【清邁自由行🇹🇭】推薦一日Tour:茵他儂國家公園,雲海瀑布超充實好玩! 挖到寶藏咖啡&Local伴手禮+高CP值餐廳推薦~ EP9

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Good morning. Today is our penultimate day in Chiang Mai. We got up at 6 o'clock today because we are going to participate in a tour in Inthanon, which is a hiking tour. Now we have to go to eat the fried dough sticks next door. I heard it is delicious . It’s so beautiful. The color of the sky and the deep-fried fried dough sticks are crowded every day. It’s an exaggeration . It’s this one because I didn’t know what it was that day . It turns out that the shape is a fried dough stick and it’s considered a “piece”. It also has soy milk and the dipping sauce is purchased separately. This pandan with sesame chocolate and coconut milk has a Google rating of 4. Although the Google ratings here seem to be very high , it’s really very high. Go in and look at a 7 RMB 7 B / piece. This is a banana pancake. That’s when you bought the fried dough sticks . Now we have to go back to the lobby to wait, because the transfer time is 7:15-7:40. Most tours only have free transfers in the ancient city area. It depends on the route arranged by the driver. Today I am staying in the ancient city , so I picked up there. There are two pieces in the range . They are very soft on the inside and super crispy on the outside. I think the Chinese ones are more delicious. Do you need to dip the Chinese fried dough sticks in the sauce to taste the dough ? This one has a slightly oily sauce. The sauce has no taste at all , so it just has a little oily taste but is very crispy. The texture is very good . Taiwanese fried dough sticks are oily and crispy, and there are many hollow insides. They are very similar to fried bread, and the inside is very bready. Moist and very crispy on the outside. This one has a very good texture. Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. So you can have two textures. It tastes better. The coffee on the 1st floor of the hotel is delicious. We got on the bus and the lunch will be quite early. We were talking to an English speaker. The tour guide followed us all the way. The first stop was the waterfall. Now it is in Doi Inthanon National Park. There is the highest peak in Thailand. We will stop here for 30 minutes. There are hawker shops below where you can go shopping. There is a rainbow. Wow, this waterfall is so big. Oh, this water is quite far away and it sprays on your face. You need to spray mosquito repellent here because there are really many mosquitoes. You can also walk here from the bottom. The trail is circular. You can walk from the waterfall side like this. Wow , this waterfall with a super obvious rainbow is really huge . After walking around the waterfall, we now go to the sales department to take a look. There are many people taking off their shoes and sitting there. This is the hawker shop. Wow, these ants are huge. Look at my fingers . The items on sale seem to be almost the same . I just touched it and it was empty. You see, this is a rice cake with many flavors. This one is more special. He just told me that they made it themselves. This one is potato, which is potato chips , and this one is dried banana. There are so many buses like this here. Everyone is participating in the tour. We are now at the second stop where we can drink coffee. After waiting for the coffee for about 10 minutes, we are going to have lunch. Lunch is a group meal. This time we booked tour KKDAY. It’s also available online. It’s about NTD$1,270 , including lunch insurance and tickets for all the itineraries , but tips are not included. I compared them , ranging from 1,200 to even 2,200. The itineraries are basically the same. It depends on who you book with and the hotel you book with. It’s more expensive. Booking a local tour is the cheapest, but they all speak English , so it’s OK to book by yourself. He sent us this cup and let us drink the coffee. If you want to learn anything about coffee, promote Northern Thai roasted beans and coffee. You can come here for related technology parks for free. This is a very friendly coffee growing area in northern Thailand. They only harvest once a year because it is a high mountain . They provide Arabica beans here. Coffee, tea and butterfly pea flowers are available for everyone to try here. But he said that after the epidemic, there were fewer tourists , and he hoped that everyone could come here more to support their coffee beans. This is because after the epidemic, other Peripheral products increase the income of the park. They started making these fragrant candles. I just opened a lot of them. They all look the same , but when you smell them, the taste is completely different. This is an essential oil candle. The tour guide said that it has the same raw materials as massage essential oils. So this essential oil can also be used for massage. It is very fragrant. I want to buy a total of 18 kinds , all with different flavors. I think the difference is quite big. come here so welcome drink from us all you can drink all you can refill Now, try this butterfly pea flower. Each cup is different. It tastes a bit like brown rice tea. I am drinking this now. He said it is the kind of vanilla tea. It tastes like chamomile. He said drink it. Everyone in the health group has forgotten what this is. Haha, I just asked the guide. This is brewed with coffee peels. It is a bit like tea . It is a tea with coffee flavor. It is sour and sweet. The taste is so special. It's completely I ’ve never tasted it before . Now I want to drink this real Arabica. It’s very dark in color and has a very sour taste. Once you take it in, your throat becomes super bitter. The coffee beans here are free to try , but you can buy them if you like to support this side. There are many kinds of agriculture that you can experience. The peeling coffee we just drank was brewed with this. The coffee beans look like peanuts. The guide will first ask everyone if there are any super multi-flavored coffee beans that we don’t want to eat because we are waiting. I'm going to have lunch next time . Coffee. The soap is also like this. It's black tobacco. What kind of leaves are used? This spice. Many people bought this one. 60B. This is not bad. I bought 4 pieces. It smells very fragrant. This gift is very recommended. 240B. This is perfect for giving to friends. Hand greetings , we are going to have lunch now. The Israeli couple who became friends. Hi , we are now coming to the place where we have group meals. All tours eat here. You choose your seat. It looks like this: three dishes, a soup and a bottle of water. Like this, this is the start of Zimi. This is attached to the Tour. First, put it into a plate and serve four people. The cauliflower tastes like raw. The egg inside is the most delicious. The white soup is so white. The guide said it is not spicy tom yum. It is all chicken. The coconut milk tastes sour . There are many king oyster mushrooms . Chicken is eaten here. Oh, it's opposite the entrance of the restaurant... Is that why they raise so many chickens? Wow, we're here. Wow, it's so cold here . We're going to walk on the trail now. This is the highest peak in Thailand. It's really cold here in this national park . Come on, everyone. Change into down jackets and windbreakers. Now we are going to go for a walk on the trail. First, we need to go to the toilet and prepare our own water. This area is only open in winter. You can see the beautiful sea of ​​clouds. You see, there are a large cloud inside now, a large "dark cloud". I hope it will be more beautiful when it clears up later. How do you pronounce this? Ask the driver how to pronounce? Kew Mae Pan Kew Mae Pan yeah and another? Another? These two trails are the most popular ones. P...Pha Dok Siew Pha Dok The Siew driver said that the trail we took today is only open in winter. There is another trail (Pha Dok Siew) that is open all year round. You need to buy a ticket here. If you come by yourself , the price of the tour includes a 3km walk. This is our guide. This trail is a circular trail. He said that if you feel it is dangerous, you can turn back and go back to the same place . We will walk for about two hours and it is not difficult for us to get a bamboo pole here. Let's go. We have to go to the point where we can see the sea of ​​clouds. Then it will be more difficult to go down there. We are about 13-15 people with two guides. Wow, the water is very clear. Hi haha, this is the best viewing point of the sea of ​​clouds . Wait for us. It’s about to go down. It’s so cloudy and so cute. I only see everyone’s heads. The end point is also the starting point. I’ve been climbing for a total of two hours. I don’t know if I haven’t slept enough. I’m so tired after the walk. I’m going to the next place, the Twin Towers. I don’t know. I couldn’t walk away. The cleanest toilet in the entire trip was here. I thought there would be a queue . There were more European and American tourists. They all used the sit-down toilet. But it turned out that there was no need because foreigners all went to the squatting toilet in Asia. We were the only ones to use it. In addition to the forest scenery and trails in the National Park, there are also the King and Queen Twin Towers, which are used to commemorate the 60th birthdays of King Thailand IX and the Queen. Everyone can't walk up the stairs. Everyone takes the escalator because they are too tired. Inside the King's Tower You can see the four stages of the king , which symbolize life, old age, sickness and death. The King's Tower is slightly higher than the Queen's Tower opposite. It is 5 meters higher . I decided to buy a cup of coffee and eat. I was really hungry. I didn't eat at all at noon. Lunch is not my type. Lots of cakes, lightly sugared Thai milk, 145 B , and a Brownie. After afternoon tea, we were ready to go to the last attraction of the tour. Now we have arrived at this market. It looks like a rest stop. I found that although it is very long , almost every stall sells it. The same thing, dried fruits or fruits and some nuts tasted a lot like Taiwanese shrimp cakes , and the pork rinds looked like fried dough sticks to me , but I thought the pig flavor was a bit strong, so I bought this to eat in the car later 40 B Dried shiitake mushroom potato chips. The car on the return trip had the style of a middle-eastern rich man. The whole trip: from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., the boss was performing Pineapple Fried Rice 470 B The whole table Tom Yum The shrimp soup is so spicy that it’s choking. Look at the chili pepper as the condiment . Is this it? Sugar? No, it should be Pad Thai. It should be Pad Thai. This is the best Tom Yum I have ever tasted. It’s so spicy. This is a heavy flavor. Good morning. Today is our last day in Chiang Mai. We just collected our luggage on the tenth day . Okay, I finally put it away and it should be no more than 20 kilograms because I bought a 20 kilogram luggage. Now we have to walk to drink coffee and eat something in a coffee shop. We should be almost ready to go to the airport. Wow, this mango looks too big. It’s a big one. Look at my fist. It’s 3 times as big. The ancient city is also very quiet in the morning . We just want to drink from this coffee shop. It seems to have two branches. Each branch is well decorated and has good coffee powder . Many stores in Thailand have low fees when swiping credit cards. What I order is different in each store. This is Espresso with 100 B of honey . It has orange peel in it. It’s so fragrant. The smell of orange peel is super strong even with the bubbles. And there’s also a lot of honey in it. I think it tastes pretty good. This is the signature of this store , but a cup of 100B is delicious, 185B for students? 10 Baht? I bought sweet potato balls , and they are fried over charcoal fire. There are a lot of students there, so there are a lot of vendors here who fry them over charcoal fire. 10 B It comes in three colors , and I don’t think it is as sweet as Taiwan. It has a pure sweet potato taste . But a little coconut flavor maybe fried in coconut? Ah, this double strip is yellow. Let’s go have brunch first and then check out. It seems to have a bit of mango green flavor. Oh my god 175. The best meal B has eaten in the past few days turned out to be Western food. The coffee in this hotel is The brewing technique and bean selection I have so far are very good. It is 70 B/cup. I think it is the best. No wonder many people come here to buy coffee. His Avocado seasoning is super good and it has nuts . It is really delicious and his The bread is very fragrant and crispy. The boss feels it is very tasteful. The decorations inside are also very beautiful. This is cool. It is toast with red onions on top. 185 B. And the onions have garlic and black peppercorns in them. It feels like ham. I choose a good ham because the smoky flavor is very special, and then add the usual cheddar cheese bread, which is really crispy on the outside, that French bread, super delicious, and the dough is very fragrant, but very soft on the inside. It is moist and its coffee is very layered. I have been drinking coffee many times these days. The coffee of Coucou hotel is the No.1 coffee in Chiang Mai this time. Either it’s only sour or it’s only bitter , or there’s an imbalance of sourness and bitterness , and when you drink it, you’ll feel the taste is very shocking. This restaurant has a very high rating on Google because we only came here to eat Western food on the last day. Oh my God, what if I had eaten it a few days ago? If I get here, I should come down for brunch every day. It only costs over 100 yuan. The price is more affordable than the nearby Brunch, which costs more than 200 yuan outside. The brunch here is the first time I have seen Tha Pae Gate in the daytime in ten days. Haha, the driver is great and the car is new. The contact information is super exaggerated for many people. There is a green tax refund product inspection area at the bottom left of the check-in counter. Because we did not buy more than 20,000 , we do not need to check the customs here and then refund the tax here on 2F. Tax refund and cash refund.
Channel: Alf 奧菠
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Keywords: 泰國, 清邁, 自由行, thailiand, chiangmai, 必去, 必買, 飯店開箱, 旅遊攻略, 泰國免簽, 自助旅行, 泰國旺季, 泰北, 清邁自由行, 小紅書, 清邁美食, 清邁打卡, 塔佩門, 泰國超市, 入境泰國, vlog, 古城區, 尼曼區, 清邁擺縣, 清邁旅遊, 清邁住宿, 清邁攻略, 清邁按摩, 清邁夜市, 清邁機場, 清邁近郊, 清邁tour, 免簽, 泰國簽證, 2024, 清邁飯店, 清邁推薦, 米其林美食, 清邁宵夜, 清邁超市, 超市必買, 清邁必去, 泰國自由行, 泰北自由行, 曼谷自由行, 泰國必去, 泰國必吃, 泰國景點, 泰國必買, 真心市集, 手標泰奶, maya百貨, one nimman, 市區景點, 泰國小吃, 超市伴手禮, 清邁換匯, 清邁市集, 文青市集, 週六市集, 週日市集, 夜市, 泰國伴手禮, 泰國跨年, 清邁跨年, 柴迪隆寺, 泰國新年, 泰國天燈, 水燈節, 步行街夜市, 週日夜市, 清邁古城, 悟孟寺, 必比登, 大學夜市, 必比登美食, 清邁必吃, 清邁景點, 清邁寺廟, 推薦, 市區一日遊, 帕拉寺, coucou hotel, bolt, 清邁叫車, 清邁交通, 茵他儂, Doi Inthanon, tour推薦, 清邁小吃, 清邁餐廳, 清邁咖啡, 清邁景點推薦, 潑水節
Id: E-eXThGO_ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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