➰ Shadowhunters retold by someone who's never watched or read it (feat. Emmmabooks)

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so because she knows because she knows about the secret society yes though she is a part of the secret society laughing to herself and I've been hearing like random bits the audio and I'm like what is going on I have lots of screencaps and I'm just gonna ask indeed to like describe the characters tell us what's going on I focused only on the city of ones movie because like in my mind shadowed your CDs not Canon T why don't I show you the movie poster yeah the movie poster huh you have been chosen the Mortal Instruments City of Bones you have been chosen isn't that divergent though Shadowhunters The Mortal Instruments aka City of Bones it has like three names for some reason basically there's this girl and she's not like other girls you know all the other girls they just want a party and they act like typical teenagers and get drunk and she's just not about that life she's just like man all I want to do is just curl up and read a book but then this friend drags her to a party and she's like oh I don't want to go but I'll go anyway because peer pressure when she's there she sees that hot blonde guy that looks like Matthias from she's like holy [ __ ] are you my sister oh he's like no wrong hook [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay oh wait actually they kind of look like the alternate version of Nina and Minaya I could totally see that so I thought I thought that was a scar on his forehead but it was just like a really strong muscle that was well okay some [ __ ] happens at the party like I think she [ __ ] I don't know she sees someone oh she sees shadows and she's like yo what the [ __ ] is that shadow she's like let me chase after that shadow she goes inside some like storage closet you see shadow it's floating around and she's like what's going on and then this blonde guy is there and he's like you're not supposed to see that unless George she's like what's a Shadowhunter and he's like no other mortal has ever been to show but she just think they're like drugged up kids he kind of looks like drugged up anyway she gets into these random entanglements then it's like this society of demon hunters who chase after these shadows to exterminate them and if you're in a society you have like this tattoo I'm like I guess your chest or something for some reason in this world the clouds are also in the shape of that I think one of them is gay I'm guessing the brunette one is gay the other girl it's like she's the [ __ ] yet she's like a tough love kind of girl you know she's like I don't know why you're wasting time with our redhead because she's too naive for this like she can't handle what we do but then the blonde guys like no I think we get approached and I still want to tell you the part that you're right about I feel like people watching this are gonna think we're drunk oh my god and the kind the glasses I don't know I I don't really care for him I guess he's like the brains behind the group he tried said like yeah but I think he might be morally gray and I feel that way because when I see his purse foolish he's got that nice smaller smaller the redhead and the blond guy their end game okay I feel like that's a good solid place and there's our night guys game let's say that like this is the part what is causing her to secure okay okay so she's not the party right yeah that's why she just saw some weird like shadows like flitting her back she's like yo what the [ __ ] is this she opens the closet there's a [ __ ] like dead body and the shadows are like [ __ ] I don't wait they're [ __ ] no no I'm not [ __ ] they're like I don't know they're like trying to steal his soul like a succubus repression basically she's screaming because she's out of club and she saw a dead body and some shadows are like [ __ ] around with a dead body I met metaphorically not matter party yeah don't solid so I'm gonna give you like a little bit of context in between but nothing that would give you any indication of the story this is for me - yes so I'm gonna this is the next morning okay the alleged party right okay yeah so at this point she's like so wait what the [ __ ] ha that's weird I think that's exactly what she's thinking yeah yeah she's not home that night right she's like oh my god I can't believe that [ __ ] [ __ ] happen it must be a dream I'm gonna go to sleep and everything will be okay wakes up but in all of a sudden there are all these signs around her room cuz some weirdo broke into her house and took the time to like wheat paste that symbol they [ __ ] drew it on crayon and like just paste it all over like just to [ __ ] with her I think it was like a thread you know because she saw too much you saw too much and now this is like a warning yeah cuz we're part of like the secret society this is the sole funny I've ever seen anything they're like whoa this is part of the secret society so don't [ __ ] with us so later that day she leaves her house with all of that and then this is the next scene okay yeah she okay she's definitely like Negra : boy okay first of all another clue I think they're in New York because of all the technic caps so she tries to like ignore the posters she's like some dude is just like [ __ ] with me he's like pranking me whatever and she's just trying to go about her life she goes to a coffee shop cuz she works there part-time and then she's just like you know making her coffee she looks up and this [ __ ] on the window she's like oh my god that's the guy that I saw at the club last night but I thought he was dead because he was the dead guy that she's all mmm I know the story writes itself we are going to switch over to an older woman's perspective real quick we see her drinking this wait that's not the main character no this is not the redhead oh [ __ ] I can't we're seeing a different scene where you see her mother and you think her mom is just like a regular suburban mom she just packed lunch for the kids but really you don't know that she had ties with a secret society and she's drinking this liquor so that she can I had something to do with the demons maybe like enhances her power so she or some [ __ ] like that they make those potions in like these pineapple bottles and they're like West Elm her daughter has no idea that she is part of this bigger story so big that Cassandra Clare had to write several books I only think that's her mom because I stopped it then just a few moments later we go to this scene there's the the main girl she's in a fridge ha that house is destroyed there's a fire hurt here she's starting to realize maybe this isn't like a prank anymore and maybe the secret society is like legit basically this is showing they know where she lives oh maybe they took her mom too I don't see your parents anywhere okay I think maybe her house is getting [ __ ] up but she doesn't know like what's up it's kind of like a natural disaster that's happening but it's not actually a natural disaster it's like the demons [ __ ] their [ __ ] up so she's hiding in the wait the fridge that's not family's rich Wow they got some money she could well she's got money though so she's hiding in the fridge the whole time because she has money I think it's smart because if she's stuck there she like has food to back her up she's got the ice cream so she's just chilling like she's literally chilling in the fridge so you think it's the Shadowhunters that indeed with her house no I think isn't get someone else I think it's the demons that have invaded her house because like all this [ __ ] happening she's not gonna be able to take it anymore and she could be like I can't put up with this [ __ ] I gotta join the Shadowhunter so that we can defeat this force that was [ __ ] up my house because this house was very expensive yeah I mean Brooklyn real estate like yeah yeah it is all right I'm going to show you this scene the contacts I will give you for this scene is that the Red Hat and the other boy boy are watching this or watching that watching this happen so while like her house is getting [ __ ] up and then that blonde boy appears again and he's like hey listen your mom is missing your house is getting [ __ ] up if you want to fix this [ __ ] you got to follow me and then they go through the headquarters of the secret society and a peek through the little hole and basically the Jews are wearing Hot Topic clothes they're part of a secret society they're the Shadowhunter they're asking him to give up this information and if he doesn't they're gonna like smack the shove him and beat him up they're basically trying to intimidate him right now with their Hot Topic clothes and tattoos oh yeah I see that's I'm looking through the thing yes so they're they're peeking through right now hmm but now I don't know like if if they're all shadow answer is why are they peeking through I so badly wanted to lose how are the demons I don't know so you think the people are the demons or you think that they're the Shadowhunters I'm gonna stick with the people wearing Hot Topic clothes at the Shadowhunters because I feel like if you wear hot hobbit clothes you would call yourself a Shadowhunter okay and so wait what's this movie called again City of Bones way City of Bones but what was wasn't there little instruments Oh The Mortal Instruments hmm because she's immortal I want to show you this picture so this is like an old picture and I want you to tell me like the story of these people in the movie like this leads into like a flash okay so when she and a blonde guy are traversing through the secret societies headquarters he's teaching her about the history about how the society was formed and why they are morally ambiguous people they come across this photograph those three people were the ones who had started the society the lady with the long hair and the guy close to her they are like lovers and then the other guy I guess he's just like the third wheel or something or maybe there there's like a love triangle I don't know maybe there was this whole story before the main girl was even born Oh me or maybe that's her mom [ __ ] maybe she'll face them off at the end but they're like the big bad guys I want to tell you how like if you're doing good or bad so bad don't tell me I'm Mary Ann for this one it's a gift oh maybe much context but I mean we want you to tell me gifts or fun about the third person in this because this is someone we haven't seen before okay what the [ __ ] who died who he is he's like Voldemort's cousin that guy is one of the oldest members in the society and you can tell he's the oldest because he has no hair and he was kind of like Voldemort he can't speak he got into like this really bad fight would one of the demons and like they [ __ ] up his lips so now I there it's kind of like so shut he's basically like a Baltimore had a nose but sewed his lips shut that's a pretty fair eyeballs I have to say your investigative skills really impressing the hell out of me with that much that you're noticing in this thing really okay come on you're picking up on a lot of context so you think that he is one of the oldest original members of the NA I think he's one of the oldest members of the Shadowhunter Society I think so and I think he he got into some really bad [ __ ] with one of the demons and that's why his face don't look like that do you have any idea why they're going to see him because he's the oldest that means he's also the wisest they're trying to get advice on what to do to defeat demons that they're trying to hunt the same demon that have been trying to [ __ ] up her life and stole her mom away she's trying to save her mom basically okay so that's like the the main plug yes so she becomes a shadow hunter to save her mom I have a video so this is um while they're meeting with the oldest the old dude okay oh dude you got like the vitamin yeah yeah and so this is something that happens there and I want you to tell me like what they're figuring out like what is the the reveal that they're trying to get out here you know we can go all the way back there you can see I told you this it'd be weird without any but he says the block is stronger than I thought it was it can only be undone by the person who put it there and he figures that out looking at this is she like face to the floor yeah she [ __ ] draws this weird thing what do you think they're figuring out right now the demon had contact with her okay so she has inside she has something like belonging to the demon and so that's why they're sticking to her because she is like the tool that they need to get closer to that big demon to kill them off they are in this weird ruins place she's looking at like this symbol that's giving her flashbacks to her childhood I think it was her childhood she was like you know a little girl on the stairs and she was like just peeking out there's something like in her blood or in her keys or in her body or something because she's not aware that this is happening so when she faints that's like the power or whatever the [ __ ] the demon gave her and then she ended up drawing these symbols but that's just the demon communicating they're trying to get that part out of her without killing her okay I'm gonna say that from there they go to a I'll say another party because you know we've established that there's a party in the beginning so they go to a party and they leave and this is the next scene why do you think he's all wrapped up in distress that does not look like a party to make it easier this is not at the party right right go to a party and then this is what happens after the party when she was at that party some part inside of her that the demon had put in her got so strong and overtook her that she and some chaining without even realizing it so either she's facing and drawing weird [ __ ] on the ground or she's chaining people up and just now in this screenshot she woke up and she's like oh my god I just let me try to get it off I don't want to be this monster so you think that she chained him up because of the demons yes either the are manipulating her but either way this is the demons fault okay it's all the demons fault everything is the demons fault so then this is the next night there's two people and this is the dude who was chained up and who you called the brains he's the brain I don't think he's part of the secret society yet okay they're trying to recruit him because just like her he got into some bad [ __ ] okay and now he's seen too much and he's got involved into into too much so now they're initiating him and being like hey you gotta join us it's kind of like a pyramid scheme we're like when you sign up for it then you got to get other people to sign up for it I think this is how it operates they're recruiting him to join the society yeah yeah cuz he got into some [ __ ] obviously yeah I roped into it yeah he literally got one we have our first appearance in the Burnet he has her choked up against the wall that's one wood he's pushing her up against the wall because they wanna add sexual attention to the story I think he's like a bad boy the blind guy might be more of like the friend who's like looking out after her who's protective over her he's the guy that will [ __ ] her up but maybe you want him to [ __ ] her up I think this is like a possible love interest this is a possible love interest but I still think that he could possibly be gay he's threatening her but it's supposed to be hot my logical brain knows that this is problematic my young adult brain is like this is probably some shipping of the ocean he's threatening her being like who the [ __ ] do you think you are with your mother beside of you you've made so many random dots around our pad to just paint over we've had to remodel everything in our warehouse he's just defending the society he seems like a tough intimidating guy but I think deep down he really cares for the people who choose as a care about even though he's intimidating he's fiercely loyal I like that so the next would be this one she is going to G and he's shirtless so she's having doubts about the secret society okay because I other do just [ __ ] put her okay actually there's one in between that okay so there's also this one which I missed a little bit what the you know this kind of looks like the kind of [ __ ] that like Urban Outfitters with South like you can pin this to your wall just did not come easy okay this time like no like super significant plot point oh you just I was funny I thought this is [ __ ] hysterical I think she's very sad right now maybe she misses her family maybe she has a lot of doubts about whether she can accomplish her mission she just feels lost in life and then the blonde guy is able to transport himself into a random places fix his hand out of a [ __ ] dimension just to like um like raise her cheek like he can be like hey it's okay the most casual way to comfort a new friend so we see her looking at a book well it looks like she's spying was something past the book okay oh or maybe she's looking at this but I don't know why she can't just stand like a normal person and just look at the book that's why if he looks like she's like spying I'm so far away she's trespassing somewhere he's either a mansion or like a rich people's fool why I loves rich people schools yeah and she's trying to find some secret documents oh maybe she's like a a library she's trying to find some secret documents pertaining to the secret society she's going through like old books but then she hears a noise because people are coming and she's like oh [ __ ] so then she ducks and then she hears a conversation and then she peeks her head out and that's the scene that's happening right now okay so can you give any guesses as to what she is finding out in the scene she is even I don't know what the [ __ ] is going you've done so well up until this point though she is overhearing a conversation other members of the society where she is starting to suspect that the people in the photograph at least the myth that was told about them it's not necessarily true for example if the myth was that they fought some epic battle and now they died that's actually not true because they're actually alive so it's basically some big like revelation yeah yeah that she wasn't supposed to know but she did because she was at the right place at the right time like what hopefully happens so then she goes to siege yeah okay so she just heard something really juicy and she's like yo so she's like hey James I gotta tell you something and then he's like what I just took a shower she's like oh but then she tastes like a you know a full second to like look at all the tattoos on his chest because fanservice but every tattoo is important because each tattoo above his man titties he's got he's got okay well first his heart has the logo of the secret society yeah because basically when you join the society you have to get the tattoo that's how you get initiate it into it maybe every time he loses like a loved one or some like major event or loss happens to him he gets a tattoo to commemorate that each tattoo has like a story and has some significance to it Larry just found out some juicy T about the Shadowhunters yeah yeah about the Shadowhunter skill let's say this is after Clary tells Jace the secret yeah like their next step I want you to tell me who is this woman what was her purpose what's she doing in life I think she was like a librarian she was a librarian or like a bank worker or something but then her building got [ __ ] up kind of like the main girls house pops up earlier but this time this lady didn't have a fridge to hide in so she she got [ __ ] up and now she's like she's pissed well I think something happened to her I think she's gay I think the demon got to her and now she's like she has some of that bad blood in her I don't know so you know this is turning into like zombies the demon is taking her over yeah I'm gonna go with that for now okay we're almost done we're like closing on the end of the story Wow so then we have this scene with two characters basically while the main girl and her blonde little boyfriend are going on their little adventures we cut to the scene showing these more intimidating possibly evil characters plotting in the midst of it among these characters we have this guy who looks like the butler for Batman he looks like his name would be Eve the other guy is like Johnny Depp really he wore a jacket but he forgot to wear a shirt Eames is like trying to make Johnny Depp drink something out of a chalice and there's probably the same thing no way maybe it's not but I'm just gonna say it it's probably the same thing that her mom drank earlier it's some kind of drug that will enhance his powers but he might lose his sanity fare so wait what's not that guy I put her in a chokehold where's that different oh it's different okay I really got all the way tonight so we have character and the guy who just saw AI waiting to tell me like what's what's the context here yeah my first thought when it's being kept like yeah rather have her be with a blonde guy because I feel like he's always had her back he's always been watching after her all the rest of the guys are just like kind of being a CED on her is trying to imitate her and he is whispering a threat to her ear if you bench her any further you gonna die and she's just like super uncomfortable because his breath is too close yes both a piano as a personnel space and she's like man I miss my blonde friend wait is that a rat tail um it's his hair so for some bizarre reason unknown to absolutely anyone okay hair is like braided but he also had like like he has like a normal haircut and he just has really weird long braided pieces that's a rat tail extra skeevy now I think the Society is planning on doing something with her when they had that secret meeting with Ian schemes was like you better get that redhead just like eliminate a bit job this is basically like pretty much the end of a movie like this right here is like the climax oh so so I want to know like yeah like a little sum up remember to see it's like there's like six marks in the story so it's not like Oh wrap it up this movie was basically an introduction to the Shadowhunters universe and as told through the perspective of someone who is completely new to it she ended up in this situation because she saw some [ __ ] she shouldn't have in the club and ever since then it's changed her life forever because she is now connected to the speaker society and to the demons that are terrorizing her life and her family the only clarity she really has throughout the story is this blonde guy who's like following her and looking out for her and trying to protect her maybe he's trying to like go against it try new blonde guy yeah okay I don't know I'm just I'm just [ __ ] yeah but there tag-teaming now and so they're wandering around talking to other people from the secret society while more demons are [ __ ] up strangers and random pedestrians so the longer they wait the more dangerous it's gonna be because these demons be [ __ ] [ __ ] up everywhere she is joining the Shadowhunters she can world I think there's like inner turmoil going on within the secret society even though their mission is to eliminate these demons I think that not all of them are on the same side with each other and I think a lot of the characters like that skeezy guy with a rat tail are morally ambiguous because if you see someone with a rat tail you know their morals are just like out the door I do think that even though they are all part of the Shadowhunters there are some characters that have their own agenda one guy on the right that are teaming up I think I'm against the well I think they were together but I think I think something happened between the two of them because he wasn't there anymore so I think maybe like they got separated so now she's on her own and the second movie will if there were a second movie she would try to find him again but she knows that like not all Shadowhunters can be trusted the only person you can really trust is a blond guy I feel like out of all the characters I like him best I feel like he is the most trustworthy he's very dependable and reliable the guy have put her in a chokehold I feel like is too much for me like he he's extra I'm sure like he'll end up begrudgingly accepting her later or than you on her side later but he's too much and then the glasses guy I still don't really care for him that was the whole summary how did I do Emma I have to say you didn't do horrible I would give you at least like a 50% or maybe even 60 like I think you really got some like Wow or details I was shocked I was like you'll watch back and I'm like look at the camera and I'm like I can't believe she just like got this you did a really good job getting so I'll quickly give you a little overview so oh the main girl's name is Claire and their name is Larry Oh Clary Jace jeez before we get into this I just want to say that I trust ah I think that no matter what happens she's [ __ ] endgame with him because he's been there since the beginning I [ __ ] with it I still want to know like what your thoughts would be finding out everything that happened if you still are like chases my guy like that guy like I'm so curious I don't know maybe like it changes later on but at least in the first movie he seems like a decent dude with Clary screaming they are a club she is witnessing someone dies she sees geez I relaxed which is the brunette and Isabel which is the girl and unfortunately didn't get a lot of is the bulk on time because she's like totally excluded from the movie and it wasn't cool like that a prominent character well that's because like two girls is too many things that really so what of their period sync up you know then that gets in the way of shadow hunting barry sees Jace Alec and Isabel all murder someone oh this happened in a storage closet in the books yes which is lives weird yes she follows them off to another room in the movie like it happens like in the middle of the club that's the screen oh yeah because she can only see them yes oh [ __ ] okay so then she wakes up the next morning and all of these things are around her room the reason that they are there is because as I will describe later there is this subconscious thing going on with her mind and so she drew all of these in her sleep without knowing oh she's like writing this and once she wakes up and she like has no idea like why these are all here we get to the scene which he is looking at I'm here through a coffee shop and oh yeah it's just so wild that you guess that look at the coffee's on yeah yeah she's like oh my god I'd like this dude is following me I just saw him murder someone like what happened with the mom is I feel like I should hit them up yes Wow oh my god you were correct that someone does break into their house okay so she drinks this instead of it giving her powers though it puts her to like an unwinnable sleep she is like passed out and the guys take her by your eyes she'd drink it then because she knew that they were coming after her and that way they couldn't interrogate her again in the information that she knows because she knows about the secret society yes no she is a part of the secret society yeah my god dude that scene where Cleary is there and her house is destroyed but I wanted to show you the clip of this because it's just so ridiculous I feel like this is what you see when you get a little [ __ ] up oh my god oh she just planned all of that apparently she went all like Bill Nye on that okay I need to take this bug spray and yeah absolutely turn on the stove and light it when you're being chased down by a monster the first thing you think that is a science experiment yes she improvises she's resourceful she is resourceful she shows up he helps her kill the demon so after they hook up or whatever they hook up no like I just nothing baby damn it they get together alright alright okay if she realizes that he's trustworthy he's like I'm gonna protect you player I knew it so my boy Jay's what happens next is this scene this is Luke he is Clary's mom's friend tortured for information right yes tortured for information literally so these are the two guys that broke into Clara's house and took her mother are they the Shadowhunters they are shadow hunters but they're not good shadow hunters you're right society does have bad breath okay so they're okay there's like inner turmoil yes yes not so much oh my god what she is hiding is that she knows about this thing called the mortal cup Clary finds this photo which is of her mother Lou and this is the guy at the end of the movie the story behind this is that this guy named Valentine married Clary's mother they were a couple yeah they were involved he was basically like super racist huge bigot yeah our cream honestly not surprised with that rabbit he creates this this group called the circle they basically start torturing like the werewolves and the vampires in this world she basically leaves shadow in the world like everyone thinks that she's dead Valentine fakes his own death and so the the circle dissipates is a silent brother they are considered like the librarians cuz they hold all the knowledge which you also said though they are going to the City of Bones because they realized that Clary has something is holding her memory I may need to unlock her memories in order to find out where her mother is to find the mortal Cup but that's when we get to that scene home where yeah because something is holding something is yes so there's a crock I her mind something's holding her memory and so Jace looks at all those dots yeah I have this supernatural power you can read the inverted image of text or whatever wait that says Bane wait that's his bane so basically she drew the the the spaces between like those are the circles and the B oh this warlock named Magnus Bane uh-huh a block on her mind they go to a party at Magnus beans house in order to get him to undo it I mean vampires take Simon who is the guy with glasses oh who is her right yes he's her like childhood best friend Corey Monday that's why I still don't care for him their reasoning for chaining him up is because they wanted to use him as bait to get Clary because they want the cup no [ __ ] idea why they want the cup cuz if the Shadowhunter item it's just one of the weird things about the movie moving on we have this scene you were right he is gay believe you guess he's like my I didn't get the obvious [ __ ] like that was her friend that's she's trying to save but it was like yo he's gay you know he's giving her a tough time like you need to go home like you're just causing problems for us she says the fact is that you're in love with Jace and you're jealous and that's why you're acting like this to me oh [ __ ] it's rep against the law it's like if you ever say I'll kill you he's gay so tell me and he also doesn't want Jeep's who is like no that was friend is he kind of like what I distract about how he's like super intimidating but he's like fiercely loyal to the people who choose yeah that's also why he doesn't want Clary there there's this scene and what has happened is that Clary and Jace have just kissed for the first time things are getting steamy in the moment they walk back to Clara's room and Simon is in there so he opens the door to them kissing and we find out that Simon's in love with Clary oh of course you would of course the by friends in love with thank you but guess what I still don't give a [ __ ] all right let's move on maybe watching that gonna be a 17 I'm like who is this [ __ ] I don't care Simon leaves in a huff like he's upset because Clary doesn't feel the same way about him who and in the friend zone seriously so what is happening in this scene afterwards is Clary is drawing because she's an artist she discovers that she has the ability to put things into paper she had a cup of tea and she put it on her paper and it sank into the paper oh and so she's sinking underneath because she's like where did this cup go and she realizes that it's on the paper the rooms on Shadowhunters give them magical abilities this is like there were like angelic rune like this is like the rune for stamina like they have like a lot of ones like that what's the G for I don't [ __ ] know it's not a G but I literally don't know whatever it is like I could not what about the Harry Potter scarf also don't know what that one is these are all runes that I can see but I have no idea what is either of the arms they go meet this woman who is actually Clarisse downstairs neighbor her mom gave Madame Dorothea these tarot cards she's gonna get them back but what she discovers is that dorothea is a demon I knew it was wrong with her she's she's all [ __ ] up so basically a demon has taken over her bond I [ __ ] knew there was nothing wrong with her there's this big fight scene but they get the cup they hand the cup to this guy who is like the tutor at the Institute and what we find out is that surprise surprise he's in league with Valentine so they are evil yes so Valentine is not dead what about that one scene where like that hand is just like oh my god so it's JC's hair oh they're in the Institute and there is a thing called a portal you step through it and you can teleport basically you don't take you anywhere you want to go as long as you are envisioning it this is how Jesus decides to describe to Clary how it works no peeking I like them better when I didn't hear him hahaha it's a little bubble of water oh I got the dramatic violin disease like I do with this there was like a squishy noise ha ha ha just stroke in her face that's the face I make mine like stranger is good on me that was just to show off the poor it only really just to show off the portal I think he was just flexing to trying to is just flexing yeah it was a hard hard flex moment what happens at the end of this movie after the whole demon battle and everything no we find out that Valentine is Larry's father yeah that makes this scene even gross I know right ah I actually just realized I forgot to show you this clip but I will show it to you so this happens at some point with Valentine injuries and what we find out is that Jace is believed but he is a Wayland is his last name but it's actually Morgenstern which is Valentine's last name so it turns out that Jason Clarice of wings what yes and so what happened in that scene where Valentine is holding Clary is she like collapses because you just found out the oh that's awkward yeah so are they endgame do you want me to tell you we find out in the third book that they're not actually simply oh thank god I guess I am looking your eyes you're like and so what we find out in the third book is that while Clary is the daughter of Jocelyn and Valentine Jace is kind of like Valentine's adoptive side so they're like step siblings basically but it's not like they grew up together ya know so just that weird yeah exactly that's that's why I'm like okay like maybe I guess fast did Cassandra Clare just decide to put that in a clipping or just to like attention yeah I don't know about you [ __ ] yeah I be part of the second book it's like the dates for my siblings and we all think that there's yeah so then they're like no we shouldn't wait but then are they're still romantic seeds while they think they're siblings honestly reading as an adult Clary is actually the one who is like this is wrong this would like [ __ ] up our lives like we have to like try and like be cordial with each other is like brother and sister yeah Jace is like but I love you for you then there is one kiss in the third book where it's like I don't give [ __ ] if we're siblings yeah [ __ ] it let it go and then they find out later that they're okay well good for them yeah I'm glad it worked out for them me too so they are and they are anime but they're not honestly they don't even look like they're related I know but you didn't really well I'm shocked with how good you did I feel like you you picked the right you put some thought into westrom hi I tried yeah yeah but you found them satisfy it would clearly work yeah it was a team effort yes for sure yeah cool so that was the plot of Shadowhunters my version and then a lot of [ __ ] loves to read a book that is just your version or Shadowhunters I feel like that book would be terrible how do you feel about like all the characters because I like Jace the brunette he's like too much for me I think he ends up with someone later though like I mean he's got to be otherwise you know it's too sad and then the guy with the glasses I still give a [ __ ] about him and I feel like nobody gives a [ __ ] about him yeah is that correct was the fandom consensus among these characters and these ships Larry and Simon date for a short time in the second book oh the friend oh yeah because she's like well is either my brother or my bad but most people like agree that like Clarence I'm in like or like I think that was gonna work out I mean they seemed very vanilla right yes very vanilla he's a good guy love me some Simon like really I did not like him when we first started when I first started reading because I was like anyone he threatens Clary and Jace is like deserves to die what brought about the change where you were like suddenly chill with him the leader books of this series he gets better yeah he's just like he got a personality yeah yeah usually not like pining after Clary the whole palette still gay games ever it's updating the Warlock Magnus Bane Wow Wow hundred years old oh my god yeah cuz I was like is it Magnus Bane like super old yes maybe Simon is the end up getting together in the end that's kind of sweet that like the bad [ __ ] and stuff is like this sweet childhood yeah oh my god it's really sweet so much drama though I know I know what's so much I feel like that was a whole journey various you know I think just from what I've heard about the story I could definitely see it being like just like a guilty pleasure kind of read yeah I feel like if I had read this when I was like a teenager it would have been super fun to like imagine like what if this was a world where there were like all these yeah whatever I loved the shadow my shirt when my memories were just lost oh and I guess that makes sense because then there's the appeal where like you can see yourself exactly and like maybe I think my life is ordinary because I'm just being blocked it's literally like all seventeen-year-old Emma like just waiting every single day for shadow internship and tell me I think I'm here I think that's the appeal of like a lot of very popular like why a stories like Harry Potter and then this story where you once you feel like you're immersed in the toilet - yeah yeah where you feel like like this could happen to you or it's like escapism yes totally yeah this would totally be like the kind of book that my teenagers felt would want to like imagine yes to be in first sure yeah I I understand the appeal now like I knew nothing about the books but I can definitely understand why Oh like this is like I see my people like this as opposed to this is [ __ ] dumb no I mean I think if obviously there's a huge fan base for it and then there must be a reason for why there is and now I just know that reason yeah thanks for joining me I like midnight in my hotel listen I will do anything to talk about you other hunters yeah I suggested this idea and Emma was like soup oh maybe if we ever like a lab again we could take like Shadowhunter quizzes oh my god that's pretty sure I still have my I guess that's about it for the video um hopefully this was entertaining I feel like it what I think it definitely was like I learned a lot I educated I feel like you could teach like a college elective class on this you know how many colleges have like those random elected yeah you could totally be an instructor for that man any universities not hire me yeah okay that's about it bye thanks for watching tell me what we find you we got in this war my brother yeah
Channel: withcindy
Views: 185,918
Rating: 4.9870663 out of 5
Keywords: emmmabooks, shadowhunters, the mortal instruments, city of bones, cassandra clare, booktube, booktuber, funny, funny booktuber, booktube collab, clary fray, jace wayland, young adult, ya books, young adult books, paranormal romance, twilight, stephenie meyer, insanereader, magnus bane, alec lightwood, paperbackdreams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 24sec (2664 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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