【職人技】活トラフグ(猛毒)のさばき方!京都祇園 山福 ふぐ料理 Blowfish (Puffer fish) Full Course Menu at Kyoto Japan!

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First, stun the tiger blowfish and drain the blood.(A fish died because he stabbed a vital spot with a knife.) The tiger blowfish becomes a fillet, while removing the toxic liver.(Notice: The fish are definitely dead, but the muscles move in response.) "Itadakimasu!" radish sprouts The Japanese say "Itadakimasu" before eating and say "Gochisousama-deshita" after eating. It means our gratitude for the life having died to become our provisions,a person who made the dish and peoples who made the ingredient.
Channel: DELI BALI
Views: 42,377,614
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Keywords: japanese food, how to fillet a blowfish, blowfish, ふぐ, とらふぐ, さばき方, 職人技, 京都, 祇園, シーフード, seafood, puffer fish, fugu, カットスキル, 刺身, sashimi, フグのさばき方, 調理, cutting skill, グルメ, DELI BALI, 日本, 職人, 職人芸, フグ, 河豚, ASMR, asmr food, kyoto, japan, 料理, @DELIBALI
Id: tMoQD3WlvPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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