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It's so dry. Hold it like this. Wow! The technique of taking off pants. Quickly take the sachima! Wow, this sachima is so big. With the experience from last time, this time, the Hungry Forces has mobilized a strong and powerful beast called Nian. It has arrived at a shining planet. The streets are bustling with people, filled with a festive atmosphere. Seeing Nian approaching, residents took out firecrackers, hoping to scare it away with the sound. But Sachiyo and Chien-Chien from the Hungry Forces are not afraid either. Upon hearing this news, the Manpuku Team has assigned their strongest squad consisting of Taiwanese YouTubers with subscribers approaching three million. Let's fight it out. Hello, I am Beast Chien. This time, coming to this planet, everything is red, which is bringing good fortune. I guess it must be the Prosperity Planet. Last time, on the Mooncake Planet, I slightly underestimated my foe and accidentally fought to a draw. So this time, I will definitely conquer this planet smoothly. Moreover, this Prosperity Planet is said to have a custom. During the Lunar New Year, a group of people will gather around to eat together. Wow, it feels like there should be plenty of delicious food here. But first, let's get a host. I'm sorry. Well... It's your turn. What's it? This is an inhabitant from the Prosperity Planet. Have I seen you on the Mooncake Planet? Yes, I can be the inhabitant of any planet. Is it? Then we leave it to you. Yes, let's first welcome Sachiyo, who came all the way from Japan. Hello. Hello. You look so beautiful. Thank you. I believe those who have watched Chien-Chien's channel are familiar with Sachiyo. But here, let me formally introduce her. Sachiyo is the champion of the 2014 Kamakura Beauty Pageant. The way she eats is very beautiful but also full of fighting spirit. And in recent years, she has been managing a YouTube channel with 300,000 subscribers, which is truly amazing. Next, let's introduce our Manpuku Team members. First, let's welcome Peeta. Wait a minute, why so solemn? Smile a bit. In the fitness world, Peeta is very famous. Look at his physique. He's definitely by far the most powerful member of the Manpuku Team. Moreover, Peeta is always working out. I wonder if his appetite matches his muscles. But recently, Peeta has suffered a little injury. Yes. Let's show Peeta respect here. Next is Shen. Shen from "Play with Shen" calls herself the National Little Auntie. Her channel mainly focuses on food and travel reviews, and she has a podcast channel called "100% Shen". She has also launched a breakfast brand called "Shen Zao", becoming a boss herself. Welcome. Next is Lynn. Oh, my god, you're so beautiful. She's one of the hosts of "Muyao 4 Super Playing". Her personal channel features travel and food-related content. But her appetite is not to be underestimated. I believe she is a formidable force in the Manpuku Team. Next is... Yay! He's Snake Ball. He's a Chaozhou local. A local. I believe his appetite is very impressive. You guys really have a good team this time. Of course. Are you ready to admit defeat, Chien-Chien? Next is our last member, Tsai... Tsai! Tsai is one of the members of NSFW. He is also a guitarist and chairman of the SevenFat band. He's now a member of "Xian and Tsai are Hopeless" and also part of our Planet Manpuku Team. I'm really curious. How many groups can you form? Have you found a girlfriend yet? Let's talk about that later. So, these five members of the Manpuku Team will compete against the two members of the Hungry Forces. Our competition will last for 30 minutes, and the team that eats the most in the end wins. That'll be us. We also have wild cards this time. I must say these two wild cards are very powerful. Wow. That's right. I've only heard that a ministry councilor is powerful before. I didn't expect wild cards to be powerful too. Yes, wild cards are also powerful. Have you heard that a ministry councilor is powerful? A ministry councilor. These two "ministry councilors" are... They are the wild cards! It's either you'll be in "heaven" or "hell". Now, let's have one representative from each side draw our wild cards. Come on. Peeta. He's the most serious man on our planet. His condition? It's so serious that he won't even turn his neck. He's so serious that he can't even read. It's reversed. Peeta has picked "hell", then we're in "heaven". We're doomed. Does the host know the secret of "heaven"? Exactly. No, I've only briefly heard of it. For the wild cards, they will only be revealed after 20 minutes of your competition. They will join the battle with you until the end. Make sure to make good use of them. First, we want to ask you two. Do you have any words to say to the members of the opposing Manpuku Team? Let me tell you. We'll just let you go home for the Lunar New Year. It sounds good. Thank you. No. Hey, you guys... Wait, we still have something to say. Come. Happy Lunar New Year. What does it mean? I want to switch to her team. It means they want you to go home for the Lunar New Year. I can't stand it. Her voice is so nice. Does the Manpuku Team have anything to say to the two members of the Hungry Forces? Let me tell you. Since ancient times, evil cannot suppress the righteous. Wow. You just wait to be defeated by us. But you guys are on the righteous side. So evil cannot suppress the righteous. I'm sorry. Our host... Is your neck also implanted with a chip? Those who are righteous will win! Anything else the Manpuku Team wants to say? Nothing else. Let me tell you. When I saw Sachiyo... It's "Sang". Sachiyo... I just want to ask her where the key is. Beautiful. It has the same sound as "key" in Japanese. Sorry, we'll take him away. Now, let me switch to tour guide mode and introduce the battlefield to everyone. You should be familiar with where we are, Dihua Street. Whether it's TCM, goods from the north and south, medicinal herbs, souvenirs, or food, the street has it all. And during the period of the Taipei Lunar New Year Festival, which is between 26 January and 8 February, there are daily activities for writing spring couplets and lucky draws. Remember to come here and be immersed in the Lunar New Year atmosphere. Moreover, there are dragon-shaped balloons for everyone to take photos and check in. It's the dragon. And we've been doing snake fist all along. This is a snake. Sorry. We can do this because we have EMT personnel on-site. Remember not to do this at home, understood? Thank you, everyone. Safety first. Do you guys have confidence in your combination? I'm super confident. We're a team with top-notch appearances, OK? As long as I have Chien-Chien as my partner, no matter how difficult it is, we will win easily. They're very confident. Since I haven't eaten sachima before, I might have to ask Chien-Chien to help me eat more sachima. No problem. I heard privately just now that Chien-Chien seems to really love eating sachima. I can eat two packs at once. Really? So, that's why you chose sachima as the food for this competition? No. It's a black-box operation. It's not my choice. -It's a black-box operation. -It wasn't me. Why did you choose sachima, then? Because sachima also has a significant meaning during the Lunar New Year. That's right. And it adds a challenging element to the Big Eater Challenge, I think. How many pieces can you eat? About how many? If it were Japanese dumplings, I think I could eat around 300. Really? You're impressive. How about Chien-Chien? I can probably eat about 150 dumplings. 150. Do you feel confident about defeating the opponent? Yes, we are confident. In our team, we have Sachiyo who can eat 300. It's like telling them, "Happy Lunar New Year, go home for the celebration!" Prosperity Planet, thank you for the meal. Members of the Manpuku Team, how did you feel upon receiving the invitation? I was nervous. Oh, you were nervous. I wanted to perform well. I was happy. I wanted to make Chien-Chien happy. I'll let Peeta say something. Say it. Peeta. Wait a minute. What's the question earlier? Peeta, you hurt your neck, not your head. There's a chip implanted in your neck. Come, let me press it. Really? When I received the invitation for this program, I was really happy. Then do you think your injury this time will affect anything in the competition later? It'll affect my eating speed. Because you're wearing this neck brace, right? Yes, the mouth can't open too wide. But you have to be careful. When he was training muscles, he trained the whole body. His muscles are put in between... They're then crushed. Did you prepare specifically for this competition? Yes. What kind of preparation? Let Snake Ball say it. Let me tell you, I haven't eaten for two days. Oh, my goodness. I'm going all out for this meal. This morning before leaving, I completely cleared my intestines. What did you use for clearing? Enema ball. It's Clyster Jensheng. You used an enema ball at your age. Can't we simply say something now? No, you can. You can. I've emptied my stomach to fight with Chien-Chien. Got it. One of your members really dislikes eating dumplings and radishes. What? -Oh, no. -Who? It's me. But it's OK. I just heard everyone talking that the sachima... Or is it shawarma? I can't tell the difference between the two. It's sachima. Anyway, it seems like everyone doesn't want to eat. I decided to eat that one. I'll eat it first. Brave one. Is that good? Your strategy is slowly emerging. Today, you are the queen of sachima. Right. Do you have confidence in defeating the Hungry Forces? Yes! We're going to eat 100 bowls. Really? Fortune is coming! Go, Manpuku Team! I really can't stand it. Every day, I have to wear this annoying thing. Your Royal Highness, what happened to you? I can't take it anymore. My head. Head? What happened to your head? Could it be that you suffer from a cold? Oh, no. Looking at this situation, it seems more serious. Servant! I can't resist it. I really want to scratch the scalp. What? Scalp? You have an oily and reddish scalp that makes you want to scratch all the time? And there is dandruff and an annoying oil smell? No wonder His Majesty has been so cold to you recently. Chien, quickly save me. If I lose His Majesty's favor, you'll be in trouble too. No worries, Your Royal Highness. I have something good here. Here it is. The Scalp Recovery Youth Rejuvenation Gift Box. What? Scalp Recovery? The hair tonic can effectively care for the scalp, strengthening hair roots. After cleaning and drying the scalp and hair, spray it evenly on your scalp. It can effectively maintain the balance of oil on the scalp, reduce oiliness, and prevent dandruff. The often overlooked skin of the scalp is the key to maintaining youthful and voluminous hair. After using the hair tonic, continue with the youth serum. It helps replenish moisture for the scalp, regardless of seasonal changes, improving the skin condition of the scalp. This will allow Your Royal Highness to have a youthful, radiant, and moisturized complexion. With such a perfect scalp and hair, the Emperor will surely fall in love with you again. The Scalp Recovery Youth Rejuvenation Gift Box, originally priced at NTD 2,390, is available at NTD 2,032 with a discount code from Chien-Chien. Who exactly is Chien-Chien? Yes. Welcome back to the competition site of the Planet Manpuku Team. Before the competition, let me explain the rules of eating to everyone. On the table in front, there are 15 portions of foods, which consist of five portions of dumplings, five portions of radish cake, and five portions of sachima. Each team will have to raise their hand after finishing these 15 portions, and you need to show a number. One is for dumplings, two is for radish cakes, and three is for sachima. Our on-site staff will then deliver them to you. Since it's the Lunar New Year, our foods are prepared with a festive flavor. There are dumplings, Shengyu's radish cakes, and Jiufu's sachima. First, let me try a dumpling from Bafang Dumpling. It's cold. Since the weather is chilly now, I bet it'll be very hard for the contestants. Why did we choose dumplings as one of the foods? It looks like a gold ingot, symbolizing prosperity. It tastes like... Good luck to you all during the competition. Next is the radish cake, or turnip cake, from Shengyu. Radish cake is quite common during the Lunar New Year, representing good omens. For the "gao" of "luo bo gao" (radish cake), it symbolizes continuous progress, step by step. But I want to ask the organizers, are you sure there's no sauce? I need to eat like this? Do you want sauce? There's sauce, is it? I want sauce. After all, I prefer salty food. But it tastes really good. That's it, I've said it. There needs to be sauce. It tastes good with sauce. The flavor is just right. Next is Jiufu's sachima. Sachima... Sachima is a common treat during the Lunar New Year. Because it's sweet and suitable for all ages. You can have it when you're bored or have nothing to do. But be careful not to eat too much, as it might kill you. What nonsense am I talking about? It's crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. If you eat it for a long time, it'll get dry, so you should pair it with a drink. Can you all handle so much food? OK, that's the introduction of the foods for today's competition. Good luck to all the contestants. Do you all have confidence? We're very confident. Are you nervous? Yes, we are. Let me remind everyone that when the competition reaches 20 minutes, external assistance can be introduced. You must make good use of this external support. Sure. Is it possible for the one providing external support to start with push-ups? Eating for only 30 minutes isn't enough. It's not enough? It's not enough. Is that so? Could it be that you could only eat eight dumplings later? Could it be that you couldn't eat sachima later? Oh, everyone's first choice is dumplings. Let's go for three. You have 30 minutes, and you can't go to the bathroom. This sacred time is in my hands. For this time, who... Who is making noise? OK, I'm sorry. This time, it's the Planet Manpuku Team... It's the Lunar New Year. -It's the Lunar New Year. -Happy Lunar New Year. Who will win this time, the Planet Manpuku Team or the Hungry Forces? Are you all ready? Yes, we are. The competition begins. Guys, the timer has started. We're going all out. We're going all out. Yes, we have this step now. It's so dry. How is it? How do you all feel now? This sachima is too small. Wow. How come they've finished eating? How come they've finished eating? Sachiyo immediately showed a number. I just stood up, and they had already taken another plate. The dumpling is not bad. Yes. Is the radish cake tasty? It's tasty. It's really good. How does this radish cake taste? It's tasty. It's tasty. Sachiyo said it was tasty. Hey, don't be in a hurry. Chew it slowly. She really chews it slowly. -She really chews it slowly. -Right. Now you're going for sachima first. Yes. Because I'm good at eating this. I'll help everyone with the hard food first. But now you're eating the second one. How do you feel? I'm really full. He's already full after taking the second piece. No. I lost over ten kilograms just for this sachima. I lost weight for this program. Do you know how many holes a belt has? How many holes? Five holes. Now it's buckled to the innermost hole. I'll release it one by one later. Looking forward to it. Wow, Lynn has also shown this number. You're eating... Getting ready for the third bowl. She's quite impressive. The other side is getting ready for the fourth bowl. Hey, you guys are quite evenly matched. So, your choice is dumplings first. I picked dumplings first, then radish cakes. How do these dumplings taste now? I think dumplings are still good when they're cold. Wow, why is this sachima so big? Bafang Dumpling is a Taiwanese chain with over 1,000 stores nationwide, offering pot stickers, dumplings, and delicious hot and sour soup and corn soup, making it a popular choice for office workers. Shengyu, located in the Taipei Hulin Market, adheres to the traditional handmade method. In addition to radish cakes, there are also mushroom taro cakes and pumpkin cheese cakes to choose from. They also have sweet soups like thick rice noodles, jelly cakes, sweet potato balls, and more for pairing. Sachima was originally used as an offering in the Manchu ethnic group's rituals in China. It later became popular everywhere and eventually turned into one of the snacks for the Lunar New Year celebration. How's it going, Snake Ball? OK, not sure what losing feels like. Do you know? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. You're already on your fifth bowl. I must make them understand what failure is. Going shopping on a rainy day. It's a failure. The Planet Manpuku Team is doing great this time. Time has passed for about three minutes. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. There are six bowls. Peeta has finished six bowls. He's getting ready for the seventh bowl. He's really fast. Chien-Chien! I thought he had injured his neck? Hey, they're really impressive. Oh no. I think this time, the Planet Manpuku Team is doing great. For Peeta, although he's injured, he looks fierce while eating. No, sachima is here. Sachima is being eaten by Shen and me. Shen, you're eating too much. Shen is eating more than you are. I've only had three bowls. I'm already on my seventh bowl. Can your lower jaw still move when you eat now? It's very smooth. I can drink things. You're really amazing. The radish cakes of Peeta are meant to be drunk. Wow. This is what a professional eater looks like, no doubt. Shen is also quite impressive. Oh, my god, Shen. I've prepared something special. Today, I'm wearing pajamas and sweatpants for the battle. You need to be in the most comfortable state to eat the most. I find that sachima is the easiest to eat, actually. I think so, too. -Why say so? -Look over here. You hold it like this. Wow! He's so fierce. This technique is called "sachimassage". "Sachimassage". He's so fierce. Hungry Forces, I think this time, you... Wow, what to do? It's tense. I want to try eating sachima. Can. Just crush it. The radish cakes are also easy to be taken. Yes, you may swallow them. Yes, but they're considered cold. They're considered quite cold. The dumplings are also on the cold side. Everyone, let me report the time. Five minutes have passed. You probably aren't full yet. Only five minutes have passed? Yes, it's only been five minutes. You will need to keep it up. It's only been five minutes. I'm already more than 50% full in just five minutes. No way. You still have 25 minutes left. I'm just fat. It's not that I eat a lot. Keep going. And how come it's getting colder as you eat? Indeed, it's so cold. But it's OK. We're all gathered here to eat. Our hearts are warm. It's warm. Besides, Lynn and I are sitting next to each other, and our hearts are completely warm. I'm sorry, please respect the competition. Have a good competition. You're eating less than Lynn. She's using this move today. She deliberately wants to distract me, you know? She made me sit next to Lynn. I have to be distracted to care about how Lynn is eating. I have to care about myself. I... Lynn, you may switch your seat with Snake Ball. It's OK. I feel that it's not going smoothly like this. You can't affect it. The Planet Manpuku Team needs... Don't be like this. Don't say such things outside. Aren't you embarrassing yourself? She's really not saving any effort. Oh, my goodness. Shen is really impressive. -Shen is living up to his name. -Shen is really amazing. Her breakfast is good. Absolutely. Her Chinese omelet... It's delicious, right? She can promote her Chinese omelet because she's good at eating. Where can we eat your Chinese omelet? You can buy it on Shen Zao Club's official website. Thank you, everyone. Let's go and try the Chinese omelet. While you guys were talking nonsense, Sachiyo had already eaten 16 bowls. Did you see that? It's ridiculous. I'm eating with my life, or... And she's eating in a leisurely and elegant manner. She's eating elegantly. Isn't she just known for having a big appetite? It turns out she eats very quickly. Miss Kamakura. She really lives up to the title of Miss Kamakura. I really want to go home. You're so beautiful. You're like a painting, you know? I can just keep looking at you like this, you know? How can they eat so fast? I need to chew for a long time. Is your hand not sticky? It's very sticky. His hand is very sticky. That's the cheating hand. I'm helping you guys now. I'm helping you guys. Ask a few more questions. Well... Is it delicious? It's delicious. Sachiyo, I'm cool, right? She's showing three. She's not paying attention to you. She's saying goodbye. Then let me ask the cliché question. Since you're in Taiwan, is there any particular local food you really want to try? All of Taiwan's dishes are delicious and impressive. And they suit my taste. Would you dare to eat stinky tofu? No, she wouldn't. What? Do you want to eat some dumplings? Yes, I just had some. The dumplings are quite cold. I think you're already full. -No. -Are you already full? I just eat things slowly. It's a battle of nerves, OK? Yes, it's a battle of nerves. It's so cold. Eat slowly. Take your time. Come on. Save me some dignity. This is a bit like natto. I like natto. You do? It tastes good. I was trying to play dirty by talking to her. But she wasn't affected at all. She is fast. She simply... "Oh, amazing!" She never stops pointing. Tsai, I hate to rant, but you have the least bowls in your team. Are you aware of that? The other team is piling up bowls. The staff has a tough job. A lot of bowls to clean. Yeah. I'm cutting down their workload. This is a contest. Why do you even care? Here comes trouble... How long has passed? How long? About ten minutes have passed. That was close. -About 9.5 minutes. -That's quite a while. We should cheer for each other. It's almost 30 minutes. Keep it up. I'm almost over my limit. I am so full! Hey, what was that? Tsai has already... No, I need to loosen it a little. I loosened it a little. Is this your first move? Yeah. The first. I have four more coming. He has four more slots. I'm only at 25%! Yeah. He's going to power up later. I'm going to unleash my World King Fist. Sorry, you lost me there. You don't get it? Yeah. Is Dragonball that old? Never mind. How many bowls has Peeta finished? You only had the radish cakes. I don't want to eat that. It's a bit too oily. I can take care of anything you don't want. You still have two pieces left. The other side finished over 20 bowls. Tsai is only at the 7th bowl. Even Lynn has finished more. Finish the radish cake. OK. I'll have another piece. The elite players can take a break. You are almost done with the round. Keep it up. The radish cakes are getting harder. Like three bricks. Do you chew or simply swallow them? I chew. Do as Peeta does. He swallows the radish cakes. Really? Just swallow the food. That's because he can't move his jaw. The food that goes in is crushed. As soon as it goes in, crush. All right. I'll take one. You're amazing. Incredible. Bro, the dumplings. Did you finish mostly the dumplings? Yeah. I think both are too oily. Very much so. I just realized how much I like sachima. I'm showing this because I'm in trouble. While they eat, here I come again. When we cook instant noodles, we dump all the seasoning packs all at once. She can eat while she talks to me. She is a beast. I wish I could help you. She is too good. Tsai, are you working for them? Tsai looks like he's in pain. No, the food is good. This is his trick. I take it slowly. I eat slowly. He eats slowly. This is tough, Shen. Yeah. I ate the... You can't even think now. He can't decide which to take next. Can I call my buddy? I can't take this. I'll take the radish cakes. Over here. I wouldn't dare drink the water. I don't want to feel bloated. This is scary. She wants to buy Chien's... The... Why are they chatting? Yeah. Hey, go to Chien. She didn't get interviewed. Hey, no fair. She slows down when she talks. Snake Ball. I know your mouth is very dry. Let's talk. You should feel better. I heard that you've been trying to lose weight. Yeah. I have a project going on. I put the project on hold for Chien. Yeah. Just for one day. I love you, Snake Ball. I'm trying to get my six-packs. I'm having a cheat day as well. Can we see it? I don't have it yet. No? The shape hasn't formed. Nope. It's almost the end of the year. Yeah. Will you make it in time? Now you know how much this show means to me. I'd rather fail than not come here. Really? Chien! I have to embarrass Chien. It is embarrassing. But for you only. You look embarrassed. He is embarrassing himself. Are you here to talk? Who is embarrassed now? Never mind. Tsai hasn't finished ten bowls. Only seven bowls. A boy like me is perfect for Shen and Lynn. When we go out, they can have my portion. Only if they want the food. Yeah. Fifteen minutes have passed. Everyone, it's been 15 minutes. Keep it up! Hang in there! -I'm barely full yet. -Hang in there. Hang in there until the backup comes. They are coming. The looks in your eyes... You look like all hopes are lost. We are so full. Hold on, Chien. Chien-Chien has finished 27 bowls! Do you eat a lot of sachima? No, I eat everything. Which item is easiest to finish? Sachima. Wait, the radish cakes. But the radish cake is a bit overwhelming. Yeah. But you've finished a lot of sachima. You must love sachima a lot. This is perfect with milk. The radish cake is stuck in my throat. It's tough to finish it. It looks the easiest of them all. Yeah. We underestimated it. We have two bowls left. No one would take them. Peeta, are you taking a break? Are you giving up because radish cake is up next? Feel free to finish it. Radish cake... I'll try my best to finish the radish cakes. It's cold. I'm shivering. I'm shivering too. It's cold. I want some meatball soup. I feel a bit hungry just by watching you eat. Do you want to help us out? Are you the backup? I am the host. I must be impartial. If you were the backup, we'd lose for sure. Everyone, I have bad news for you. What is it? The total bowl counts of both teams are very similar. Oh my! Are we losing because of me? Hey! Try harder! I think you can win this, Manpuku Team. Hang in there. OK. Can you feel the defeat yet, Chien? Hey, you know what? Tsai is your trump card. Keep talking. Chien-Chien, you only eat the tasty and easy stuff. Trying to embarrass Sachiyo? No way. You keep eating sachima. Look at Sachiyo. She looks pretty, even with food on her face. It's hard to argue with that. Hey, I think your team has a quiet beast working for you. He is the sachima terminator. He's finished 20 bowls. And no radish cakes at all. You don't eat radish cakes at all! His job is like finishing five sachima when each round starts. Then, he rests. Three sachima is as much as one radish cake. How many bowls do you have? Twenty bowls. Almost there. I'm trying my best. It's hard to finish the radish cakes. How so? It's so mushy and soft. Really? Please keep talking. The food might get cold. It's winter. Madam, we are filming a show. We have an eating contest going on. Madam, do you want to join us? Everyone, your backup is arriving. Our warrior is coming. The key to our victory. I have a seat ready for them. Let's welcome our backup participants. The Hungry Forces gets Abby! All the best! Why are you here? Get the radish cakes! Let's welcome our backup, Pepper and Abby. Welcome! Hello! I am Pepper. Which team do you want to join? Here's the thing. Whichever team I get, I'm going all out. I can perform with 200% of my strength. Oh my. Abby doesn't really care. I only came here to help them out. It's an honor to be invited to show my appetite. I am a low-key competitive eater. Really? Nope. "What's the backup?" When they see me, they know the eater is coming. Really? When I ordered a bowl of noodles, the boss sent me five. Did you finish all? Nope. So you were just bluffing! I had to. I didn't get to do well last time. I hope I can do better this time. No. I just think the organizer needs to prepare enough food. I am eager to unleash my potential. She just had breakfast. Pepper, is your stomach empty? It has been for two days. Wow, is that a trend in Chaozhou? I believe your participation will make the contest even more exciting. All the best, backup player! Go! Trust me, we didn't plan this. We got Abby while drawing lots. The strong goes to the strong team. We can barely beat them. Why do they get another eater? Oh no. Are you doing OK? I'm OK. You are cutting the radish cakes. You're clearly not OK. Can we have some sauce? I got it. Sachima tastes the best. Yeah. It's also the least cold. The other two are cold. It might burst when you squeeze it. Pepper is the backup here. Now that you've arrived, what are your thoughts? It's easy. Easy? Oh my! One bowl after another! Well done, bro. The other team has 40 bowls. Tell me. Why are those three on the same team? Are they here to crush us? No way we can win this. Yeah. Can we lie down and take a nap? We can sleep through the next half. Abby has reached her third bowl. The third bowl? She has reached... Try harder! She is at her third bowl! Our backup is a bit too good. Sorry. You said you were an eater. The contest is getting intense with our new players. Abby has reached her fourth bowl! She is overtaking Tsai. Stop laughing, start eating! Stop fooling around! But their arrival also means that time is running out. We have seven minutes left. All the best, everyone. Pepper is just starting his third bowl. This is hilarious. Bro. Bro, come on. Bro! Stop laughing. You got one sachima in one bowl. My bowl has radish cakes or dumplings. You haven't reached the tenth bowl. This is my limit, bro. Hey, someone on your team hasn't finished the tenth bowl. Hold on, what's wrong with Tsai? Tsai is lame. Just nine bowls? Tsai only finished nine bowls. Tell her I'll power up later. But you don't have time for that. I eat fast. I can eat with speed. Pepper is using a weird technique. He crushes it and finishes it in one bite. Pepper is at his fifth bowl. Abby is at her sixth! Your backup is doing very well. Why are you eating the sachima? Pepper, don't you know the rules? You can't start with that! No sachima for the backup guy! Yeah! You ate two! Don't you know the hidden rules? My head hurts. Who is eating the radish cakes now? Each bite feels like three big chunks. Yeah. This is heavier than my grandma's coffin. Get past the tenth bowl! Stop laughing! This is so funny. Sorry. Tsai doesn't eat a lot. But he keeps eating sachima. The number stays at 10. Tsai, not you too! Five sachima for one round. We are going all-out. You keep eating our sachima. You almost finished the tenth bowl. Peeta is slowing down. What happened? Are you full? His teammate stole his sachima. His mood is spoiled. Five minutes left. I'm still at the last round's radish cake. When I looked up, there were more radish cakes. No fair! Radish cakes are the toughest to finish. How many bowls has Abby finished? Abby has finished ten bowls! Hurry up! That's double my count! You only have 4 minutes and 30 seconds left! Calm down. Chaozhou's eating champion. I can beat Abby on my own. Just her? I'll finish ten bowls too. That only took her ten minutes. Yeah. Everybody. I have some good news. This should motivate you a little. The scores are pretty close. Tsai! Belt Loosening Jutsu! He used that technique! Eat the radish cakes upside-down! While you were fooling around, time passed. Only 3 minutes and 42 seconds left. It can't be helped. Too scared to look? -I can't look at the radish cakes. -I knew it. Yeah. Peeta is standing by. Peeta stopped! Peeta, why are you stopping? We have to finish this to get the sachima in the next round. Hurry, this is the last one! This is the last! Hurry up! Here comes the sachima! Your sachima has arrived. Hey, no fair! I finished five bowls of radish cakes! Come on! No! No way. This is not for the backup guy!! Stop fighting for sachima. I am done. You can have the sachima. I'll eat the radish cakes! Only 2 minutes and 30 seconds left! Please save one for me. The gap isn't very big. All the best. Three radish cakes in two minutes for us. Yeah. I hope... Put two together and finish it as one. After I pass on, I hope my family uses radish cakes to build my coffin. I want the fragrance when I am cremated. Stop fooling around. Hurry! Get the sachima! Get it now! Crush the food and swallow it! I can't win this. Radish cakes... Two, four, six, eight. Nine. He ate more than Tsai. He's surpassed me. You should be ashamed. Pepper finished eight bowls. Nine bowls... Oh, nine bowls. One minute left! I'm tearing up. No more sachima? I feel so full just by watching you eat. No more sachima? Why? I have one. I stole it. I'm still finishing my radish cake. Try finishing the dumplings. There are two dumplings but three radish cakes. Yeah. OK, thanks. Go for it. It counts if it's in my mouth. The last moment. Does it all count if it's in my body? Don't test me. I can stuff it anywhere. We are counting down. I am still hungry. Tell me when you are counting down from twenty. Here it comes! Just 13 seconds! Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Time's up! It's over. Everyone, take your time chewing. Abby is incredible. Team Manpuku, how do you feel? I can barely feel anything. Any more sachima? Peeta wants more sachima. How do you feel, the Hungry Forces? I think I miscalculated. I thought radish cakes were the easiest. But it was the worst. The texture was special. Are you even full, Abby? A bit. And you, Pepper? I am 100% full. She is only 40% full. I feel like I could explode. Everybody, take your time chewing. Let the food get digested. Let's count the bowls. Yeah! I think we won. It's us! I can feel it. What do you think about yourself after the contest? I think we are winning for sure. Yeah. We don't know the word "defeat"! Hold on. Can we ask Tsai to leave? Yeah. I am here to make Shen stand out more. For real? She was outstanding today. She was remarkable. Shen, tell us about your breakfast shop. I must say that Shen and Peeta are both beasts. They just eat quietly. What about you? How do you feel? I wasn't really keeping track. Her opponents are weak, she meant. What about Abby? I think the food was a bit harder to finish than I had expected. And it's very cold out here. Yeah. I think you ate more than the last time. I feel happy for you. All right. Are you still chatting? We are going to announce the scores while you are talking. I hope the result doesn't leave the Japanese lady hurt. She came a long way. Are you talking about yourself? You should feel sad. First, the person who ate the most. Could it be Tsai? Impossible. Why not? No way. Not a chance. The person who ate the most was Sachiyo. She finished 54 bowls. He finished 54 bowls! How is it possible? As for the Manpuku Team, it's Peeta. He finished 29 bowls. Impressive. Shen did pretty well too. She finished 24 bowls! Impressive. This is insane. I didn't think she was that good. I want to impress you very deeply. I finished 24 bowls too. Twenty-four. We have the top scores, so there must be the lowest scores. The worst among us is... Tsai. Come out. Come out. You're in trouble. I am so sorry. So sorry. How many? Just 12 bowls. Shen finished 24 bowls, you only finished 12? Hold on. And the backup? Pepper, how many? I finished ten bowls. Maybe he can only finish 12 bowls in 20 minutes. I'm the kind that slowly gets better. I had no time. Give me two hours more... -He can last longer. -Yeah. The contest is only 30 minutes. Stop giving me the excuses. It's such a shame. And now, Mr. Snake himself. You have the same score as Shen. -See? -You finished 24 bowls. Wow. He gave it his best. Lynn finished 18 bowls. Whoa! Tsai. I'm here to make them look good. Pepper finished ten bowls. Abby finished 18 bowls. Chien-Chien finished 47 bowls! The difference in scores is only two points! The winning team is... Wait, just two bowls? Two bowls? Just two bowls? Quick! Finish the dumplings! Dumplings! Peeta is in danger again. The winning team is... the Hungry Forces! Tsai! Why couldn't we get more sachima? We should thank Tsai. Thank you, Tsai. Thank you. You know what? You won today because you drew the better backup player. Yeah. If Abby were here... Eight bowls. Wow. We'd be six points ahead. You should've finished more sachima. If it were up to me... Give me ten more minutes. Are you a spy they sent? All right, the beast is back. I want to leave a good impression on Ms. Sachiyo. So she can go home happily. A guy who looks cool but has a small stomach. Tsai is now single. What do you think about him, Ms. Sachiyo? Well, I prefer someone who can eat a lot. I thought I had a chance. I stand a chance, then. How about Snake Ball? I finished 24 bowls. The minimum should be 50 bowls. That seems impossible. I can eat with my other mouth. Now, this time, the Hungry Forces conquered the Prosperity Planet. Even I forgot the name. This will be the last episode for the year 2024. We thank you for your support. This video will be uploaded during the New Year. I'd like to wish all of you Happy New Year. Send your greetings to the audience. One at a time. I'll go first. Have a prosperous year of the Dragon. Bro! Have a prosperous year of the Dragon. I wish you all the wealth and fortune. Wealth and fortune. Make a great fortune in the year of the Dragon. May you stay strong and lively! Have a wonderful year with all your wishes. Tsai. Come on. Stay handsome and pretty! Happy New Year. Very accurate pronunciation. May the Dragon bring you a great fortune. May the Dragon bring a better year ahead! We must thank Scalp Recovery, Bafang Dumpling, Shengyu, Taipei City Office of Commerce, and Taipei Business District and Industrial Confederation for their support. That's all for this video. Remember to subscribe to their channels. Follow them on Instagram and Facebook too. That's all. Happy New Year, everyone! Bye-bye! This planet is ours. Thank you. We will make a comeback. Please, don't be here again. You should stay away. If we were playing "Find Out the Spy", I'd choose you right away. We will come back from hell! After a fierce battle, both sides are exhausted. The Hungry Forces looks at each other. With the help of Lucky Heaven Card, they charge ahead. One jumps. With a stomp, they unleash the combined ultimate attack! YouTuber Manpuku Team can't withstand it. The Hungry Forces finishes their meal and returns victorious. Will your planet be the next? What was that... That mess. What was that? A little to the right. Come back a little. I dare you to line it up. Be careful with it. Double-chin. Yeah. Double-chin. This is stuck. I tried moving it. Stop trying to readjust their gear. Are you ready for your first defeat? First defeat! Your first de-feet! Tsai, do you like the seat I gave you? Not bad. No. You are a big distraction. That is your problem. Yay! It's full of dumpling skin.
Channel: 千千進食中
Views: 849,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b6mn42kbmJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 13sec (2773 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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