【抗日電影】箭神姐妹六箭雙殺日軍頭目,神箭大殺四方,日軍抱頭鼠竄 🔥抗日 mma | kungfu

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Grandpa, one flight and two flights, avenged you . Protect the general. Protect the general. Protect the general. Go fast . Go. What are you doing? Protect the general. Go fast . Go . Let me go. Let me kill him. We can’t kill him now. Go fast. According to the plan, we should stop here. The gunfire should be heard. From the side of Quyang Valley, they didn't set up an ambush here. They were advancing at full speed. They heard the sound of the eldest lady's cry. They started fighting. Let the brothers prepare for battle and use the cart as a cover. In case the eldest lady and the brothers from the volunteer army ambush unfavorably , we have to be in the original position. The ground protection baggage is waiting for the Japanese. Brothers, follow me, Colonel. Our people have been ambushed. Hurry and send a signal to the well. If it takes a little while, the whole army will be wiped out. Don’t worry . This is a rare learning opportunity . No enemy casualties. I just want to see how they did it. The price is too high, right? There are four or five hundred people. There is also a group of baggage. These four or five hundred people can provide a valuable experience for the military of the Japanese Empire and will become a part of world military history. A precious asset, do you understand? If you don’t understand, just shut up and fight . Use machine guns to force our people to the right side, leaving their backs to the enemy. It’s impossible for all of our people to get off the vehicle. Someone must be alive. This is a fake cry. Is it false? Are you saying that no one in the enemy has been shot ? No, this is paralyzing our people. Even this can be used on the battlefield . Why don't you send a signal? Our people only need to get out of the car to check and fall into the enemy's trap again. They will Come down? Since the colonel has seen the opponent's tactics, send a signal to Lieutenant General Iguchi. If it's too late, the entire army will be completely wiped out. Don't worry . Wait any longer . The general won't attack . Don't move . Don't make mistakes. Don't make mistakes. Why aren't we behind us ? Attack Qingshui Twenty-Three, the second flight is behind you. Don't chase him. He can no longer send signals. Today is not a day for revenge. Listen up. The wolf is the most cunning animal in the jungle. It knows how to use the terrain to protect itself, so you must We need to form a triangle to ensure that it can be shot from any angle. Get it dispersed . Everyone is in position , Qingshui. You are dead. Everyone must bear the consequences for what they do. Jinchuan is in position. Second Hang is in position to attack . Remember what we said on the train? If a sheep wants to survive, there is another way. Sheep have horns. Sheep can kill wolves. If one doesn't work, just two . If two doesn't work, just three. Please give me a chance to commit seppuku. You gave Zhao Hua the choice. Is there a chance? You killed so many people, did you give them a chance to choose? Let 's start driving . What's going on with Xu Yihang ? What's going on? This is a shooting. The company commander seems to be in the wrong direction of the canyon. Didn't the baggage team pass by? The first squad leader and the others should catch up. It's over , brothers, grab your guys. Something happened to the baggage train. We all have to lose our heads and go covert. The second, fourth, and sixth, eighth, are personnel carriers. The others are all baggage vehicles. Let me keep the baggage vehicles. All the personnel carriers will be blown up. Destroy my first, sixth, my third , fourth, and fifth. If one shot misses, quickly replace the shot. Understand , there are only four Japanese soldiers. How do we divide it among the five of us? You shoot the first one . I shoot the first one. The second one is good . You fight the third one. The two of you fight the fourth one. Good sister, let the other side start attacking. The machine gun team stops shooting. Stop shooting. Leave it to the rifle team. Everyone, prepare to shoot. Prepare to shoot. Prepare to shoot you two. Idiots, fight one of the two. If you can't hit them, hurry up and replenish your guns. Quickly retreat to the right. Stop shooting and give it to the machine gun team. Stop shooting . Stop shooting. Okay, I'll leave the rest to you. I'm going to see Fan Xiaoyan and his sister. Don't leave. You're 100% successful. It's eighty , hurry up, hurry up and stop , stop waiting for what happened to what happened. The third platoon is long enough to give you a chance to perform meritorious service. Do you want me to do it, company commander ? You said, I took my two brothers, disguised as ordinary people, and detoured to the mountains behind Quyang Valley to reconnoiter the terrain. You took the brothers and went straight to Quyang Valley to assist the Kwantung Army in the battle . Company commander, you are Company Commander , you should lead the team to attack us. We have an unusual relationship. Can we miss you if we have good things going on? Your ability is that of a battalion commander. When this battle is over, the company officer will be yours. Be careful not to fight back. Be careful not to be covert. Fight back . Pay attention to concealment and don't fight back. The competition at this moment is patience. Whoever is more patient will continue to live. Whoever is impatient will die. Captain, why hasn't anyone come down yet? When the firepower was the most intensive just now, it sounded like there were dozens of people . Do you want to get off? Let's see if it's okay. If you go down now, you'll be shot . If you wait, it's such a waste to shoot the bushes on both sides with machine guns. It's time to scream . You are screaming. You are so unbecoming of a wife. It's really good. What kind of fighting method is called screaming? The fighting method is called yelling. Tell brothers, hurry up and let us show our faces. Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid ? Miss , your people will listen to you and fight how you want. Do you want to annihilate them all or scare them away? That's it. You say it , Miss. In fact, it's not easy for everyone. They are simply captured. If you don't want to be a soldier , just scare them away. How can you scare them away? That wo n't work. Miss , they followed the Japanese devils and didn't do anything good. They were the ones who led them to do all the unscrupulous things , but they were all from poor families and were forced to do bad things. We can't let them get away with such a good opportunity . Our main battlefield is over here . Just don’t cause trouble. It’ll be easy to handle if I listen to you. You have a gun like Zhang He, and you won’t be allowed to touch it. You won’t be allowed to fire the arrow. Xu Yihang is here. Xu Yihang is here. The Dying Arrow is coming. Xu Yihang is here. Don’t run. You come back here . If you don’t run, stay here by yourself. Come on. Go quickly. You didn’t hear the Dying Arrow? You all are not allowed to run. Come back. Come back . How can such a person be able to drive out all our companies? Sayazi ran and continued to scream. The number of people was reduced by half . Change the sound so that the Japanese can't hear it . If the Japanese fire again, don't make a sound. The battle on the periphery is over . It seems that our reinforcements have succeeded. Can we go down to check now? Go on, okay. Why be anxious? Try to wait for them all to come out. It is better to be patient than a monkey. I am anxious, but I am not a monkey. If I were a monkey, then you are a monkey too, you old fat monkey. You are my son. I will follow you. I am a monkey. Come on, old fat monkey. The first class will count the number of people. The second class will go to both sides to see if there are any enemies. They should all be down . They are all dead. What are you waiting for? Why are you so anxious? Listen to my wife, everyone disperse . The eldest lady is injured. How come there are no casualties among the 1st platoon leader and 2nd platoon leader . How to report no casualties among the 1st platoon leader. Report no casualties among the 1st platoon leader. That ’s great. There are no casualties among the 120 people in the team. There are no casualties among the 120 people. This is What's wrong? The battle is over. No need to pretend. I didn't pretend to have sprained ankle. It hurts me to death. It hurts me to death. So many familiar faces left me one by one. I don't know who will be next. Their names will always be engraved in my heart. It is not easy for everyone to come into this world. Their parents worked hard for many years to raise them when they were pregnant in ten months , but their departure only happened in a moment. They should not have left in the first place, so they should not be forgotten. The humiliation and reputation that Rong Shi had carried for so long finally finally He has been relieved , but the responsibility is far from being relieved. His once ideal was to save the country through industry , but now he has to pick up a gun again and become the guardian of his homeland. He has lost everything. Maybe he can only get a little warmth from me , but I can't get it from him for the moment. I am relieved from the pain of losing Zhao Hua again. I have lost the courage to love again. I am afraid that my love will be penetrated by bullets again. Every drop of blood will not be in vain. No matter how much it costs , as long as the robbers have not left our land, our fight will continue. It will not stop. In fact, from September 18th to the fall of Rehe, it was just a prelude. After the Battle of the Great Wall, the Japanese army had a chance to breathe. They stepped up their preparations to invade the whole of China. A national war of resistance is about to begin. Get the grenades ready. Why will I blow you up ? Wait for the car and then drive twenty meters ahead. Throw them out. If you think they haven't left yet, come here . You guys go in and see if they are in the house. Throw them out . Quickly protect Iguchi Nakasago . Miss, eldest lady , hurry up and get in the car. The plan has been adjusted for us. Let's go back to the cafe to meet the young master. 41 I'll listen to your arrangements. The rickshaw is outside and leave quickly. 1041 Young lady, please get in the car and move slowly. Move quickly. They found us. They may not necessarily want to surround the small attic from here. Why don't we retreat to the tunnel? Well, if they find out about the entrance of the tunnel, they can smoke us to death by letting out smoke from both ends. Then let 's fight. Find a bunker and prepare to fight. That's great . You can't open the door without my order. Xu Yihang is not allowed to retreat inside . Why don't you let me open? Guns, they don't know what's going on yet , take the opportunity to kill two more, wait until they understand , then fight, build a human wall, take a flight, you take a rest, I'll cover me, be careful , brother, brother , brother, wake up, brother, brother , brother Brother, brother, please wake up, brother, do n’t let anyone die for me again , okay ? Life, they all have parents and brothers. I have no relatives and no reason. Why should I let them die for me ? I can't bear it anymore. I can't bear it. I have no bullets. Don't panic. They have no bullets. Xiaoyan, I'm sorry for hurting you. No, I finally fought the war. I finally avenged my grandfather. Miss, don’t shoot . Miss, don’t let go. Miss, Brigadier Xu of the Heling Garrison, platoon leader of the third regiment, second battalion, second company, third platoon, Zhao Zhengwen, deputy platoon leader Zhang Changwu, reported to the eldest lady , eldest lady, please assemble. Miss, we are Commander Xu's soldiers. We did not rebel. We were shot, but we saved our lives in order to avenge the Xu family army and our brothers. None of our platoons rebelled. We didn't hurt you just now, right? No eldest lady. We have all planned to hide behind them and annihilate them all at the critical moment. I thank everyone on behalf of Commander Xu. We have sworn together and drank blood wine. We are Commander Xu's soldiers and cannot embarrass the Chinese . We live for one purpose . Congratulations. Ling avenges the Xu Jiajun, Commander Xu will definitely be proud of you. Remember, you must stay alive to get revenge. Miss, we are counting on you. As long as you don't fall, we have hope. We can reorganize the Xu Jiajun. Let's not talk about Changwu. Miss, let's take you out of here first. Take them and the four brothers with you. Sister , let's come back at night at dawn. Why aren't you back ? Yes , Yuan Shiliang, why don't you go and see, I'm the eldest brother, and have some drinks . Dead sister, they seem to be ordinary people. The curfew time has not passed yet. Who dares to go out on the street ? What if ? It's too late to leave. I know you want revenge , but how can you take revenge without saving your life? They have dispersed, there are at least three to four hundred people, sister, we have been surrounded. The enemy is outflanking us in seven groups. There are no less than fifty people in each group. There is no big head. A big head is considered a big head. Sister, we don't have enough arrows. If we don't leave , we won't have a chance to take revenge. Find a way. Get down, you bastard. Why are the gunshots over there? This might be an attack from the east . Let's go as planned. You're panicking. You start to chase. Hurry up. Why? We have n't got any medicine. Don't move . Even though it is very much needed , I dare not accept the help of this stranger. The debt I owe is too much. I can no longer bear it. I can no longer bear the thought of someone dying because of me. I don't even want to go. Please help my cousin. Although his parents also died at my wedding , I can’t move in Chengde without my cousin . This medicine is very effective and good for her wounds. You don’t need to come with me. I’m familiar with us. Don’t follow us . Okay, don’t care. If you need my help, you can come to me at any time. You can leave an arrow pattern on the telephone pole outside the door of Easy Cafe and I will come to you. You can find us. I can stop my cousin from killing his enemies. I want them to know that I'm here. They have always been my nightmare. Next, I want to become their nightmare. I want the souls of those demons to tremble in the sound of my roar. We are all up there searching the whole city. Get out of the way. Get out of the way, get out of the way, who are you going to get out of the way? My cousin is injured. My sister's wound has burst and needs to be treated immediately. It needs to be bandaged quickly . Open the door. Open the door. Open the door. Open the door. Come on, come on, boss, boss, get out of here, boss. What are you doing? Boss, what are you doing? This is a search. Go to the boss. There is nothing here. Get up. Boss , there is nothing here. What ? There are only a few good bowls in the house and they have been broken by you. Boss, be careful! Come on over there and take a look, boss. Look, these hands are scratched. What are you doing? The family members are still sleeping in the back room. Isn't this a nuisance? Isn't it? Let's go, go, go, go, go , go, go, okay. Boss , there must be some misunderstanding among you guys over there. Walk slowly, boss. She's inside. I'm going to take a look. Don't look. Let 's go. She saw that none of us can survive. Little sister, come down. They are gone. President Rong is a shooting instructor. Can you explain it ? He is the spirit in heaven that comforts her parents. Lu Liangbiao, here I come . Get out of the way of the Great Wall. Emergency military situation. Be careful. How does President Rong feel about taking them away ? Hang Erhang, don’t say anything. They will kill her. She is finally here. I thought she was not coming. President Ying drank too much tea and went to the toilet. I can transport the military supplies from Fengtian. I must rely on President Rong. We have organized a team of at least 3,000 people, and you and I will cooperate inside and outside to capture Chengde, re-equip it, then re-equip it, knock down the Great Wall, and engage in a frontal attack with the frontal troops of the national army to eat these Japanese devils. I can do this favor. Get out of here . He is so patient. Don’t kill my sister. Did you kill her? She hasn’t been handed over to them yet. I don’t know how to torture you. I’ll give you a good time . Brother, run quickly. There is an ambush and take her away. Leave her alone. We have this arrogance of our people. Sister Lu Liangbiao , did your wound open again? Where was the gunshot? Where was the gunshot? Where was the gunshot? If there were gunshots , the Japanese must have killed someone again . Only half a month has passed since our family was exterminated . Every time I draw the bow: There are many places on the body. The wound was torn apart, but the pain was too insignificant compared to losing a loved one , so I couldn't stop. Xu Yihang was Xu Yihang. The sound of shooting arrows must be Xu Yihang. She entered the city. She was shot seven or eight times that day, and she came back so quickly . Could it be her sister? Brother, why don't we go out and have a look ? I'm telling you, it's curfew time every night. No one is allowed to go out. If you don't go back to sleep, I 'll leave this one to you. I really hope that Erhang can be there. Help me at this time , but what happened when she was a child had a great impact on her. Sister, I really can’t kill anyone. It’s too late . Xu Yihang ran away. Sister, what’s wrong with you ? Is the wound open again? Does it hurt? Does it hurt ? It means I’m still there. Live, mom, dad, grandpa, Xiaohang, Zhao Hua, they don’t know how to feel pain anymore. Sister, do you know what the last words dad said to me are? Do you still remember dad and dad said to live well? You should live well by yourself. What else did dad say to you? You are the best at escaping. You will definitely be able to escape with your sister. Come on , sister, let’s go together. I came to Chengde and I have no intention of getting out alive. I am alone. I should not be with them. Don’t kill the wrong person. Go away . It's better not to leave. Then just stay there . I'll kill twelve of them. The Japanese will come back soon. You hide here. Stop . No way. How can she let a Japanese go? It could be the Japanese soldier himself. Try to find a way to escape. If not, then let's go slowly. It's best to let the Japanese arrive first. Listen to the command and walk in unison. I recognized him at a glance. This devil's face has appeared in my mind again and again these days. My mother will die. Hate covered my torn wounds under his gun. I swore to myself that I would never let him go tonight. Thirty-four : She hasn't left yet. She's still inside. It seems to the battalion commander that she really hasn't left. That Japanese soldier was really released on purpose by her, so you can be sure. Twenty-eight , everyone, pay attention. Did you see clearly ? If you don’t see the idiot, go look again or if you don’t see it, let ’s go out together . Don’t back away . Mom, daughter, I’ll avenge you. This is just the beginning . I won’t let any of those people go. I’ll just stay here and wait for them to come and die one by one. I’ll do it. I want to repay my sister's revenge. Let's go. Two hundred and fifty-six people in our family have died. How long will it take for you to kill them all? Stop it. You two go and see. Sister , do n't misunderstand me . I just want to come and help. Give me some medicine. I know how you feel at the moment , but with your current physical condition, you can't fight them. If you get closer, I will shoot. Then I will put the medicine on the ground and you can get it yourself. These medicines are not available through ordinary channels. It's very useful to you. In fact, we have met before. Have you forgotten? I really don't remember him. I almost collapsed at that time. Only the faces of those enemies are very clear in my mind . Everything else is blurry. I don't know whether he is an enemy or not. It's okay if friends are enemies. I don't dare to have any more friends. We don't need this medicine. I really have no other intention. Take care.
Channel: 女将扛枪
Views: 7,645,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 经典电视剧, 出色中国电视剧, 精选电视剧, 中国好剧, 谍战电视剧, 爆款剧, 战争电视剧连续剧, 女将扛枪, 抗日, 中国功夫, 抗战, 谍战, kungfu, mma, 武侠, 战争, 战争电视剧, 狙击, 黑玫瑰, 于震, 陈紫函, 箭神, 中国箭神, 蒋欣, 靳东
Id: ybYr0fuSCTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 48sec (4908 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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