【千千進食中】泡麵大胃王!一對四能贏嗎?許淨淳長頸鹿全家出擊!創作歌手vs.靈魂割手到底誰會勝出呢?!(ft.許淨淳 彰化舒淇 雲林鄭弘儀 經紀人nono)

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My parents and I are like locusts. I'm a little full. When we passed by the shop on a bike, I told her to shout, "Sha!" "Sha." The shout was really loud. It's me, Chien-Chien. Remember to like and subscribe. Tell your friends about my channel! Hello, I am Foodie Chien. I am excited to be at Wildfire. Oh my god! After we sing a little, I'll send Injen to ask Wildfire if we could do a single debut. Today, we have one of my favorite singers, XuDo! Hello. ♪ You are the starry sky ♪ ♪ I am the Milky Way ♪ ♪ Together, we're all OK ♪ I released a new EP known as "The ATM". The ATM. I designed the whole cover. And there are a lot of giraffes. I don't know if you can see it on the camera, but her upper lip is trembling. Too beautiful. That's not what you said just now. Let's brief you on the game we are playing today. We will have an eating contest with XuDo. How much can you eat? Very... Not bad. What do you mean? How many dumplings? I can have ten dumplings... Ten... Listen, there is no need to be nervous. I am not doing this one-on-one with XuDo. I am going up against her entire family. Let's welcome the Shu Qi of Changhua, Cheng Hung-yi of Yunlin. Yeah! Let's welcome XuDo's mom and dad. When her dad looks at me, I feel like I'm on a political talk show. When he turns to me, "Chien-Chien, what is your take on this?" Are you nervous because we are going to have an eating contest? No. It feels natural. Does it? I talked to her parents just now. I told them not to push themselves too hard. Because they are elderly. You know what her mom said to me? "Are you scared?" How did I get that response? That sounds confident. It's 1v4 today. The 4th contestant is XuDo's manager. Can you win this? I'm confident. My parents and I are like locusts. Locusts? Anything that goes to our dinner table will be gone within seconds. You said you could eat ten dumplings. Yeah. Why are you... She is good at provoking. I have to preserve some strength. We are going to prepare the ingredients we need for today's contest. Go! All right. We have a uniform. I didn't know about this. You look like an imposing team. These are the instant noodles we will eat later. Is this big for you? Have you watched me eating this? Yeah. A huge pack. We put all the ingredients inside. We'll wait for 5 minutes. This is for the final. Let's discuss. Are you going to take turns? You can go first. You want to be the first? Sure. I'll be the first. Who goes second? My mom. I'll go third. Dad goes last. OK. Are the noodles ready? It looks like a basin. Wow, this is a lot. Do we have to boil that? Yeah. We'll boil that in a bowl. It's like we are taking showers in the army. We're carrying our basins. Here comes the seasoning. This thing is humongous. Wow! We are now ready to begin. Start! You can start eating now. OK. I dug out a bowl of it. But the volume hasn't changed. Do you want some pickled vegetables? You have some on you? No. I think you haven't reached the bottom half when I'm done. I'm a little full. Dad. Dad is smiling so kindly. His eyes are glowing... I really liked the concert. After five years, we've grown older. We aged a little. But the concert still gave me constant goosebumps. But you prepared a lot of stuff for the concert. Yeah, we are a mini team. Our team is called S.H.E. Three of us. I am Ella. You are... Selina. I feel bad saying that out loud. And we have the director, Hebe. She is at her second bowl. This is my second bowl. I think I'm almost done. Excuse me, but my basin is... Hey! Mom and Dad. You have to finish this bowl. XuDo, go for it! XuDo, you can do this. I am stuffed. Stuffed? You're lame. Take the baton. Mom, use the chopsticks. Get ready. We are now witnessing the Shu Qi of Changhua perform. She lives in the next town. For Shu Qi's sake, I have to eat slower. How many bowls can you eat? No idea. But... How many do you think you can finish? Take a guess. I can eat two bundles at home. Two bundles? Let's see if you can do two bowls. Have some water. Sure. I didn't drink it. Your mom finished her first bowl. And her bowl has a hill of noodles. Yeah. Yeah. She made a hill in her bowl! Yours was flat. Mine was flat. Oh no. Strange. Now that we are here, our eating capacity seems... Mom! Mom, you can do it. She is chilling. How many bowls did you finish? Two? Two and a half. Your tummy. Really? She only had two bowls. Now, the manager takes the baton. NONO, how many bowls can you finish? Five! At least two, I think. What now? I might finish mine before Dad takes the baton. Eat slower. OK. It takes time to get them into the bowl. She is making up excuses. Your mom is really from Changhua. All Changhua girls are like that. This is a lot. Selina, how is your singing skill? Very nice. Very nice? Compared to me? I don't know. Let XuDo be the judge. Let's try one. ♪ We are... ♪ Did I get it? Yeah. ♪ We are in a relationship that doesn't matter ♪ ♪ The concerns without any concerns ♪ I played the wrong note. Hold on. I need to ask. Was I off-tune by a lot? Well, not really... No. Let the enemy sing first. You can go first. ♪ We are in a relationship that doesn't matter ♪ ♪ The concerns without any concerns ♪ ♪ In between true and false ♪ ♪ How did this happen? We're clearly ♪ ♪ thinking about it when we hate to ♪ ♪ We promised not to bring it up... ♪ I can't do this! I am so nervous! What happened here? OK, do the original version. OK. ♪ We are in a relationship that doesn't matter ♪ ♪ The concerns without any concerns ♪ ♪ In between true and false ♪ ♪ How did this happen? We're clearly ♪ ♪ thinking about it when we hate to ♪ ♪ We promised not to bring it up, but still do ♪ ♪ I can't find the exit in this mist ♪ Chien-Chien wins. Delete the part where I sang. Just show the two of them. I feel so embarrassed. OK. Keep it going. NONO, keep it up. We had a romantic moment. We got the feeling. But there are more noodles. More noodles. Go for it! NONO, you're at your first bowl. It's not over yet. Wow, is that the second bowl? Yeah. The bowl is overflowing. When I turned around, wow! Chien-Chien, take your time. OK. I'll eat slowly. Keep talking. Sing a little more. Do some singing. My dad taught me how to sing. He said... Dad was surprised to hear that. I taught her how to sing with Dantian. She probably forgot. A boy was picking on her at the time. When we passed by the shop on a bike, I told her to shout, "Sha!" "Sha." The shout was really loud. Wait, the boy... Dad was about to ram into the shop. "XuDo, sha!" And I was like, "Sha!!!" Hold on. We made three circles around the place. We passed by three times. That was when she learned the method. Did the shouts stop him? Yeah, it worked. I think you're doing good. How many bowls? The third? This is the third. Dad, the rest is up to you. Don't push yourself too hard. It's no big deal. No big deal? I think using a spoon is faster. The chopsticks are too slow. Mom, trust me, this isn't about the spoon. Dad is here. Cheng Hung-yi, you can do it. There you go. We are almost where Chien-Chien started. Really? After all this time, you still have so much left! It's up to you. Chien-Chien, I'll get you some snacks. Honey, get something that can fill her up. The noodles barely took up any space. Is that your second bowl? Yeah. We can't praise him. His bowls are flat. Is this going to look ridiculous? Hold on. This is his second bowl. Don't push yourself too hard. Take it easy. More importantly, he is eating pretty fast. Should I stop for the last three scoops? I could get you some snacks. Seaweed. It's OK. The table looks like you're giving me offerings. And some popcorn. Calm down. Take a seat. You could still be hungry. Hold on. Calm down. How many bowls did you have? This is the third. Should I take the baton? Sure. XuDo gets the last baton. I have one spoonful left. OK. I can do this. It's a piece of cake. She moves but barely gets any noodles. Mom, can you still eat? I'm at the final bit. Are you giving up? I think I can do it. Never mind. The game is over. I have something to tell XuDo's parents. You have done a remarkable job. These instant noodles get greasy very easily. But the portion is too big. As you eat, it slowly fills you up. And since noodles absorb the water, the whole thing feels a bit dry. Well done. We lost. We are giving away a giraffe T-shirt to Chien-Chien. The editors are thinking they could insert your music here. There's no need to sing. Thank you! We must thank XuDo for coming to this game. This is a game that is the most fun when you do it with your family. More importantly, XuDo is releasing a new EP. Go check it out. It's now available on all major streaming platforms. That's all for this video. Check out XuDo's new song. Once again, thank you, Shu Qi and Cheng Hung-yi. And SeliNO. SeliNO. Thank you. ♪ Shatter. Get shattered ♪ ♪ Let it shatter ♪ ♪ All while the wound isn't opening ♪ ♪ Sleep. Sleep tight ♪ ♪ Let it go into its deep sleep ♪ ♪ There's no attachment once you're awake ♪
Channel: 千千進食中
Views: 229,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QFZxsGe5DJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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