「邦尼評測」Sony Xperia 1 V 重點評測:解密 黑科技完全體!顛覆級感光元件、解決錄影過熱?(色域色準 8 Gen 2 4K 120Hz 效能 相機錄影 電力續航實測 1 V值不值得買?

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Hi, welcome back, I’m donkey, Sony , Sony , the Xperia 1 series has reached the fifth generation without knowing it. In just 10 seconds of opening, the most emotional thing is that the aesthetics of Sony’s designers are still online . This simple but neat ID design It can almost be said to be a rare stream , and this year’s specifications are really piled up . The only good performance is Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 with 12GB of RAM. The battery is also filled with a total of 5000mAh heat sink and 60% headphone jack. MicroSD top Victus 2 IP65, IP68 are both dustproof and waterproof. The key point is the camera. This year’s Xperia 1 V is replaced with Sony’s own new-generation photosensitive element that has been highly discussed. It can be said that Xperia finally launched Sony’s own top-level photosensitive element. Compared with the Xperia 1 IV, the area of ​​the photosensitive element has increased by 70%, reaching 1/1.35 inches. Wait , isn’t it already an inch ? It doesn’t sound big. Yes, the part that sounds unreasonable is Sony . I mean, this is Sony Black. The rhythm of technology is about to start . Yes, this photosensitive element is indeed very special . It adopts a new 2 Layers double-layer design, and its light sensitivity is twice that of Xperia 1 IV . The key point is that Sony has a solution for a one-inch photosensitive element , but one inch is placed in the phone. The ratio is really huge. Maybe the battery will drop by 3.5mm, the MicroSD will be unplugged , and there is no way to put the zoom periscope, etc. It always needs to be less. It’s not just an inch , but the entire phone’s There are a lot of challenges in the internal arrangement. The point is that if you have used a 1-inch model , you will find that the lens is very convex . These general problems are the challenges you will face when you use a 1-inch model . So the problem is that you want a good camera . Is there no other way to increase the area of ​​the photosensitive element all the time? So the photosensitive element suppliers in 2023 are all thinking about another question . It is really not an option to continue to enlarge the photosensitive element. How to achieve higher light sensitivity in a smaller volume Samsung Here, by improving the Full-Well Capacity, DTI is used to reduce light interference . Sony’s good material is the double-layer design , and Sony has also created a brand new series for this new structure of the photosensitive element, called Exmor T for Mobile . It's a bit blurry , so let's just watch the animation . Here we use a simple but inaccurate way to explain it. You can see that the past practice is to call Photodiode in Chinese as a photodiode, which is wrapped in the same layer as the Transistor transistor below , but this form It’s not called a single-layer design, it’s a common practice , and the special feature of Sony’s photosensitive element is that they disassemble the photodiode and transistor and place them in two layers , which is the basic concept of 2L 2 Layers that everyone is talking about. In this way, the photodiode on the upper layer can receive more light as much as possible , and the transistor below can also achieve smaller noise interference . This is the improvement. According to the data provided by Sony, this 1/1.35-inch Compared with the 1/1.7-inch Xperia 1 IV, the performance of the photosensitive element has increased by 70% , but the photosensitive capacity has doubled, and the amount of light collected is three times that of the previous generation . Through multiple composites, the official shouted that it has a full-frame image quality. Tolerance This sentence is confirmed with Sony. The full-frame comparison is its own A7M2 , but it is also very close to the A7M3 in terms of latitude. After all, we can’t just listen to Sony’s blowing , so the first thing we got was to go straight to the night. Let’s take a picture and look at the first set of proofs . Let’s zoom in to see the details of the building behind. Xperia 1 V’s strong light sensitivity is visible to the naked eye. Even here we directly compare the 1-inch Mi 13 Pro in terms of details. I think The only problem is whether Sony can make full use of this photosensitive element. After all, the jingle that the first-level crushes people is really beginning to be subverted , but this highlight is still very Sony. However, this new Sensor is superior in light sensitivity. It’s really expected. I think this photosensitive element is not only expensive. It is said that the sensor with a double-layer structure is about twice the price of the one-inch photosensitive element. Otherwise , Sony’s double-layer technology will definitely subvert the entire photosensitive element of mobile phone cameras in the future. After all, who doesn’t want to have high sensitivity in a small area? Well, it’s still at the beginning. How to go directly to the popular science and measurement link? It’s too far away. You just need to remember that the Exmor T For Mobile series adopts a double-layer design. The advantage brought is that the mobile phone Achieving a higher photosensitive capability with a smaller controllable volume and solving the size of the photosensitive element facing the edge of out of control. Well, I won’t spend time talking about the Sensor in a moment . I hope everyone can understand it in a simple way. What are the advantages and disadvantages, you will only know after the actual test . In this episode, we will take you to see it comprehensively. The replacement of Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is also Sony’s best flagship model Xperia 1 V in the past three years. Let’s take a look at the actual performance of Xperia 1 V. Let’s first see the body of the machine . This year’s Sony Xperia 1 V is also full of cable style aesthetics. When I saw the poster before , I felt that the ratio of this year’s lens was a bit too big . But after getting the real machine , Sony actually blackened it, not so much. Obviously, the real phone looks better than the poster . There are two options for color selection on stage: black and green. We have a green version . This time the green is quite special. Where there is light , it will appear between dark green and army green. Color , and if it is in a darker scene , it will turn into a very dark green, close to the dark gray body texture , which means that you can buy a mobile phone and enjoy two colors of the body at the same time. In short, I recommend everyone to go to the scene to play. This time is more special. The most important thing is that Sony has introduced a dense groove design on the side frame of Xperia 1 V. In addition to being more stable in grip, it can also reduce the impact of falling , and the whole sense of professionalism is also more professional. By the way , now you look at it from a distance , you think this back Is the cover still matte? Let’s take a closer look . In fact, it’s a very dense dot-matrix coating. It feels super non-slip. I think someone must have commented last year that Sony’s matte treatment is too detailed, so detailed that it’s slippery. But the junction of the side frame and the back cover It still adopts the grooved design, which will feel thinner in the hand , but it will also feel a little rough . Well , this time, Sony’s fuselage materials are quite sincere. Both sides use Corning’s latest and top-notch Gorilla Victus . 2 Glass Compared with the previous Gorilla Glass, the strongest part of Victus 2 is that it can pass through 1 meter of reinforced concrete Asphalt and other sharp impacts on the ground , under the same conditions, the glass in the past usually breaks under 50 cm. It is also one of the few mobile phones that use Victus 2 , and it also achieves IP65, IP68 dustproof and waterproof . Finally, I know what you are concerned about. Sony’s signature physical shutter is still there , you can change the SIM card slot without removing the card pin , and the MicroSD expansion card slot is still there. It can expand up to 1TB and then turn it over to 3.5mm audio jack . I ’m still at Sony. On the back of the camera, a new set of microphones is added , but there is one place that has changed, that is, the front LED indicator light is gone this time , but then again , this time the Xperia 1 V also uses a full-flat screen design , so the good glass protector is the same Cheap and easy to buy. In addition, Sony also uses a linear motor this time . The vibration feedback is crisp and clear, and the vibration intensity is moderate. The feedback is comfortable . But what I want to say is that this time Sony still does not plug VC for heat dissipation . We have a question , mainly to control the thickness of the fuselage. However, I have continued to pile up graphite heat sinks. This time the total amount (slip of mouth) has increased by 60% , but I think it seems possible to do a survey. Is Sony the brand that has the most graphite heat sinks? But what is the performance temperature? We will test it later. Next, let’s look at the camera that everyone is most looking forward to. This time Sony Xperia 1 V adopts a three-lens design . They are F2.2 12 million 1/2.5-inch ultra-wide-angle. The next telephoto is the same as before , and it is also a continuous optical zoom of 85-125mm. The lens , which is in the range of 3.5-5.2 times , is all optical zoom. Last year ’s black technology , but last year’s picture quality really still has room for adjustment. This year it has been significantly improved. At the focal length of 3.5x, after the post-update , the performance is still above the standard. The main thing that is relatively loose is the 5.2x after zooming . We adjusted it to 5.2x. From this group, we can easily see that the Xperia 1 IV on the right side is in front of the light. The windows at the back still have a certain degree of blur . It’s not out of focus, it’s just blurry . This problem has finally been fixed on the Xperia 1 V and has reached a normal level . Here we also noticed that the Xperia with a higher magnification digital zoom 1 V has also solved the problem of white fog on the digital zoom screen this time, and it has been corrected this time , but this lens still has room for improvement in high-magnification digital zoom. Currently , the resolution in the central area is significantly better than that of the Xperia 1 IV. However, the picture quality is still a bit loose at the edges after zooming , but this problem seems to be related to the algorithm , because at the 5.2x native focal length, the person in the red suit on the window is clearer , but the image quality is degraded after zooming Sony You can adjust it later , but it’s not fun enough to compare with your previous generation . We also directly compare the Galaxy S23 Ultra and iPhone 14 Pro. We set it to 3.5 times . This time, the telephoto image quality of Xperia 1 V has finally come up . The resolution capability under 85mm has basically reached the same level of performance as Galaxy S23 Ultra . However, the strongest feature of Xperia 1 V is that it has continuous zoom. We zoom to 5 times iPhone Let’s not compare it. It’s not very meaningful. It’s clearer when you look at the Galaxy S23 Ultra . Simply put, the Xperia 1 V benefits from continuous optical zoom. With 5.2 times, the Xperia 1 V does have an advantage in the 85-125mm focal length , but the other way around, when you exceed More than 10 times is the home field of 10 times optical zoom , so I actually hope that more brands can adopt continuous zoom, as long as it is adjusted well, it is very delicious to cover more focal lengths with one lens. The above version is still in the early stage of engineering , so there should be a new version after the launch . You can continue to pay attention to the comparison and evaluation of mobile phones after that. The biggest focus is the Exmor T for Mobile with a double-layer design. The size of the new generation photosensitive element reaches 1/1.35. Here I want to expand and talk about how many million pixels this Sensor has. According to Sony’s official information , this photosensitive element has 52 million pixels , but because this Sensor has a ratio of 4.3:3 , so in Under the photo ratio of 4:3, about 48 million pixels will be used in the end , and Sony’s preset is to do Quad Bayer four-in-one, so that four pixels are combined into one , so that the amount of light entering each pixel is higher , so the final The photo will be 12 million pixels . It is a pity that Sony does not provide an option of independent 48 million pixels. It is mandatory to increase the amount of light input by four-in-one . By the way, it is all about taking pictures. If it is video , this is 4.3:3. The photosensitive element can use the entire horizontal photosensitive element . Sony also uses this feature to prevent the image after EIS from being cropped too much . In terms of video performance, a lot of new functions have been added to Video Pro , but the playability of Cinema Pro is still very good. Gao Here, I will also provide a sample film shot by Cinema Pro for your simple reference. But compared to Cinema Pro , I am more surprised that this thing Sony actually released S-Cinetone on the Xperia 1 V this time , which originally only appeared on professional models. Sony 's film color science is also praised by many creators as Sony's best color science , straight out of the color is also very good, and so on, and so on. Later , it was gradually distributed to the Alpha series , and now it is even available on the Xperia 1 V. This is really a bit of sincerity and Surprise, but the current 4K 60FPS is still Video Pro, and the exclusive Photo Pro video is only 4K 30PFS, but I am really curious about the performance of S-Cinetone on mobile phones. This is a general video. Here is a few seconds after turning on S-Cinetone. To compare, what do you think of the color performance? Here is a short video sample for your reference. It must be said that the test time of the Xperia 1 V is relatively short, so the video part can only provide a simple sample first. Take a sample for your reference, and I will test it in detail when I have the opportunity . In addition, there is another hardware change on the Xperia 1 V this time, that is, Sony has removed the 3D iToF rangefinder lens that has been used for three generations . According to Sony, they replaced it. Brand-new AI focusing algorithm , so iToF assistance is no longer needed , and not only focusing, this time a brand-new AI algorithm has been introduced in the calculation of white balance and exposure , and this AI is exactly the same as its own Alpha department. The training AI uses the same set and the same teacher. They also added the product display mode on the Alpha to the Xperia 1 V. Just turn on the product display option in the interface, and you can see when you take things forward. The system will automatically focus on the item you want to display instead of always focusing on your face . It is very practical for creators, but how is the focus performance without iToF? Currently we have measured the focus of the Xperia 1 V It is still very fast, and the ratio of in -focus is very high . Whether you want to capture a child playing with bubbles , or a child running on a swing , you can easily capture through the continuous shooting function. In addition, the familiar human eye tracking focus object tracking focus is also available on the new sensor. It can be done. I won’t waste time to mention the basic functions of Sony . I’ll just talk about the key points of improvement. This time Sony’s continuous shooting has been increased from 20FPS to 30FPS. What is the concept of 30FPS ? Listen to the shutter sound , it’s super healing for us Here is another swing test. We look at each one and see that they are all in focus. I think Sony’s focus tracking is very strong . I ’m not surprised. Thirty frames per second . If you want to start this ultra-fast capture, you only need to select the HI+ option in the continuous shooting menu . If you want to shoot continuously and also want HDR composition , you must select the HDR HIGH next to it. Options Next , let’s look at the camera’s performance . I’ll take a quick look at the key points and characteristics of the camera captured this time. Here , I just want to say that Sony’s portrait skin tone is really strong. Which one do you like in terms of color performance? Leave a comment below. Overall I think the adjustment direction and characteristics of this year are similar to those of previous years. The daily shooting is already very stable and there is no trouble. The image quality of the telephoto has also reached a certain level this time. The main thing is actually to watch the night shooting . The color rendering is still Sony’s style, which is comfortable and pleasing . But There will be no problem of high saturation. I think there is only one problem left , which is that Sony really needs to be more positive. You can see this set of samples . The highlight suppression of Xperia 1 V is indeed better than that of Xperia 1 IV , but let’s take a look. The Galaxy S23 Ultra is relatively balanced in terms of HDR, and it will not be deliberately leveled. The Galaxy S23 Ultra is still poor in highlight suppression, but other than this , the camera this time is really strong. Whether it is architectural details , the color of the image is above the standard. You see The detailed performance of this group does not need to be compared with the Galaxy S23 Ultra of the same size . We directly leapfrog the one-inch comparison with the Mi 13 Pro. It is also a back and forth, so I still have to actively and loudly appeal to Sony with a strong conscience. Add the manual night scene mode , please. Overall, the Xperia 1 V sensor is really strong this time , and you can always trust Sony's color science . Look at this group of neon merchants under extremely low light sources . Here, the high light pressure I don’t have any opinion on whether to suppress it. The reason is that the light bar here is a little bit blown out, which is more sensational . The quiet and transparent feeling of the whole night is also revealed. So I have no opinion on whether the high light pressure here is suppressed . What I want to show you here is this Xperia. The light sensitivity of 1 V is really ridiculous. Compared with the 1/1.3-inch Galaxy S23 Ultra next to it , we dragged it to the dark part. This detail shows that Samsung has basically been suppressed. But Xperia 1 V is here for everyone to see for yourself . The three words of oil painting Basically, it has nothing to do with the main lens of Xperia 1 V , and the details and color performance of night portraits are also very good . The portraits of iPhone 14 Pro, S23 Ultra, and Xperia 1 V. Which group do you like the most? Let us know in the comments below. In short, I think The current Sony flagship is really only missing a night scene mode that can be manually turned on , allowing users to choose the familiar Sowei photos they want , or to activate a higher-intensity HDR algorithm , and open up the choice . I think it is very, very perfect. Of course , if you like to take pictures of people, scenes, children, and pets , then the capture performance of Xperia 1 V will not disappoint you . Finally, because the photosensitive element has become larger this time , here is also a set of shortest shooting distances. For your reference, let’s take a look at some new features and features that have been transferred from the Alpha camera . First of all, there is a new feature on anti-shake . Compared with the past, the anti-shake option of Xperia 1 V is only on and off . This time, Xperia 1 V has a new function. Compared with the past, the anti-shake option only has on and off. Standard and high quality are added . Both Video Pro and Photo Pro apps have no eccentricity . When it is off, there will only be pure OIS action. Under standard , it will be pure. EIS can only enable OIS + EIS at the same time when high quality is selected , and the more advanced Flawless Eye algorithm will be used for anti-shake in the high-quality option , but the computing requirements of the system will also increase . However, we have found that OIS optical anti-hand There is a difference in the intensity of the vibration. It will only fully operate when the EIS is completely turned off. When selecting high quality, the OIS module will only have a very small movement, almost locked . It can be seen from the screen that it is in the closed state. The OIS module will be fully activated. What makes us more curious is why Sony does not enable OIS with a larger correction range and EIS at the same time. So we also asked Sony officials this question at the same time. According to the answer of their engineers , OIS is under high quality. The main correction is the slight blur caused by shaking. It mainly relies on Sony's own advanced EIS algorithm . So with this setting, we also provide a short section of the picture difference of the three modes under shaking. I think this year in terms of anti-shake The Xperia 1 V is probably the normal performance and there is room for improvement . Finally, I want to talk about the new features . It is worth mentioning that Sony has released both Photo Pro and Video Pro this time. More functions that were originally in its own Alpha camera. First of all , Focus peaking is very useful. On a small screen , people often wonder whether they are in focus . With the help of focus peaking , it is very intuitive. Have you seen these red lines on the screen ? That’s right, where there are red lines, there are The focused surface will be clear when you take a picture . After you understand it , you can freely choose the line color you like in the menu . Compared with the previous generations, I think Sony has really thought about it in software this time , and it has ulterior motives. This peak focus The function is not only available in the video mode, but also in the photo interface of Photo Pro, the video interface of Video Pro, and Cinema Pro. All of them are available . Second Sony released the classic function on the Alpha camera this time , that is, Creative Look , that is, the classic creative color options on the Alpha camera , including ST, NT, VV, FL, IN, and SH classic options are included, and interested friends can also Pause to take a look at Sony’s explanation of each color mode. Here is also a set of sample shots taken with different Creative Looks for your reference. The last point I think is the interface of the camera. In the past , the manual mode of Photo Pro and Video Pro were mainly horizontal. Therefore, even if you hold it straight, the interface of Photo Pro is still horizontal . This time, they have designed a vertical version for all interfaces. Although you need to press a layer of menus when using it, and the camera has a lot of functions , it takes a little time to get familiar with , but at least the whole The interface is much more reasonable for vertical shooting. I think this time Sony has really felt that they have listened to many suggestions on the software. The most surprising thing is that S-Cinetone actually appeared on the mobile phone . It is really unexpected. Sony And in the performance test that everyone is most concerned about , the Xperia 1 V in our hands is equipped with a new generation of Qualcomm, which is known as the flagship savior of Android . Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 uses TSMC’s 4nm process , with 12GB of RAM and 256GB of ROM . This time there is a surprise Xperia 1 V is compatible with the previously launched Xperia Stream 10,000-rpm cooling fan . With this year’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, the performance is obviously cooler . I feel that this year’s Xperia flagship may really play games . But it’s a pity that we have it It is still an engineering version of the machine , so at this stage we have no way to run a performance test. We will have the opportunity to make up for you one after another. But the performance cannot be tested . I can always measure the camera’s heat. I think many people who buy Sony mobile phones still have one concern. The question is whether the temperature control of the continuous recording is better , and whether the recording will overheat, so this time we will go directly to a higher intensity hell test . After all, it is summer. Although the days we tested are still cool , but we can pass modern technology. Turn on the heating , pull it to about 30 degrees as the starting point , and then uniformly record 4K 60FPS, which is a heavier test than the previous 30FPS, to see if the Xperia 1 V can last longer than the Xperia 1 IV this time . You can see that I just started The camera on the Xperia 1 IV is one degree higher immediately. The camera has a large amount of computation , so the temperature rises faster. Looking at the final result , the Xperia 1 IV lasted only 9 minutes and 38 seconds under 4K 60FPS. The main heat-generating area probably fell. In the camera part, the highest temperature at the end reached 43 degrees , and the Xperia 1 V finally lasted for 26 minutes and 59 seconds. Considering a room temperature of 30 degrees , 27 minutes in a row can only be said to be okay. The main heat-generating area is also the camera The highest temperature reaches 45 degrees . It can be seen that the pressure of 4K 60FPS is still relatively high. If you want to record for a long time, no matter who you are , at present, it is relatively stable at 4K 30FPS. Let’s also test the Xperia 1 IV, which can only last 6 minutes and 15 seconds. Ah, that’s right, we tested several times and found it was shorter than 4K 60FPS , so we took a closer look at the reason, and it turned out that under 4K 30FPS , Sony’s temperature control is tighter, and it will stop at about 41 degrees . I think this is the reason. The reason why many people on Xperia 1 IV reported that 4K video often skipped high temperature warnings , while Xperia 1 V was really super stable under 30 degrees, and it could continue recording directly for 1 hour and 10 minutes . We didn’t continue to test it later . Hours should be more than enough , and the temperature of the fuselage will remain at around 40 degrees at this time , which is still a long way from the 45 degrees that 4K 60FPS stopped just now, so if you want to record for a long time , 4K 30FPS is the best choice , but for me In particular, I want to talk about Sony’s videos that are prone to high temperature warnings . In fact, it ’s not just that the temperature control is conservative , but Sony’s Date Rate is very high. Under H.265 4K 60FPS , Xperia 1 V has reached about 150M per second , compared with the same H.265 The iPhone 14 Pro and Galaxy S23 Ultra are around 5 60 , and this high bit rate corresponds to the actual one-minute file size . The iPhone 14 Pro is about 393MB in one minute, the Galaxy S23 Ultra is 451MB , and Sony’s reaches 920MB in one minute. No wonder Sony’s 4K 60FPS has such a large amount of calculation . To sum up , the overheating of Xperia 1 V video has been greatly improved this time . 4K30FPS has gone from 6 minutes to 1 hour without stopping. The room temperature of 30 degrees is also controlled at 40 degrees. It belongs to the top performance of 4K. 60FPS has also changed from 10 minutes of the previous generation to about half an hour , and I want to emphasize that 4K 60FPS at 150M is really hard, Sony, I said you should be serious , it’s really not that difficult for you, right ? What I want to share more is that Sony ’s improvement this time is mainly from the optimization of the camera’s energy consumption performance, reducing the power consumption by about 20% , and adding a large area of ​​graphite heat dissipation material to the main hair area to solve the camera’s overheating problem . And we also I got an interesting piece of information. Sony’s temperature control design mainly follows Japanese regulations. It is necessary to ensure the safety limit of hardware within 50 degrees . This is one of the reasons why everyone thinks that Sony’s temperature control is conservative , but I still think Sony can especially target overseas. The market needs to make appropriate temperature control adjustments . After all, the weather in Taiwan is really hotter . In short, this is quite interesting information to share with you . In terms of battery life and charging, this time the Xperia 1 V is also equipped with a large 5000mAh battery that supports up to 30W wired. Fast charging and 15W wireless charging are also supported. Of course, wireless reverse charging is also supported. The biometric security recognition also adopts the design that everyone likes to combine with the power supply and fingerprint recognition . Press it to unlock directly. The speed is very fast and the standard is also supported in the communication part 5G Dual SIM Dual Standby Support Wi-Fi 6 (Hardware supports 6E, activation has to wait for regulations) NFC supports Google Pay Finally we see audio-visual entertainment This time the screen on the Xperia 1 V is still a top-notch 4K HDR OLED screen And it supports 120Hz screen update rate , but it still does not support LTPO . The screen brightness is also very strong , especially in terms of 3840x1644 high-resolution and high-density OLED. After our actual measurement , it can easily reach 100% of the display area under strong light. 900 nits , and at the peak brightness of about 10% of the display area , it can reach more than 1300 nits The brightness is strong, no problem , but we have to measure the color gamut and color accuracy . Of course, we need to take out our group. You can buy several Xperia 1 V measuring equipment for actual measurement . Sony has two main display modes, called standard mode and director mode . Simply put , standard The mode is a style that pleases the eyeballs. The BRAVIA TV technology is used for adjustment . In terms of orientation, the color gamut is as full as possible. However, DCI-P3 is about 95% of the performance , and the director mode is limited to sRGB . If you see the color accuracy In the case of Sony, both standard and director modes have warm, medium, and cool three options. It is easy to understand after the actual measurement . The largest color shift is the cold Delta E. In both modes, it is about 9-10% of the average Delta of the mid-range. E is 5-6%. If you want the most accurate color rendering , you should choose the warm gear that follows the D65 standard . However, after our actual measurement, the average Delta E of the Xperia 1 V falls at 2.9 under the most accurate warm color options in the standard and director modes. It is about 2.2 and we think it is still not up to the very good <2 performance in mind. Is there a way? With our simple color correction, the feature of Sony’s flagship is that the screen customization options are super complete. For the screen we have, it ’s a little bit different. Adjust the red to the position of 66. At this time , the average Delta E of the standard mode can reach a very good 1.1. The director mode can even reach the abnormal level of the average Delta E of 0.36. Overall, the quality of this screen is very good , but it needs to be adjusted . General users can What I did was to choose the warm profile, which is close to D65, but after all, each screen has a different physique, so you cannot directly apply our adjustment options. By the way , this time, Sony also added an external monitor function to the mobile phone. That’s right ! Now you can directly plug in a high-speed USB C cable , and you can put the camera image on the Xperia 1 V for preview through the wired output mode . It is no longer necessary to output USB C through HDMI , and it is an independent app, which is easy, intuitive and easy to use. In terms of sound effects, Xperia 1 V has improved current and noise cancellation. 80Hz has doubled and 200Hz has increased by 40% . There is an audible improvement. The following Bonnie also provides a set of comparisons for your reference . At the end of the program, the biggest impression of the Xperia 1 V this time is that the photosensitive element is really strong this time , and the software is more attentive than before , plus S-Cinetone video recording DR-O adjustment, camera focus peaking , improved telephoto 30FPS continuous shooting, a screen with higher brightness , beautiful 4K 120Hz OLED, good quality, after color calibration , it can reach the abnormal level of 0.36, but the factory color standard can reach <2 Factory calibration can be listed as the focus of improvement. Overall , although the current engineering machine cannot test the gaming performance of Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 , the temperature control this time is obviously much better than the previous generation. If you have waited for Sony for three years , this time it can really be said. The most powerful Sony flagship in the past three generations. Well, the program of this episode is here first . Don’t doubt that the positioning of this episode is really a quick and focused test , but we also try our best to test all the key functions in a limited time . I hope you will watch it too. Have fun. If you still have any questions or if the Bonnie team has not tested it , please leave a message below to discuss it. If you want us to test it again, let ’s continue to talk about it in the next evaluation. Finally , the production of the program is not easy . Please support us a lot. You are also welcome to pass Join the channel membership or YouTube's super thank you button to sponsor us to complete more reference-worthy test programs. I 'm a donkey. See you next time.
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Keywords: 科技, 3C, 開箱, 邦尼幫你, 評測, PTT, 科技評測, ptt, Sony, Xperia 1 V, iPhone 14 Pro, Galaxy S23 Ultra, 小米 13 Pro, 2 Layers, 雙層設計, 1/1.35, 台積電, 8 Gen 2, 完整評測, 實測, 評價, 推薦, 值不值得買, 4K 120FPS, 連續錄影, 效能測試, 過熱, 續航, 防手震, 相機錄影, 變焦, 夜間, 夜景模式, 智慧場景辨識, 超廣角, Photo Pro, Creative Look, 峰值對焦, Video Pro, Cinema Pro, S-Cinetone, OIS, 光學防手震, 日拍, 夜拍, 錄影實測, 連續光學變焦, 5200 萬, 指紋辨識, 4K, 21:9, 120Hz, 色域, 色準, 亮度實測, Dolby Atmos, 杜比全景聲, Qualcomm, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, 石墨散熱片, 5000 mAh, 無線充電, 無線電力分, 5G
Id: FcynzAWD2rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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