of Monkey huh you guys know yeah New World monkey cool a scientific name is imitator interesting oh these monkeys could live up to 54 years so far out of all the monkeys we've looked at this is definitely the highest lifespan for a monkey 54 years one of those monkeys they kind of look like really sad and distressed all the time look it's just like like this one's grumpy monkey uh Angry monkey a sad monkey oh cute so these monkeys are highly intelligent and has been trained to actually assist paraplegic persons before wow that's really that's really really interesting these monkeys are super sport super smart um it's noted for its tool use including rubbing plants over its body in an apparent use of herbal medicine and also using tools as weapons and forgetting food oh cool it has a distinctive prehensile tail that is often coiled up and used to support the monkey when feeding need a branch we have a picture of the monkey's tail I don't think we have a picture of this monkey's tail but uh it is prehensile which means that it can use its tail to help with climbing or eating um grabbing branches and whatnot and these monkeys look pretty pretty grumpy uh so these monkeys can be found in Honduras in Nicaragua Costa Rica and Panama they also might be found in Guatemala or Belize really cool very smart monkeys they're biomes they can be found in tropical rainforests and mangroves mangoes are cool yeah they have really long tails I'm surprised they don't have a picture of their tail here but they have really long tails that they can use kind of like the spider monkeys too um so these are monkeys uh live up to 40 monkeys per group yeah [Music] and three quarters of the group are female so more females smell again I mean it makes sense you have more monkeys make more monkeys these monkeys are noisy loud cars loud calls such as barks and coughs are used to communicate threat warnings in softer calls such as squeaks are used to use an intimate discourse let's see if we can find um some caption sounds oh oh well I guess I'll show you guys this afterwards I have a video to show you guys briefly let's see um so yeah these monkeys have been um like videotaped using Stones as tools before so cool um oh whoa there's a video of one of an older monkey rescuing a younger monkey from a boa constrictor cool I'm not going to show you guys that but you can look it up on YouTube let me see if I can find any noises they're super super super cute very very cute I can't I unfortunately can't find any noises of them right now um but they're awesome they're so cute maybe this one let me check this one they're really they have a really cute face okay um now we're going to the last monkey all right you guys ready to the last monkey the last monkey ah this one yeah this is an emperor tamarine okay you guys guess if this is a new world monkey or an old world monkey last monkey yeah it's got a mustache it's really cute they're like whiskers this is a new world of Monkey uh they have a top speed of about 24 miles per hour and their scientific name is sanguines so these are part of the same family as marmosets so they're uh pretty small and you can see they they are pretty similar looking to like the other marmosets that we've looked at before and yeah they have a mustache and here we have a little babies a little bit on the big monkey small monkeys are the big monkey so cute uh so just like the other marmosets uh these these um tamarinds can be found in Brazil yeah pretty small section of Brazil uh they like tropical forests and these monkeys live in a group of about 15 monkeys per group this is Mom baby monkey [Music] s you're so cute they're really really really cute to see these monkeys foreign are omnivores so they eat frogs they eat um tree sap nectar small birds snails insects fruits and flowers and these monkeys will eat anything so just like the other monkeys that we looked at earlier they have a poly oh a polyandrous mating system which is where uh the female is actually dominant I think there's only one other or one or two other monkeys we looked at yeah so it's a dominant female with multiple males interesting they're so cute [Music] looks like a oh he's so cute it's got a little lost a little three phases a little so cool uh so what happens in uh for a lot of these uh monkeys that live in uh South America is usually their population is threatened by like um you know deforestation and large-scale construction and yeah mostly from human development and stuff like that just because uh their homes get taken away by monkeys more monkeys uh oh yeah they're really cute they're very small and yeah this is the tamarind Emperor tamarind are they long look at the long long mustache they're very cute it's the one eating what does it look like oh look at their little ears so cute oh the btms muted sorry I forgot about that Medium come back this monkey you've been caught red-handed eating a melon thank you [Music] hello [Music] hello so we're back oh hi uh interesting fact about these monkeys is uh there's actually a different type of Tamarind so these are Emperor tamarins but they also share their habitat with uh Saddleback tamarinds that they cooperate with uh occasionally the emperor tamarinds will throw their food to the lower levels of the canopy and sharing it with the Saddleback tamarinds oh these monkeys are nice these monkeys are known to hiss Trill and display long chirps yes so cute all right well that's it for all the monkeys today a lot of monkey content I have to go set up for the karaoke stream it might be delayed by like uh 30 minutes or an hour but it should be in about two hours um so yeah thank you guys for watching the monkeys do you guys have a favorite monkey that you saw today [Music] yeah there's a lot of monkeys you like the mandrill the last one that's just an easy pick all of them the good old one your favorite monkey hey yeah spider monkeys are cool I think my favorite one [Music] um oh it's tough to pick so many monkeys I don't know where to pick it [Music] okay I like that monkey that monkey's cute I like that monkey too spider monkey foreign they're all really cool I don't know which one to pick [Music] I like the the one that lived to 54 years I forgot which monkey that was uh so cute okay well that's it for the nature of you today the monkey review I don't know if I'll do a nature of you next week but I will be back eventually and I will see you guys later for some karaoke I'll tell you guys this now so you're not too surprised but it will be um a 3D yeah for a small I mean small army 3D karaoke so you don't want to miss it um it may be delayed just because I might need some time to set up I didn't think I was gonna go so long with the monkeys so uh yeah oh this is my favorite type um I died so well not died but okay I'm cardboard now for a little bit but uh we're saying goodbye anyways I don't have a goodbye screen on here so bye [Music]
Channel: Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN
Views: 167,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0AI7J0uxKv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 3sec (6543 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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