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do you know? According to research, gifted students of the same level may perform better in the future if they attend a community high school nearby than if they go to a star high school! What are the advantages and disadvantages of the existence of Star High School ? Why do so many people want to "destroy Star High School"? Let’s talk about “Star High School” today! Hiho~ Hello everyone, I am Zhiqi! At the end of last year, the Taipei City Education Bureau announced that all public and private high schools would have to reduce their class size by one person to cope with the impact of the declining birthrate . Some star high schools, such as Cheng Cheng High School and Beiyi Girls' School, directly The Education Bureau has applied for "reduction of classes" in the hope of increasing the number of classrooms that students can use and improving the quality of teaching in line with the new curriculum . This approach seems to be a good thing, but it has unexpectedly caused anxiety among some parents. Some parents are worried about the future of their children. It will be more difficult to get into a star high school. We noticed this and found it very interesting! Parents' worries truly reflect Taiwan's long-standing obsession with "star high schools." No matter what era it is, parents will try their best to get their children into a star high school . After all, is it really better to attend a star high school ? How did the so-called star high school appear? But before we start today’s discussion, let’s go into some business service time! [How did Star High School form? 】 When talking about "star high schools", the first thing that everyone will think of should be old and famous schools with top academic performance such as Jianzhong, Beiyi, Xiongzhong, Xiongnv, or No.1 Middle School and No.1 Girls' High School in various counties and cities . Most of them are in When it was founded during the Japanese colonial period , the Japanese government established "secondary schools" in several major administrative districts of Taiwan in order to popularize education. In terms of general subjects , such as No. 1 middle school, No. 2 middle school, First girls' school, Second girls', etc. were all schools that appeared at that time. At that time, educational opportunities were relatively scarce. Not everyone had the means to continue studying after primary school. Therefore, the students who were able to squeeze into these middle schools basically had relatively excellent academic performance , which gave these schools a good reputation. In the Kuomintang, After the government took over Taiwan, most of these schools continued to operate. However, many middle schools were split into junior high schools and high school departments, and their names were changed one after another. In Taipei City, Jianguo Middle School was actually the former "North No. 1 Middle School" and Chenggong High School was "North No. 2 Middle School." " Zhongshan Girls' High School is the "North Third Girls' High School" or in Tainan City, the current South No. 1 Middle School was actually the No. 2 Middle School during the Japanese occupation and the current South No. 2 Middle School was the No. 1 Middle School at that time . But that's another story. Later , more and more public and private high schools appeared , but the status of these old schools was not affected and they gradually became what everyone calls "star high schools"! 【Old school destined to become a star high school? 】 The reason why these old schools can stand still has something to do with historical development. At that time, most of these schools were established in densely populated areas, which also gave them the two inherent advantages of "more candidates" and "convenient transportation". First of all, "more candidates" " Because there are a large number of students in the examination areas that these schools are responsible for, the competition will be more intense and it will be easier to recruit top students. For example, in a place with a small population, you may be able to get your first choice with PR80 , but in a densely populated big city You have to have PR95 to get in . In addition, these schools are usually located near stations or main roads. The advantage of "convenient transportation" also attracts outstanding students from nearby areas to come to study, making the competition more intense , just like it can still be done now . I heard that people from Nantou went to No. 1 Middle School, and people from Taoyuan went to Jianzhong School. They commuted all the way every day to attend a star high school. But then again, what is the attraction of a star high school? [Why is Star High School so attractive? 】 There are hundreds of reasons for missing Star High School . For example, some students may think that Star High School has less supervision and a freer style of study, which can lead to a happier high school life. Some people think that Star High School has gathered at least one person after examination selection . Students who criticize students who are studying and who are close to each other and teachers are more able to "teach students in accordance with their aptitude" will have better learning quality and reading atmosphere. Some parents think that Star High School's "excellent teachers" and the resources provided by outstanding alumni in the past can enable students to receive A better education will give you a better chance of getting into a good university. Some parents even think that classmates from star high schools have good socioeconomic backgrounds and will have better future development. It is also very important for their children to make friends and establish connections with these classmates ! All in all, "future competitiveness" in the general direction is still an important factor for everyone to choose a star high school . Many people also think that getting admitted to a star high school is a ticket to a top university . However, is this really the case? [Star high school equals the biggest guarantee? 】 The Ministry of Education once conducted a study to track two groups of students who were in the top 10% of the high school entrance examination. One group was studying in a star high school across districts, and the other group was studying in a nearby community high school to see how their subsequent academic performance was. The study found that three The academic test scores of the group of students who attend community high schools after 2018 are generally higher than those of the group who attend star high schools! This also means that the fact that "it is easier to get into a good university if you study in a star high school" is probably just a myth! If we only look at the overall "top college admission rate" of Star High School, it is indeed much higher than that of ordinary community high schools. But if we look at the performance of individual students , we may find that many Star High School students have poor grades after three years of high school. Some people are so outstanding. When they were admitted to high school, their scores were PR 95 in the same class , but when they were admitted to college, their scores were only PR 60 or 70 , and their rankings have dropped a lot . Such a situation is not necessarily because the students are too messy or have too much fun. Unfortunately , going to a celebrity high school may not be as wonderful as everyone thinks! [Star High School is not as good as expected? 】 Some people complain that going to a star high school is actually very hard. Some teachers think that students are very capable, so they just skip the basics in class and only teach difficult things. Many students fail to understand and have to go to cram schools to make up for it. Or, some A few teachers feel that students can read on their own , but they are not interested in teaching, leaving students to be independent and self-reliant. In addition, because many students in star high schools are "study across districts" , they often have to leave early and come home late, spending a lot of time commuting with their peers. Compared with students, their time for studying and resting has been compressed a lot . Finally, many people think that the competitive pressure of Star High School is really not small! Because everyone is close in level, it’s good not to be left behind in a star high school. Compared with those who choose to attend community high schools, the chances of going to college through "stars" are even slimmer . In recent years, there have been incidents of star high school students injuring themselves and even seeking suicide. The short incident made many people think that "Star High School" should have been eliminated long ago! 【Down with Star High School! 】 Many people believe that the aura of prestigious schools may be dazzling , but it also puts a lot of pressure on students. According to surveys in recent years, students who attend star high schools not only take more tutoring hours , but also have a higher rate of self-injury and suicide than other students. The main reason may be that most of the students who can enter star high schools are among the top "gifted students" in the class when they are in junior high school. However, once these gifted students are gathered together to compete, some of them will be at the bottom and suddenly become the top students in the class. On the one hand, this huge gap may seriously frustrate students' confidence and make them doubt themselves. On the other hand, it may also cause their parents to put more pressure or blame. Some students cannot bear it for a while and begin to become depressed, negative and even have symptoms. Behavior that hurts oneself . In addition, some people think that the existence of star high schools has made the "pressure to enter higher education" heavier. In some people's minds , if you want to enter a good university, you must enter a good high school. In order to get into a star high school, many parents put their children in junior high schools. At the elementary school stage, students are very demanding on grades or send their children to tutoring. They don’t want their children to lose at the starting line . This situation makes many people worry that "examination pressure" is already serious when they go from high school to college. If they fail to pass the junior high school entrance examination. At this stage, having to work so hard will only extend the pressure to enter junior high schools and elementary schools, making children very unhappy. In addition, some people also mentioned that the existence of star high schools will make "classes" more consolidated . It is said that star high schools can obtain more social resources , but many students in star high schools already have good family backgrounds. Such resource distribution will make it more difficult for the "rich get richer and the poor get poorer" class to reverse . Overall, some people think Star high schools not only have no obvious benefits for students , but also make Taiwan's education system more deformed. However, many people refute that just eliminating star high schools will not solve the problem! 【Star High School cannot fail! 】 Some people believe that the existence of star high schools may be a relatively important opportunity for students with poor financial conditions but excellent academic performance. They believe that star high schools have more resources and a relatively good reading atmosphere. Through a fair examination system, these students can be exposed to them earlier. A better learning environment is also a good thing . They also mentioned that even if the public star high schools are knocked down , it will only divert resources to private "aristocratic schools". In recent years, we can see some "strict discipline and academic first" schools. The admission rate of elite private schools has gradually surpassed the dazzling results of traditional public star high schools, which has also caused some parents to rush to pay expensive tuition fees and send their children to private schools. Some people are worried that there will be more and more gifted students. Abandoning a public star high school and switching to an expensive private high school will actually make the distribution of resources more unfair, widen the class gap in education, and make poor students more vulnerable . Not to mention, the exam pressure of these private high schools may be greater if they are simply defeated. I'm afraid that Star High School won't solve any problems . So, what is the government's actual action in the face of the ongoing controversy over the existence and abolition of Star High School ? 【Let’s all be stars together? 】 As early as 10 years ago, when the Ministry of Education began to implement the "Twelve Years of State Education", some people speculated that the government wanted to destroy star high schools . However, the Ministry of Education said at the time that they did not want to eliminate star high schools but hoped that "every high school would "It's a star high school." So, looking back at the policies of the past ten years, it seems that the policies have been working in this direction. For example, the current "high school vocational quality plan" is to help schools establish their own characteristics or the "high school vocational homogenization plan." It also wants to reduce the resource gap between community high schools and star high schools . In addition, the existence of the Stars Project is to encourage students with good grades to attend community high schools nearby instead of traveling across districts to attend star high schools . The government's goal is to "have high-quality schools, regional Homogenization makes every school a high-quality school and a "star" with different appearances. However, how far is it from this goal now? Is it really possible for every school to be a star? This is more of a matter of opinion! [Our point of view] In the process of researching the topic, we have been thinking about what the label "star" actually represents? Usually when we talk about "stars" we may mean movie stars, singing stars , hosts, comedy stars, cooking stars, etc. People who shine in all walks of life can be stars. But when we think of "Star High School", everyone seems to It is very intuitive to think that schools such as Jianzhong and Beiyi with "high admission rates and difficult to get into" would have this idea. Does it also mean that we subconsciously believe that schools with good academic performance are worthy of attention and worthy of being regarded as Treated as a "star"? This may also be because we all grew up in an environment where "achievement is the most important" and we are constantly told that academic performance is the most important . People will especially appreciate these schools with good academic performance. Then, if the current goal of the Ministry of Education is to make schools unique, everyone Being a star may make students, parents, teachers and the whole society believe that abilities other than academics are also worthy of being valued and praised . However, this road to reform will really be a bit longer! In the short term... it may be difficult to see changes , so today's episode is just a brief summary of the discussions from all walks of life on the survival of "Star High School". Everyone who has read or not read Star High School is welcome to share. Your own opinion! Finally, I would like to ask everyone, if you could go back to your life and let you choose freely, would you want to go to a "star high school" in the traditional definition? Finally, if you like today’s video, please share it to let more people know about the controversy surrounding the celebrity’s high school survival! In addition, you can also click here to see the discussions on "Student Overwork Problem" and "How Hard is It for Graduate Students?" So, today's Zhiqi Qiqi comes to an end here . See you tomorrow night!
Channel: 志祺七七 X 圖文不符
Views: 179,445
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Keywords: yt:cc=on
Id: WqSt1rd_O90
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Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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