❌Top10 COMMANDMENTS for Living in CostaRica - ExPat Life, Relocate, Retire, Move, Live Abroad

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hey guys I'm michael alan from TravelcostaRicaNOW.com Sorry about this shady sun thing, but man it's just too sunny here. Anyway guys if you've never seen another video we've ever done, this is the one for you,if you are planning on living in Costa Rica. This is the 10 commandments, the word from God. I'm telling you if you expect to make it, and live in Costa Rica. Now you're probably asking well Michael what makes you God? how do you know these things? I'll tell you. Well not only do I have like empirical knowledge just from my own experiences, I you know I blogged for a long time, I've made you know about 400 videos, I talked to a lot of people about a lot of things, and that is how I think I can tell you these Commandments will say. Now to me these are the things if if things go wrong, you can literally lose everything you ever made, you could go back to your home country with your tail between your legs, these are it. There's other little nuance things, but these are like the commandments. Now I understand, and actually like the regular Commandments there are exceptions to the rule. Which I like exceptions to the rule right? I mean you don't want everything black and white, we live in the gray right? So there's always that little thing that that nuance that might work for you. You might become the exception, but that's not normally the case in the odds of you were becoming the exception, it's probably not the case, but therein lies the problem. The only people I'm not talking to, that are the exception to the rule, and most rules are rich people. This video is not for you, you can turn it off now all right. Anyway guys, two things, when I say Tico, I'm talking about locals, the people that live here, that's what they call themselves. Tico's and when I say Gringo we'll just say that that's everybody else okay? All right commandment number one, if you're gonna live in Costa Rica you need to know how to have an understanding and know the Tico culture. You have to have an understanding, you have to understand the Pura Vida attitude, the simple life. You have to know about kind of gringo pricing.You need to kind of know things like when they say yes they might eat really mean no. You are not in your country anymore. This is their country, not your country. Keep your preconceptions and how you think things are supposed to be in your head. They don't care. They don't want to hear it. They don't care so you have to have a knowledge of the Tico culture, and believe it or not, that's one of the, one of the main reasons people do end up leaving here. All right so now number two commandment, number two, do not get married here. I know all you guys coming down here looking for the Tica girl. Well you're usually marrying or liking the girl that's below you, and in the money and the economic. We'll say she makes less than you. Women have kind of more rights than you. They will take you. There are just too many bad stories about you marry the Tica girl and you losing everything you ever had. Alright? Now the Gringa girls that come down here looking for the guy... They're usually also they also end up hooking up with guys that don't make as much money as they do. So now a couple things. If you are going to get married, you're just love is so strong, and you are the exception to this rule, you need to get a prenup. You need you can get him here you need a good good prenup a good lawyer, do whatever you have to do to get you know to get that prenup women rule here women rule. I would even say if you're gonna have a girlfriend a serious girlfriend here I personally wouldn't I would still have her live somewhere else, keep give her an apartment if you want, but you know the common-law thing works here too, all of a sudden you may not know you're married, you might kind of be married. You know what I mean? You're gonna lose man you're going to lose. A woman scorned here is about 10 times as it is in the States trust me. You're probably not the exception. All right number three commandment number three, do not build here, do not buy here. Rent rent rent rent. Don't why you wasting your money why are you taking $300,000 in building a place, and doing all that? You're not gonna get your money back all right? There's all kinds of reasons why you should not do this all right. Now, if you do have to buy oh my god mike I gotta buy... Buy an existing property so the bigger one in this commandment is don't build here. For a variety of reasons. It is never like a kid you not it's never been a good story. I've never I've heard the outcome they're happy with the outcome eventually, but the story to get there, always sucks, and it's always way more. It's fraught with danger, guys don't do it, and I guarantee you won't be the exception on that if you end up building. Now if you are gonna go that route and purchase something, maybe a container type home and save your money, rent you know have a place of where you kind of lay your you know your head, and then you could travel around stay here six months, rent over here, for you you know do something don't but don't don't do the buying a buying land, buying property thing. All right now number five, secure your property okay, I'm not trying to scare you okay, because, what I'm about to say sounds like oh my god it's around every corner. I don't care, cameras probably a must you probably should get cameras because that's kind of the way now. They're good to have. If you have to get a dog get a dog if you have to get a safe in the hidden place in your house, get a safe in in place, if you have to get gates over your windows, get the gates over you over your windows. It will cut your odds of being your stuff taken down to almost zero. All right, but you've got to protect it you've got to protect that you just can't don't learn this one the hard way. okay so this is a hard and fast rule protect your property. Now number six commandment number six, do not get in business, sign contracts, do business with a Tico. Let that sink in for a minute. I know right now you're going oh my god Mike that is the most racist racist comment I've ever heard. uh hold on okay think of this as kind of like doing you know loaning a family member or a large amount of money, or going in business with the family member. When it goes south, it goes way sout,h and here you are going to lose. You're going to lose if it goes south, and it almost always goes south eventually and you're gonna lose. I'm not saying Tico's are bad people, it's got nothing to do with that so. Don't go with that race thing, I'm talking about think of it as kind of like lending your you know your brother 50 grand, and thinking you're gonna see it again. So it's kind of that more of that concept go south, it goes way south, don't do it. If you want to go on business do your business. You throw it on me all right now. This also a contract, or kind of along the same lines, just because somebody is white, or from where you're from, oh my god you're from Baltimore? me too! They're not they're not necessarily your friend. Matter of fact, you probably got more chances of being ripped off by a gringo, than you do at Tico. So how's that for a little bit more racism? white privilege no. Okay so got that one? Now a number I don't know what number we're on doesn't matter. You do not want to do legal litigation here. You don't want a lawyer I'm not talking about getting a lawyer you know to like set up a business, or set up your you know for things like of that nature, Just things that you kind of need a lawyer, you know I'm buying a house, and doing this. I want you know a business name, I want to set up my business. I'm not talking about that I'm talking about like when you say stuff like, then I'm gonna sue him, well like most lawyers everywhere in the frickin world. You're gonna lose, you you gotta you know walk it off, do whatever you can you do not want to get into a legal battle or litigation. I bought that property you didn't give that to me, or you do this you don't want it you don't want it you're gonna lose that or you're gonna lose your hat. You're gonna lose everything you had trying to win all right. and that's pretty common anywhere to get a lawyer but again I I think even a little bit more so here okay. All right the next commandment, If you are going to employ, or have Tico people work for you, in any capacity, any capacity, first you might want to get the advice of a lawyer what you should do. I'm telling you, even if it's your gardener, that comes once a week, you want to make sure you're doing things right. I'm telling you that guy that comes hey man I can I just work in the back of your restaurant? You know I'll just clean dishes if you could just pay me on the side man? They got so many rights, you will get burned on that too. You can't fire that dude, he will go right to the ministry, and you owe that dude so much money, he'll own your place soon all right. So if you're gonna have people Tico's work for you, make it legal. All right now next one or mine one of the last ones I see okay, always have your passport on your car, actually a copy of your passport on your phone, with your stamp your last stamped out date. Okay it's just good, a lot of things back happen if you don't, if you do get pulled over, things happen there's high fees for that. Not be able to show who you are type of thing so you want your pet a copy of your passport, and your last stamp, you know the last page of your stamped copy on your phone nowadays is very easy. Alright guys those those are it man. If you follow those you're probably gonna make it here, without not too much trouble. You do those think you're the exception, which hey maybe you are I'm telling you the stories aren't good and you'll probably write me eventually going mike i should have listened to you. oh one more is from my good friend Amanda Stewart and this actually applied to me this was one of my commandments if you get too drunk, you don't want to be walking home man, take a taxi, because I'm telling you, the infrastructure here you can find yourself with a lot of broken parts on your body man with the rebar sticking up there holes here drainage ditches over there it's not a pretty picture so if you get drunk get a taxi anyway guys I'm michael alan TravelCostaRicaNOW.com peace guys adios
Channel: TravelCostaRicaNow.com
Views: 105,323
Rating: 4.4652262 out of 5
Keywords: Ten Commandments, Costa Rica, Living in Costa Rica, Moving to Costa RIca, Retire in Costa Rica, Travel Costa Rica Now, michael alan, Tico culture, gringos living abroad, Live like a Billionaire, expat, costa, rica, pura vida, pura, vida, expats, retire, retirement, international living, living abroad, living, abroad, overseas, real estate, buying land, buying a house, owning property, property, owning, agent, life, relocate, live, central america, new country, another country, study, learn
Id: u4vo-5Thgzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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