【零基礎入門】AI漫畫小說一鍵生成,10分鐘學會|2024最佳商機,2萬美金/月|Create Monetiazable Comic Channel with AI|comicai tutorial

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Look, now various video websites are popping up like this type of comic videos. They basically have hundreds of thousands or even millions of fans. The number of video likes is hundreds of thousands, and the price of a single video reaches 120,000 yuan . The production of these videos are all based on comics. This comic book has been loved by people for decades , but creating a comic is a complex and time-consuming process. However, now even with zero foundation, you can use AI to create your own comics , and you can complete it today with just a click of the mouse. In the video , I will take you step by step to use AI tools to make an interesting and profitable comic, and I will also share their monetization methods. Without further ado, let ’s get started. First, I would like to recommend to you a very amazing website that I discovered recently. This platform called Comicai allows you to hand over the entire process from writing the story to the final comic creation to AI with just a click of the mouse. Let’s open this website and click Start for Free. We can log in with a Google or discode account or directly log in with an email address. In the future, the system will automatically give away some used points. The total is 1,200 points. If you log in every day, 99 points will be given away. I tried it a few times and basically only need 3 points to generate it once. So if you just try it, it will definitely be enough . Of course, if you If you need more generation times to remove watermarks and more advanced operations, you can also buy the Pro version for $15 per month. Next, we will officially start making comics. The whole process has 5 steps. The first step is to select the comic style and click to start creating . You need to fill in the name of this comic and your name , and then select the painting style below. There are 12 painting styles to choose from, which basically cover the more mainstream styles. I will choose the most common style here to see what the effect is . The second step is to write the comic story, and then there is the very important story part of the comic. We have two ways to write content. The first is self-creation. If you have more ideas and are good at telling stories, you can write directly on it or upload the corresponding TXT or PDF. Document The second type of AI creation has an entrance to AI creation directly embedded in Comicai’s website. You only need to roughly write down your thoughts and it will automatically generate a relatively complete story. I tried it and it can be generated regardless of whether I input Chinese or English. It corresponds to the language, so don’t worry. As everyone knows that I am lazy , of course I will use AI creation to write my comic book. Here I will write about a girl who falls in love with a domineering president and then generate. Let’s see how this story goes . It’s not bad . If you are not satisfied with the generated image after using it, you can modify it directly here or generate it again. The third step is to generate the protagonist card. If you have used Mijourney, you should know how difficult it is to generate a protagonist with a consistent image. It was also mentioned in this animation video. I generated character cards and electro-graphed them many times , but each time the generated effects were slightly different, even the most basic costumes could not be completely unified. But Comica completely solved this problem. We discussed it above. After generating the story in one step, click next and then a magical story happens. Don’t blink your eyes. You see, it automatically refines all the protagonists and their descriptors based on our story and generates corresponding character images. Oh my God, it’s amazing. I watched it for the first time. At that time, I was simply shocked. Just one click saved me at least half a day of using AI to make comics . If you are not satisfied with the image automatically generated by the machine, you can generate it again or modify the prompt words here. The fourth step is to generate sub-scenes. Screen This is another very magical and fun step. First, the platform has automatically generated all the storyboards based on our previous stories, including descriptions of the characters that need to appear in each storyboard. You can see these configurations in the column on the right. If you If you need to change it, you can customize it. For example, if you want a pure empty mirror picture without people, you can also uncheck the characters here. Then here are some configurations, including the angle of the camera, such as front view front above front below or weather. Rainy day Sunny day and the actions you want the characters to do. If you don’t like it, you can also choose to upload your own reference picture. However, this requires membership permissions. This is similar to the effect of drawings . For example, I uploaded such a picture and drew it myself. Let’s take a look at the sketch of the effect. Oh my God, I never thought that a painting novice like me could get such a picture . Let’s use machine generation to take a look. I will first use the default configuration items to generate the picture. If you are not satisfied, you can generate it again. Or after multiple generations, you still feel that the first one looks the best. You can also directly find all the previous generation records in the history. We generate the images one by one and you can see that all the hairstyles, images, and clothes of the characters here are basically the same. Are you super awesome? The fifth step is to put the pictures together. Everyone who has read comics should have the impression that it is often like this four-square grid or more complex layout. After we have just generated all the storyboards, we can also put them together directly in the platform. To create a complete comic, click Next . The column on the right contains all the elements we can choose , including the storyboard text template just generated, dialogue bubbles and some icons commonly used in comics. We first select a template and then put the screen we just generated into it . Just copy these words and add text and speech bubbles and then adjust the size. Once all the dialogues are added, just click download. If there are multiple pages, it will automatically be spliced ​​into a long graph. If you want to download each page separately , you can also click Here are some comics I tried to make. I didn’t expect that I would be able to publish a comic book in my lifetime . Finally, I will talk to you about the ways to monetize this kind of comics. Submit to various comic platforms or websites. For example, Webtoon is a website that hosts various comics. Creators can earn 50% of advertising revenue from their works and use some crowdfunding platforms to make fans become die-hard fans and sponsor you to obtain funds. However, it is the same as YouTube. To activate advertising revenue, you need to reach 1,000 fans and 40,000 global monthly page views. In addition, it should be noted that they only support English comic content for the time being. In addition , there are many different comic APPs in China. Some well-known platforms and websites are also listed here . Their profit models are similar to Web graphics. You can also try them. Method 2: Make AI comic commentary videos. A very popular way to make money with AI on TikTok, YouTube and Xiaohongshu is the AI ​​comic novel channel mentioned at the beginning. Many self-media are using this method to make money with videos and The biggest difference between animated videos I mentioned before is that their production threshold is lower. The picture only needs to be moved up, down, left and right or some special effects can be added. These are basically achievable in editing. How are they realized? These are mainly the first ways to attract traffic to the comic novel APP and earn commissions provided by the platform. In addition, these videos are usually medium and long videos that can be synchronized to Xigua Video, Toutiao B station and other platforms to make money through traffic . If you If you are interested in the account that makes this type of AI comic video, don’t forget to like, follow and comment me. If the number of likes exceeds 500, I will give you a detailed tutorial on how to make this type of video. My name is Muzi and I will take you to use AI to change it. Turn your life into passive income
Channel: 木子AI研究所
Views: 103,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, chatgpt, 網賺, 賺錢, 人工智能, 副業, 網上賺錢, 創業, 被動收入, ai賺錢, make money with ai, earn money with ai, ai video, ChatGPT, make money online, ai漫畫推文, ai漫畫解說, ai 漫畫, ai漫畫生成, 小說推文, ai繪畫, 自媒體, 副業推薦, make money online 2023, make money online today, make money online 2024, 一鍵生成, comicai, ai comic generator, comic ai, ai comic book, ai comic, ai comic book generator, how to create comic book with ai, how to make comic with ai, free ai comic generator, ai generated comic, ai comic creator, technology, comic book
Id: OCeZe8y11lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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