⭐Upgrading⭐ my small art business | part 1: logo, business cards & packaging

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[Music] [Music] hey dudes and welcome to the channel and or welcome back to the channel I'm Julianne and today we are going to be starting our very first series on this channel which is so freaking exciting because it is going to be based around remodeling SLG giving my current business a little facelift and let me tell you this is long long overdue if you didn't know I am the proud owner of a little art SL Sticker Shop called pepper cut Studios and it has been my pride and joy but I also have neglected it greatly severely actually for a long time now when it came to like art and like this business in general I just felt like I was just trying to stay afloat everything I have is just there to be functional I mean it's not that it's not cute it's like kind of cute but it's just not aligned with the vision I have for it in the future all of The Branding is not quite there especially the website the website is a complete mess but it's fine we were just surviving we were keeping it functional and we were growing but now it's time to hunker down and to really make this like a real business with a real logo and brand guide and clear Creative Vision so in the series we're going to be tackling things like the logo the brand guide just so that I can pick like solid fonts that I want to go with colors and that kind of guide will help us create the assets which will be like thank you CS business card as far as packaging all that good stuff and in the later videos we're going to be tackling where to sell all this stuff so we're going to be talking about the difference between shopy square and Etsy and my opinions and where I'm going to be moving my shop to and once I pick a home for my shop then I'm going to be doing a whole website makeover which I'm so hyped about I want to like fix the UI I definitely want to fix the ux of it but more so I just want the website to be a cute home for my business because that's where it mostly is it's mostly online and I feel like we should get started like now I'm going to grab my Sketchbook and we're going to do some thumbnail designs for some logos and then figure out the colors so [Music] exciting [Music] fore [Music] so I just quickly sketched out a bunch of different types of logos here I just went with something more like visual I guess rather than just words so I probably should have mentioned this earlier but the reason why like this Leaf thing keeps showing up and it looks just like this Leaf is because I do want to revolve this art business and stationary business to be more revolved around like these little characters of mine I've always dreamed of having a like San Rio type business and I know it's not going to be like San Rio right but I want to have characters that I can call my own and then have like a whole like little Universe for them and of course I'm still going to be drawing other kinds of stationary that aren't revolved around the Sprouts but but I definitely do want to go heavier and turn that direction so I want them represented somewhere in the logo so I'm thinking some kind of like little leaf or representation like the Hello Kitty bow and I think I know what I want to do with it so I am going to make this official on my computer and we are going to have our logo also for the longest time ever I've been straying away from my favorite color which is green and favorite is something like that leans more pink I don't know I just thought like if I'm going to go like cute stationary it has to be pink but since I started experimenting with the whole Sprouts idea a little bit more and their universe is very green I can finally go back to my roots and have the colors of my business be more green which is so freaking exciting I don't know the whole point of having your own business is like you can do whatever you want with it but I've just been I don't know been playing by rules that I made up no one told me I couldn't use green but I don't know I just like made up rules for myself I'm going back to my roots so yeah time to work on this logo on my computer and then we're going to work on this ugly ass business card and my thank you cards which aren't as ugly here is my thank you card it's actually quite cute so I might keep it pretty similar but replace this with a sprout and again a little bit more green but we are still going to stay with like this like kind of peachy color I want this just to feel very rooted in nature so we're going beiges peaches and greens I think that's what we're going to go with so exciting all right we are over at the desk where I am going to create the logo on illustrator it's kind of like the go-to program for creating a logo and what I'm going to do is because I want to use the leaf from my little Sprout specifically pepper who's like the main character I'm going to take her Leaf I'm going upload it into my computer and so I can turn it into an asset in my file and then add in the [Music] [Music] text [Music] n [Music] okay recording a screen is not really doing it justice but I'm not super in love with this cuz it kind of looks like a till day on the E so I think I'm going to go with this guy I don't know I feel like this Leaf it might be recognizable enough as my Sprout Leaf but I also kind of like it like this I mean we don't always have to include the leaf but I think this will be it for now and maybe eventually I'll cut it out H I'm definitely going with this one this one feels good to me nice and Simple and Clean and the color is actually a lot brighter than it shows on screen I'm digging it I do dig this also this font is completely royaltyfree besides me just like liking the look of it so that just makes things a lot easier when it comes to like copyright and trademarking and I think that is it for our logo and yes it is very simple and you might be thinking wow that was like a lot of fuss for something that was so simple but that's the thing about design is that it always takes so much like background effort and then the results sometimes is like so simple like there are so many logos out there that are basically just like a bold font like a sanser font and there are thousands of hours and like whole teams that poured in so much effort into that really simple logo and that's the thing about design like design thinking and like art thinking are so different and if you're like already like in this world you do know that but honestly like I came from like the Science World I was like in research before and I had like no idea that like people who are artists aren't necessarily good designers and designers aren't necessarily good artists and I had to like take classes like online classes in order to like basically learn that and give me all like my design fundamentals that being said I'm like so Pro like online learning like being a solo preneur or small business owner nowadays is really the bees needs because you need to be able to do so many different things if you are a solopreneur like me or you own like a small business you are the accountant you are the administrative uh pres you are the artist you the designer the social media marketer the regular marketer because I'm learning how to email market right now you are the Fulfillment center you are literally everything and it gets so overwhelming sometimes because it's like where do I even start like how do I know how to do any of this and let me tell you the internet is your friend and if you're in a position like me and you're looking for resource to learn skills like this then you might like check out skillshare who are very kindly sponsoring today's video skillshare is the largest online learning community with thousands of online classes on Creative topics like marketing graphic design illustration or even video editing which are all skills that I personally use on a daily basis I personally been a very happy member of skillshare for a while now from the jump of my business just to get it started back in the day I would take classes like building an Etsy shop by Parker guard or even nowadays if I were to get started now I take a learning path to give me some more guidance what's really cool about these learning paths are that they are curated classes that take you from beginner to advaned and guide you the entire way there so you don't have to Fumble around and look for specific classes currently I'm improving my marketing skills by taking the learning path building a winning email marketing strategy and it has been so helpful and guiding me from beginning to end and guys the first 500 people to use my link get a one month free trial to skill share so if you're interested in any of these classes I would recommend clicking on the link below to join skillshare completely free to try out any of these classes to your heart's content and thanks again to skillshare for sponsoring this video yes I Look to because it is the next day because I got sick out of nowhere I ate some something I ate something suspicious and I just got really gross and I couldn't film the rest of the day so here we are in my comfy sweater and in my headband cuz we are getting down to work we are getting some stuff done today cuz we got to do the business card and we got to do the thank you card today and maybe maybe we might do some tissue paper design as well as look into finding a way to make like my thank you stickers a little bit more convenient cuz right now I'm making them with my Cricut and I am printing them out like this so I can only have like 12 at a time and it takes a lot of time to like make this like it takes my printer like 2 to 3 minutes to print it out cuz it's a slow printer and then it takes the cricet like a minute to 2 minutes to cut it out so in total this thing takes like 5 minutes to make and I get 12 and that's just not efficient enough for the vision we have for pepper cut studios in 2024 so what I'm thinking what I'm thinking is I'm going to order like thermal paper and then design something cute on that and then have it print out through my thermal label printer that way it doesn't use ink and also I can have like a good zillion of them and it's going to be so easy to pick off because right now when I'm taking orders I have to like grab this whole paper and like rip it off and it's just like inconvenient it sounds stupid that I'm complaining about it but it is like inconvenient to have to like grab something and it's just like more stuff on my table that just it's cluttery and slows down the process and we are trying to speed up every process this year so yeah that's what I'm thinking then I can have like a little tape dispenser and it makes packing just so much easier so we're thinking about that first let's do the thank you card which I'm so excited about I already showed you guys what my thank you card is I'll put like a little reference right here so you're going to take a look at it while I'm talking about it so at the moment it is like really simple and do want to keep it fairly simple I think either that like just like super simple or we're going to go like super crazy with it and like have like a whole like mini art print on the front of it and the back of it that's where I write everyone's name still not quite sure but I definitely want my Sprouts represented on them somehow and be like kind of the main focus I want the note in the front to say like thank you I right now I have thank you for helping us grow which I kind of like because the Sprouts are like little plants so I might keep that tag line but yeah with the color change and with like all these ideas I have I'm not really sure what I want to go with it so I think we're just going to get onto the iPad we're going to sketch out a bunch of thumbnails and then see where it goes because I find actually not just I find I learned this from graphic design class on skillshare that just thumbnail designing is the best thing ever just pumps out every idea then you have all your ideas in front of you and then you just get to picking anyway that's a lot of talking I'm so sorry I fear that this video might be a lot of talking and as per usual so let's get on with some [Music] drawing [Music] okay so these are the thank you card designs I have I am actually super happy with them and I'm particularly I don't know I really like this one just like the idea of making it a mini print but this is tough for the size I currently have which again I will show you again this is what it is and what this is is I buy 4x6 postcards and then I cut them in half so you can see this is a 4x6 print there two of them and I cut them in half and I round the corners but in 2024 I'm introducing bigger products so I'm thinking I'm just going to have to make them 4x6 and that means that I can have them be like very detailed in like a little print like that yeah I like the idea of showing all the little characters right there I was playing around with the idea of like all right how about we like take this but just minimize it just add a little border but not really in love with that this feels like kind of cute but it's not really my vibe like this feels like it would be pink and like sparkly and that's just not really who I am or what the shop kind of feels like so what I'm really leaning towards I don't know I'm thinking maybe I do two different kinds and that'll be kind of fun CU then it's like oh which one will I get I also really like this one maybe this will be for another time but for now I think we're going to go with these one more minimal one more maximal and yeah I don't know just going to dump a lot of money it's always cheaper to buy just one design but I think it's worth it I think it's worth these [Music] [Music] two [Music] maybe don't so maybe cuz I don't want to waste my [Music] time [Music] [Music] so maybe I should cuz I don't want to waste my [Music] time I don't want to waste my [Music] time and there she is look how freaking cute I threw it up into Photoshop I put it on a 4,000 by 6000 pict file 600 DPI CMYK cuz you know it's going to get printed and I am just so freaking happy with it and yeah I did decide to go a lot more neutral for this thank you card initially I thought it was going to be like fun poppy colors but then I realized that I'm not really a fun poppy colors person and also my other thank you card that I'm going to do is a lot more like a traditional print it's like a lot more like I don't know colors going on it's more painterly more detailed so I want this one to be really simple so that there's like a big difference between the than you card so I hope that maybe it's exciting to receive like one or the other I don't know I'm really just like guessing through this whole thing in my mind it makes sense but maybe maybe it doesn't only time will tell if people actually like the um having two different types of thank you cards so yeah this one's all done I am going to work on the next one and then we're going to ship them off to my printer and then I'm going to ship them to my printer and get them ordered and I think I'm going to be ordering a bunch so I think we're ordering like 2,000 of each design so I don't have to keep worrying about thank you cards running low and also the bigger you order in bulk the cheaper each one gets and we are um hoping that you know pepper cut stays for a while so I'll use all of them and just might as well get the discount right okay next [Music] card [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] could canot me a sun there oh you eat and have [Music] you're all I [Music] need I [Music] need [Music] fore could all canot need a on [Music] oh this took way longer than expected but look how cute I am so happy with this one the back will be a lot simpler cuz this is I don't know is this too much for a thank you card I feel like it's just enough it is a lot different than the other one but I think it's worth it look how cute they [Music] are good morning it is the next day because it just got way too late after making those thank you cards so we are going to make the business cards today and going to be way easier now that we have the thank you cards and the logos because a business card is basically just like the logo and on the back it's like all of your information and of course I wanted to make my business card like a little cuter but now that I have like the thank you cards I feel like I have like a greater direction of what I want my business cards to look like so I basically want my thank you card and my business cards who kind of match up and I don't really use business cards like for my online orders business cards are basically just for conventions and markets and stuff I know like people just like put QR codes on their tables or their stands nowadays but then people still also ask for business cards and also I find that a lot of people don't use the QR code thing like they might just go up and take a picture of it but a lot of the times when people are buying stuff from you like at your booth at a fair at a convention they don't remember where it's from so I always sneak a business card into every single order I get at a convention or at a fair and so for my business card I am basically going to take the thank you card with the five characters on it oh both of them have the five characters on it I'm going to take the um this one I'm going put the picture right here and I'm going to turn this into a business card a little bit more minimal because there's a lot going on in this one but we're going to definitely take the essence of this thank you card and then turn it into a business card it should be really quick cuz we already have all the assets and then hopefully I get my thank you cards and business cards today then I am going to be making a really big order from a uh bigger manufacturer but because I kind of need these thank you cards and business cards semi soon given that I'm running out of my old thank you cars and also I have like 10 million conventions coming up in February and March I think I'm traveling every single week throughout March and February for a convention or fair to a new state every every single week too so that's going to be a lot I'm going to need a lot of business cards so I got to make like an emergency order right now and whenever I need something fast I always just do it at Staples it's close by to me and it's it's same day printing like you you can't beat that and also just like for like the video purposes I just want to show you guys an example of the paper stuff but in the future I will be showing you guys the large order I'm making I I'm going to be ordering like 10,000 thank you cards and also business cards just because I'm like really bad at handling inventory and I don't have a space issue right now so I might as well just just get as many as possible and not have to order again anytime soon anyway let us get started with this business [Music] card okay see it's just like the thank you card but a mini version and the back of it will be green just like the thank you card and it'll be like QR code I don't know and on this side it'll have like things written out my socials all the other stuff if you don't want to use the QR code oh so exciting okay I don't really exactly know what I was talking about about like creating like a little QR code because I don't even have like a real link tree so I am building one right now on card.co and I'm hoping I'm going to be able to link it up with my domain hopefully let's see if it lets me can you link card a domain [Music] okay that took like 30 minutes but here she is when I have more time I'm going to create like a cute background and everything but I feel like this will suffice this has everything you can shop you can learn more about me both my Instagrams might be a little bit confusing but whatever YouTube Tik Tok and if I make anything else I can just keep adding links I think this is nice and and clean and it's a good place to go for a QR code on the back of a business card so yeah here she is I think what's going to happen is when I'm rebuilding my website and my shop I'm going to touch up this guy a little bit too and talk about why I'm using this website card okay it's saying my website's like not Google thinks that my website's really sketchy that's that's not a great thing but it's okay it's just a little link that people can go to if they want to learn more about me good now we are going to make the back of that business card and order it before 2:00 p.m. which is when they don't take uh same day orders anymore and we should totally be able to do that because making a business card takes like 3 seconds okay yeah that's perfect I don't know why I was freaking out let's do [Music] this [Music] [Music] us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] okay I am like literally geeking over these they're so freaking cute they came out exactly how I wanted look at this look how cute oh my God look at their little faces is in love and then the back of course is not coated it has a papery texture it has a little sustainability little paragraph here telling you guys to recycle and compost and what is what like my tissue paper is compostable if you're International and you receive these also compostable but if you receive one of these These are made of recycled materials but they are again recyclable and these are also recyclable and oh my God they're so freaking cute I'm so happy with that one and check out this one oh my god look how cute I'm obsessed and I think I showed you guys the business cards earlier but just as a quick reminder to show you guys that it's basically the same thing as the thank you card thank you card business card oo they're so cute and they match and whoever receives these usually doesn't receive these and whoever receives this doesn't really receive this until they make an online order so very exciting so exciting and oh wait look at the back I forgot I put pepper right here look at her basically I just like took this and made it the mask out for everything cuz pepper is you know she is the girl she is the it girl this piece of paper is only 12 cents the ink with the time and labor it costs to make these it costs a lot more than 12 cents so this is 1 cent per sticker so with all the labor and time and stuff I would say probably like I don't know 6 s cents with the ink and stuff and that's just like I don't know it's mostly the time component and the inconvenience of the actual packaging process so I decided to order a roll of sticker labels and I made those off screen cuz they're like really not that interesting I'll post a picture of the design right here it's basically just this again just this little girl again and it says thanks friend because I like to friend zone you guys check that out and I ordered 10,000 of them and that was the amount I needed to order it for it to be able to get down to about four to 5 cents per sticker and it was free shipping and I know that's like a ton of stickers but I think that's only like 10 rolls of the sticker rolls so it won't take up that much room in my office and I won't have to order for another gajillion years so I ordered a 5,000 of these and I order 10,000 thank you stickers and I thought I was going to do tissue paper this video but that will probably be another video because I looked inside my drawers and I still have like a whole another like huge package of tissue paper and there's no point in like wasting that and not using it so I'm going to use the rest of that and then we will redesign it another time but so far I'm feeling good about this little makeover feeling very good about it and yeah I don't really know how this video came out I hope it came out good but this is just part one the next part is we're going to redo my entire website which really needs a little refresh and I feel like this was a very productive video I feel like I got a lot done and my shop is going to look so freaking cute after this little makeover and if I wasn't as productive as I thought Mart you make it look like I was productive and again this is just part one of the little face lift makeover video for my sticker shop we have part two coming next week where we're going to be doing my entire website we're going to do a little bit of ux research we're going to compare square Shopify ET C my thoughts where I'm going to be selling and then just like creating cute assets for everything like I feel like my products are not showcased properly on my website and I need that to change like now so yeah thanks so much for watching my video and I hope to see you guys in the next video my first ever [Music] series
Channel: JulianneDoodles
Views: 51,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: juliannedoodles, studio vlog, artist, small business
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.