How To Make Custom Packaging at Home For Small Business| How To DIY Packaging For Small Business

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[Music] okay guys so here is the long awaited tutorial on how to make all of these different size cards right from home um so I'll just kind of go through them a little bit I'm going to show you how to make every single one of these things here by the way I want to disclaim that I outsourced all of these now um just because my business has grown a lot and I am no longer able to make these at home starting with thank you cards um I again I made all of this right from home when I first started my business even double-sided this is a little a scratch off sticker with a little discount code on the bottom so I will have these linked um in the Amazon favorites as well as all the supplies that I use in this video the card stock that I'm going to be using all that good stuff U my paper cutter I'll be linked in the Amazon favorites also going to be making some cup care instructions and these will also um work as business cards so if you want to turn them sideways you totally can we're also going to be making some backing cards that look like this and I use these for holding my keychain stickers things like that these are perfect for little backings in your packaging so that's what we're going to be doing with these we're also going to be making some magnetic bookmark backings here and this is what they look like when they're already on there and lastly we are going to be making some scrunchie tags and they look like this these can also be used for bracelets jewelry necklaces things like that anything you can really think of that needs to be wrapped around these are perfect for that and that's what it looks like the sided so we're going making some of these and that is the last thing we're going to be making so let's just get right into it so you're going to want to open up canva if you're not already using this what are you doing canva is such a great tool for my business I literally use this for everything it's an amazing like design studio all my designs come to life on here usually um when it comes to packaging so this is what I'm going to be using I do have the canva pro version which is I believe $10 a month you don't need that to get started they do have a free version as well as well but if you are a business owner I highly highly recommend um if you have the $10 to spare I would definitely get CA Pro it has so many more options so many more designs I would definitely definitely definitely get CA Pro if you're able to we're going to start off with a magnetic bookmark backings this is going to apply for all of these things anytime that you're going to make a backing you're going to start with the size of the actual card so for example this is 3x3 so we're going to hit custom size right here and we're going to hit change this thing Ines and we're going to hit 3x 3 and that's going to create a new design something I learned very early on when I started making custom packaging at home is if you don't know what to size your cards or if you don't know what size you need them I would start by getting the bags so for example this little baggie here is 3x3 this little baggie here I believe is 3x5 so whatever bag you're going to use to package your items that's the size that you're going to be making your cards this baggie is 3x3 so we're going to be making this 3x 3 same goes for this later on in the video this is 3x5 so we're going to be making the paper 3x5 so that's just a quick little tip that I have for you guys whatever the size of your bag is that's the size that you're going to be making your card but let's get back to the video so here's where you're going to be making your packaging this is very very um up to you whatever you want to put I have to preface this uh because it's happened in the past um when I'm showing you guys how to make these tutorials please please please use your own branding use your own style like change it up make it your own please don't use any my branding or anyone else's branding make everything according to your brand you know your aesthetic all that good stuff this is a very very simple design so I'll just show you um for funsies how I did it basically I just changed the color so I'll just add whatever color I want I'll just choose this one for the video placement also depends on how big your product is so for example if you're going to be using this for magnetic bookmarks or pins or earrings things like that you have to be mindful of the space that you're going to be needing and that's why I just just decided to put mine at the very bottom right here it would be something like this I'm not going to make it exactly the same drag that to the bottom here make it a little bit bigger but keep that to the end cuz remember we're going to need space for the product in here in the middle and then I would do something like again this is just a very quick overview of how I put it together it's very very easy but if you wanted to add like for example like your own artwork as a background or anything you can totally do that if I had a jewelry store I would probably like add the background a picture of like a bunch of my jewelry laid out or like those are just some ideas um I'm throwing around here once you have your finished product you're going to go ahead and hit the share button up here in the corner and you're going to download that as a PNG now we're going to go ahead and go back to the homepage and now we're going to create another design um that's going to be the standard paper size which is 8 and 1/2 by 11 and once you have that open you're going to drag your design in once you have that drag Dragged In you're going to size it down to 3x3 or whatever again this is going to apply for all the cards whatever card you're using when you drag it in make sure that you sized it to the correct size so in this case this is 3x3 so we're going to size that down to 3x3 so this is 3x3 here and now we're going to align these on the page to fit as many as we can I think we can fit let's see let's see how many we can fit in here we could definely fit six in here so we're going to do that all right so we fit six in here and if you want you can totally like spread these out whatever you think is easiest for you you can group them together whatever you know whatever you choose I'm going to do it like this just because the color is very similar so I want to clear line of where I'm going to cut but again this is totally up to you once you have this done you're then going to to export this as a PDF print file so hit download you're going to go up here to file type and you're going to change that to PDF print so I personally I usually like to leave it in RGB um even though that's best for digital use then the other option would be cmk uh which is best for professional professional printing which is what printers actually print in they print in CMYK but the problem with that is that whenever I do CMYK it comes out a little bit duller than I was liking you're going to have to trial and error this with your own printer so I would definitely do some test Printing and things like that to find your best um options but I'm going to just do uh RGB for now and I'm going to hit download open that up now we're taken to the print preview where we're going to uh select print this is a very important step as well so select the printer that you're going to be using I'm going to be using my HP Deskjet once my uh page is printing I'll kind of show you my printer and explain a little bit about my printer in case you guys are interested so we'll get to that in a minute but you're going to hit your printer of choice very very important step here you're going to hit more settings I'm going to go to print using system dialogue so I get more settings make sure it's always scaled to 100% that's very very important this is going to depend on the type of paper that you're using but if you're going to be using the same exact paper that I am you're going to be selecting photo glossy paper but regardless of anything you always want to select best quality now I'm just going to hit print and we're going to head over to the printer so I can show you what type of printer I use use talk a little bit about it so let's do that now okay so while this is printing I'm going to be explaining um a little bit about my printer this is the HP Deskjet 2722 I believe this model is no longer available because it is very it's a pretty old model um but the but there is a um follow-up model that I have Linked In My Amazon favorites which is just you know this one but better um and it's still very affordable so a couple things I like about this printer it is a fantastic starter printer I mean this thing has been through so much it's little it's small but she's Mighty okay couple things about her though she's very slow very slow as you can see like it takes probably 2 to 3 minutes per page um it's very very slow but when you're first starting your business this is all you need right here I promise you this is all you're going to need and as your business grows and expands like for example I'm going to have to level up any day now this thing is going to give out so I am on the hunt for a new printer but when I was first starting this was perfect um in terms of ink honestly very like great on ink I haven't had an ink delivery in probably it's been a couple months honestly since I haven't had ink and I print on this almost every day I use this for like my magnetic bookmarks and things like that so this gets a lot of use it's fantastic on ink another thing is that I joined the HP like subscription service for uh printing pages and they send they automatically send you ink and everything and that subscription service is only $6 a month well that's the tier that I have actually it depends by how many pages you're printing so you can select different tiers depending on how much you're going to be printing but I have the $66 a month plan and that comes out to $72 a year which includes ink guys so that's actually really really affordable they send you ink like it's connected by Bluetooth and like it will measure how many pages you're Printing and stuff like that it'll automatically send you ink when you're printer is running low so I actually really like that feature as well a great starter printer I really really do recommend this but as you can see again it does print fairly slow but if you have the patience and um if you need something affordable I would definitely recommend starting off with this it's been great it really has here we go it's done printing it's coming up a little Fair on camera but it actually looks more pink in person but yeah this is how it came out and now we're going to cut these up if you're planning on diying your packaging I want you to meet your new best Brint this you're going to need it the exact one you can find it in the Amazon favorites not just for DIY packaging but like if you work with vinyl or anything that you're constantly cutting you're going to need one of these anyways let's just get to cutting and again the the reason why I left these gaps in between I usually wouldn't but I left these gaps in between just because um there's like not a very good distinction of where the next bookmark starts and ends um but again typically I would like just group these together um it wouldn't matter okay so I just finished cutting all these up now we're going to round the corners so I'm going to be using my little tool that I have here and um this thing is awesome I love it so much of course you can always leave it like this this um that's totally fine but if you want around the corners I use the biggest size which is the 10 mm you just pop it in there and poke out the corners and there you go you have your little backing for your magnetic bookmarks or your earrings your pins whatever you're going to be selling there's your backing for it again you're going to repeat the same exact steps for anything that you want to make the only difference is that you're going to be changing the size of the cards I'm just going to walk you through every single thing that I made in this video just to give you an overview but by the end of this video the process should be very very self-explanatory the only thing that's not going to be like that is the thank you cards that are front and back and the scrunchie tags are a little bit different as well let's clean this up and move on to some other things okay and now I'm going to be giving you guys a little bit of a different angle so you can see in first person kind of what this looks like so again I'll just walk you quickly through the other sizes and now I'll just briefly explain how you're going to make a border that's this size this is 3x5 again we're going to do a custom size we're going to change this to inches we're going to change this to 3x5 and create a new design and here is where you're going to create your own design and everything the way I made my design was basically just changing the background color and adding some flowers around the bord something like this so remember when you have your finished product you're going to share that and download it as a PNG I have four pages underneath so I'm just going to select page one you're going to download that and then you're just going to repeat the same step so you're going to make a an 8 and 1/2 by 11 page drag in your file it's going to be huge you're going to size it down to the original size that you made the first design in which this case is 3x5 and you're going to fit as many as you can on the same page so I'm just going to line these up and can fit three this way this is how I usually do it all right so we definitely filled up the page I like to usually Center it just a little bit repeat the steps you're going to change this to um PDF print and again here is where you would make your selection for the different um type of printing you want to do if it's RGB cmk that's where you're going to change it I'm going to leave it um in RGB that's just my preference so I'm going to go ahead and download that open that design up we're going to hit print go to more settings print using system dialogue and that will look different for everyone depending on what uh printer they're using so that's just for my settings but yours might be different just always make sure that yours is scaled to 100% and you're printing on Photo glossy paper so now we're going to move on to the care card instructions or business cards I forgot what size business cards are but thankfully canva has templates for business cards so I'll show you that right now what that looks like if you don't know how where to start or how to make yours you just go over to um all templates so let's start over so you would just go over to templates right here and um you can just click that and they have so many different templates for a bunch of different things but um I'm going to go to print products which is right here and as you can see there's invitations business cards postcards brochures Flyers all that good stuff we're going to hit business cards and we're going to either you these see these are all these different templates that they have here this one's actually really cute um but yeah they have a bunch of different templates um that you can choose from uh right off the bat I would probably pick something like this cuz I really like the colors and I like the layout and everything but if you want to start from scratch you can totally do that which you can create a blank business card um and as you can see it comes out the long ways so if you don't want to do business cards and you want to do your care instructions I will show you how to rotate this from the care instructions that I'm going to do obviously we have to rotate it so what you're going to do is you're going to go to file and you're going to see right here underneath it says business card by noelli and then it says 3.5x 2 in what you're going to do is you're going to I'm just create a new design and it's going to be custom size remember change that to inches and and we're going to do so we're going to do 2x 3 and 1/2 and create that new design and you should have the correct size now here you're just going to make your care cards again however you want them or if you're going to do business cards you can even do hang tags with this which I will show you what that would look like I use the same templin for both so I'll show you that now here's some different ideas of what you can do with this size for the Hang tags this would be the front and this would be the back and I actually have a tutorial on how to print this like the easiest way possible using some Avery um double-sided cards which you can check out in this tutorial right here um so I won't get into that one today just because that one's a little bit different and a little bit more complex if you want to see how to print these double-sided on the templates you can definitely check out that video but this is just another idea of what you can do with this size just make it your own put your own design and everything once you have your design done we're going to repeat the process again say it with me you're going to share download as a PNG I'm going to save just that one page that I have download that then we're going to create another design 8 1/2 by 11 and we're going to size that down and we're going to fit as many as we can on this page and I believe we can fit 12 of these on here so let's do it here's some like easy hacks that you can do you can just basically copy and paste these line those up Center them and then we're going to just copy and paste that two more times once you're ready to print you're going to share that download it change it to a PDF print and then you're going to download that you go to your printer settings you're going to make sure that it's scaled and that the paper is best quality photo glossy paper print that cut it all that good stuff now we're going to be moving on to these scrunchie tags and the way I make these is a little bit different than what I've just shown you so I'm going to show you how I make these it's actually a lot easier um so let's do that now custom size and we're actually going to start off with an 11 by 8 and 1/2 so it's the letter side it's going to be turned sideways so that we can better see um so just go ahead and create your new design so as you can see it's the long ways now and that is because when we're designing them we want to be able to see how it's going to look standing up so that's the way that's why I do it this way the way I usually create these is I will go ahead and just add an element so I will add like a square and I will just size that the reason why I do a square instead of just changing the whole background is so that I don't waste any unnecessary ink so for example if I know this is going to be be cut up here I don't want to waste that ink um and I'd rather just do it this way so I will change this to whatever color I want I'm also going to be adding one down here so that I take advantage of the space so I'm just going to go ahead and um change that whoops so I'm going to add an extra one right down here and I think this should be good so now you're just going to add whatever you want it to say on here um so for example I'm G to have my logo on one side whatever you decide to put down here if you're going to put text or whatever it's going to need to be opposite to what's on the top so for example if I have the logo down here I would have to change this uh orientation um because remember it's going to print out like this and we're going to fold it like this so whatever is on the top has to be opposite to what's on the bottom I'll show you again why it's important so you have it like this right and once you fold it it needs to be right side up on both sides and that means it needs to be opposite when you print them out down here I'm going to add I'll add something like handmade satin scrunchie I just group these together and I'm going to flip it upside down like this put that down there and kind of make that even and also guys the distance between these two is going to depend on the product that you're going to be using it for so if you're going to be using it for something like a scrunchie remember that you're going to be needing a longer space in between um because it's going to tie at the top like this um so if for example if you're using this for a necklace this would be way too far apart the distance between this and this would be way too far apart so again that's going to depend on what you're using it for so a lot of trial and error guys just play around with it find the um best gap for you and yeah that's something to be mindful of here's what it would look like when it's done and now you're going to go ahead and again we're going to share this download it as a PDF print open that up go to our print settings and do the whole thing all over again so that's how you do the SC crunchy tags and now we're going to move on to the thank you cards now I'm going to teach you how to make the double-sided thank you cards you want 4x6 this is the exact tutorial but if you're going to want a different size then just adjust it to the size that you want I'm going to show you how to do it single sided and double-sided so let's get into it so you're going to go ahead and create a custom design and we're going to select inches it also depends if you want this um vertical or horizontal I'm going to be doing horizontal so we're going to input the numbers backwards so that we can work on it horizontal but if you want it vertical you're going to enter 4x6 we're going to do a horizontal so I'm going to enter 6x4 you're going to create your design you know add all your branding whatever you wanted to say I will show you what mine looks like so this is my thank you cards here if you're going to be wanting the little sticker the little scratch off sticker remember to include your code on your uh final product my code just says YouTube for 10% off um but you can put whatever you want on there make sure that's included in your final product I like to also throw in a QR code um that that leads to my link tree so I feel like that's very helpful and right underneath that I have the back of this and I leave this space here for the thank you sticker but again this is going to depend on you if you want it single sided or double-sided I'm going to show you that either way regardless of if you have one page or two page save whatever you have save whatever you're going to want to have um and I'm going to download that as a PNG save that download and drag that in this is the part where we're going to split it into single-sided or double-sided so regardless of what you're doing going to drag that other back side onto a different page and we'll get to that in a minute we're going to focus on the first side right now we're going to fit as many as we can on the page and it's going to be three for this page here if you would just want this single page what you would do is just share this download it as a PDF print and repeat the process again for your printer settings all that good stuff but if you're going to want the backs side this is what I would do save this as it is and or you can duplicate it if you want to have a copy of this original page so what I'm going to do to make things easier I'm just going to go ahead and duplicate this whole page and you're going to leave your cards on there to get it perfectly aligned front and back like this what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to layer this back side on top of these so I like to zoom in and get it as close as possible to the edge and then I'm just going to repeat that step over here but for these down here you have to make sure that it's flipped the opposite way don't ask me why I truly don't know but maybe this is different for your printer but for mine if I were to leave it this way it would come out backwards I don't know why but it is what it is so what you have to do at least if it's my printer you might have to try this with your own I'm not sure but for mine you have to flip it you have to flip it the opposite way and again we're just going to line those up perfectly like this so once you have those lined up perfectly then you would export both of these and we're actually going to print these so that you can see what you have to do on the printer change that to PDF print we're going to download that here's what happens when you download them at the same time you actually get them on the same uh PDF file um that's totally fine just make sure that you're printing one at a time so for example if you're going to be batching these I would print let's say I would usually print like 10 pages at a time of the first page only whatever you do you have to make sure that you're printing them separately so if you're going to do the first Pages first batch those first and then batch these second Pages this is just for example if I were to print I want if I wanted 10 pages of thank you cards I'm going to select 10 instead of printing all pages I'm going to select from one to one so that way I only get this first page and I leave that second page alone okay for this video we're only going to do one page so I'm going to select from one to one but I'm just going to change the copies to one and we're going to print the first page first and and I'll show you why you have to do this in two steps so let's print that first page this just finished Printing and I'm now going to take this and I'm going to flip it over just like that and put it in the feeder in the back and again this is a very important thing or else it'll come out backwards you're going to take it and you're just going to rotate it like this and put it back in that way okay so now that it's in we're going to print the second page this is just about to be finished printing but I just wanted to give you guys a tip that if you're going to be printing these in bulk what you would do oh there it goes um what you would do is actually print as many copies as you want as the of the front side and then all you're going to do is flip those all over load them back in and then print as many copies as you needed on the back side that's the way I used to do it when I printed these in bulk I would just print for example 20 copies of the front side flip those all over and do 20 copies of the back yes it is an extra step um so that's why you can totally just do the front if you wanted to but I really like the back I I feel like it adds way more personality and everything but let's cut these up and then I'll show you what they look like okay that's looking promising let's keep going so I just finished cutting them up and they came out absolutely perfect as you can see the front is completely layered on top of the back it came out beautifully so I actually ran out of scratch off stickers but what you would do is just put your little sticker on there put your freebie sticker on the back or whatever you're going to put on here and there you go and then you have your front and back thank you cards right from home so that's all we're going to print for today I just wanted to show you guys some examples I'm not going to print all of them just because I don't want to waste any unnecessary ink I have more than enough stock right now at the moment but if you want to see the original videos of when I first did these you can check this video out that's going to be up here and that is the original video where I show you step by step how to do all these as well as the front and back hang tags that are super easy that requires a different process so if you want to see that check those out um but there are so many things that you can do with custom packaging right from home and I personally do not recommend Outsourcing your packaging um until your business is growing that's just because I can't tell you how many times I changed this card up I added so many different things I changed a lot of fonts and the format I also changed the backing I changed this card so many different times and had I been ordering these I would have had to get rid of a lot of cards that were kind of old and outdated I changed a lot of my colors um and this way I did everything from home so it was very easy and manageable to print as I go recommend this if you are just starting out it's a really great way to save money and also to find what you like find what you don't like see what works for you see what you enjoy I can't tell you how much fun I had like making all this stuff when I was first starting my business and see my packaging coming to life like it was just very very fun for me um and it's an experience that a lot of people don't get because they you know Outsource right away and and I really really recommend just doing this at home um all the supplies that you need to get started are in the Amazon favorites so so and again just to give you an example of why I recommend printing from home at first is because I've been doing this for a year so I made a lot of mistakes along the way and one of them was Outsourcing too fast um so for example I used to make all my little cupc care cards with a um background of what the cup was so for example I had milk cart and water bottles I had I have mugs I have um glass cups I have um milk bottles I have a bunch of different types of drink wees and something that I would do in the beginning is just make um the background whatever the drink wear was and as my business started to grow I realized that that wasn't um financially smart because I would have to print a bunch of different cards with the different designs that just wasn't um sustainable in the long run so what I ended up doing was just making a general card for all that applies to all different cups now have a bunch of these extra cards that I can't get rid of fast enough and they're just sitting there kind of wasting away of course I will use them all up eventually but I ordered 500 of these I ordered 500 of these and had I not done that I would have have been able to just order the correct card that I needed right away that's what I mean by not Outsourcing too quick because there's a lot of mistakes that you're going to make along the way and this was one of them and it wasn't too expensive I actually got these from Staples I think it was only like around 20 something doll for500 of them which it isn't an expensive mistake but it is just wasteful because now they're sitting there and I can't get rid of them fast enough so that's something to be mindful of yeah guys I hope you guys enjoyed this video please let me know if you found it helpful and if you want to see more videos like this don't forget to subscribe and turn on those post notifications so you never miss a video and make sure to check out my Tik Tok and Instagram for more content and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Noeli Creates
Views: 32,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: small business, packaging ideas small business, how to make custom packaging at home for small business, how to diy packaging for small business, small business diy packaging, diy packaging small business, diy custom packaging small business, small business packaging hacks, small business packaging tips, how to get custom packaging for small business, how to start a business without money, small business money saving hacks, money saving hacks small business
Id: YdxvjzRrGos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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