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and Director Gu, you are here. Hello, Director Gu. Hello, hello. Why are you here? I just took a look. How is Lingxi’s sales? The sales are very good . What type of people usually buy Lingxi ? Most of them are young people. This necklace is very elegant and has a profound meaning. Hello , how can I help ? Hello , hello . Girl , I saw your advertisement for free cleaning and trade-in, right ? This is We are doing an event to give back to our old customers. We bought this from Dongchen’s first store. It’s been a few years. Can I still participate? Do you still have the invoice? It’s been so many years since I issued the invoice . I can’t find it. Come here , let me take a look . Thank you for the eyepiece. Give it to me. It's so beautiful. Please wait a moment , old man. When did you buy this ring ? I'm afraid it was more than 20 years ago. At that time, this area was not developed like this. I bought this ring for her . You see, decades have passed and the plum blossom diamonds are grade D. Twenty years ago , Dongchen was the only one who could cut plum blossom diamonds. No invoice was needed. Please help them clean it . Thank you , thank you, girl . I see you know diamonds very well. I will follow you. Please tell me something, okay, no problem, you said that is the case. We have a daughter who has been very strong since she was a child. When she was in high school, she went to study abroad. Now that she has grown up, she is getting married. My husband and I are going to attend her wedding. But We don’t know what to give her. This diamond ring has witnessed our marriage and I want to give it to her , but I think this style is a bit old and I’m afraid the children won’t like it. I understand. Do you want to make a new style out of this diamond? Yes, yes, that's the thing. After all, this ring has witnessed our ups and downs in our marriage for decades . If it were made into a necklace and given to my daughter, wouldn't it be a blessing ? Okay, okay , no problem, I will personally do it then. Design it for you. Okay , you are so young and you are a designer . That ’s great . Let’s keep the basic information about their diamonds. You can leave your contact information to her when the time comes. I will design a new style . Inform you to come and choose this, okay, great , great, thank you, thank you so much. I'm heartbroken. You 're welcome. You're welcome. Director Gu . Director Gu, did you see that old lady just now ? What happened? She forgot her ring. I won’t answer your phone call here . Why don’t you leave her address to me and send it to my mobile phone so that you can lock the door first and don’t worry? Can I not be in a hurry? Uncle and aunt, isn’t this the designer just now ? Have you seen our rings? I saw your ring dropped in my store. I specially sent it to you. Yes, yes. Thank you. I found it . Thank you. Where did we think we dropped it ? Girl, aunt just now, I cried so much that I didn’t even want to live. Good girl, thank you. You, auntie, I really don’t know how to thank you. I lost this ring and it’s in my heart. This is something that has been with us all our lives. I know that I know that I have found it. So don’t cry. Don’t cry. Girl , let’s sit inside for a while and thank you. No, no, no, no, I happen to have some things that I have to go back to deal with. No , no, you must sit down for a while. You really don’t need that. Is that okay? Anyway, I will come over next time to send you a design draft . I will wait for you to come over next time. Will you entertain me again, okay, okay, then you must come, okay, thank you, I will definitely come, okay , I wish you both happiness, thank you , okay, uncle and aunt, take care of your health, I'll go now, bye, uncle, aunt, bye, bye, let's go, okay, let's go . It's so slow to walk, it's so good to come in so late, why don't you leave? I'm renovating a design and renovating the design studio. Can't I leave it to Mingkang and the others ? This is not a project of the studio. I took on an extra job today and I can't. Leave it to the studio Then after you finish painting, I will take you to eat delicious food. No need. You have worked so hard these two days. You can go home and rest early. No need to wait for me . Then if I disturb you, I will go back first. You should also go back early and pay attention to rest. Got it? You haven't had dinner yet. I bought some takeout. Let's eat together . What delicious food have you ordered ? It's all your favorites. It's great . Don't tell me, I'm really hungry. Let's start eating. Let 's eat in this restaurant. It’s done well, it’s amazing . I haven’t eaten it before . It’s delicious. It ’s delicious. The lunch box is delicious sometimes. It’s really super delicious. Mainly because I’m hungry. Thank you, brother and sister Lin Yi. Look, look. Dong Chen is on the news again. What are you looking at ? Come and see what Dongchen employees have done with their gold- lettered signboards that respect morality and trust. It’s so rare. This is so happy. Director Gu tells you a piece of good news. Our Dongchen is in the news again. Now whenever I hear that it’s in the news, I get very, very nervous. Good news or bad news? The good news is that I know about you returning the ring to the old couple. Hey, Mr. Gu , there is a person in charge of a jewelry company looking for you at the front desk. Let him come in. Please invite him in . Thank you. This is our customer. Hello Dong, Hello Dong Gu, hello. This is my business card . Thank you. I am the vice president of Kimberlite Diamonds. Please invite Mr. Gu. I have admired you for a long time. Mr. Dong mentioned your work in the jewelry design competition to me and said that you are a talent. Many of your colleagues here have also approached us. Thank you very much , Mr. Customer. The diamond business has always been one of our core businesses in Kimberley . By the way , I saw an article about you in the newspaper. To be honest , you are still so honest. You are very valuable. Then I checked some information about your company on the Internet and found that you also have glass diamond technology. Yes, the glass diamond technology is our patent of Dongchen. This patent is very interesting. I hope to learn more about it. Maybe we will have it in the future . The spark of cooperation is very much looking forward to the cooperation with Kimberley. I am also looking forward to it . This is the Vita Coconut Chicken that I specially made. I will try it later. Brother Jin Bo Lin Yi, deputy general manager of Kimberley Diamond Group, why do they want to name such a well-known brand ? It must be a good thing for us to cooperate and win-win cooperation. Why do you still have any concerns about this matter ? Maybe it’s because too many things have happened recently. I’m really a little afraid. Is this another pit dug by Li Zhuoran? Li Zhuoran. He can't reach a company like Kimberley if he has any skills . And I heard that Kimberley's Dong Zong has always been very cautious. Their development in the past two years has been known for their stability in the jewelry market . And I heard that they are very cautious about it. The conditions for selecting partners are very stringent , so you mean they came to us after careful consideration. That must be the case. Since Kimberly has chosen to cooperate with Dongchen, it must be because our two companies complement each other and they have taken a step forward . After taking this step, the first thing is to express your recognition of Dongchen. Have you thought about cooperating with Kimberly? Have you thought about Dongchen's dilemma and Yvonne's dilemma ? Kimberly's help is needed . Still, you have to consider the details of cooperation steadily . Push this forward . Lin Zhe, what's going on? It's so hard to have a meal together. Is he working overtime ? Come on, open the door. You're finally here. I'm sorry, Lin Zhe . I'm sorry, Mr. Lin and Gu Dong asked you to wait for a little guy like me. Okay, don't be poor. Look. Look, Xingyan specially stewed coconut chicken for you today. It took two hours to stew coconut milk over low heat. Do you know how many bottles of coconut milk were used? I ’m so touched. Thank you . Come and eat. Come and eat. when he comes in . Director Gu , I didn’t disturb you at all . I didn’t come to sit down . I didn’t expect that the first welcoming voice in the boardroom was from you. I still remember that when I turned from a small assistant designer to the chief designer , you were the first to come to congratulate me. I also remember I remember I promised you that I would help you at the right time. I didn’t expect you to still remember this. Don’t you want to ask me how I obtained these equity interests? The result should be more important to you than the process. Right now, you are in Dongchen. I have become the person who understands me best. Although I don’t know what your real vision is for joining the board of directors, I sincerely congratulate you. Don’t be afraid that I am here to disrupt the situation. It doesn’t matter . The current Dongchen board of directors needs new faces and new strength. Don’t count on it . I will become a new force for you. We will have a long time to come. This is the way Li Zhuoran transferred Yvonne's money to three overseas accounts. It is very secret. I still haven't found out how he transferred it. Where did the problem arise? By the way, Meng Meng today Xiaoxiao has already proposed to the board of directors that she holds Dongchen's shares. Is this Li Zhuoran's part? It seems that he has already thought about withdrawing from Dongchen. We must find out his shameful accounts as soon as possible , otherwise once he leaves the country It is even more difficult for us to find him. The second payment from Shengshi Investment has been transferred and needs the signature of the supervisor. You have to go to the bank. Okay, I will go now. Let me walk with you . You said Shengshi Is n't it possible that Li Zhuoran will be targeting the second payment just after it comes in ? I won't rule out this possibility. I'll give you a call later . Hello, Lawyer Tan . Hello, my name is Gu Xingyan from Dongchen. Hello, this is what happened here. I have a very urgent situation and I want to consult with you. I can , but I am on my way to the airport now . Do you think this is okay? I and the deputy financial director of the company will go to find you near the airport . Okay. I still have it right now. I have a little time , so see you later. Let 's go to the airport. Come in. Chairman , you haven't been here for a few days. I have a backlog of documents that I need you to sign and put them here. In addition , the second payment from the Holy World has just been sent by the Finance Department. The payment has arrived and I need you to sign and go through the process. I understand. It's okay. You go ahead and get busy. Okay. Thank you for your coffee. Thank you for your coffee . Let me introduce you to Attorney Tan . This is Lin Zhe, the deputy director of finance of our company. This is Attorney Tan. Hello, Mr. Lin. Hello, there is no outsider , Lawyer Tan, so I asked directly. Okay, if you want to transfer a large amount of money abroad, is there any abnormal way? Mr. Gu , do you want me to go to jail? Sorry, sorry, I didn't make it clear . I just I want to know about the relevant situation. Attorney Tan said : We suspect that someone has transferred a large amount of the company's assets overseas , but the information we have so far only has three unrelated accounts and no other evidence. I understand what you are talking about. Ah, I might as well tell you frankly that generally speaking , they use underground banks to launder money. Underground banks are very common in some special circles. If this situation really happens, what can we do? Call the police immediately . Do you want to Once the funds are transferred overseas, it will be difficult to recover them. In order to prevent this from happening, we must use the power of the police to drive the car over and catch up with the car in front. Hey, Lao Yan , do you still have an empty house? I want it. The sooner the better. This is the last money laundering channel found from Tao Leqi's USB flash drive. In addition, his transfer of company assets is enough to put Li Zhuoran in jail. It's a pity that the evidence about my mother has not been found yet . He is being controlled by the police. Let 's dig another three feet. Come in, brother, we have collected all the evidence. You are very well-informed. We plan to go to the police early tomorrow morning. Don't rush to call the police. No, brother, you have worked hard for so many years, don't you just want to send him to jail? And something is very wrong with Li Zhuoran now. From what I know about him, it is impossible for him to have the intention of quitting. He has definitely found a way out and wants to withdraw you two. It's so naive. After all, Li Zhuoran is the chairman of Dongchen now. The chairman's arrest will have an impact on the company. It's too big , so what should I do if he runs away if I don't call the police? Don't worry , he will never run away. Li Zhuoran will never run away if he doesn't see the rabbit, doesn't fly , and doesn't get the money. Besides , we haven't collected all the evidence that he sabotaged Mr. Tang back then. So what should we do now? Dongchen will hold a board meeting tomorrow . Is it time to change the chairman? Mr. Lin . What is the agenda for today’s meeting? Chairman, have arrived. Let’s have a meeting. There is only one topic on the board of directors today. Chairman Li’s term has expired. Let’s re-elect chairman Zhang. If a member of the board of directors insists on Can I be elected as the chairman if I have the highest proportion of shares ? If it goes as you said and more than half of the directors agree, then I will nominate Mr. Lin. Who do you nominate? Gu Xingyan, Mr. Lin , you didn’t take the wrong medicine, right ? Gu Xingyan is just a member of the Holy World When the proxy holder joins the board of directors, don't you want to package Dongchen and give it to Shengshi? Dear directors, I have an equity holding agreement in my hand. Please circulate it. Some people slander me and Ms. Tang Wanrong, saying that my equity was taken by force. The reason why I didn't clarify was to protect one person, Bai Xining. Isn't that what happened? Mr. Tang's daughter. Mr. Tang's missing daughter was very angry with me . Before Mr. Tang passed away, he signed an equity holding agreement with me. I will take the place of her only daughter, Bai Xining. I will hold Dongchen's equity until she grows up. Mr. Lin asked me what this missing person was doing. Today, I am not only returning the stocks I hold on behalf of me to the original owner, but also the 3% of Dongchen I personally hold. The equity was also given to Bai Xining. What on earth do you want to say? Gu Xingyan is Bai Xining. If you say she is she, she is Bai Xining. This is simply the biggest joke in the world. If Gu Xingyan is Bai Xining, why is she still a small designer ? Entering Dongchen, how do we know if the two of you are colluding together to make Gu Xingyan pretend to be Bai Xining? Who can prove that Gu Xingyan is Bai Xining ? There is no proof. Yes, you can find any woman and she is Bai Xining. I can prove that I am now I understand why you didn’t make it clear to me earlier. I’m sorry, everyone . The owner of this glass diamond is not me, but Tang Wanrong’s biological daughter Bai Xining, and the 2% shareholding in my hand is also held on her behalf. Well , today the property is also returned to its original owner. Thank you, you are really Bai Xining. I don’t want difficulties to break us up. I am Bai Xining. I blame myself for not being brave. It’s a pity that I didn’t reach my colleagues . So far, Bai Xining has the highest shareholding among all our shareholders. Please vote for Bai Xining to be the chairman. Please raise your hands. Why are you reluctant to extinguish it? I turned against the light and saw that it was tears. That power. I don’t want to resist and face hope. Congratulations on turning against the light. I feel that the place where love exists has always been in me. Your mother can rest in peace beside you . Brother Lin Yi, have you been ready? I originally wanted to take care of the whole company and hand it over to you completely, but today you also saw that the situation forced me to do so , but now it’s okay, it’s yours. After all, it's yours. But this day came too late and you suffered. Hundreds of group messages in the company exploded. Lin Zhe took the time to report the crime and hand over all the evidence collected last night to the police. Okay, do n't cry. Wipe your tears . A tough battle is waiting for us. Chairman , the flight ticket from Shanghai to Zurich has been booked. Chairman 1, 2, 3, Hao Xing . No, I should change my name to Chairman Bai now. It ’s been a hard journey, but no matter what your identity is in the future, we will support you , Xingyan. Come on , Chairman, come on , friends from the design department, you are all my closest comrades. The design department is my foundation and the department that my mother values ​​most. So in the future, the design department will become more and more important in Dongchen. I hope that every one of you will Everyone can bring out their best talents. Dongchen will definitely live up to you. Come on, come on , Director Li. We are going to rearrange Chairman Bai’s office. Please clear up the office as soon as possible. Who are you talking to ? Chairman Bai , thank you for your consideration . Xingyan, no , it's Bai Xining, I really underestimated you. Your mother is really not as good as you in terms of scheming. How can my mother be as lucky as me? There are so many tigers and wolves around me. You think Lin Yi is a good person. Don't get carried away. You can fly for yourself. The higher you fall, the worse you fall. You are Mr. Li Zhuoran, right ? Mr. Li , we are from the Economic Investigation Section of the Municipal Bureau. You are suspected of overseas money laundering. From now on, your personal assets will be temporarily frozen. I heard you right. Are you mistaken about overseas money laundering ? Please cooperate. Our investigation is complete, I want to inform my lawyer. Yes , but during the investigation and evidence collection, you will be restricted from leaving the country. I hope you can cooperate with the chairman . My mobile phone has been almost exploded by reporters. How did you return to Dongchen incognito and work hard to get it back in the last resort? There have been dozens of versions of the company's history. Do you think you need to pick one or two media outlets to be interviewed ? Can you help me arrange it ? If the chairman has anything to say , he can't stay in the office and say that he wants to force his way into me. Come in the car and say in the office, don’t be ridiculous. I think it’s safer to say it here. Also, I am no longer the chairman , you are the chairman of Dongchen. So what do you want to say? You are Tang Wanrong's daughter. I think you have the right to know certain things. All the details and copies of the contract your mother signed. Aren't you interested in taking a look at such important evidence ? You don't want to know what happened back then. What's the matter? Lin Yi is the person your mother trusts most. Your mother was imprisoned for more than ten years and died unjustly. But Lin Yi is in a high position. Don't you want to see his true face? What on earth do you want to say? If I am caught in the country, Your mother's case will sink with me forever. I will let the truth rot in my belly forever and ever . But how do I know that what you have in your hands is the truth? The contracts are all in my hands. As long as you promise me one condition, I can hand it over. What are your conditions? My funds have been frozen. I need you to use the name of the supervisor to withdraw all the second investment money from Shengshi and hand it over to me. If you take this money, you will not be able to run away. You are wrong to touch this. It's you who owns the money, not me. Isn't it a good deal to use this money in exchange for clearing your mother's name ? I can tell you clearly that your mother was wronged. You will understand when you see the contract. You asked me to consider you . You can think about it slowly , but don’t play any tricks. I’ll give you a day. At this time tomorrow, I’ll listen to your reply. Brother Lin Yi , you’re back . Where were you just now? I couldn’t find you on the phone. You’re okay. I went out to blow the wind. Didn’t you hear me? Is there something urgent that you came here to see me for ? Kimberly is very enthusiastic about cooperating with Dongchen. He has already sent all the information about the loose diamonds in his hands to the design department . Some of the parameters need your confirmation. Then you can send them to me. Okay, I can watch it in a moment. Don't be too tired. After this period of work, take a good rest. You should be the one to take a good rest, right? Yes , I'm afraid that I won't want to do it anymore as soon as I stop. Sometimes people can't help themselves in the world. I I also hope that one day I can put all this aside and do what I want to do. There will be a day when I can go back . Take a rest early and be safe on the road. Chairman, why did you invite Please go to window No. 5 from 1022. Please go to window No. 2 from 1023. Please go to window No. 3 from 1024. Could you please sign ? Hello , madam . Your phone is ringing. Thank you . You ’re welcome . Thank you . Hey Xingyan , listen to me. I don’t care. Where are you now? I can't agree to any of Li Zhuoran's requests. Do you hear me ? Don't worry . Sorry , I won't do it. Thank you. Hey Lin Zhe , Hey Xingyan. Where are you now? I'm in the bank. You didn't withdraw the money from the supervision account. I don't have you . Find a cafe nearby and I'll go there now I heard from Kathy that you went to the bank, so I called you. If you use a huge amount of supervision funds in the name of a supervisor, you will be sentenced to a felony. I almost paid the money just now. Fortunately, you and Brother Lin Yi called me in time, right? We were all afraid that you would fall into Li Zhuoran's way. Ah Taneryou, you know, Li Zhuoran told me that as long as he gets the money, he can show me the evidence from my mother’s case. I really want to see the evidence , although I don’t know if it’s true or not. But I just can't stop this idea. Yes , I am a money manager , but I am also a daughter. A daughter who loves my mother deeply. But if you send money to Li Zhuoran, you will be in trouble, let alone Tell me that your mother is innocent. What is his deadline tonight ? Give me Li Zhuoran’s account number. What are you going to do? You gave me this account. There is no transaction relationship between the company and the company. If he comes to you again, tell him that he is not an overseas supplier. The remittance procedure for the merchant is very troublesome and takes time , but you have already completed it. I will transfer the money to him tonight and I will prepare another sum of money on the other side. At this time, you need the evidence to return it to him, etc., etc., if you If you transfer money, you are still responsible. I won't really transfer it. Don't worry, I have a way. It seems that you are not sincere, so I will light a fire and destroy all the evidence . I told you not to play any tricks. This is not a trick , but there is something really wrong with the bank. Because the account you gave me is not the account of our overseas supplier , the procedure may be a little more troublesome , but now I have almost done it and I can call you tomorrow. Okay, I'll wait for you one more day , but I also have a condition. Why don't you talk to me about the condition? I ask for a meeting to see the evidence first, and then I'll send you the payment. You can see the evidence , but there's no need to meet in person. You wait for my phone call and I'll decide the location . I'm here now. What do I want? Gu Xingyan, I'm telling you not to play any tricks. I can see every move you make . And what is it you are holding in your hand ? This is for your overseas account. The transfer receipt proves that everything I have done has been settled. If you want to see it, I can give it to you. You are very thoughtful. Did you see the giraffe diagonally opposite? Did you see it and walked over to feed it ? Are you sincere? I think. What do you want? There is a red taxi in front of you on the right. The license plate number is Shanghai GU6376. Have you seen it? Walk over and get in this car. The driver will take you to where you should go. I have now arrived at the Internet cafe you mentioned . I hope you'd better be honest. The dishonest person is you. Have you prepared the money ? Have you brought the evidence? Lin Zhe , the TWR folder in the root directory of drive D, I have arrived at the location set by Li Zhuoran. This is No. 688, Hefei Road. It's the No. 1 Internet cafe. For a while, you try to delay the time. Then take your time and watch. If the money is not paid within ten minutes, I will destroy the evidence remotely. Don't try to take pictures or make copies before I give you permission. This person's name was Atletico Madrid fifteen years ago. One of the protagonists in Tang Wanrong's case bought the mine that was owned by him. The man your mother sent to explore also died in his hands. Of course, I can't escape the connection. Inside are the records of our email contracts and how we turned the commercial mine into a mine. The industrial mine originally kept these to guard against Atletico Madrid, but I didn't intend to use them on you. Why can't you open it? Because it's time for you to make a payment. Lin Zhe's evidence will be available soon. Don't worry , I'm following Li Zhuoran's account. Money can't escape. You said that I didn't find anything wrong with the contract between Dongchen and Atletico Madrid. The problem is of course not in that contract. The police investigated you for the fraud and the money has already arrived . You, the supervisor, are keeping it to yourself . The end result is the same as your mother. There is no problem with the contract , but I did use some tricks. It was Tao Leqi who took your mother to see the mine. The name and location of the mine she saw were very similar to those in the contract , but your mother was too eager . I neglected to expand the scale and wait until later. When she found something was wrong, she sent someone to investigate. I arranged a special accident with Atletico Madrid. So if you want to blame , you can only blame your mother yourself. You are a bastard in Shangyan , merchants are not tired of deceit , and you want to play with me. Ah, you're still far away , so let's stop here. Goodbye, hello . The money has been frozen. Li Zhuoran must have found out that his account has been frozen. It's very dangerous over there. You should run and check the Internet Protocol address of the replicator. Okay, where are you? Let's go over there . While looking at the Internet Protocol address of the boss 's replicator, I found Lin Zhe. What's going on? Brother Xingyan may be in danger in the hub square . You hurry up and look for her. Okay, I know. I 'll go there right away. Who do you want to get on the bus with ? Are you okay ? It's okay. How did you know I was here? Lin Zhe called and said you were in danger, so I came over quickly. No, only Lin Zhe is in danger. Give Lin Zhe a call. Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off. Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off. His phone is turned off It's all my fault. I just thought about getting the evidence and completely ignored Lin Zhe's side. Don't worry . Maybe Li Zhuoran can't find him at all. Go to Lin Zhe's place. Lin Zhe, Lin Zhe, Lin Zhe. Are you there? Lin Zhe , Lin Zhe . Lin Zhe. Brother Lin Yi, look at this. These are the accounts, right? Bring them with you . It's not possible to go to the Public Security Bureau . It's been a while since Chairman Gu Xingyan got the evidence. He is probably on his way to the Public Security Bureau. We need Brother Li to get it to you quickly. The person we brought here has been missing for less than an hour, so we can’t file a case yet. If you have evidence that can directly accuse the suspect, you can hand it over to us. This is the relevant voucher for the transfer I made to the suspect’s overseas account . This is The suspect's related account found at our missing friend's house and this is the entire recording of the phone call when I called the suspect. Lin Zhe is in my hands. If you want him to survive, prepare 50 million. You can file a case. We already know what happened. We have also contacted the Economic Investigation Team. They will send people over now. Then you can give them the evidence directly to formally file the case. The top priority now is to find the location of the victim. Can you find a way to communicate with the other party? We can make a phone call to track and locate Li Zhuoran. He needs 50 million in cash. This is not a small sum. No one can raise it in such a short time. What should we do? I don’t think Li Zhuoran ’s purpose is these 50 million. Don't let him delay. Turns out it was you. You made me miserable. Turns out it was you who froze my account. Let me guess whether you did this for Dongchen or so that Gu Xingyan wouldn't have to struggle. You did it for her. So much for her. What has she done for you? The girl you love so much doesn’t care about your life or death. She has already called the police. Do you think anyone cares about you? You don’t need to provoke me. I’ll tell you the truth. I’m not doing it for her. We both broke up with her long ago. It has nothing to do with her. Then why are you helping her ? This is my hobby. Are you ready for the money ? Fifty million is not a small sum. We wo n’t be able to get that much together for a while. Can we give you ten million first? Please give Lin the money first. Zhe let go of the rest and we'll give it to you after we collect it. Gu Xingyan , don't think I'm a fool . Don't delay with me. I don't have it, but we really don't have 50 million now. No 50 million. Why don't you call me again ? Is the sample ready? The captain has set up anti-monitoring equipment on the other party's phone and cannot locate his location. Your guess is correct. The kidnappers are just trying to delay time. But now Lin Zhe is in their hands. If he is forced to unfreeze, he will If your life is in danger, don't worry. We'll go to the property right now to get surveillance cameras and take a look at the case . I'll contact you as soon as there's any progress. We'll keep in touch at all times. The four of you are here to pack the equipment. You two, come with me . Don't worry. Still can't get it? If you have the authority, please unfreeze it for me. I can ask people to arrest you here. I can also ask people to arrest Gu Xingyan here. If you don’t believe me, you can give it a try. Okay, who can I help you unfreeze ? Director Luan. Hello, Director Luan. That’s too much . Okay, no, no, no, you're too polite. You're really no , okay. Let 's make an appointment later. Okay , bye. What do you say? We previously created a foundation to help children with cancer and it's running very well. He wants to thank me in person for inviting me to dinner. I refused. Luan Shufeng used to be very close to Li Zhuoran. Make an appointment with Luan Shufeng to find out if he knows Li Zhuoran’s current whereabouts. Let’s make an appointment for tea now . Luan Dong, I came to you today because I actually have an urgent matter. What can you tell me ? Knowing that you once had a good relationship with Li Zhuoran, I want to know if he has any other residence in Shanghai. Why would you remember to ask this Li Zhuoran why he kidnapped Jie Qi ? He kidnapped Jie Qi. This child is so cute and kind. How could he do it? Is it because of some financial problems? This Li Zhuoran is really crazy. I think of the old saying that a favor should be repaid by a spring. This life should be as pure as natural spring water. Just like you and Jieqi helped the children in the hospital. I don't know where he is right now, but I will list for you the places he may go to, including the residences of some of his cronies. Thank you so much for helping me prepare the air tickets and new identity. Contact me as soon as possible after getting it. After thawing, transfer the money to this account quickly . Don't play tricks on me. Captain, no, no, captain, no , no, you two go over there. You two go to the second floor. Li Zhuoran. Have you been here in the past few days ? Have you been here? Do you know? I know where he went. I don’t know . I really don’t know. I really don’t know. How about the captain not coming back ? I haven’t seen Ling Wei here in the past few days. I haven’t found Li Zhuoran in the club either. It seems that there is only one possible location provided by Director Luan. Where is it ? Dahua Western Suburb Villa, Yan Guangyao’s house . Dare you order it? What's wrong, boss ? My patience is limited. Don't delay. Otherwise, don't blame me. You can unfreeze, but in batches. The bank has restrictions. No matter what method you use, get it done before dawn. Hey Peiying, I'm fine. How are you and Kang Jian doing recently ? That's good. A few payments will come over in a moment. If you have time, go to the bank and check it out. I 'll be back soon. Don't worry, we're still eight kilometers away from the target. Everyone, be careful . Keep quiet when you park. Surround the target location. Don't alert others. Be aware that the kidnappers may hold on. The gun must ensure personal safety. What are you doing? What are you doing? You are cheating, boss , boss. What's wrong with the boss ? He transferred the money . Where did it go to Dongchen's custody account, where it should be ? Why did you do this? Because my brother Your brother, Lin Yi , you are two brothers. Let ’s call an ambulance and get off . There is no one else but me. What’s wrong? Who is injured ? You can’t go in. Where is Captain Feng? Lin Zhe? Where is my brother ? Lin Zhe was seriously injured and had to be sent to the hospital immediately. Lin Zhe, Lin Zhe, Lin Zhe, Lin Zhe , Lin Zhe , Lin Zhe, Lin Zhe, Lin Zhe, Lin Zhe , you heard, no, something happened to Jie Qi. This time, his life is really hanging by a thread. What, what, what, what, who did you listen to ? I listen to the company You believe the invisible things that people inside said. How can this be invisible? This is Fang Fang from within the company. You have this time to spread gossip. I think it’s better to take care of your own design. Now that’s gone. Are you going to work? The evidence you provided before is very valuable , but the money transferred by Li Zhuoran was withdrawn by his wife overseas. Three hundred thousand US dollars was reported and it is unlikely that this part of the money will be recovered , but we will definitely I'll try my best to thank you. You 're welcome. It 's our responsibility. Also, I called you two here today because there are some documents that need to be confirmed for the money to be returned to Dongchen. Please look at it carefully . In addition, we captured Ling Wei from the scene. She insisted that Lin Zhe's crime was her fault. However, we only found Li Zhuoran's clothing fibers on Lin Zhe's body , so Ling Wei's confession is not referenceable. We need to further examine it . As for this Li Zhuoran, it is indeed us. We made a mistake at work and let him escape when we rushed into the villa, but we have called up the surveillance at each entrance of the villa area and merged several cases of Li Zhuoran to investigate him. We have frozen all bank accounts , stocks and bonds. and implemented border control on him. We are pursuing the case with all our strength. I will inform you two as soon as there is any progress. Thank you, Captain Feng. Thank you. You are welcome . Why didn't you drive? I didn't sleep well last night. Shen Bo asked for leave again. I'm sorry. It 's all because of that . I, Lin Zhe, was injured. It’s not my fault. You shouldn’t have let him come to Dongchen in the first place. You shouldn’t have let him wade into this muddy water. Come out with me. Doctor , how is my brother? Judging from the computerized tomography scan of the brain, it is due to external force. It's too big , so the local tissue in the back of the brain and the skull are damaged. As for the central nervous system damage, further examination is needed. Will he be able to wake up? It's not optimistic . You all have to be mentally prepared for the worst.
Channel: 宅女追剧花园
Views: 101,124
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Keywords: 中国电视剧2023, chinesedrama, 霸道总裁, 灰姑娘, 中国电视剧, 中国爱情电视剧, 都市爱情, 浪漫爱情, 公主, 王子, 董事长, 公司, 好看的中国电视剧, 推荐的中国电视剧, 华视, 大陆剧, 王鹤棣, 虞书欣, 白鹿, 赵露思, 吴磊, 杨洋, 甜宠, 迪丽热巴, 心机女, 恶毒后妈, 恶毒婆婆, 李菲儿, 中国优秀电视剧, the love you give me chinese drama, chef hua ep 1 eng sub, 2023chinesedrama, 国子监来了个女弟子, 吻戲, 爱的厘米, 佟丽娅, 佟大为, 檀健次, 杨紫, 白敬亭, 郑和惠子, 夏至未至, 对我而言危险的她, 对我而言危险的他, My Lethal Man
Id: bDPLN8zF2f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 29sec (4529 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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