女主成為俘虜,當她看到丈夫的遺物時瞬間泣不成聲 🍿 Movie

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Ping Ting, what are you drinking? Powdered aconite root? Ping Ting, you have always been intelligent. How could you be so harebrained today? Zui Ju. The baby moved just now. This is his child. How could I bear to harm it? - Your Highness, forgive us. - What are you doing? <i>Miss Bai!</i> <i>The time has come. You should come now.</i> <i>If you do not open the door, we will have to break in.</i> Ping Ting, stay in the house. Do not step outside. We will keep you safe. Your Highness, do not worry. We pledge our lives for your safety. You are not to go! We are heavily outnumbered and outpowered. None of you are to go! Your Highness, we have already made our decision. Let go of me! - Let go of me! - Your Highness! Let go! Eat this. Ping Ting, I'm sorry. This medicine is not harmful. You just will not be able to move or talk for the next few hours. Please bear with it. I know what you want to say. However, you must not die. You carry Bei Jie's child in your womb. Yes! We promised His Highness to protect Your Highness with our lives. Regardless of what happens today, we will fight to the end for you. We must not allow He Xia to take Your Highness or His Highness's child away. I will leave this fight in your hands. Attack! I hold the military tally! Release Prince of Zhenbei immediately! His Majesty commands all soldiers to head out immediately to Mount East country house to rescue Princess Consort! Yes! Your Highness! I couldn't defy orders. Please forgive me. Mo Ran, what has happened? Your Highness, I have failed in my duty. He Xia has surrounded Mount East country house. All soldiers, listen to my command! Follow me! - Yes! - Yes! <i>Midday has passed.</i> <i>Bei Jie, in the end, you are one step too late.</i> There was so much killing and fighting outside. Were you frightened? Ping Ting, you do not need to be sad. They are not worth it. This was all a dream. The dream is over now. I am still your Young Master. You are also still my Ping Ting. Come. I am not leaving. This is my home. I am not leaving. I have already given him a chance. He let you down. This meaningless waiting will only land you in a more dangerous predicament. Look. These are Chu Bei Jie's belongings that King of Jin sent someone to deliver. Bei Jie. Should you come across a shoe store on your way back buy me a new pair of shoes. This pair is giving me blisters. Bei Jie. Bei Jie. I am not leaving. I should not believe you. Young Master. Sister Ping Ting. Sister Ping Ting, I finally get to see you again. Sister, I am Dong Zhuo. Do you not recognize me anymore? Ping Ting, the three of us, you, me, and Dong Zhuo have finally reunited. Sister, what are you doing? This is Young Master. You slaughtered innocent men. Are you not afraid of retribution? Ping Ting. You should think about this carefully. Whom did these people die for? Besides, if they did not die you might have been the one to die. I did this to protect you. Dong Zhuo. - Take good care of her. - Yes, Young Master. <i>Hold up!</i> Wait! Stop! Prince Consort of Bai Lan, I know you are an old friend of Ping Ting. However, she is in poor health. I have been the one taking care of her. She needs me! I... I will leave with you! Very well. Look after her. If anything should happen to her, you will die with her. All right. Ping Ting! Ping Ting, wake up. It's Zui Ju. Zui Ju. They are all dead. They all died because of me. <i>- Let's go.</i> - No, they didn't. Zui Ju! Zui Ju! General, none of the soldiers at Mount East country house are alive. They've all been killed by Bai Lan troops. I searched the entire house and Princess Consort is nowhere to be found. I have failed in my duty. I failed to protect Her Highness and our men. I deserve to die. Your Highness, please punish me! I am the one who failed to protect them. I am the one who let them down. <i>Report!</i> Your Highness. - What is it? - Report, Your Highness. While handling the enemy's corpses, we found one man alive. We interrogated him. We learned He Xia led a large party back to Bai Lan by way of the southern foot of Hengduan Mountain Range. In addition... Speak. In addition, while we were tidying up the house we found this in the kitchen. What is this? A physician has been consulted. What is it? Speak! It is a fetal stabilizing remedy. Ping Ting. Ping Ting needed fetal stabilizing medication? She is carrying my child? She is carrying my child. <i>I, Chu Bei Jie, salute the spirits of the departed.</i> <i>I hereby make a blood oath.</i> <i>On this day, each of you died valiantly protecting my wife.</i> <i>I vow to take the lives of those who killed you and avenge your deaths.</i> <i>Bai Lan's men murdered my soldiers and seized my wife.</i> <i>Should this revenge not be exacted</i> <i>I, Chu Bei Jie, am not fit to be called a man!</i> <i>Brothers, if you are willing to come with me, then raise your swords.</i> <i>Let the Bai Lan men who dared to recklessly step foot onto Great Jin soil</i> <i>massacre my Great Jin soldiers</i> <i>and capture my Princess Consort of Zhenbei</i> <i>have a taste of our power and might!</i> <i>Show them the men of Great Jin are not weak</i> <i>and will not stand to be humiliated!</i> <i>We pledge our lives to Prince of Zhenbei</i> <i>to take up arms against the unvirtuous and rescue Princess Consort!</i> <i>Fight! Fight!</i> Ping Ting, are you all right? I am fine. I am all right. But we are now... It is my fault. It is all my fault. Ping Ting, what will we do now? Are we really following He Xia to Bai Lan? Chinese figwort, fritillaria bulb dwarf lilyturf, lily bulb, and Chinese foxglove root. That... is a prescription for clearing and purging. Ping Ting, what you need right now is a prescription for warming and tonifying. I am thinking if this prescription had cornelian cherry added to it my problem could be easily solved. You must not! Ping Ting, you have to remember you are carrying Bei Jie's child in your womb. Do you still remember what we talked about last night? We said if you have a boy, you will teach him to read - and His Highness will-- - His Highness... His Highness... Today is His Highness's birthday. We agreed he would return today. We even made steamed cake for him. We even made steamed cake for him, Zui Ju. But he did not return. If He Xia did not lie to me... If His Highness really... If His Highness really is dead I don't want to be the one left living. I know, I know. Ping Ting, if His Highness is still alive he would not want to see you like this. He wants you to be happy. Mount East country house is gone. Our home is gone. If Chu Bei Jie no longer exists in this world then there will no longer be Bai Ping Ting. Ping Ting. Don't. Zui Ju. Zui Ju, is... is His Highness still alive? <i>Stop the carriage!</i> Come, Ping Ting. Are you all right? What is wrong with Ping Ting? She feels a bit uncomfortable. Let her walk alone. Young Master. - Everyone rest for an hour. - But this-- Everyone rest for an hour. You... Ping Ting doesn't want to be followed. Let go! If I don't go, am I to let that murderer follow her? Young Master is no murderer. He won't harm Ping Ting. If he isn't a murderer, then who is? He has already killed so many people! What do you know? The three of us grew up together. We have a very good relationship. How would an outsider like you understand? Good relationship? I think not. He is the one who tore Ping Ting and Bei Jie apart. - You! - I-- I don't want to waste time talking with you. Get back inside. Go! - Get up there. - Let go! <i>You and I had made a promise that if one of us should die one day</i> <i>the other would surely follow.</i> <i>Bei Jie, if you really are dead, I will not live either.</i> <i>Why?</i> <i>I have done so much for you</i> <i>yet you pay me no heed.</i> Didn't I say I want some time alone? What are you here for? I saw you haven't been eating. There is still a long journey ahead. You won't be able to withstand it. Death could occur at any moment. To be separated by death causes sleepless nights of heartbreak. A widow should mourn her dead husband. It is an old Yan State custom for a widow to fast for three days. Have you forgotten these customs after going to Bai Lan? Ping Ting. Take two steps back. That is dangerous. Your hands are covered in the blood of my soldiers. Are you afraid of adding the blood of one more person? I did not want to kill them. I only wanted to take you away. Young Master. You have slaughtered so many. Do you still remember the person you once was? I am still me. Their only fault was that they were Chu Bei Jie's men. They deserved to die. - Let go. - I won't. Ping Ting, anybody else in this world can misunderstand me except for you. What I want is revenge. I want revenge for the dozens of lives of my household. Please don't push me. Nobody is pushing you, Young Master. These are all the choices you've made. Just as how I will love only Chu Bei Jie in this lifetime. You should treat your Princess Yao Tian well. We cannot return to the past. This is our fate. I do not believe in fate. I only believe that man is the master of his own fate. How about this? I will give you some time. Take time to calm down. Think about who truly treats you well. I believe one day your heart will return to me. Does Princess Yao Tian know not only did you not kill me, but are also bringing me back to Bai Lan? These are my own matters. I will handle it. That means she does not know yet. She is my wife. She will not act against my wishes. That is right. Likewise... I am Chu Bei Jie's wife. I will stand with my husband. I will love only him in this lifetime. Love only him? You are foolish. He is already dead! Would he know? Have you ever loved someone? Do you know the feeling of cooking and helping them dress every day? Do you know the feeling of deriving happiness from their pleasure? Have you ever experienced it? Young Master. You live alone in your own world. You are not fit to love someone. As for power... What if you were to die tomorrow? Ping Ting. Saying that is very selfish of you. Who does not wish to cherish tender affection with another? Who doesn't want that piece of happiness? But when you one day discover your entire family dead you do not have the right to enjoy that tenderness and lasting affection and stay together in love. Every moment of every day, I am telling myself I need revenge. Just revenge! Otherwise, I find it hard to fall asleep at night. My dreams are full of the faces of those who died unjustly. Do you understand that feeling? Will you get what you want after you exact your revenge? Will you then sleep well? Has it ever occurred to you the ones you killed have parents and children as well? What will you have them do? Come seek you for revenge as well? When will the cycle of revenge end? When will the cycle of revenge end? I cannot worry about so much. I have already reached my goal. What I want to do now is return to the past. It is no longer possible. We can no longer return to the past. Your desires will destroy you. Ping Ting, are you all right? What did He Xia do to you? What did he say to you? Do not worry. We are still very safe. That is a relief. Ping Ting, what plans do you have now? Plans? He is no longer here. What plans could I have? We can only take one step at a time now. But the child... I will do my best to live on for the child. Who are you? Stop right there! Capture him! Chase after him! My name is Fei Zhao Xing. Greetings, Young Prince. Fei Zhao Xing? Who exactly are you? Your Highness must surely have never heard of a lowly servant as I before. We never met before, so I could only resort to this to verify your identity. Please forgive me, Your Highness. I came under orders to deliver a piece of valuable news. How did you know I would pass by here? If Your Highness did not pass by here then this piece of news would not be of use to Your Highness. If Your Highness passed by here, then you would surely encounter me. What do you have to say? King of Yan has prepared an ambush up ahead to kill Your Highness and seize Miss Bai. You work for Queen of Yan? Yes. I was ordered by Her Highness to warn Young Prince to be careful of an ambush. "Young Prince"? I am no longer some Young Prince. However, it seems nothing has changed with Yan State's palace affairs. King of Yan is cold and ruthless while Queen of Yan is hypocritical. The two make a perfect match. Young Prince. Her Highness is willing to dispel past misunderstandings and work together with you. Dispel past misunderstandings? And even work together with me? Her Highness is full of sincerity. All right. She saved me once. I naturally owe her a favor. Tell her not to forget the debts to Prince of Jing An's household have yet to be cleared. Young Prince, every injustice has its perpetrator and every debt its debtor. God sees all things clearly. Someone will eventually pay for the grievances you have suffered. The message has been delivered. I bid you farewell. Hold on. You seem quite efficient at carrying out your tasks. We will meet again. I would be most glad to. Farewell, Your Highness. Convey my order. We are taking a detour. Yes, Young Master. Your Highness, Bai Lan is up ahead. If He Xia crosses the border into Bai Lan we won't be able to catch up. Release the arrows. Those in my way will die! Stop! Stop fighting! We've attacked the wrong people! Your Highness, they are not He Xia's men. It's a mistake! Your Highness, this attack was purely a misunderstanding. We are not afraid of death but it will be unjust if we are to lose our lives for this. Please forgive us, Your Highness. Speak! Who are you? Why have you set up an ambush here? Your Highness, we are men of Yan State. We are under imperial orders to intercept He Xia. How outrageous, Yan troops. You are on Jin land. Who allowed you to bring your troops here for an ambush? It goes to say you have not come across He Xia yet. If we had, we would not have made such a big error today. Leave! Withdraw! Quick, withdraw! He Xia did not come through here. We can't catch up to them. Your Highness, what will we do now? We will return to the capital and move our troops to attack Bai Lan. Even if I have to turn Bai Lan inside out I will bring back my people! Yes, Your Highness. Out of all the paths we could take, they had to choose this awful one. The carriage keeps rocking. Do you want us to die in here? Ping Ting, eat something. You won't survive if you don't eat. You have to live well, even if just for your own sake. Zui Ju, take it. Thank you, Young Master. For the sake of Bei Jie's child, I cannot die yet. Ping Ting, do you feel better now? Ping Ting, Young Master had me put these books on the shelves for you. They are all your favorites. Young Master was afraid you would feel lonely. You can see if they are to your satisfaction. If you find anything lacking, I can find it for you. Is Young Master not afraid Princess will find out he has hidden me here? That... Ping Ting, have a look around later. See if there is anything missing. I will buy it for you. Everything is newly moved in, so there might be some things we missed. When did you start playing dumb with me too? Ping Ting. All right, I won't hold back then. Help me buy these medicinal herbs. Ping Ting, it looks like these are all restorative ingredients. Is that right? Yes, you should build up your health. The journey was so bumpy. You have slimmed down considerably. Young Master said to supply whatever you need and ensure that you are comfortable here. Young Master also said-- "Young Master said." Everything is "Young Master said." If he really were good to Ping Ting, he wouldn't have kidnapped her here. You... Ping Ting, that really is not Young Master's intention. - He just-- - Enough. I understand. I won't go outside. - Ping Ting. - Dong Zhuo, hurry and buy those herbs. I don't feel at ease leaving the task to someone else. Ping Ting, make yourself comfortable. I'll go buy the ingredients now. Go, go. Hurry up. Ping Ting. Are we really staying here? This place is tightly guarded. We have no hope of escaping. As time goes on, your stomach will show. Lately, my stomach pain has intensified. I'm afraid changes will occur. However, there will be someone who will look for what has been hidden. We cannot escape, but we can wait for someone to find us. Zui Ju, give me acupuncture. He Xia must not know I am with child. No! My hands will shake. I can't do it. Zui Ju. I am asking you because I know you can do it. As things stand now, I will have to take the risk. I just hope Bei Jie's spirit... will bless me and my child. The needles can only guarantee a false pulse reading for three days. If you want He Xia to never know you'll have to endure the needles continuously. As time goes on, your body will not be able to withstand it. For the sake of the child for my and Bei Jie's child I will definitely be able to withstand it. Trust me. <i>[Prince Consort's Manor]</i> Prince Consort, a husband and wife should be united. No matter what happens I don't wish for you to hide anything from me because of my identity as the princess. I understand. In private, we are a normal husband and wife. I surely won't hide anything. That is good. All right, it's getting late. Hurry back. I am going now. You must keep in mind what I just told you. I remember. Go on. Stop. Princess. Convey my orders. The entire city is to be put under surveillance. If any suspicious persons are found in relation to Prince Consort's Manor report to me immediately. Yes. Convey my orders to increase the number of guards. Nobody is to enter or exit the courtyard. If you find anybody suspicious, you know what to do. Yes. Miss. Miss, please go back inside. <i>Ping Ting, Ping Ting!</i> Ping Ting! What are you doing? This is very dangerous. This is only a nourishing tonic to a normal person. Even if He Xia inspects the remains, he won't find anything suspicious. However, this tonic acts quickly. I may feel lightheaded in a bit or even faint. Zui Ju. We are making a mighty gamble. Nothing must go wrong. Ping Ting. Take this miscarriage prevention pill. There is not much time left. I will get going. Zui Ju. Remember not to be rash, regardless of what happens. Protect yourself first. Don't worry. Wait for me. Someone come! Anyone! Ping Ting is sick! Open the doors quickly! <i>Aren't you a physician? Treat her yourself.</i> I am just a maid who knows a little about medicine! I can't treat severe illnesses! Call someone here quickly, or else it will be too late! Over there! Quick! Stop right there! Catch her! Don't let her escape! Stop right there! Quick, don't let her run away! These were all the ingredients she asked for? That is all. Ping Ting asked me to buy the herbs myself. I looked it over and didn't find anything suspicious so I went to the store and bought the best quality herbs. However, I still felt worried, so I came to let you have a look. These are just common ingredients for nourishing the chi and blood. That's great. Young Master, does this mean Ping Ting wants to live? I hope so. Dong Zhuo. Do not let down your guard. Understood. This is great. Now I can relax. Young Master, I'll be going now. Hold on. Young Master, what is it? If one day... you turn into someone you don't even recognize as yourself would you still insist on pursuing the things you once wanted? My mother always told me to never forget my original intentions. I believe every person should live for that happiness from the beginning. Happiness from the beginning. How wonderful would it be if I could return to the beginning? By the way, Princess must already know. Princess knows Ping Ting is here? Will she be in danger? Young Master, we must not let her be in danger. I won't let Ping Ting die. Although I understand I cannot burn the candle at both ends.. Of the two of them... one of them saved me from untold miseries while the other once shared weal and woe with me. They are both the most important people in my life. Report! - Greetings, Your Highness. - What is it? Your Highness, His Majesty ordered me to deliver this to you. Please tell His Majesty that I understand. I absolutely will not fail in my mission. Yes. Your Highness, what does His Majesty mean? This fierce tiger represents me and this phoenix hairpin stands for Princess Yao Tian. His Majesty wants us to advance straight to the capital of Bai Lan. Princess, Princess. Wake up quickly. Lu Yi, what time is it? Princess, there is news of Bai Ping Ting. Is there? Where is she right now? She is indeed in Bai Lan situated in a courtyard house in the western suburbs by Prince Consort. I heard she suddenly fell severely ill and the lady who was with her stole out of the house in the night supposedly to find medication. Prince Consort's men could not stop her. Why did she suddenly fell ill? I do not know the specifics. For there to be so much activity going on, she must be severely ill. Has Prince Consort's Manor been alerted? When our people found out, they were held back. Prince Consort's Manor has not been alerted. Prince Consort has gone too far this time. Not only did he not kill her, but he also brought her back secretly. Prince Consort must have his reasons for doing so. I never said to kill Bai Ping Ting either. Besides, she was not brought back in secret. On the way back, who in the army did not know there was a woman in the carriage? Prince Consort has already shown respect for me by situating her elsewhere. That will not do. I thought Prince Consort was very considerate of your needs. How could he do something so dishonorable? I'll have someone drive her away. Nonsense. Princess. His guests are my guests. If a guest lives elsewhere who will bear the responsibility should something happen? The palace is not fit for outsiders to stay. I think Bai Ping Ting should be moved to Prince Consort's Manor. Have the men from Prince Consort's Manor who were held back move her. Have someone keep a tight watch. Do not miss a single person. In addition, send the imperial physician to Prince Consort's Manor for treatment. - That's... - Go quickly. Yes. Don't move. Come. <i>By Princess's word, Bai Ping Ting is Prince Consort's distinguished guest</i> and should be treated with hospitality. <i>Miss Bai is invited to move to Prince Consort's Manor</i> <i>for treatment by an imperial physician.</i> <i>You are to set out immediately without delay.</i> Ping Ting, it is as you expected. Princess has received news and has sent someone for us. Ping Ting, do you still feel unwell? Zui Ju, I... What did you say? Don't worry, I can make it through this. You're so feverish. Princess heard Miss Bai has fallen ill and is worried. She has asked me to invite Miss Bai to Prince Consort's Manor and hopes you will not refuse. I thank you on behalf of Miss Bai. Please hurry. Come, bring in the stretcher. - Yes. - Yes. It would be inappropriate for men to move her. I'll do it. Come on. Watch out! The door frame is not a major concern, but what if you injure Ping Ting? Yes, I'm sorry. Be careful with what you're doing. How could you be so careless? Princess. Is Imperial Physician Zhang at Prince Consort's Manor yet? He is on the way. How is Bai Ping Ting's illness? It seems quite severe. She was unconscious when Xiao Lizi picked her up. She had to be carried out on a stretcher by the men Xiao Lizi brought. Why was she so unlucky to fall ill? Yes, if she had not fallen ill, she would have been hard to track down. Even the heavens are helping you, Princess. She must arrive soon. She should be almost there. Then let's go visit her. Yes. Young Master, is Ping Ting all right? Wasn't she doing fine? How come she suddenly fell sick? - How did Princess-- - What are you rambling about? You're asking me? I had you look after her and this is what happens. Young Master, I... It is my fault for not taking care of Ping Ting properly. Please punish me, Young Master. Prince Consort. Imperial Physician, how is she? This lady's pulse is at times both strong and weak. Although she is very feeble the illness has not penetrated very deep and she is not in any serious danger. I heard this lady is not a native. I believe she is not acclimated to the surroundings causing her to be in weaker health and thus eventually fainted. Yes, it is as the imperial physician said. Ping Ting was previously injured and has been especially frail. After coming to Bai Lan, she lost her appetite and has trouble sleeping. This did not happen before. I believe she is not acclimated as the imperial physician says. Yes, yes. It is not abnormal for a foreigner to have trouble adjusting. It will take some time for her to adapt. She is in no danger. I will give her a prescription for replenishing chi and she will be fine. Good. Thank you, Imperial Physician. Not at all. This is my duty. What do you think of this? Princess didn't seize or arrest her. Instead, she sent her directly to Prince Consort's Manor. I do not understand Princess's intentions. Prepare a horse. I'm going to see her. Your Highness, Princess's chariot is at the front gate. - What? - So soon? Young Master, Ping Ting is still inside. What should we do? What are you panicking for? Since she is here, we will invite her in. - Welcome, Princess. - Welcome, Princess. Prince Consort, how is Miss Bai faring? She is still unconscious. Imperial Physician Zhang has seen her and says she is in no serious danger. Why did she suddenly fall ill? Take me to see her. Thank you, Imperial Physician. - Greetings, Your Highness. - Greetings, Your Highness. Do rise. - Thank you, Your Highness. - Thank you, Your Highness. This is Miss Bai? Her looks are truly extraordinary. She looks like a fairy. She is a beauty, but she looks too thin and weak. She must have suffered a lot. Imperial Physician Zhang. Princess. What is wrong with this lady? Your Highness, this lady is not in any serious danger. She merely has not adapted to the new environment, leading to fainting. If it is such a simple reason, then how come she still has not woken up? I heard this lady was once critically injured and is more frail than others. She has both chi and blood deficiencies and often has trouble sleeping. She must be making up for the sleep she has missed. It is normal for her to sleep a few more hours. She should be awake in another two to four hours. As long as she is not in any danger, then I feel relieved. If circumstances change for this lady in the next few days we'll have to trouble Imperial Physician for a few more visits. If Your Highness has any orders for me, I will not hesitate to assist and will not have any complaints. Thank you, Imperial Physician. Princess, I shall take my leave now. Farewell, Imperial Physician. You can be at ease now that Miss Bai's condition is not serious. However, why didn't you tell me sooner, Prince Consort? I could have moved her here sooner. With more people to look after her and an imperial physician to prescribe her tonics she would not have had to suffer so much. Princess, she was formerly a maid of mine. I saw that she was alone and in poor health so that is why I thought of taking her in. I was planning on sending her on her way after she was in better health but I never imagined you would move her into the manor. Princess, you really do not need to go through so much trouble for her. How could you say that, Prince Consort? That would be fine if she were a normal maid. However, she is the world-renowned Bai Ping Ting. She is the legendary woman whom I've not had the chance to meet before. Due to the strict rules of the palace I could not move her there. Thankfully, I was able to meet her through you. In this case, we must keep her here and look after her. My actions were rude and impetuous. I must ask you to please forgive me. Not at all. Princess, you are much more magnanimous than I am. I was worrying too much. Do not worry, Prince Consort. I absolutely will not treat her unfairly. Lu Yi. Present. Go to the palace and pick a few clever and quick-witted maids and send them here to attend to Miss Bai. Yes. Princess. Ping Ting is just a commoner. Don't you think... Prince Consort, I think Miss Bai must not know anyone in Bai Lan other than you. How could you bear to let her stay elsewhere? Moreover, these servants are very clumsy. How could they take good care of her? Rest assured, Prince Consort. I know what kind of person you are. You must be thinking of your affection as master and servant back in the day. How could I not empathize? Look at me. I've been so focused on visiting Miss Bai that I've forgotten it is time for court. It's time for morning court. Prince Consort, you don't need to attend today. Miss Bai knows nobody else but you in Bai Lan and is also sick. She would feel more at ease if she sees you here when she wakes up. Stay here and keep her company. If she needs any women's items you can send someone to the palace to fetch them. Princess, when Ping Ting wakes up, I will have her thank you in person. You are so considerate, Princess. Just tell her to treat this as her own home. No need to be polite. Prince Consort, I will be leaving now. Head back to the palace. Yes.
Channel: 爆米花劇場
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Keywords: 爆米花剧场, chinese television dramas, chinese drama eng sub, chinese drama, c-drama, romance, 中國電視劇, 電視劇, 中國電視劇2022, k-drama, 戀愛, chinese romance, chinese new drama 2021, eng sub, croton media, 克頓傳媒, 大陸劇, croton mega hitmega hit, Entertainment, 华语电视剧, Popcorn Drama Clips, magicaction, 华策, 言情, Blue love, 杉杉来了, Boss&Me, 赵丽颖, 與君初相識▪恰似故人歸, 美人鱼, The Blue Whisper, 迪丽热巴, 任嘉伦, 亲爱的热爱的, 李现, 杨紫, Go Go Squid!, 盛唐幻夜, An Oriental Odyssey, 吴倩, 郑业成, 宸汐缘, 倪妮, 三分野, 张倩, 张彬彬, 我的时代你的时代, 三生三世十里桃花, 何以笙箫默, 钟汉良, 天盛长歌, The Rise of Phoenixes, 有翡
Id: PoOXTezJhm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 44sec (4064 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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