【全新賽道】AI說唱影視解說,30天漲粉60萬+|AI歌曲/唱歌賺錢秘籍|手把手教學 AI rap tutorial

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This film and television commentary channel uploaded its first video in early December 2023 and has already had more than 600,000 fans in just two months . Why is this channel and you can also get involved. not singing well at this time? Ah, all the narrations are sung. You may worry that you are tone-deaf and can’t play such a trumpet . In fact, We can use AI to make this type of video. today, I will take you step by step to reproduce it. Without further ado, let’s get started. First, I will take everyone with me. Analyzing this account, he has only uploaded 20 videos. The highest video playback volume is the video explaining the TV series Yi Nian Guan Shan. It has reached 1.78 million . Let’s take a look at First of all, its picture. It is very simple. The TV series is explained without even adding too many effects. Below are the subtitles , and the biggest feature of the video is the voiceover of the narration, which is sung and adapted from the music of the recently popular Yixiaojianghu, also known as Subject 3. The entire video is not particularly long , only about one and a half minutes, which guarantees the completion rate. Then we come to our practical part. Before the practical operation, everyone needs to determine the movie or TV series that they want to narrate and the soundtrack that needs to be used. This time I if you want to use the classic movie Shawshank Redemption, will demonstrate the soundtrack and use Yixiao like that channel. The first step in Jianghu is to find the audio file. After determining the soundtrack you need to use, we first find the audio file of the soundtrack. I suggest that it is best to use WAV. The format because this is the closest to lossless music format, you can also find the MV video of this song first and then open the cutout to MV. After dragging the video file in, export it directly and select audio export so that we can get the corresponding WAV format. There is something to pay attention to here because during our subsequent processing, software only supports music within 4 minutes I suggest cutting it short in this step . Second In this step, a song has both accompaniment and vocal parts . Because we only need to modify the singing part , now we need to separate the vocal and accompaniment in this step. What we need to use is this I have attached the software download link in the description column . You can click download directly to open UVR5. Select the input file , which is the audio file we downloaded in the previous step. Then select , which is our separated file the place where the output needs to be placed . Select the Ensemble mode here because we need to separate people. For vocals and background music, select vocals or instrumental here. Keep the other settings in the same default mode as me. Click to start processing . After about a few minutes, we will get two files like this. One is instrumental , which is accompaniment, and the other is pure vocals. Let me listen to the effect of this vocal. The third step is to use ChatGPT to rewrite the lyrics. Here we need to prepare the lyrics, which is the content of our explanation. In this step , we try to let the ChatGPT teacher help us solve it. Before we start, I suggest Everyone first makes sure with ChatGPT that he knows about this movie. and can outline the plot of the movie. This is my prompt. Do you know about the movie The Shawshank Redemption? Can you briefly describe the plot of this movie? Let’s take a look at the results. It seems that Our ChatGPT teacher has watched the movie and we will need ChatGPT teachers next. We re-wrote our movie commentary copy based on the plot of the movie and the format of the lyrics. After many debuggings, I compiled this prompt for you to use directly. You may encounter situations where the word count of the lyrics given to you by ChatGPT is different from the original lyrics. You can ask him to adjust it. This is the relatively satisfactory result I finally got for everyone to see. Of course, I think that if you want to make a good channel, you can’t stand out by relying solely on AI . Because I also asked ChatGPT to write it many times , but I always feel that there is a bit of soul missing , so AI can only assist our creativity as humans, which is still very important at this time. If so, I suggest that you write this part of the copy yourself. The fourth step is to make the song. The next step is the most important step. The software I used this time is ACE studio. This is its official website . Click to download the software . Let me explain to you in advance that this software needs to be charged. Here are the specific charging standards . But the good news is that it will provide a 14-day free trial, so everyone You can try it first and then decide whether you want to buy the membership version. Open the software. This is its interface. On the left, here are the AI ​​singers provided by default. Above are different tracks. For example , below the singer track and accompaniment track are different tracks. In the detailed operation interface , we drag the two audio files we just separated with UVR5 into VOCAL, which is the singer track, and instrumental, which is the accompaniment track. Select a singer you like on the left. For example, I directly filter girl rock based on the tag. Well, just drag this into the singer track. Okay, next we need to modify the singing method of the original song based on the lyrics just rewritten by ChatGPT. You can directly click here to directly modify the individual lyrics . This is more precise but very slow. I personally don’t recommend it. Or you can directly enter a lyric here. But will automatically fill in the lyrics at the end based on the number of words this operation will swallow up some sustain notes. What is a sustain note? It is a short horizontal bar like this. It just turns one note on the previous word. , but does not sing the actual lyrics If such a sustain note is also removed, the whole rhythm will be So the method I recommend you to use is to directly select all the sentences and then right-click to edit the lyrics and then copy the lyrics we just corresponded to . Remember to select the skip note here and so on. We will edit the lyrics of this song one by one. After the modification is completed, to export the audio you can find the corresponding film and television resources in . Personally, I am not particularly familiar with music creation. the file in the upper right corner. I am a complete novice. In fact, this software also has many other functions , such as mixing different singers to create some demos, etc. If you are more professional, you can also Try to play it and see. You are very welcome to share your experience with me. Step 5: Make the video screen. Finally, we have to match the corresponding movie screen according to the lyrics of the commentary. This step is relatively simple and is dragged into the cut here. Share a little trick We can use editing, which can I accelerated separate a whole piece of material according to different scenes . If you need to find a specific scene, it will be much faster because this step is relatively simple the AI ​​function of intelligent lens segmentation . Finally, we add subtitles to the scene according to the lyrics. Can I show you the effect of my finished film? How sad are all my dreams that are shattered? Who is the last one ? Let me explain to you the copyright issues. According to YouTube’s official instructions for film and television editing , as long as you make secondary modifications to the picture part , as long as it is not a direct copy. It can still be released. This is the official detailed description. You can study the music. We have also modified its lyrics. and incorporated it into our own creation. So in this case, I uploaded the finished video that I showed you before to YouTube and it can be opened normally. If all of you who are generating income encounter a situation where you are unable to generate income, You can also tell me let’s take a look at what’s going on. This is today’s video. If you are interested , go DIY a song of your own. I think it’s very fun that I played for three full days and finally realized my childhood dream. I can’t stop dreaming about music creation. I’m really looking forward to seeing your final results. If you are a complete novice and want to know more about the skills of using AI and want to know more projects that can make money with AI , then don’t miss my latest launch. AI business practical strategy course. In this course, I will share some practical knowledge about AI , including many commercial money-making projects that no one has analyzed on the market. I will take you step by step to copy and make money. If you are interested, just click on the description column below the video. You can check the course details by clicking the link . There are 3 free trial lessons . Don’t miss it.
Channel: 木子AI研究所
Views: 21,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, chatgpt, 網賺, 賺錢, 人工智能, 副業, 網上賺錢, 創業, 被動收入, ai賺錢, make money with ai, earn money with ai, ai video, ChatGPT, make money online, AI說唱, 說唱視頻, 影視解說, 影视解说, AI说唱, AI rap, 電影, 電視, 解說, tutorial, ai music generator, text to music generator, text to music ai, text to music ai generator free, AI音樂, 音樂, AI歌曲, make money online 2024, 被動收入 財富自由, earn money with ai 2024, ai rap video, AI 說唱解說, AI說唱解說, 說唱解說, 影視, 音樂 無廣告, ai 说唱, ai rapper voice generator
Id: S9RvzhTsjlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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