【Full Movie】丈夫出軌閨蜜10年,妻子不哭不鬧默默轉移財產搜集證據,讓狗男女付出慘痛代價!

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Unknown number: Your husband's been cheating, the evidence is in the inside pocket of his suit. Shop Name: Aryard Jewelry Store; Product Name: Necklace Shop Name: Aryard Jewelry Store; Product Name: Necklace Let's eat some fruit Come here, sit down, let me wipe your hands for you Do you like oranges? Is it delicious? Okay Try this one again Come, give it to me Come Take it and eat it yourself, okay? No. Your husband cheated, the evidence is in the inside pocket of his suit. Did you find it? Indulge her. Here, try this. Is it sweet? If it's sweet, have more. Hello, the number you dialed is out of service. Please double-check and dial again. Who are you? Someone helping you. Honey. What are you doing? Oh, I'm replying to a message. Lin Yao and Yun Wei are almost here. Okay, I'll be right down. Oh Are you okay? Why is your face so pale? Really? Maybe I'm just tired today. Hurry up and go greet them. Go ahead. Alright, you should change your clothes quickly. Hmm The decoration is nice. Not bad, huh? You can come visit more often in the future. Then you have to come with me, okay? Yun Wei Happy birthday, Yu Ning. Thank you. Happy birthday. This is a little gift. You've been a great help when we bought this house in the school district. This is not necessary. Don't be so polite. Keep it. Next time, you can treat me to a spa. Sure. Then I have no choice but to obey. Come to my salon in a few days. Honey. The food is almost ready. Mr. Lin, do you want to have a drink? I won't drink anymore. You're all old classmates. Let Yunwei drink a few more glasses with you later. Of course. Today is Yu Ning's birthday, and we can taste Chef Yu's cooking again Of course we have to drink Hey. I only made some home-cooked dishes, don't dislike them. How could that be? Hey, don't just stand there. Honey, you seat them. Mr. Lin, this way. I was too focused on talking. Really? Wow, it looks so delicious. It smells so good. Look, there's your favorite dish. Mmm. Close the door. Speak softer, don't let her hear. Okay. Come here. Sweetheart, take your time. Honey. Sis. How did you come up? I I'm coming up to check on Zhizhi. Daddy, the surprise is gone. It's okay, sweetheart. No, sweetheart. Is this for Mommy? Mmm. You draw so well. Thank you, baby, I really like it. Okay, let's go downstairs quickly. Don't keep people waiting for too long. Good Sis, we'll go down first. Let's go Come, let me hold your hand Let's go Honey. Let's go. Oh. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday. Honey, what wish did you make? Hey, we can't talk about that. Why not? Because you don't celebrate birthdays. If you speak out your birthday wish, it won't come true then. But if you don't tell me, I can't help you achieve it. Does she even need to say it? Yuning definitely hopes that you, as her husband, takes more time to accompany her, love her. Of course! Come on, let's all go together. Come. Cheers. Cheers. Happy birthday. Thank you Birthday star, let's cut the cake I also want to cut Okay Come on, sweetheart, let's cut together. One, two, three. Okay, Sweetheart, who will have the first piece? Miss Li. Zhizhi, whose birthday is it today? Yeah, who's the birthday star? Oh, then give it to Mom. You're so sweet. I'll take care of the rest. It must be very delicious. The second piece is for you. I'm not drunk. I'm not drunk. Yu Ning Yuning. Yun Wei's bag. Is Zekai okay? It's okay, he went to rest first. Tell Yu Zekai that today's dish is delicious Okay, go home and sleep quickly. Take care. Happy birthday. I know. Come on. Sweetheart, who will have the first piece? Miss Li. No password? Honey. What are you doing? No wonder I can't find my phone. Honey. Hmm? Have you been cheating on me? Have you been cheating on me? What are you saying, Honey? If you like someone else, you can just tell me directly. You know, I don't like it when people lie to me. Honey I swear, I will never betray you. Hold on, wait for me. If you don't believe me, I know that whatever I say is useless. We've been married for so many years, and you've always been busy. I know, I'm not a competent Honey. But no matter what, you are the only one in my heart. Happy birthday! Honey I love you Open and take a look. Do you like it? Let me put it on for you. I... Tomorrow, I might be a little drunk. Hmm, OK. Then let's rest early. Hmm. Comes with the product. At this moment, I understand, In his heart, I'm just like a free side gift. Miss Shao, your skin is really good. What are you talking about? I'm almost thirty. No way. Your skin looks as youthful as a girl in her twenties. Only you would say that. Ms. Su Ms. Su You're so late. Something came up. Look at yourself. You keep busy all day and don't let Yu Zekai share any of the burden for you. He is too playful I even wish my husband, Lin, would be playful. I'm talking about my husband. He, every day, either has a meeting or is on his way to a meeting. All done, Miss Shao. You should rest. OK. Thank you You're welcome I noticed that you always come and look for Xiao Xu. Hmm, she's quite clever. I like her. Talking to smart people is easy. Yu Zekai, didn't he come with you? He's at home with the kids. I knew it! A man who takes care of his family is the best. Lin Yao is also good to you, right? Lonely marriage. Let's just get by. So... Have you ever suspected that he has someone else outside? I have also had doubts. But I can't divorce him. Why? Because Because of this, you know A woman without a career is just a canary that can't fly. Only fit to be kept in a cage. So, I envy you. What happened? Don't tell me Yu Zekai... Auntie, please don't bother. How long are you going to stay this time? I'll try my best to come back as early as possible. Let Xiaokai send you. Ah, never mind. I don't have much stuff. Brother Yu is also very busy. Ah, I wish my daughter-in-law could be as sensible as you. I'm leaving, Auntie. You go back. Alright, take care! Bye. Yu Zekai and your family's piano teacher? Oh my god. Well, what are you planning to do then? I don't know. I haven't made up my mind yet. Yu Ning Cheating is a habit. But I'm just suspicious. Then we need to investigate thoroughly. But if Yu Zekai really cheated. Have you ever thought about divorcing him? How is that possible? Zhizhi is still so young. Luckily, Zhizhi is young and doesn't understand. Yu Ning A person who cheats will never tell the truth. Do you want to spend the rest of your life pretending you don't know, just like that? Going on a business trip? Hmm How many days are you going this time? Probably two or three days. Then bring a couple of extra clothes, the weather will turn cold in a few days. By the way. I haven't seen Li Mo these days. Oh She said that her mom got sick and she needs to take care of her for days. Oh Let me do it. No, it's not heavy. Take your time on the road Hmm Hello Yuning, he's driving out Hey, Honey Have you arrived? Ah, I've arrived. That's fine then. What are you doing? Ah, I just finished exercising. I'm really not that young man anymore. Sure. So tired. Honey, you should rest early. I'm going to take a shower first. Hmm Okay Okay Goodbye Honey. Hmm It's 520 (I LOVE U) It's destiny, isn't it? What destiny? Just a coincidence. That's not necessarily true. Really, it was specially arranged by you? We have to do something special for our anniversary. Coming. Honey? Coming. Honey? Hey. Wait, honey. What are you looking for? Honey, what are you looking for? Where is she? Who? Where's Li Mo? Li Mo? What are you talking about? Are you pretending with me? I just find it too boring at home. I'm going out to get some fresh air. If you don't buy it, let's go home and ask Mom. Alright, I'll accompany you to get some fresh air. Hey, aren't you on a business trip? You're following me? You said you would never lie to me. So now you're lying to me? Is there any truth left in your words? You just don't trust me, huh? Fine, then stay here. When you catch the mistress, let me know. Stop right there. Yu Zekai, don't you dare to go. You don't trust me, do you? Just stay here. What? Huh? Hello, this is a guest's request for a delivery of wine and a postcard. (Love begins with a glance...) This isn't the wine I ordered. Did you deliver the wrong one? Ah, 520, that's right. Where is she? Should still be downstairs. Hey! Hey! Hello! Hi. I'm a guest at 520. Did someone just deliver the wine? Yes, we've already delivered it to you. Where is she? She just went out. Thank you! You're welcome. Honey, what are you doing? Stop right there Stop I told you to stop Su Yu Ning, you better make yourself clear I've said everything that needs to be said, what else is unclear, ask your son Didn't I already tell you? I didn't order the wine Clearly, someone made a mistake What's the deal with 520? And what's the deal with the card? I also wanted to know. I think I understand now. You're saying my son has someone outside? But you don't even know who this person is, right? Yu Zekai, don't you want to explain? I... Why bother explaining? You've never seen this person, yet you're accusing my son. You're always out and about, and I haven't said anything to you. I can't explain it clearly to you. Don't take away my granddaughter. Let go, don't take Zhizhi with you. Move out of the way. Mom, are you okay? What's the matter? Why aren't you rushing at me? Don't treat my mom like this. Daddy. It's fine, Zhizhi. It's nothing, it's nothing, it's nothing. Daddy is here! Daddy is here. It's alright, don't be afraid. Love begins with a glance. It's the same routine every year. Can't you try something new? I swear. I will never betray you. I love you. Yuning Cheating people never tell the truth. Mom, are you feeling better? Much better What's up? She didn't come back all night? Phone calls unanswered. What's wrong with her. Being a matrilocal son-in-law is not easy. I have to do it. Otherwise how will we live? You put in a lot of effort when you took the college entrance exam, right? And you got scholarships every year. What's wrong? Can't live without her? Ah, here comes it again. That beauty salon is invested by her family. If I divorce her. I'm going to be a wanderer. I'm just worried about you being wronged. Nevertheless. Our efforts in these years haven't been in vain. Mom We agreed not to talk about this at home. She's not at home anyway. Alright, mom. But Zhizhi is still here. Okay, I got it. Unknown number: Now, is that enough? Li Mo. It's Li Mo. Hello. I'm glad you left quickly yesterday. But the wine you brought almost killed me. How did she find out? Alright Then let's not see each other for a while. Let's just bear with it. Okay, this is it. Hello Hello. How can I get to Li Mo's house? Li Mo's house is right here. Then, are you her mother? Oh, no. I'm her aunt. Where is she now? At the hospital now. Hospital. Hmm Take a break. Oh, I'm not tired. The doctor said rubbing like this can promote blood circulation. I'm holding you back. What's holding me back? I don't have class, I have nothing to do. What about your work there? Stop. I've already made arrangements with them. That family has always been good to me, you know. That's good. Don't move. I'm changing the water. Excuse me, how do I get to Room 302? Ah, just over there. Excuse me, how do I get to Room 302? Ah, right over there. Hey, Sister Yuning. So, these days you've been taking care of your mom here. Hmm. What about your dad? Hmm When I was in high school, my dad ran away with another woman Oh, sorry. Sis, you came to the hospital... Well, I... Momo. Hmm? Didn't I tell you not to come? I made some soup. Let auntie have some later. Is the internship going well? Not bad. Momo, this is... This is Yuning, I mentioned before. Sis, this is my boyfriend, Zhu Kaichen. Hello, um, Momo often mentions you. Oh, right. This is my business card. Lawyer? Yes. But still an intern. That's great. Alright, I won't bother you. I'll go first. Oh. By the way, Momo. Oh. I didn't see you wearing that necklace last time. Oh, I rented it. I returned it after the performance. Oh, I see. It was quite beautiful. Thanks, sis. I'm leaving. Goodbye, sis. Let's go. Go. Come. This one. Give that to me, I'll take it. Yu Ning How's it going? I think I made a mistake. He didn't cheat? No, I thought he cheated on Li Mo before. But it doesn't seem like her. Then who could it be? I don't know. So, what do you think? You won't be able to find it alone. So, let me introduce a friend to you. What friend? This person used to work in cybersecurity. He has a lot of local friends and get along well. You also know that there are things that men find more convenient to do than women Are you Mr. Chen? Hello, I'm Chen Cheng. Ms. Su, right? It's me. How about we talk in here? Hmm. Ms. Su Just sit in the front Okay. Do you mind if I smoke? I do. Sorry. It's okay, we're a team. I heard from Yun Wei that you've been facing some difficulties recently. It's my husband. I've been busy with work lately, so I need you to keep an eye on him for me. He cheated? How did you find it? His shopping records and navigation information were deleted very thoroughly. Not normal. And this receipt. I've never seen this necklace on this receipt before. I can find a familiar person for this. I'll go and find someone to help you. Oh, by the way. One more thing. Someone sent me a text message at the beginning to let me know about this She got it right every time? Yeah. I feel like someone is spying on my life. I want to know who this person is. Hmm This is a bit difficult. But I'll ask a friend to help you check it later. Good. Then I'll trouble you. You're welcome. By the way, Ms. Su. Try to keep your Honey relaxed. Make him feel like this is in the past now. So that it's easier for me to handle it this way. Ah, I understand. Thank you very much You're welcome. Oh Sorry, Ms. Su, the car is quite old. Take care, Ms. Su. Uh Yo, you came back? Is Zhizhi asleep, Mom? What time is it? What are you saying? A mother doesn't care about her child and doesn't know how to take care of the family You... I'm sorry. What do you mean by sorry? Let me tell you, you shouldn't have... I did everything wrong, you're right. Why are you like this? It's late, you should rest early. Good night. I'll carry her to the room. Let her sleep. Honey, where have you been these past few days? Do you know how worried I am about you? Let's go outside. Honey Honey. Let's not argue, okay? You suspect me and follow me, but I didn't take it to heart I really don't know what it was with the wine. And those few sentences, I learned them from the internet. I know Ah? I must be too sensitive. Just believe me If you can't get over it, then let's expel Li Mo No need, don't make it difficult for the young girl You're so generous. Honey Hey How long has it been since we did that? How about... I still need to accompany Zhizhi tonight, so please lower your voice. Honey. Unknown number: Will you be in the store tomorrow? In the store? Honey. What's wrong? I forgot my phone. Get some rest, alright? Hold on. What's wrong? Have you been to the salon these days? Ah, I went once. Weren't you not there these past two days? There has to be someone in charge at the salon. Yeah. You've worked hard. Is it hard for us to mind our own business? You rest at home tomorrow, I'll go there. Did you pack everything? I've packed everything, so don't worry. Alright then, I'm leaving. Mhmm. He left. I'm following. Hurry up. Mr. Yu. Morning. Mr. Yu. Morning. Morning. Hey, you didn't go out today? Oh, today Ze Kai went to the salon. Well, that's right. A woman should take care of the family more. Once I became a mother, I wholeheartedly took care of the house. Otherwise, how could Xiaokai be so good? Yeah. Wait a minute. Let me tell you You two need to think about the future What future? Have a son It's an old saying, raising a son for old age A daughter is like water poured out. I don't want it Hey, what do you mean? You, being a woman yourself, why do you think women are inferior? What do you mean by 'inferior'? I'm saying in a family, there are already different roles assigned. This man works hard outside, and this woman finds a good man to marry. That's call being responsible. Oh my god, what era are we living in now? I eat whatever I want, do whatever I want. I haven't stolen or robbed. You tell me what being responsible means. Why do you talk like that? Why are you so selfish? If your daughter learns from you, will she still be able to get married? If my daughter gets married and doesn't receive any respect. I'd rather she never got married in her whole life. You If only I knew you were like this, I wouldn't have let Xiaokai.. Yes. You shouldn't have let Xiaokai marry me. Otherwise, with your son's ability, he would have starved to death a long time ago. Xiaokai's career has been ruined by you. He takes care of the kids at home and you still blame him? Are you worthy of us? I haven't done anything wrong to anyone. I haven't done anything wrong to this family either. And I would never do anything wrong to myself. The wife is always running around outside. There is an imbalance in this relationship. Now you're a mom too Take care of the family A woman finds a good man to marry, that's called being responsible Xiaokai's career has been ruined by you Xu Ruowei Okay, you wait a bit first Alright, Mr. Yu How come you're here? Are you crazy? Ms. Su That's how you keep your distance? No, not Ms. Su. It's not what you think. That's enough. We're here to talk business. Mr. Yu Ms. Su is also here. I have something to do today. Well, let's chat another day then. Sorry, Mr. Lin. No problem, another day Mr. Lin, let me see you out. Sorry, Mr. Lin, I'll make another appointment with you. It's no big deal. Su Yuning, what are you up to? Why didn't I know about this important business with Lin Yao? Did I say yesterday that I was going to the salon? Do I have to report everything to you like before? I worked so hard to get this opportunity. Are you doing this on purpose? I can handle it with Lin Yao. But since we've already started talking, I need to ask some things clearly. So you believe that I've been cheating on you, huh? Yes. Okay, where is the evidence? You bought a necklace, right? The necklace. There is a receipt for a necklace in the pocket of your brown suit. Show me. Of course I don't have it with me now. In addition, someone also sent me a text message Su Yuning, are you even starting to follow me? I... Show me any other evidence you have. That's it? I have. It's you who's been cheating, right? I... So you're the one who's been cheating. I didn't Then who's that in the photo? A friend of Yun Wei Enough You can lie without a blink now? I didn't Enough Do you know what hurt me the most all these years we've been married? It's that no matter what I do, how I do it, you always find fault Now that I finally have something minor But you have to, you just have to... You just can't see me happy How could you think of me like this I could endure for the sake of Zhizhi in the past But I really can't live this life anymore Let's divorce Hello, the number you dialed is not in service. Please check and dial again Yun Wei, where are you? Ah, I've been out of town these days What's wrong, Yu Ning Can you get in touch with Chen Cheng? What happened, I couldn't reach him either. Then send me his home address Chen Cheng. It must be him I feel like someone is watching my life I want to know who this person is Bring out all the evidence I've never seen the necklace on the receipt I should be able to find a familiar face I could ask around for you later But why would he do this? That's it? I have one I will introduce you to a friend What friend Been waiting for quite a while? When have you ever been on time? You seem in a good mood. Well, of course. I must admit, your trick really worked. Finally, I can escape from that hell. She is your wife. I thought you'd be pleased. Give me a break. Being with her equals prison every day. Moreover, she acts all prim and proper at home, but who knows she's messing around. Why do your words sound so harsh? I didn't mean it like that. I was talking about her. I know. Hey, Lin Yao didn't notice, did he? If he finds out, can you still keep your seat Yes But there's something I've been puzzled about Su Yunning started suspecting me a couple days ago And today, she claimed she found some evidence I thought my cover was about to be blown How did she know Evidence? Hmm What evidence She said she found the receipt for this necklace I bought for you And something about a text message Could this have to do with that friend of yours I just let him get close to Su Yuning Could it be that she wants to flirt with other men? Feeling guilty? Miss Miss Would you like to order? What are you looking at? You're back Try the steak Honey, the porridge is ready Ah, be careful Ah, hot hot Why are you coming home so late today? I went to play golf with Boss Li and them Oh Hey, I thought you didn't like golf I'm thinking that it might be helpful to you in the future, right? Thanks, honey. Here, taste it No, you have it Try it I don't dare drink what I made myself If you don't try it, I won't eat either It's awesome, you drink it How's it? Hmm Honey, how come you are here? Miss Shao, you two know each other She was my classmate in the university What a coincidence Then, hello school Sister Yu Ze Kai, you're so lucky to have such a beautiful wife Just call me Yun Wei Just now Yu Ze Kai told me, from now on, when I come here, you have to give me a discount Of course Give me a break. Being with her equals prison every day. It's you Sis, you're awake I'm going to get the doctor This Su Yu Ning is getting more and more unreasonable. You'd better come back and manage her Yes, I know, Mom I've been busy these days Okay, I have to go for a meeting now. I'll talk to you later Hmm You're really good at lying. Are'n't I good at other things? Go away. Right, there is something I want to discuss with you, Speak. After I divorce Su Yu Ning, Zhi zhi... You want her? I'm just discussing it with you. It's better for a girl to stay with her mom. But I raised Zhizhi. She's closer to me. I'm thinking In the future, when we have our own home, Won't Zhizhi feel like an outsider? If you spend more time with her, you two will get familiar. But she's not my child. Why don't we have another child? Two kids, huh? You think raising two kids is easy? Then I'll work hard to make money, okay? Okay, darling? I'll take that as a yes. I haven't spoken yet. Here, sis. Drink some water Give it to me Luckily, I came back to grab something yesterday Thank you, Mo Mo By the way, how's your mom? She's much better, she was discharged from the hospital a couple of days ago That's good Sis Have you been dealing with something recently? Have you contacted him lately? No You probably guessed what happened. So, it's related to Brother Yu. Me and him. All ends up. Send me a message when you get home. It's just a few steps, isn't it? I get worried even when you're three steps away from me. Oh, please. Stop using the tricks you use on young girls on me. What... what young girls? Isn't your home tutor quite into this? What are you thinking? Could I hide any intentions from you? You better not. Don't worry Okay, I'm leaving Back so soon? Have to go out again later. That was Yu Ze Kai just now, right? Huh? He wanted to ask you out, couldn't reach you so he cornered me I've said it, don't involve me in your issues anymore Yun Wei The flowers at home need watering That's pretty much it Thinking about it now, it still feels like a dream So not only did he cheat on Yun Wei, he also wants to frame you Then why didn't you let him explain right there and then Just a meal with a college friend. What else can I do if he says so? What's meant to come will eventually come. Lock our anniversary. What if we break up in the future If you marry someone else and then meet me, would you still like me? Yes Scumbag Hahaha So it was a setup from the start First, using Li Mo to drive a wedge between me and Yu Zekai Let me introduce a friend to you Then to let Chen Cheng come close to me Not only did he take away the evidence You're the one having an affair, aren't you? Also fabricated the illusion of me cheating Every word you say is a lie But, there's one thing you got right What's meant to come Will eventually come
Channel: 中剧星球
Views: 337,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 中剧星球, 中國電視劇, 電視劇, 情感, drama, 大陸電視劇, chinese drama, 都市情感劇, 婚姻, 家庭, 丈夫, 妻子, 小三, 出軌, 女人的抉择, Women's Choice
Id: GP0i81ky4oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 24sec (3924 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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