【期間限定】木組展おうちでミュージアム/竹中大工道具館「木組みの家/Kigumi House」(Japanese and English)
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Channel: 竹中大工道具館
Views: 537,422
Rating: 4.9493313 out of 5
Keywords: 道具館, tctm, takenakacarpentrytoolsmuseum, kigumi, house, TraditionalCarpentry, 木組み, 木を組む, 伝統的な大工技術, 職人の技, takumi, 匠, 建築, Architecture
Id: 6HMa5tofqps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 46sec (2026 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Absolutely phenomenal workby every tradesman on thst site! Totally different philosophy to building over there, I can't imagine taking so much time and effort over here without either money or an angry boss ruining things!
Wow. That carpentry work was amazing.
How much would a house like that cost relative to other standard Japanese homes? I can't fathom how much something like that would cost in the US. I'm having some custom, built-in desks built now for a home office and they aren't this level of carpentry and even they are expensive.
Oh, this is the same carpenter that they interviewed in Japanology Plus https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7mz7vm
That was really enjoyable to watch.
I'm sure there is plenty of rush in Japanese life but the videos taken to show how many people still take on traditional styling for many things is really good watching.
Does the wood not expand and shrink causing issues with windows etc?
I was not planning to watch that entire video right now, but got sucked in. So much skill.
Does anyone know what they're doing at 21:56 and 26:15? I assume it's some sort of topping out ceremony like we do in Europe, but can anyone shed any more light on what exactly this entails?
The Japanese always kill it with these videos. Love the dedication to their craft.
You lot might enjoy the channel that posted the video too. It's from the takenaka carpentry tools museum and has some more videos which are all high quality and are all of course related to craftsmanship. I loved the video on kumiko: https://youtu.be/-NuqwJz9RNE
Website link to the project.