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Good evening. Didn’t bother you? Well , I happen to have a piece of information on hand that you will definitely be interested in. The limited edition of the Begonia Flower series will be launched to the market first . This is just the first step of our event. So as for what is the second step? We need to use the remaining diamonds. Good morning , Director Meng Xingyan, I have a good news for you. Less than twelve hours after the reservation section of the official website went online, the limited edition of Begonia Flower has been sold out . Thank you, Director Meng, for telling us the good news. Director Meng is also here. Mingkang, our Begonia Flower series has been sold out. Did you know? Key Events Lucy Li, Chairman of Bright Jewelry, announced that Bright Jewelry will launch new limited edition diamond jewelry in the new season. They will be polished by well-known foreign diamond cutting masters and then exclusively sold in China to occupy the affordable market. Diamond jewelry cutting masters will polish this. This is not our main focus. Did it crash? I will figure it out. Mingkang, please call all our suppliers immediately to see if there is any problem with the rough stones we purchased before. OK, I will go to Xiaoqing and call other suppliers to see what they have. Are there any rough stones that we need ? If so, book them immediately. Go ahead . Hey, Gu Xingyan, come to the chairman's office. The chairman sits on the board of directors and urgently decides to suspend the activity of the Begonia flower in your hands . However, this series is already online. All have been pre-sold. If we break trust with consumers, the loss is unpredictable. Can you give me a little more time? I will come up with a plan that has both sides as soon as possible. In this way, you still have only one thing left before the written resolution of the board of directors is issued. Thank you for a little time, Chairman , but you have to hurry up. There is a problem with the Begonia Flower plan. Mr. Lin and Ariana have a chance. The plan they have shelved in their hands is about to be tried, so there is not much time left for you. I know it and I feel strange. This activity is still semi-secret within us. How could it be leaked to the bright side? Is there no chairman in your group? The friends on my team are all the people I trust most. I will never trust you. Then I will I'm going to prepare. You said it's really strange. How could such a coincidence happen? This brilliant plan is almost exactly the same as ours. Where is Gu Xingyan? Director Meng , she went to find the chairman. When she comes back, you can tell her to book on the website. Most of the customers of the new model do not agree to cancel the reservation , so please be sure to take the time to think of countermeasures. I understand, by the way, Director Meng, do you think our event will be canceled this time? At present, it should not be possible. The chairman should. It will give your team leader some time to solve the problem. That's great. Then ten days is enough for us to purchase goods from abroad . Ten days is enough for you. You are too optimistic. The board of directors will make a decision soon . I estimate that you only have one day at most. The time is not one day, Feed you. Well, Ariana wants to see Mr. Lin. Ariana wants to see you . Tell her that I'm not here. Mr. Lin is not here. Please don't go in. Mr. Lin, I know you don't have time to see me , but I'm sure you will be happy with this new plan I have. Mr. Lin, you are interested in the case. What is the topic of this meeting that you suddenly convened ? In order not to cause further losses to the company, the Begonia Flower project should be stopped immediately and an emergency backup plan should be activated . This can minimize the company's losses. However, the early funds have already been invested in pre-sales. How can we calculate the loss if we stop it now? Shining Jewelry has controlled most of the diamond raw materials on the market. The Begonia Flower project is no longer feasible. Now we enable Ariana's project. This is the only way to minimize the loss. Ariana Anna, please tell me about your budget for this project. I have made corrections to my original design plan and materials . Now its cost is lower than that of Begonia Flower and its construction period is shorter. Now it is a safe measure to use Ariana's project. Please vote. Well, in this case , let’s vote. Directors who agree to suspend Gu Xingyan ’s plan and change it to Ariana’s plan. Please raise your hands. Directors, please listen to me . Although there are indeed some problems with the current rough stone supply , I can definitely think of it. There is a solution , so please believe me and give me a little more time. It is because we put all our time and resources in one basket this time that the company is in such a passive situation. Please continue to vote, please give me a few more days. I will definitely be able to find the original stone. We have invested so much time in the early stage and various departments have spent so much effort. Why can't we just give me a few more days to look at this? Is the plan a way to survive a desperate situation ? And aren't you curious at all why such a top-secret plan was crashed by the brilliant jewelry? Give me three more days . If I can't find any rough stones that can be used, I welcome the company to ask. When the time comes , I will definitely give you an explanation. It sounds reasonable, so let's do it. Gu Xingyan's plan and Ariana's plan will be advanced at the same time . If Gu Xingyan finds the original stone within three days , Ariana's plan will be immediate. Stop it and tell me how you want to solve this problem. I want to ask Lucy Li to buy back Diamond. She is Dongchen’s biggest competitor. Why should she give you the raw materials ? This is the only way I can think of. No matter what, I want it. Give it a try. This is your last chance. The plan has been leaked and the pre-sale is not known yet. If it fails, you won’t be able to stay in the domestic jewelry industry anymore . Do you understand? These star products Send the information to the newspaper to increase publicity in this event . We must not lose to Dongchen. Hello , please take this necklace to me. Let me take a look at this romantic heart series. The huge diamond in the middle is added. The bright secondary diamonds next to it even more show your noble temperament. This pendant is our flagship model this year. This pendant uses the card setting process. Yes, it is the most fashionable and exquisite setting method now. This setting method will indeed make the diamonds larger than the prong setting. The more exposed the diamond is, the more dazzling it is . Miss, you have good eyesight, but from the perspective of diamond cutting technology, yours is a bit rough. You see, she is so professional. The notch is a bit too big , which can easily cause the diamond to become loose or loose. If this pendant of yours is put into the market, there will be a lot of renovations. Miss, you are right. This romantic heart does have the problem of being returned to the factory for reinforcement. I am the owner of Lucy Li 's jewelry store. Hello, hello. I am Gu Xingyan, Dongchen jewelry designer. The article at the top of our official website should have been written by you. Yes, I knew you would come to me sooner or later. I just didn’t expect this day to come so quickly. You are a senior. I should have asked you for advice in person. If I guessed correctly, you came to me to buy back those diamonds, right? Senior. Although the quality of those diamonds is very good, without Mr. Song’s blessing, there is no way to show the uniqueness. Excellent quality , so I really don’t understand why you must block all sources of supply. If I tell you that I bought that batch of diamonds just to compete with Dongchen, this kind of competition is not good for both of us, Gu Xingyan , I am very I appreciate your talent , so I don’t want to waste your time. We can increase the price , even if it is higher than the market price, we will accept it. I can tell you now that I will not let you buy back those diamonds unless you let Lin Yi come in person. Come to me, this is something I can't do at all. Is there any other plan ? I know you issued a military order to get back those diamonds within three days. Of course you know the consequences if you fail. I'm afraid you will be in the jewelry industry in the future. I can't stand on it anymore . I have a plan now. You might as well consider it. Come to my company. Sorry , I won't leave Dongchen. Your plan is so risky, but it passed the company's review so smoothly , and it made such a big mistake. A sum of money is spent on publicity. Have you never thought that someone deliberately dug a hole for you? Boss , do you think General Manager Li agreed to sell diamonds to us? Lucy Li has spent so much money over the years, desperately trying to deal with Dong. Chen Zuo is about to win a game. If it were you, would you sell it? I definitely would. No, boss , I don't understand. Then why did you agree to give Gu Xingyan three days? I just want to see what kind of sparks will happen when innocence meets sophistication. Gu Xingyan is still too innocent. She doesn’t know that talent and hard work alone are not enough. Innocence and simple-mindedness are equated. And in the workplace, simple-mindedness is the same. It's just a critical illness notice. How is the progress on Ariana's side ? There's no problem there . It's just that the manpower is a little short. Transfer Gu Xingyan's people to Ariana. Make sure that the progress of the backup plan is okay. I'm here. Just implement it. If you just use this kind of gemstone, the hardness is not good. Have you made the design? Gu Xingyan, everyone also pay attention to the human resources. All the employees in the design department have been assigned to my place to help . But I also need help with my project. Take a look at the personnel transfer order signed by the chairman and Mr. Lin. Well, it seems we are the only ones. Note that it is all employees in the design department. I have to respect their wishes. If they think of If you help me , it's their own choice . Sorry, Vice President , I haven't finished my work yet. I can't help you. Sorry, Xingyan. After the event is over, I will apply for a salary increase for you and start working , so you go and give me the geometric figures. Integrate it and list all the influential geometric figures that you can find in the jewelry industry. I said to Xingyan, I really can’t understand what Ye Xiaoqing is thinking in her heart. Now I finally understand why the information you prepared that day was to I handed it over to her instead of you giving it to her personally. If the matter is not handled well, the consequences will be difficult to imagine. But you said that we have known her for so long. I really can’t see her selling out her position for a salary. I believe that Xiaoqing is just I'm anxious at the moment . She's not the kind of person who can change her mind when she thinks something strange. Give me some time and help me get a cup of coffee. I hope so too. But you said we're the only two left now and we only have two days. What can we do? Lucy Li is so thorough. There is no hope. We call all the suppliers and hope to find suitable diamonds. This is the only way we can do it. We are really in a hurry here, so it doesn’t matter if the price is higher. I understand . Thank you, Mr. Zhang . It's Li Mingkang from Dongchen's design department. The batch of rough stones we ordered from you before is fine. It's fine. Hello , Mr. Yang. Hello, yes, hello . Hello. I'm Gu Xingyan from Dongchen. Do you have any in your library ? Do you know what we're looking for? Rough stone, yes, that ’s right . This event, I don’t know why, I bumped into Dongchen. What we need is indeed the same rough stone. Yes, that , that, that, that. Is this okay? Please help me ask the supplier at the upper level. Is there any good news for Curry over there ? Thank you, Xingyan. Is everything okay ? Your side is either out of stock or the supply time is too late. There is only one day left. What should I do? Well, it’s very late today and you’ve had a hard day. You go back and rest quickly. We’ll find a way to do it tomorrow . Don't be too sad. I believe there is still hope. Come on, Yanlin always has something to do with me. I went to find Lucy Li and she asked her to The condition for transferring the diamond to Dongchen is that you come forward in person. I know that you have always wanted to shut down my Begonia Flower project. I know that you are not optimistic about it, and I will not bow to Lucy Li easily. I know that, why are you still looking for me ? But I There is no way , Mr. Lin, I 'm sorry, Mr. Lin, I know you had a bad impression of me before I joined the company. I bumped into you when I was practicing, and you lost your phone. After joining the company, I still had the Lingxi series as my original intention. If you are disobedient and do not obey orders, I will even confront you. Really , if I were you to meet a subordinate like me, I would hate him to death. I wish I could kick him out of the company , but I really have no choice today. I only have two people now. After more than ten hours , I really had no choice. I am not afraid of being kicked out by Dongchen at all, but the problem is that I am really afraid that it will affect Dongchen's reputation and image . How much wine have you drunk ? Come, sit down, sit down . You broke into my office in the middle of the night just to tell me this, right? How could you be so bold? Normally, I wouldn’t be so bold. But the problem is that I drank today. I drank. I have the courage to strengthen corpses. I drink to strengthen corpses. You said you are corpses, but you are not corpse at all. Dongchen has finally managed to gain sales momentum, and now it has taken great efforts to improve his reputation. He really can no longer withstand a little bit of trouble, so Compared to the whole of Dongchen, my little self-esteem is nothing. Mr. Lin, as long as you ask Lucy Li to buy the diamond back, I will leave Dongchen and disappear from your eyes. It’s getting late, go home, okay, Mr. Lin, let ’s go. As long as you buy back this batch of diamonds, I will disappear from your eyes , okay? I've moved here . The environment looks pretty good. Mr. Lin , you haven't promised me yet whether you will go find Lucy Li. You have done everything you need to do. Listen to fate, let's Xingyan. What should we do next? I've thought of all the ways I can think of, including some that are not I tried every method. Last night, I went to Mr. Lin and asked him to help us buy the diamond from Lucy Li. So what did Mr. Lin say ? Although he did not reject me directly , I had already foreseen his decision . It's impossible to help us. We don't have much time left. You said if we really ca n't find those rough stones , will you really leave the company or be investigated for leaking the plan ? To be honest, I don't have the time to think about these issues right now. Now there is still time for us to meet with all the suppliers we can find. I kept calling them and saying they were out of stock. Maybe there will be unexpected gains when we visit in person. That's right. Tomorrow the company's board of directors will announce that our company will be activated. We have a plan , let's keep working hard and continue to perfect all the work, okay , Danica , what's wrong , are you still struggling? Vice President , there are many things until the last minute, no one knows the result, don't drink the celebration wine too early, I'm really serious We have already prepared the celebratory drinks. I will wait until tomorrow when we celebrate and see them off. How about we all celebrate together ? I’m so excited. I can’t wait for a glass of whiskey. It’s so early in the morning and I drink such a strong drink. Isn’t Mr. Li the right person to meet him? What are you worrying about? Give me a glass of water. Mr. Lin, you are so interested and come to play. I have a contract in my hand. I think Mr. Li may be interested in taking a look. Sure enough, he wants to buy back those diamonds from me. You As long as I sign this contract, I can let Cuican and Dongchen share the viewing rights of Delps this year , but you have to sell the batch of diamonds in your hand to me at a price lower than 30% of the market price. We haven't even talked about it yet , and you have made me lose nearly 100%. Mr. Qian Lin, are you here to solve the problem or are you here to trouble me ? Mr. Li, I have other things to do. Please decide as soon as possible not to be so aggressive. I think you miscalculated the situation. Now you have not taken the initiative. Now if If you fail to produce the products designated by consumers, you will lose your customer base and reputation, which will be an immeasurable loss to you . Mr. Li, look, this batch of diamonds in your hand simply does not meet your product requirements. Only professional cutting technology can produce the best appearance. You spent so much money to stock up on a batch of diamonds. The cost of using a useless stone just to trip up Dongchen is too high. Why should I agree to a condition that is only beneficial to you? Obtaining the right to inspect Dellps shows that you are a top jewelry company. How many customers and huge rewards will it bring you if the news spreads ? How can this only benefit me? Lin, David, we must have a game. I lost to you last time and I still remember it today . No, I made an appointment with Mr. Li to talk about things. That's okay. But this year at our company's auction, you must play another game with me. It's a deal. See you on the court. Okay , bye . You guys talk first. I'm leaving, bye. I'll let the company The legal affairs department carefully read the contract and immediately arranged for the secretary to sign the contract with you. Mr. Li, happy to work with you. Lucy Li , what should we do? We can only give up Begonia. I took the time to inform Ariana that her plan was changed from an alternative to the main plan and started immediately . Understand that there is no need to notify me. Ariana, Mr. Lin , your design plan has been advancing and improving. Of course, I summoned almost all the design department employees. It's great to perfect this job and work late every day. But even though I'm so busy, I haven't forgotten to do something that I should have done a long time ago. I went to the Copyright and Patent Office. I've already put it in My design has applied for copyright protection. In other words, Dongchen cannot put it into production or sale without my consent. Have you been waiting for such an opportunity to challenge me? I can only say thank God for this opportunity. I'm waiting for you. How do you want to fulfill the promise you made to me before I came to Dongchen ? Remember , please help me clear the road to the director. I hope that in addition to hanging a sign on my office door that says Design Department In addition to director , I also want my title to be legitimate. In addition , I want Gu Xingyan to be my assistant. You are challenging my bottom line. Do you know Ariana? But I promise you . Thank you, Mr. Lin. You 're welcome. Boss , you really agreed right away . Inform Lucy Li that I want to see her. I understand what happened to these suppliers. It’s like shouting that they are all ready. They all said that they are out of stock. Wait a minute . The latest financial news. The new jewelry launch conference is scheduled to be held at 3 o’clock this afternoon. D component thirty. Share the diamonds with affordable luxury diamonds to enjoy. Chairman, our General Manager Lin is really fast. It only took one morning to convince Lucy Li, but he didn't expect that there is an oriole behind the mantis stalking the cicada. Lin Yi wants to borrow The sales volume of Begonia Flower is booming. It is not that easy to regain the management power of the company step by step. Is there any change? The chairman received the news from reporters on the scene. The bright press conference will be held as scheduled. I have worried too much. I have worried too much. Hello everyone, I am now at the new product launch conference of Brilliant Jewelry . Enjoy the dazzling affordable luxury diamonds. The new product launch conference will be held soon. Later we will see Lucy Li, the general manager of Brilliant Jewelry, give us a detailed explanation of the content. Come in now. We have already begun to see that many reporters have arrived. Hosts are already in place , and staff and photographers are already busy preparing. Ariana's plan has officially become the new season's event plan , and her director has also been appointed. It will be sent out today. Let's congratulate Ariana. Ariana is awesome . Ariana. Congratulations. How about coming to my side, right? Now, let's invite Lucy Lee, the general manager of our brilliant jewelry, to speak on stage. Dear friends from the media, you are welcome. Welcome to Brilliant Jewelry. Today I have good news to share with you. This year we will cooperate with Dongchen to share the viewing rights of Dellps this year. In the future, we will provide consumers with better quality jewelry choices. Tell me, Mr. Li. Okay, I have a question. The PR draft I got before the meeting stated that you will announce the use of a batch of diamonds and related new products . However, the current theme of the meeting has become Cuican’s acquisition of Dellps’ viewing rights. I want to know why. Will such a change happen? My journalist friends , I think you must have heard that if you want to spread your voice, you should first suppress your voice and attack in the east. But I think the cargo rights should be bigger news than diamonds. It will be easier for you to do business when you go back, so I want to ask all my friends from the media. We must win the right to see the goods for us. After the meeting , I prepared a small note for everyone at the door of the conference room . It will be a surprise. Thank you again for coming. Xingyan, Xingyan, I heard you right, right ? Didn't you say? She didn't say that she would use that batch of thirty-cent diamonds, right? Yes , what's going on? What's the situation ? Why didn't Lucy Li mention whether the batch of diamonds and Begonia Flowers were discontinued ? Did our plan pass ? How could Xi Li, a shrew, go back on her word? You should have thought long ago that since she can go back on her word with Lin Yi, she can also go back on her word with you. Are you just thinking it in hindsight ? I'm just curious about why she didn't accept this free gift from you. Instead of using the diamonds to exchange for the rights to see the goods, Lin Yi had the right to see the goods. How did Lin Yi convince her ? He must have given Lucy Li a great benefit. Please celebrate this cup. Come and say congratulations on the return of our diamonds. Congratulations to our Begonia Flower. Congratulations to our chief designer Gu Xingyan. Cheers. What’s wrong with you ? I feel like I haven’t been as happy as I am today for a long time. Although the process was a bit twists and turns , the result is not very good, right? It’s done in Dongchen. Everything is so difficult, let alone outside. Now I can finally understand how difficult it is for those entrepreneurs to start a business. One thing is that I thought this path was too simple . But this time, thanks to Mr. Lin, I know He must have gone to find Lucy . Did n't Mr. Li Lin always make things difficult for you before? He always makes things difficult for me. But I find that every time when it comes to a critical moment, he still makes me admire him. He is not only a good person for Dongchen, but also a good person. He can always look at a matter from an overall perspective. You said that to Mr. Lin, I am very happy . It is not Jieqi . What are you happy about? His surname is also Lin. Are you saying that he and Mr. Lin are relatives? It is impossible, impossible, not. Maybe Jieqi is related to Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin’s poker face is not as shady to me as he is. You are all right. You are all right. Come on, come on. Let’s have a drink. Cheers . Don’t save me any money. Drink as much as you want . Okay, I’m not drunk, I’m not going back , I’m not drunk, I’m not going back, how much did Mr. Lin drink? I drank a little . If I didn’t drink, I really wouldn’t dare to come see you. Are you afraid of me? I feel like you are not afraid of anything. The purchasing department has officially notified you. The batch of diamonds I have collected can be put into storage tomorrow. I know you must have gone to find Lucy. Li can put them into storage tomorrow. This shows that the efficiency of the work is quite high. What method did you use to convince her at the press conference ? It's about to start at three o'clock. I don't have time to attend your appointment , but you came anyway. It's because you, the secretary, have such an attitude that it's like he's going to kidnap me if I don't come. Mr. Li's matter is urgent. I have to forgive you. Say something. The matter is so urgent. In the few hours since we met this morning, I can imagine who you met and what you said. I don’t want to know what conditions he gave you. I just want to know how to let you. Sell ​​me the batch of diamonds in your hand. The press conference will start soon. I have already publicized the slogan of affordable luxury diamonds. At this time, you still want to buy that batch of diamonds. You still have the right to see the goods and 3% in your hand. Time is running out for Dongchen Shares . You must make a decision quickly. Two percent cannot be more than 2% to close the deal . Of course I will use my method. The Begonia Flower project must move forward as soon as possible and strive to get the product out to consumers as soon as possible. In my hand , Dongchen is here today thanks to these lovely consumers. They are the ones who cannot be let down. I know , thank you, Mr. Lin. If nothing happens, I will leave first. What is this? What is going on? Yes, let’s eat, boss, come here. Boss, Gu Xingyan is also a crazy girl. She drank at the first sight . Today are all your favorite dishes. I’m not hungry, you eat. Don’t stop eating. Who is this? The boss, Lucy Li, sent a message. She said that the person who leaked the information was Gu Xingyan. How is that possible ? Look, this is a screenshot of Gu Xingyan. Yes, Cong Fei. Who leaked Dongchen’s design plan to Bright? It’s from your design department. I don’t know who it was that the mole sent directly to Lucy Li. Lucy Li told me that it was Gu Xingyan who leaked it. She also sent me the screenshot of the email she sent her. It’s impossible for Gu Xingyan . She has a very high moral ability and is particularly obsessed with Dongchen. There must be something wrong among you. Do you want me to go find out ? Okay , please have a meal. Hang up now. Boss , what should I do now? Mom , I will know how to leave after experiencing some real difficulties. Maybe the best way is to keep going, Mom , don’t worry, I will take good care of my little Qing Ming , Kang Zao Xingyan, come and see what’s going on, what’s going on , what’s going on? I have no right to interfere with who Lin’s head office arranges to be the director . I just want to know. Why do you want to arrange for me to be Ariana's assistant ? This must be done with my consent. Why do I know nothing about this? I'm going out first . This is an appointment from the company. There is no need to ask for your consent . But you were still here last night. I was asked to do a good job in the follow-up work of the Begonia Flower project . I became Ariana's assistant this morning . I want to know what happened overnight. I don't want to be so unclear. Take a look for yourself. What is the activity plan of Begonia Flower ? It is impossible to check the IP address of what was sent from your computer to Lucy Li through your email. It is indeed your computer, not me . If it were me, why should I issue a military order? Why should I go to all the trouble to beg you? Ah, no, who could it be? I don't know. You must know that if you don't know, you have to take the blame yourself. Do you understand ? I really don't know . I only know that it's not me. Open your eyes and take a good look at who is there. You were the proudest person after your fall. Also, work on the Begonia Flower project. Find out the person who betrayed you, Xingyan . Why did the company decide to let you be Ariana's assistant ? The company thinks it was me who leaked the plans for the Begonia Flower series. What kind of joke are you kidding me? Anyone with any brains will understand who will sell the plan they designed to others. But the current situation is indeed a bit complicated. All the evidence points to me. Sorry, you haven't finished cleaning up yet. I didn't mean to do it. I'm here to catch you. You don't need to rush me. I know where I should sit, so it's best. Gu Xingyan, your appointment as assistant director is effective immediately. In addition to the usual design work, I must now remind you of another temporary division of labor , cleaning lady. She is sick. Before she comes back to work, you can share the cleaning work in the department. Ariana , this is too much. It is my duty to assign work to subordinates. Okay, you all can leave. I want to This desk is given to Ye Xiaoqing . Yes, Xiaoqing is my special assistant. I have already applied to the General Department to give this desk to her. Xiaoqing Xingyan , I'm here to thank you. Mingkang, don't be polite . I 'm sorry to let you go. Come and sit down, Xiaoqing . "Qing , I don't dare to come. I'll teach you how to sit gracefully . Thank you. Mingkang, don't be polite. Call me if you have anything to do. You are happy now that you have your own office. Of course you are happy. That office used to belong to Gu Xingyan. I was envious of it for a long time." But I didn’t expect that this office now belongs to me. Thank you, Director. Be careful. If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. I have given you the office. You know what you should and shouldn’t say in the future. You know what you should and shouldn’t do. Okay, okay, I understand, that’s right, but I’m particularly afraid of what if the company investigates this matter and finds out that I did it. Look at your psychological quality. No wonder you can only be a designer. You are Gu Xingyan’s good sister. I doubt it . No one would suspect you. And didn’t you do your job very neatly that day ? Yes , and according to your instructions, I also deleted the sent emails. Gu Xingyan will definitely not find out. Then you have nothing to worry about. Yes, just be your chief designer. Thank you, Director Good morning, Xingyan, what are you doing? Cleaning and doing activities . Stretch your muscles for a while and then you can start working. I'll help you. It's okay . I only have two trash cans left. It's okay. It's okay . Thank you Mingkang . It's done. Then I'll push it out first. She is really cleaning and sweeping the floor obediently. The garbage was also dumped on the ground . Not only was the garbage dumped, but the flowers were also watered. I should have gone to make coffee for other colleagues at this time . I didn’t expect that the once arrogant and popular first sister in the design department would be like the first sister today . It used to be that since you came here, you were the first sister in the design department. Okay , I know, keep an eye on me. If you have any problems, continue to report to me. I understand, Fang Fang, why are you here? I remember that you have a lot of drawings that you haven't finished yet. It's okay. Stop running to the director's office and use your mind more on business, right? I understand. I'm going to get busy. Ariana , please take a look . I'll take a closer look. If there's nothing else, I'll go out to work first. Hello, would you like some orange juice? Thank you. I really didn’t expect you to come to ask me out so blatantly. Don’t forget that I am now the design director of Cui Can Can and also your former leader. Plus, you have been linked to some rumors about Cui Can Can recently with these keywords. You ca n't explain it a little bit. You don't have to hide anything. Thank you . I heard that Ariana is now the new design director. You are her assistant. What do you want from me? Who leaked Begonia Flower's plan to the brilliant person who framed you? Naturally, the people who have benefited the most from this are Ariana and her accomplices, plus Lucy Lee’s smooth cooperation. What is this? You should thank Lucy Lee for her good habit. She records every phone call and every meeting. Why did I give this to you? Who called me so charming? I don’t know what to say. Thank you. I owe you a favor . Wait a minute, Mr. Lin. I know I should knock on the door, but I really can’t wait. I’ll find the person and hand it over right away . Li Zhuoran , you don’t want to hear who it is, no need, I know it well, you go to Li Zhuoran’s place now. The good boy can have some candy. I didn’t see you just now. Who am I ? Where was I ? Did anyone talk just now? Who is that other person? Lucy Li , this woman is really cunning. Chairman , I hope you can tell everyone the truth . I know you are always very cautious in doing things. You also know who can help you. Yes, I know it very well. As long as you quickly remove the three ingredients of D on the market. After all the diamonds are sold out, Dongchen will become a passive party due to the shortage of raw materials . This is first-hand news. Whether you have the courage or not depends on you. I think most people are familiar with this voice. This is Mr. Lin. Ariana, an internationally renowned designer who was brought back from Hong Kong and promoted to the position of director of the design department, has come to light. The company's secrets have been revealed. Ariana's design department is the core of Dongchen. The consequences of being controlled by such a person are disastrous . There is nothing to say. Directly fire her and drive away Director Zhang's opinion. I agree with Mr. Lin. The evidence is conclusive. I have no objection. Then I propose that Gu Xingyan be the director of the design department. Do you have any opinion? No opinion, no opinion, no opinion , no opinion . Ariana's stuff. It's all packed up. Let's go . Should I say congratulations to you ? Thank you. Now you finally understand the rules of the workplace. You know how to find a supporter. Ariana , it's been a while since you came to Dongchen. I thought you understood the workplace. The laws above must survive in this building. What does it really depend on? Now it's your turn to teach me. Don't forget that I was your interviewer before. You only walked a few steps like this. You still have a long way to go. Let me tell you that my favorite thing to watch is Angels Falling into Death. The Devil's Plot Danica, I'll be back, don't get too carried away.
Channel: 宅女追剧花园
Views: 12,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 中国电视剧2023, chinesedrama, 霸道总裁, 灰姑娘, 中国电视剧, 中国爱情电视剧, 都市爱情, 浪漫爱情, 公主, 王子, 董事长, 公司, 好看的中国电视剧, 推荐的中国电视剧, 华视, 大陆剧, 王鹤棣, 虞书欣, 白鹿, 赵露思, 吴磊, 杨洋, 甜宠, 迪丽热巴, 心机女, 恶毒后妈, 恶毒婆婆, 李菲儿, 中国优秀电视剧, the love you give me chinese drama, chef hua ep 1 eng sub, 2023chinesedrama, 国子监来了个女弟子, 吻戲, 爱的厘米, 佟丽娅, 佟大为, 檀健次, 杨紫, 白敬亭, 郑和惠子, 夏至未至, 对我而言危险的她, 对我而言危险的他, My Lethal Man
Id: jFbgPpfr2DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 58sec (3478 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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