【抗日電影】日軍當眾給囚犯注射毒藥,女高手怒擒日軍博士,營救囚犯 ⚔️ 抗日 擂台 | Kung Fu

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.. Do you think they will come? Don't worry. The biggest weakness of the women's team is kindness. They will not abandon their sisters. The time is almost up. Let's start. Everyone, please pay attention. It's twelve o'clock at noon. Every hour, I will inject these two people with typhoid injections. If any of you want to save them, if any of you want to save them, please give us what we want. I'm here to thank you for something, something, and pretend to be polite. What a thing. I don’t understand. The injection is about to start. The thing is like this. Once the typhoid virus is injected, the person will continue to have a high fever. If more than two injections are given, the high fever will cause meningitis. The high fever will cause meningitis. Inflammation may also lead to shock or death. The little devils are killing people to force us to hand over the prayer beads. To force us to hand over the prayer beads, these bastards. What a hateful bunch of bastards. That's really hateful Yu'er. It's all my fault. I shouldn't leave you alone. If this prayer bead can save the lives of Leng Yue and Yu'er, I'm willing to give it to the little devil . No. Great Elder, once this prayer bead falls into the hands of the little devils, they will dig the graves of our ancestors. As a member of the Qilin Association, I will never agree to this. So what should we do? Do you mean that we will just watch? Do you mean that we will just watch? Are you leaving the two of them dead in the square? Ding Zhi, I thought of a way to save your wife and Leng Yue. Are you going to fight with the little devil? No, this is too dangerous, maybe everyone will die. Do you have to fight? But of course we can't force it. We need to ask someone first. That is Dr. Mizushima. Whether he can rescue Leng Yue and Ding Zhi's wife depends entirely on him. Get ready to act. Get ready to act. Hello, is this Dr. Mizushima? I am Mizushima. Dr. Mizushima, hello. I am a subordinate of Lieutenant Colonel Yagyu. What's going on? Lieutenant Colonel asked me to inform you that they have obtained the beads. Please go to her headquarters immediately to identify the authenticity. I will send a car to pick you up immediately. Hello, I understand. Immediately, in half an hour, Miko Yagyu will inject Leng Yue with a second typhoid injection. I am really worried about her. I hope they can get through this safely. How long will it take to one hour ? How long will it take to one hour? Now there are two Ten minutes, Mizushima is here, Mizushima is here, Dr. Mizushima. I am Lieutenant Colonel Yagyu sent to pick you up. Please get in the car. This is not the way to the headquarters. This is not the way to the headquarters. Who are you? What are you going to do? Nomura, I It's different from you. It's completely different. You're afraid of the girl squad. I'm not afraid. I want every one of them to die in front of me. Open the briefcase. It's too bullying. Damn it, you little devil. It's too cruel. Go ahead and give it to her. Injection, yes go, give her the injection, it's Lieutenant Colonel Yagyu, the time seems to have not come yet. Don't mention the time to me. What I want is a deterrent. I want to strike fear into the hearts of the enemy. If they don't show up, their teammates will It's better to die . Inject her, inject her. Stop. Finally, Dr. Mizushima, Dr. Mizushima, surround them for me. Ms. Yagyu, Dr. Mizushima, you must care. Since we all have people we care about, since we all Anyone who cares, why don't we make a deal, okay? I have two people in my hand. You have one person in your hand. How can you make a deal with me when you have one person in your hand? You mean to let me eliminate one of them? What's going on, Ms. Yagyu, you? Don't forget that the women's team is only five people. I advise you not to act rashly. What I hate most in my life is others threatening me, Nomura, to inject those two women. Unless you release Dr. Mizushima, I will let you watch them die. Sister Ruyan, why don't you shoot quickly? Sister Ruyan, why don't you shoot quickly? He's about to inject Brother Leng. I'm so annoyed. You think I'm a sharpshooter? Now the real sharpshooter is in the hands of the little devil. In the hands of the Japanese, this Nomura has been hiding behind Leng Yue. I can't aim at it at all. Brother Leng 's face is getting uglier and uglier. Is she going to die? It's noisy to death. It's not the time for the funeral yet. Miss Yagyu, it seems to Miss Yagyu You don't care about Dr. Mizushima's life or death at all. Well, then it's useless for us to keep him. Miss Yagyu, you should know very well that the bomb will explode within five seconds after this fuse is lit. You dare to release my people immediately. You only have five seconds to wait. Nomura, release those two women. Untie them. Miss Yagyu, please help me send my people over. Lengyue, come here. Now you can release Dr. Mizushima. Don't worry, I have to make sure our people are safe. Ding Zhi, Xue Min, get in the car quickly, back up, take your hands away from me Liu Cheng, get in the car quickly, Liu Cheng, get in the car quickly, Liu Cheng, hurry up. Liu Cheng, Sister Ruyan, you hit that little devil. That’s me, Liu Ruyan, but I’m the best sharpshooter in the world, Leng Yue’s good sister. Leng Yue’s good sister, be careful. How dare you hit me? I’ll fight you. Sister Ruyan, you fight. But let 's go, don't pull me away, let me go, don't pull me away, don't pull me, get in the car, chase no one, you can't let go, chase, chase, get in the car, drive, drive, drive quickly Chase, hurry up and untie Dr. Mizushima. Untie them for me. Untie them and let them run away. Yagyu Miko, I'm warning you, we must get that prayer bead, otherwise we won't be able to get the map to the secret underground palace. You can bear this responsibility. Can you take this responsibility? Yes, I know. I hope this is not a dream. I hope this is not a dream. It is not a dream. I am here. Come on, Brother Leng, hurry up, slow down. Come on, be careful of the steps. Everyone, hurry up, slow down. Hurry up. Slow Yu'er, I'm so sorry for you Yu'er, I'm so sorry for you in all these years. I have never made you suffer so much. Mrs. Ding's condition is relatively stable, but Brother Leng is more serious. We must give her an injection now. What is a cardiac injection? It is an epinephrine injection. Otherwise she will die in less than an hour. But where are we going to find a cardiac injection? I know that several pharmacies in the city may have this kind of medicine . Let's go look for it separately. Liu Ruyan, Ouyang Lan, you two go together, Xue Min, we go together, whoever finds it first, who comes back here quickly, you know, okay, I'll go too, you don't have to go, it's very dangerous, the little devils all know you. Stay here to protect the safety of Leng Yue and the Great Elder. Well, you have to hurry up. She won't last long. No matter what, we won't give up the hope of Leng Yue. This time, Leng Yue can get through the difficulties safely. Yes, she is for us. Qilin would have paid too much. If it weren't for Leng Yue, I'm afraid this prayer bead would have fallen into the hands of the little devils. Once they got the prayer beads, the consequences would be disastrous. Yes, it's strange. They were also injected with the sadness virus, so why did Mrs. Ding not feel any pain at all? She has a fever. There is no needle hole at all. Didn't the little devil inject her with the virus ? Feeding, Lingling? Have the bosses Ouyang Lan and Liu Ruyan come back? They haven't come back yet. They haven't come back yet. What medicine have we bought ? You have bought it. The medicine is so good. How is Leng Yue now? Brother Leng's condition is still very bad. He has been running a fever. Please come back quickly. Okay, we will go back as soon as possible. Boss, there is something I want to tell you about Mrs. Ding's condition. Hey, hey, Lingling, Lingling, Lingling, what's wrong? The phone suddenly cut off. What did Tong Lingling say in the end? She seemed to have mentioned that the situation there is bad. Leng Yue and the others are in danger. Go back to the church. What are you going to do? Hey Nomura? Yes, am I completing my mission? , where are you now? I'm in a church on the north side of Wangda Street. The prayer beads are in the hands of the great elder. Maybe I should destroy this prayer beads. Great elder, I can't. So many people have died fighting for it over the years. Keeping it will only bring disaster to the Kirin Society and even more people. But only by destroying it can we truly save the underground palace Yu'er. Are you awake? Do you feel okay? What are you doing? Why are you doing this? Of course it is for the beads. It turns out that the traitor who betrayed the Kirin Society was you. It turns out that the traitor who betrayed the Kirin Society was you. You gave me the Buddhist beads. The location of the Kirin Society headquarters. The location of the Women's Action Group and our whereabouts were all told by you. Did you tell the little devil? Isn't that right? It's a pity that you knew a little too late. Why did you betray Qilin and join the Japs? You are wrong. I am not betraying you. You are wrong. I am not betraying because I am originally a Japanese. Because I am originally a Japanese. Japanese. When I was ten years old, my father took me from Japan to China to excavate ancient tombs. I am what you call the tomb robber Ding Zhi. I have been very kind to you for the past ten years, but you actually abandoned me to save the great elder. I was injured and the situation was such that I had no choice but to give me the beads and I would plead with the Japanese for you. Song Yu, I finally recognize you today and I tell you that I will never let Chinese things fall into the hands of the little devil Ding Zhi Ding Zhiding Dingzhiding Dingzhiding Dingzhiding Dingzhiding Dingzhiding You are too ruthless. You are too ruthless. After all, he is also your husband for ten years. He is also your husband for ten years. Ah yes, but he has no use value to me now. You hurry up and give me the beads. Maybe you can live a few more years. Old man, give it to me, old man . Give it to me . Let's die together. Okay, let's do it. It's good that we all die together, let's die together. No one can get this prayer bead. No one can get this prayer bead. I think you are tired of living. Song Yu, please be careful and don't destroy my prayer beads. Brother Leng, we We can't stay here anymore. Get to a safe place and go to the women's bomb squad. Where are those people? There are two people in the room on the second floor. The other people went out to buy medicine. You three, go upstairs to search. Are you coming? Slow down, old man, stop. Don't We are impulsive. Let's talk about what we have to talk about. You Japanese dogs only know how to burn, kill and rape. You only know how to burn, kill, rape and rob China of our treasures. You are inhuman beasts and treasures. That's all you people can think about. The true meaning of these beads is not even known to you, the Kirin Society. You stupid Chinese people, don’t even think about destroying the beads. This string of beads is only in the eyes of us Japanese. This string of beads is only in the eyes of us Japanese. The greatest value is in your hands. It's such a waste. What a waste of your [ __ ]. Flower girl. How can a flower girl be such a bastard? Thank you. Leave a team of people here to prepare to stop the women's team. The others will take the elder and me back to the headquarters. Well, Brother Leng , are you okay ? Brother Leng, Brother Leng , don’t scare me! Brother Leng, you can’t die! Brother Leng, boss, when will you come back? Brother Leng , you can’t die! Brother Leng, you woke us up. Get out of here, let ’s get out of here, walk away, don’t move, Brother Leng, I’m sorry, I can’t save you, we are all going to die here today. Lingling, get down, boss, Brother Leng is dying, Boss, Brother Leng is dying, Leng Yue, Help her sit up. Leng Yue Lingling, there is medicine in this. Inject her quickly. Tong Lingling, I can’t feel her pulse anymore. Why is Tong Lingling’s heartbeat gone? What should we do now? Up five, next step, up five, next step. What is this prayer bead? It's really good. Now, I can only use intracardiac injection. But, I have never done Lingling. I believe you, you can do it. Wait a minute, Lingling, you are crazy. You inserted this into Leng Yue. In your heart, do you want to save her or let her die? Liu Ruyan , what do you want to do? Lingling, she is inexperienced and you are scaring her to let go quickly, let go Liu Ruyan, Sister Ruyan, I am doing this to relieve Brother Leng’s shock. Make her heart beat faster. Let go of Liu Ruyan. It's enough. If you stop Tong Lingling like this , you will kill Leng Yue. Do you know what you are still doing? You're good. No wine . Go to Station Manager Jin and get him another bottle. . Zhang Jintai, you ate and drank. It’s time to say something. Webmaster Jin, don’t worry. We haven’t discussed the details yet. I told you about the details. As long as you tell me what you know, I will send it to you right away. Get on the ship and go to the United States. It's the rainy season soon. We have to leave quickly. Ten minutes later, everyone set off. It was Lieutenant Commander Yagyu. Don't forget that we agreed before that after opening the underground palace, half of the treasures inside should be given to me. Don't worry. We are very interested in the treasures of the underground palace. No interest. Dr. Mizushima came this time to find something more attractive to us than treasures . By the way, Song Yu, don’t you know many tomb robbers? Help me find some experienced ones . Why don’t you leave this matter to me ? She Why is there no reaction at all? Didn’t you tell me that people will wake up after the injection? I don’t know what’s going on. Brother Leng, Leng Yue, wake up, Leng Yue, don’t scare me. Wake up, Brother Leng, Leng Yue, wake up, Leng Yue, I order you to wake up, I order you, wake up, Brother Leng, Leng Yue, you can’t die, wake up, Leng Yue, Brother Leng, Leng Yue , Brother Leng I want to see if the ferry ticket is good. I can give you the ferry ticket and sign an agreement with you to ensure that you leave safely. I can wait until it is confirmed that I am safe before I can tell you everything I know. I have eaten and drank. Stop drinking Zhang Jintai, how dare you play tricks on our Secretary Hu? As long as you make sure I leave here, I will tell you the information. I will do what I say. Secretary Hu, send Mr. Zhang back and tell the brothers in the execution department to serve Mr. Zhang well. Get down, you robbers, I will fight with you, you robbers, I will fight with you, you robbers, I will fight with you to death, old man, don’t shoot, what shall we do to him ? You, kill me, God will not let you go. No, if we don’t kill you, take him with you. Maybe he can be used by then. Brother Leng, Brother Leng, you’re awake and you’re finally alive. Leng Yue, Leng Yue , you’re finally alive. Brother Leng, I knew you were okay. You scared me to death, Liu Ruyan, and I stole your prayer beads. Aren't you angry? No matter how important the prayer beads are, is it important to have the friendship between us as sisters? The great elder was caught. The prayer beads also fell into the hands of the little devil. Let's go to the waterfall. Little devil, we should be there by now. Why are you going to the waterfall? Hurry up and I'll tell you on the way. Tong Lingling will inject Leng Yue with strength-enhancing medicine on the way. Chief Liu, your injury is fine. If not, If your shooting skills were different, I would have probably escaped death a long time ago. Leng Yue had just woken up and went to pay attention to Liu Cheng's safety. This made Xue Min clearly feel Liu Cheng's position in Leng Yue's heart. In fact, finding the beads was only the first step. Before we started, the great elder told me that the method to find the underground palace is hidden in the Buddha beads. As long as we find the Buddha beads, we can follow the guidance of the Buddha beads to find the map to the underground palace. There is a Kirin stone statue under the waterfall, close to the shore. It arrives every year. During the dry season, the river below the waterfall will become narrower. The entire Kirin statue will be visible. The Kirin statue is the key to finding the map of the underground palace. Just place the prayer beads in the small round groove on the tongue tip of the Kirin statue. The uneven flower surface and small round grooves on the Buddha beads are The flowers at the bottom match the pattern. We can find the direction of the map by following the arrows of the prayer beads. Sister Leng Yue, you mean to say that we can accurately find the location of the map by just putting the prayer beads on the tip of the unicorn's tongue, right? That's right every year. During the rainy season, the entire river surface will rise. I know that the Kirin Stone Statue is built on the riverside. When the river water rises, the Kirin Stone Statue will be submerged . Of course, the map location will not be found in this case. We have to wait until the water recedes after the rainy season and the Kirin Stone Statue will be exposed, right? This principle is like Sister Yan, you are so smart. That is, I was born with wealth and treasure hunting. I am the most talented. I can think of things with my eyes closed, and you deserve to be so proud. But I still don’t understand what it means to be a child. The Japs knew the map was right there at the waterfall. Why didn't they dig it themselves? Why did they bother to find the beads? Yes, I don't understand. I can't just dig three feet into the ground. Silly you guys, it's not that easy. The waterfall has a square radius. Digging three feet into the ground is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Digging in no direction is definitely a huge project. Ouyang Lan is right. The rainy season is about to pass. Now that the little devils have obtained the beads, they will definitely act as soon as possible. These wild dogs are cold. Yue, if you haven't fully recovered yet, don't take part in this operation. Just wait in the car to meet us. No, the Great Elder is still in the hands of the Japs. Captain, let me go with you. Okay, this is the right time. It's appropriate that they are still one step ahead of us. Let's split up according to the plan and put this prayer bead on the tip of Kirin's tongue. It's a prayer bead , my prayer bead. My prayer bead. Nomura, don't go. There's a sniper, Dr. Mizushima. Come here quickly. Beads. , it was Leng Yue who brought the old man here with my prayer beads . I know it was you. The great elder of your Qilin Association is in my hands. If you don’t come out and surrender, I will shoot him. Leng Yue, don’t worry about me. I will never let the little devil Find the map, shut up, shut up, these bastards, Brother Leng, what are you going to do? You guys go to the bushes in front and take a look. You guys go to the bushes in front and take a look at Nomura . Put the beads on it to protect Dr. Mizushima. Come here, Brother Leng, hurry up. Our position was exposed. Dr. Mizushima, Kirin, has a lot of characters carved in his mouth. I went over to see if it was okay. I found the position. You two went to measure the specific direction. Brother Leng, the enemy is outflanking us. Brother Shu Leng, stop, stop, stop, don't run. With Qilin as the center and one meter as the radius, walk five steps due south. Walk five steps due south. Start digging. Go fast. Come on over there. Go fast. I can't cover. Let's go together. Go fast. This is to order Leng Brother to go fast and chase, do not move there, Dr. Fast Water Island, you must have done it, you must do it, you can kill them, so fast. This rubber ball bomb is pretty good. How many more times should I be a warning? You said how many men died under your bombs. Those are hateful little devils who should have been killed. I know that I am just worried about your future husband cleaning up that useless heart. I am interested now. Yes, there are only bombs. The little Japs are coming. Evacuate Sister Ruyan, Lingling, Sister Ruyan, Sister Lanlan, Lingling. Sister, let us evacuate Leng Yue first. Brother Leng was captured by the Japs. Why was Leng Yue captured by the Japs? Our position was exposed. Brother Leng was weak and retreated slowly. Later, she asked me to go first, saying that she was covering me. You also knew that Leng Yue had not recovered. How could you let her cover you? Okay, you are young. I cried even though I didn't see anything. You blame me. What's the use of crying now? Let's go rescue her and bring Elder Dog here. What do you mean by "up five" and "next step"? "What does "up five" mean by next step? Hurry up and don't say it. I'll kill you and report it to the great elder. If you don't tell me, I'll shoot her to death. If you don't tell me, I'll shoot her to death. Do you still want me to shoot her again? So you really want me to shoot you again. Okay, I'll make it happen. You Leng Yue, you are not so lucky this time. Wait, please let Leng Yue go first. Talk to me about the terms. No, I promise you but you have to wait until I confirm that your answer is correct. Who believes your words? Old man, old man, don’t. To move, you must believe. What does the upper five mean? Do n’t you have no time to think. The upper five, the next step is five steps away from the unicorn. Dig one step deeper into the ground. Lie. I measured the position according to this. The depth of the pit is already Exceeded several times the length of one step. Nothing was found. Nothing was found. Speak quickly or I will shoot her. Grand Elder, Grand Elder, don’t say five steps. It is indeed five steps. It’s just nothing. It ’s just a double step at that time. The scale of the Ming Dynasty was different from that of today. The scale of the Ming Dynasty was different from that of today. Go five steps due south and continue digging. Brother Leng, shoot quickly. Come up and kill them. Kill them there. The six of you there, go quickly. Chase, hurry up. Xue Min chases me. I want you to taste my smoke bomb. Protect Dr. Mizushima and the others. Where are they? I can’t see clearly over there, Leng Yue. Move quickly and be careful about your shoulders. Run quickly and kill them. I’m lying. Come on, you guys, go and kill them. Xue Min, wake up, don’t scare me, Xue Min, wake up quickly, Xue Min, Brother Leng, Brother Leng, are you okay? Ouyang Lan, give me the gun, no, let’s leave quickly Brother, Sister Lengyue, let us evacuate you first. I want to save the Great Elder. You are crazy. Doing this is tantamount to death. I can’t leave the Great Elder. No matter what we do now, what else can we do? Just leave. Lengyue, leave me alone. Remember. Remember, you must never let the little devil dig into the underground palace. Shut up for me. Great Elder, Great Elder, Great Elder, Brother Leng, Brother Leng, no Leng Yue, no Leng Yue. Come on, let’s go, Leng Yue, keep digging for treasures. It’s Xue Min, Xue Min, Xue Min, Xue Min, let me help you bandage it. Are you okay? Report that I found it, finally found it, found it, found it. It seems that the little devil has found the blueprint of the secret underground palace. Damn it, we failed. Let Miko Yagyu get the upper hand this time. It seems that they will definitely do it. Now that I have obtained this treasure, I don’t think it’s just the treasures in the underground palace that are in danger. Do you still remember the information in Mizushima’s briefcase? It confirms our speculation that it is the Eagle Plan. Hurry up and protect me. Go back and be careful. Protect Mizushima. Doctor, that's great. The great elder, Leng Yue, is useless. I can't protect you, and I haven't protected the legacy left by my ancestors. That map has now fallen into the hands of the little devil. Leng Yue is useless. Leng Yue is useless. Brother Leng is cold. Brother Leng, Leng Yue, Leng Yue, Leng Yue, don’t blame yourself too much. Everyone, come and see what this is, the River of Quicksand, the Eyes of the Crane, the Tears of the Unicorn, the Palm of the Ancestors, the Palm of the Ancestors. What does this mean? I don’t know that the Great Elder has never had it. I mentioned to me that maybe this is also related to the secret underground palace. We must stop the little devil's Eagle Plan. Is the Eagle Plan more valuable than the Buddhist beads? Don't interrupt, Great Elder Leng Yue, now has no ability to send you back to the Kirin Club. The elders were placed together. The sinner Leng Yue bid farewell to the great elder here. Brother Leng and Xue Min were in the church. I was too worried about losing Leng Yue, so I lost control of my emotions. You know I cherish every member of the women's team so much. Nothing compares to each one. It's more important for people to be alive. I understand, I understand. Don't worry, everyone is very excited. But we must act immediately to prevent the little devil from getting this Qilin Armor. But now the map is in the hands of the little devil. We don't even know the specific location of the underground palace. We don't know the location of the underground palace. How to stop them? Maybe there is someone who can know the devil's next move.
Channel: 铁血影视城
Views: 466,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 軍旅, 戰爭, 抗日, 特種兵, 特種部隊, 狙击手, 抗战, 国军, 八路军, 共军, 日军, Chinese drama, 中国电视剧, 抗日神剧, 抗日战争, 中国, martial arts, martial arts fight, martial arts movie, kung fu, fight, 动作, 历史, troops, Chinese television dramas, action, action movies, kung fu movie, eight route army, Second Sino-Japanese War, 战争剧, 战争片, 抗日电视剧, 功夫, 功夫片, 抗日电影, 最新电影, 特种兵电影, 陷阱, 死里逃生, 绝地翻盘, 电影2024, 动作电影2024, 抗日电影2024, 监狱, Film, Movie
Id: Nhvbz8AGixA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 23sec (4223 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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