⭐Best episodes │🚦Traffic Safety with POLI│Robocar POLI TV

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[Music] beautiful day yeah the amusement parks gonna be packed on a day like today right if we're gonna go let's hit the road [Music] you need to fasten your seat belt Susy if you don't buckle up we're not going anywhere now everybody's ready for a big day of fun [Music] oh I hope they're not all going where we're going dad what are we gonna get there there must be something wrong yeah maybe an accident [Music] Helly how's the situation out there bad Paulie bumper-to-bumper all the way Roger you take charge of traffic we're on the way I'm on it Poli you see anything looks like a big accident I think we'll be here for a while hold it up please okay you can go please [Applause] [Music] Susie oh my goodness are you all right Kevin why it wasn't my fault it was hers Susie you've got to stop crying [Music] all done here how's traffic there heli everything's moving freely Paulie in that case we're heading home okay good job guys well traffic's clear so we should be there in no time really need to stop can you wait Kevin there's no bathroom here too late it's gonna come out I can't hold it anymore all right keV I'll pull over here what's going on Kevin not that size boy Terry's in trouble that was a close call Kevin you okay Kevin yeah luckily Roy and I are used to handling emergencies that's what we do huh it's my fault I shouldn't have parked where I did why don't I go over some of the very important auto safety rules yeah I'd be great Poli first you should use the sidewalk side when you get in and out of a car it's dangerous to use the road side because it puts you in traffic and could create an accident in second it's the rule to always fasten your seatbelt whenever you're in a car whether you're in a booster seat or a regular seat you must buckle up remind adults it's the rule 2/3 remember the children should always sit in the back seat the front seats the most dangerous place to be if accidents happen it's even more dangerous for children to sit in someone's lap in the front seat without the protection from a seatbelt serious accidents can happen and kids never fight or play rough in a moving car okay [Music] we're finally here get out of the car now oh yeah you go ahead boys careful there we to be paying attention to this don't worry Scooby catch me Doug [Laughter] [Music] huh hello cleaning why are you in such a hurry Holly I'm late to clean up Orange Street all right be careful okay you okay yeah I'm okay Poli you should remember to be extra careful when turning the corner I will I have to be going now again who keeps doing this what a pain ah hello cleany Paulo Scooby whoa what happened here huh somebody keeps knocking down this trashcan and making messes a what trashcan this is the third time today goodness I wonder who could be doing this oh hey could you please move I'm sorry um good luck cleany goodbye there no oh not again this has to stop rescue team this is Jen no cleany what the trashcan yes it's happened four times so far don't worry cleany we'll check it out right away what's going on Jin oh well cleany just called in to report that somebody keeps knocking down one of the trash cans on Orange Street knocking down trash cans that's not very nice but who would do such a thing we should go check out the scene Roy let's go okay Poli boys boys listen could you do me a big favor and behave yourselves today and please can you be extra careful when playing around trash cans understand yeah whatever hmm well see you tomorrow bye no you don't [Music] huh huh look there what's this Poli of course Roy I think I know who's knocking the trash cans down that's great Poli ah Kevin and Doug whoa no look out ah here we go I'm so sorry Wooper I'm glad you're sorry but have you forgotten that when a big vehicle like you turns the corner the rear wheels rotate inward one what do you mean inward Kevin Doug I think you should know this too when cars go around the corner the rear wheels always rotate farther inwards than the front wheels the bigger the car is the more inward the rear wheels need to turn this is why it is very dangerous to play around at intersections and at smaller intersections it's even harder to avoid cars so you need to be extra careful also when you ride bicycles you should avoid turning the corners with other cars and you should keep a good distance from trucks since your clothes or bags can actually get snapped so always stay back got it yeah we got it Poli I understand I promise I'll be careful from now on Poli you know that means that this isn't a good place for this trash can that's right it was you boys doing this cleaning cleaning it's not how it looks what is it I'm making a snow castle all done my next job is making a big snowman hi everyone huh Hey look at what I brought it's slippery you got to be extra careful yeah I wanted you all to see this it's a new invention of Jin's it's a snow cleaner Oh snow clear yeah isn't it the coolest it sucks up the snow and it works great [Music] working heli wait a minute I think you should let Jin do that [Music] Oh Susie I think we should go home now huh already I'm really hungry but what about our snowman we'll leave it let him stay in the park all by himself I know what I'll take them home what how are you going to carry a snowman then you just go away fine do what you want bye my snowman ah I think that should be just fine right so now let's go and take care of the park good next stop the park right now we're snowman we'll be safe in our house Susy he's going to melt if we bring him indoors really umm time to cross okay here we go [Music] no Susie are you okay hey a red light Oh look out [Applause] [Music] well I'm so glad everyone's okay but that certainly was a close call Kevin Suzie when it snows roads are very slippery cars and people can easily get into accidents cars can't stop quickly on snowy roads so you have to make sure to be extra careful when crossing on foot you should either wait first for any cars to pass or make sure they've made a complete stop before attempting to cross the street and if you walk with your hands in your pockets that can be dangerous too it's always a good idea to wear gloves you should also avoid wearing white clothes on a snowy day you'll be seen more easily wearing colorful clothes have any time to be lonely ever again [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey dad when are you coming to be a guest teacher at our school the truth is I have zero experience with being a teacher but Doug's father came to school last week [Laughter] [Music] Wow the car looks nearly great thanks off we go now get ready to enter the web part at the courts all set excellent work good job you too Jin you know I really like these new tires now I won't have to be as concerned when I'm driving on rainy days hmm hey Dad why do you keep looking at the mirrors well son they're like a third eye the mirrors help me keep track of what the cars around me are doing I see look hurry and speed up before the light changes not a good idea son if the light turns red we won't be able to stop Hey you almost ran me over I'm so sorry oh that was so close at high speeds it's very hard to stop when you cross the road never assume a car will be able to go around you make sure it's at a complete stop first [Laughter] Susy you know you can't use your hands [Music] oh dear looks like we're in for some bad weather this afternoon you mean like rain remember that last storm it was really horrible we should do some safety checks around town you're right let's check it out hmm Oh we were lucky thank goodness we're out of the rain isn't it great to be safe in our nice car Wow dad it's really hard to see the road true son it's dusk hard to see at this time of day plus we've got all of this rain those two factors make driving a challenge they're already fast asleep [Music] is everyone okay yes cars make our lives more convenient and they're really good friends to us but still if we don't learn enough about them they can be a lot like scary monsters how what are some things we should know about our cars first moving cars cannot stop instantly nor can they turn quickly so if you see a car coming from a distance you need to wait until it passes or until it comes to a complete stop then you can cross second when driving on either rainy or snowy slippery roads cars can lose traction and start to skid on rainy or snowy days drivers have very low visibility so if you're walking make sure there's enough room between you and the road and third if you get into an accident in the car you can hit something or even roll over you could get really hurt so the first thing you do when you get in the car is couldn't have said it better myself [Laughter] honey do you think we should go out for dinner [Laughter] to solve this you just do that's it [Music] they're having a traffic safety quiz are you going to enter it duck yeah uh-huh awesome Tim and Toby are going to enter as a team are you I'm with Kevin Kevin you good luck I've got a feeling Oh Kevin huh do the quiz with me please why would I volunteer to take a quiz Kevin are they really injuries yeah somebody's gotta win last place I'm in huh the traffic safety quiz Kevin and we're gonna win huh we will now begin the children's traffic safety quiz competition good got nothing shaking in my yeah whoa I'm nervous and now here's question number one how do you safely cross at a crosswalk which does not have a signal answer you check to see if there are any cars coming you wait for them to stop then raise your hands and cross yes okay but his question is if you are on a bicycle and you want to cross the road what do you do you get off your bicycle and you push it across the streets Green Team cars can't stop right away because it takes them some distance to brai you must always wear a seatbelt every time that you ride I push the button by mistake Oh next question who is in the most dangerous situation cancer I'm sorry yeah II know that's right I remember falling rescuing me when I was at the corner of the street yes the answer is number two the corner is most dangerous that's right now the next question where is the proper place to ride your scooter or inline skates one the parking lot to an alley three a construction site for the playground yes yellow team can they get this one right I remember even an alley or side street with less cars on it can be dangerous you should ride where there are no cars answer playground because there are no cars there that is correct [Laughter] ok here comes the next question when it snows don't wear white clothes and keep your hands out of your power 18 times more likely to get into an accident so don't do avoid the road in front of the construction site and take the other route wow it's a very close game and now it's time for the final question this question is worth a hundred points this question will be the winner what are the three most important things you should know in order to avoid car accidents yes Green Team the red team has a chance now when you're crossing at the crosswalk and the green light is flashing you know that is not a correct answer now they yellow team has a chance that's right remember we were running to Jenny's house we almost got into an accident while crossing the road yeah and then Poli taught us what to do number one get in the habit of stopping number two make eye contact with drivers and three always keep your eye on the car while you're crossing yes yellow team that is gross [Music] [Music] now squeeze in and smile everybody great [Music]
Channel: Robocar POLI TV
Views: 39,548,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robocarpoli, POLI, Amber, Roy, helly, Broomstown, 로보카폴리, RoiVIsual, 로이비쥬얼, police, car, ambulance, fireengine, Helicopter, car animation, policecar, rescue team, jin
Id: YRWWt_yqYmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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