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hi JQ Brian Cranston here today I'm going undercover on the internet yes it is actually [Music] me Twitter from derpa glass art Brian Cranson always take his pants off Malcolm in the Middle Breaking Bad Man just wants to show his underwear you know I I gave up on that long time ago and I'm just giving America what it wants to see apparently from King mild every time I see these two they're always just hanging out did Brian Cranston adopt Aaron Paul uh he's young enough to be my son no we did Clash a lot on Breaking Bad but I love the guy he's just a great human being and we're business partners now in in DOS sombres there is a rumor that we have matching tattoos but that's that's not a rumor it's we have matching piercings wikpedia [Music] Cranston was ordained as a minister by the Universal Life Church and performed weddings for $150 a service to help with his income true I think I was 19 years old when I first started doing that on Catalina Island where I was spending my summmer is working unbeknownst to me uh I I didn't realize how easy it was to do to do that you simply fill in the application send it to the Secretary of State of whatever state you're in and you are ordained bless you [Music] Instagram will there ever be a Malcolm in the- Middle season 8 I don't know if there's going to be a season but we're talking everybody would love to come back and explore what those characters are doing 20 years later so we're excited by the possibility that there will be a Malcolm in the- Middle reboot or maybe a film or we don't quite know but there's a possibility it has to be something substantial and important so we'll see redit can Brian Cranston play Hugh Hefner in a Playboy biopic I'm looking at two pictures one of me and one of Hugh and there is some similarities so I think the answer would be yes and boy the research would be fun Brian Cranston I'd like to play Willie Nelson were both old and wrinkled I think I said that on The Tonight Show recently I think I was asked this just on on the street from some interview or something like that what famous person would you like to play I don't know why Willie Nelson I probably saw a picture of him or something and I thought yeah I could probably play him at my age now I'd have to really strongly increase my marijuana intake though and now something called cuora how did Brian Cranston come up with Walter White's voice from Breaking Bad series I opened my mouth and started speaking what I did as I patterned Walter White after my father who was 30 years older than me I felt that Walter White was older than his actual years the way he carried himself the way he he was burdened by Society he felt like a much older man than he really was so I thought I think if I just take on the characteristics of my father more rounded shoulders for an older man a deeper deeper voice that'll do it that'll convey what I'm hoping to convey and then when he transitions into becoming Heisenberg his shoulders go back his voice goes stronger and becomes more formidable to his enemies I often get asked if I miss playing him and I I really don't it's the feeling that you fully expressed yourself while the series was going on and you you spent it all while you were there and I thought the Vince Gilligan wrote a beautiful beginning middle and end to that series and so I didn't feel like I needed more and then all of a sudden he called me and said we're doing this movie El Camino which is the continuation of where the Jesse Pinkman character goes I said Absolutely I'll do whatever you want so I'm Walter White shows up in there Then They Do Better Call Saul and we get a call for the last season we'd love you to come in and do it okay sure I become Walter White again recently we did a PopCorners commercial for the Super Bowl and I'm playing Walter White again so even though I don't miss him I don't get a chance to miss him he keeps coming back into my life I think this character became so wonderfully and strangely iconic surprising to me that he's kind of separated himself from the rest of the things that I do so I feel good about that and was one of the most important turns in my career to take on that role and to do that it changed the trajectory of my career for sure YouTube Jonathan cahun writes in would love to hear him talk about his role on How I Met Your Mother and what was up with his character's obsession with bushes one of the funniest scenes of the whole show Jonathan I don't remember I have no idea I like bushes apparently Danielle King writes in the cast of asteroid city is insane Margot Robbie Tom Hanks scar Joe Brian Cranston I wonder if they all got along they had to keep us separated asteroid city was What actors long for it was like going to actors Camp asteroid city is the second film I did with Wes Anderson the first one was Isle of dogs that experience was considerably different because in that one you're behind a microphone I was in a room with Wes and Bill Murray Jeff Goldblum and Ed Norton Bob Balaban I think we finished the entire movie in two to three days just we just rolled right through it whereas doing liveaction it takes considerably more and Wes as you know is is very specific in his Direction and his art Direction so how the film looks is equally important to him is it true that Brian Cranston majored in police science in college it is true however that changed my counselor said you need to take elective courses so I took an acting class first day I got a scene that read a a couple is making out on a park bench and I thought oh my God this is crazy my job in that class was to kiss this pretty girl and it just made my head spin you look back on it and it's like it kind of embarrassing but the libido of a 19-year-old boy sort of reset my direction of where I wanted to go in my career and at a certain point I I realized okay if I'm really going to do this I better learn how to get really good at it and if I were to give a piece of advice to anyone who is thinking of entering into the Arts as a career I would say make sure you're willing to make a lifelong commitment to that relationship and if you're willing to do that then you really should try uh if you're not willing to say I'm all in then do it as a hobby well that's it GQ I'm Brian Cranston and I'm signing off the internet thanks for watching
Channel: GQ Taiwan
Views: 36,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all the way, breaking bad, breaking bad interview, bryan cranston, bryan cranston 2023, bryan cranston breaking bad, bryan cranston characters, bryan cranston gq, bryan cranston iconic characters, bryan cranston interview, bryan cranston movies, cne-intl, drive, drive film, gq, gq bryan cranston, gq magazine, gq 布萊恩克萊斯頓, gq 經典角色, malcolm in the middle, saving private ryan, seinfeld, your honor, 布萊恩克萊斯頓, 布萊恩克萊斯頓 gq, 布萊恩克萊斯頓 電影, 搶救雷恩大兵, 明星的經典角色, 歡樂單身派對, 法官大人, 絕命毒師, 續命之徒 絕命毒師, 落日車神, 詹森總統
Id: K0MuSZens6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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