✈️2024清邁行程攻略 🖐🏻5大泰北旅遊需知 🔥超級景點懶人包 | 近郊美景 打卡橙園 | 刺激賽車 🐘大象沖涼 🎺酒吧夜生活 🌿植物公園🌊 湖上午餐 🔫水上樂園 👶 親子行程
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Channel: Juno&me泰國遊牧記
Views: 59,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 清邁自由行, 清邁攻略, 清邁夜店, 清邁夜市, 清邁民宿, 清邁租車, 清邁CAMPING, 清邁近郊, 清邁行程, 清邁旅遊景點, 清邁旅遊攻略, 泰國 清邁旅遊, 清邁2023, 清邁必到, 清邁美食, 清邁大象, 清邁動物園, 清邁生活, 清邁行程安排, 清邁親子, 清邁好去處, ZOE IN YELLOW, WARM UP CAFE, HOM BAR, 水上樂園, 清邁 生活費, thailand travel guide, thailand travel video, thailand travel 2023, thailand travel itinerary, warm up cafe chiang mai, 치앙마이 zoe in yellow, 水上樂園 海洋公園, zoe in yellow chiang mai, hom bar เชียงใหม่, JING JAI, jing jai market chiang mai, CHINGMAI CIRCUITS, THE ARROW REST, tube trek water park chiang mai
Id: PV6mLgVty1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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