⛈️ Heavy Rain Hammock Camping Adventure - Heavy Rain Assault in the Remote Forest

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foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] I got the tarp set up in record time today it's really not that hot but I've been rushing so I'm quite sweaty temperature wise it's about 63 degrees today as you walk in here it's raining the forest is foggy it's dark Moody it's absolutely beautiful as I was setting up the tarp I was hearing Thunder that direction it's definitely coming this way it's getting louder but right now the rain is really really light I tell you what I'm just so glad to have this set up that's always like the biggest worry when it comes to like a rain trip it's always nice to be able to set up when you're dry rather than like setting everything up when you're already soaking wet and it's pouring rain foreign [Music] so far it has not stopped raining but it's light like really really light I'd say if you were outside of the canopy of the forest here you'd probably get soaked but because the canopy is so thick and dense here not much is getting through it's more just like splatter you know the raindrops are hitting the top of the trees and they're exploding just showering down I'm still hearing Thunder but it sounds like it's two hour north like it went around us the chance for rain today was around 50 so basically it was a coin toss it landed on tails and I won by the way tails is my favorite what's yours comment down below one thing that's an absolute blessing on this trip is the breeze there's a breeze coming through the forest here and it feels incredible it's drying off the sweat the rain feels really really good now you can see here with the tarp the back side is a shield but it's partially opened and that's because I want airflow tonight when I set up my hammock this side is going to protect my hammock from the wind but yet while I'm sitting here I can enjoy that breeze thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you [Applause] cheers my friends cheers oh man that is some incredible coffee I will have to flash on the screen what this is it's like cinnamon something but I tell you it is really really good what is also good is the weather all of a sudden it's partly cloudy the sun's popping out the temperature is going up just a little bit maybe the forest can dry out just a little bit here because tonight I'd like to have a fire that is something that I will have to carefully consider whether or not I want to do everything in this Forest is soaking wet and I mean it like absolutely sopping wet it has been raining for over three days straight now yesterday this entire area was under a flash flood warning over three inches of rain fell in about an hour and a half then it went on to rain all night long plus the rain that we got this morning and going into this afternoon as far as the time goes right now it's about three o'clock the temperatures shot up to 68 degrees when I first got here it was 63. let's do the SNAP test there's a snap there I could get this to burn there's no doubt about it but I mean a few millimeters of this are soaking wet the core is dry but that's about it hmm there's a snap but it's a little bit soft and that's because this is saturated I'll make a decision on that here in just a little bit first things first coffee time refuel already I have to say that I like this setup here the placement of the tarp is perfect because the wind is coming up this way hitting the back side of the tarp my hammock will be on the inside fully protected it's a good setup if you're doing all of your camping and backpacking on trails and whatnot you're staying at campsites having a good site may not mean much to you because they're so common but when you're off Trail most of the time like I am having a good campsite means more than anything it is like the ultimate luxury it's like winning the lottery so to speak this area here is really really nice it's mostly flat I have good placement of trees nothing's really in my way the forest floor is not so thick it's not like a jungle this is the definition of winning right here I've won the lotto today 20. foreign [Laughter] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] foreign I just got done processing a big pile of firewood I took a gamble on that everyone first off everything here is soaking wet second more rain is likely on the way speaking of which roughly 20 minutes ago I got a little bit of service and I checked the weather it says heavy rain for tonight up to three quarters of an inch so who knows I went for it we'll see what happens more so than the weather I'm concerned about just how wet this stuff is and it's not just that fallen tree that's wet it's everything in this Forest so I have a good pile of firewood we'll just see how it goes cross your fingers and wish me luck something else that has me concerned is just how quiet the forest is I mean it's not 100 silent but it's quiet enough where it seems like nature knows something that I do not everything's quiet everything's hunkering down and for this type of forest that's uncommon about the only thing that you can hear are the black flies that are flying around now luckily with the black flies that we have here they are very much like your common household black fly they don't bite nothing like that they're just kind of annoying no mosquitoes no biting black flies really there's nothing here that's of any sort of hindrance any sort of nuisance I guess I should say my premonitions about the weather were correct it just started raining outside of the forest it's coming down fairly good but it's going to take a while to penetrate the canopy here the question that I have is this is it only going to rain or is it going to storm I mean again the forest is so quiet it's almost eerie almost it's not while it's raining I figured that we would sit here and talk a little bit listen and watch the flies fly around us land all over the place you know luckily they're not too much of a nuisance they don't bite or anything like that they just land and crawl on you that's about it a few days ago I received an email from a guy he was wanting to get back into camping and whatnot and he said that basically he would get ready for a trip but the thought of like staying out overnight by himself in the forest was you know frankly scary this is a fear that many people have and it's completely understandable when you're out in the forest take this forest for an example dark Moody very thick odd shaped trees right it wouldn't take much to set your nerves on edge you know what I mean like an odd sound a bump in the forest a breaking twig I told him that he needs to think about what exactly it is that he's fearing is it realistic or is it not the same applies for you take those fears that you have and decide whether or not they're realistic or not realistic and it's okay if they're not realistic right you could be out in the woods and the first thing that pops your mind are monsters that's how it is for me anytime that I hear something go breaking in the forest I don't think oh that's a black bear I think that's a werewolf or something like that I know it sounds goofy but it's true humans are known for having Vivid wild imaginations and it doesn't have to make sense it doesn't have to be realistic humans are simply not wired that way so oftentimes our minds go to like the craziest of places and that's why you have mythology and stories of gods and goddesses and explanations for things that are so wild so crazy so if you have a fear of coming out into the forest and staying out by yourself ask yourself what those fears are be honest about it are they realistic are they not realistic if you're afraid of someone walking into your campsite well ask yourself why that is Think of where you're camping at is that something that could happen why would that happen maybe you are afraid of animals what animals do you have in the area that you plan to camp at Bobcats mountain lions bears coyotes what's out there and if that's the case what can you do to protect yourself what can you do to lessen the odds of an animal coming into your Camp maybe it's a black bear situation follow the triangle rule you sleep in one place you eat in one place and you hang your food in another place maybe you're camping in an area that has a high crime rate so then you have to consider how are you going to protect yourself or maybe not Camp there at all maybe that's just not a good idea but let's say that the fears that you have are not realistic it's okay to be afraid of those things as well and all you have to do is get out you have to just simply do it that first night out before Forest by yourself you may not sleep at all every bump every stick the wind blowing you might hear an owl that will scare you to death you may not sleep at all that's completely okay that makes perfect sense but I promise you the more you do it the easier it's going to become it's like a muscle on your body the more you work it out the more toned and stronger it's going to get that applies for your muscles and for your mind as well along with your vivid imagination that's telling you all sorts of crazy stuff is taking place around you that's out in the forest that's wanting to get you I was talking to my brother the other day and he was saying how much he wants to get out and go camping by himself and he asked me if I would go with him on the first couple of trips just so that he can get accustomed to things so I can show him the ropes so to speak while I spent much of my childhood out in the forest playing around my brother did too but he didn't Camp much every once in a while he would stay out with me but for the most part he didn't he enjoyed playing video games much more than I did I couldn't sit still for very long I had to be out had to go explore the forest had has always been my happy place so to speak it was true when I was a kid and it's true now that I'm an adult this is my happy place come out to the forest all by myself now I welcome the sounds of the forest and there's virtually nothing that scares me other than people I think humans are the scariest thing in the entire world first off they make no sense at all oftentimes what they do has zero logic to it I much rather be out here with a bobcat with the Bears with the coyotes the mountain lions by the way speaking of mountain lions someone around here recently caught a picture on their trail camera of a massive mountain lion is a big old cat to be honest with you I have no desire at all to come into contact with a mountain lion they are beautiful creatures but I don't want to mess with any soft cats you know what I mean [Music] foreign [Applause] my friends it is time for dinner what I have today or tonight I should say slow cooked Australian steak heated up in a bag with boiling water and I have some British instant mashed potatoes bubble and squeak and I don't remember what exactly that means oh and squeak if I had better service I'd look it up bubble and squeak comment down below folks let me know I don't remember this should be pretty good as far as the weather goes we're back up in the fog it continues to rain it's incredibly light I mean super super light just enough to kind of drip off the back of the tarp here there's still a good Breeze in the forest it is without a doubt a very nice evening let's start with the mashed potatoes oh yeah that's really good for the life of me though I cannot think of what bubble and squeak is carrot and onion is that it I don't know now let's try the Australian steak based upon the smell of this um it's like a uh it smells more like a roast than anything else smells good so let's go mashed potato bite and a bite of this yep that's exactly what it tastes like it's like a roast with like a pepper gravy it's good [Applause] [Applause] the rain has begun picking up everybody and it makes me wonder am I going to be able to have a fire tonight the thing is this I'm not going to have a fire underneath my tarp or even close to it and that's because this is my protection you don't fool around when it comes to your protection and amateur gambles with their shelter you know what I mean what if I burn a hole in this tarp and it begins leaking right you just don't take chances like that that's why you always have your fire away from your shelter that way you can protect it you can keep it safe that way it can keep you safe and protect you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] darkness is falling it's raining out there and I'm stuck underneath of the tarp I knew it was a gamble to process the firewood but I took it that's okay sometimes folks that's how it goes I had enough time to process the firewood right before it began pouring here a little while ago I got a little bit of service I was able to check the radar and it looks like more rain and showers are coming this way so my plan is pretty simple I'm just going to call it a night it's dark might as well just turn in there's nothing to do I can't hang out outside of the tarp you can hear it's raining it's not all that heavy but it's enough to soak you over time this says here the sun will be up at 6 55 so I will get up around 6 30. and plan my day from there not entirely sure what I will do from that point I could potentially have a fire if it's not dripping if it's not raining but I'm getting ahead of myself might as well just go to sleep and we'll see what happens in the morning it is foggy everyone very very foggy I mean it's so thick right now you really can't see but maybe like 10 feet if I had to hike out if you're right now it would be an absolute nightmare it would be difficult not impossible but difficult enough luckily I know this area very well but you could just see it just kind of like billowing out from the forest there it seems like in just about every Adventure I speak about how much I enjoy being out in the forest and that is so incredibly true in a way it's my happy place at the same time it's my sad place it's my everything place maybe that makes sense maybe it doesn't I look back through my life and every good moment and bad moment has resulted with me coming out into the forest every good moment every bad moment every tragedy every heartbreak every single time every event I come out into the forest and I spend my time not talking about it walking it off in life there's some things that you simply cannot talk about to get through it you just have to walk it off you have to go step by step and put it behind you one way or another when my first child was born my daughter came out into the forest when I could when my son was born I came out to the forest my first son when my second son died I came out to the forest as well my pets have passed away same when my grandmother passed away who was very much like my mom came out to the forest I can think back to every one of those events and I can think of like the corresponding time that I came out every single time I'm thankful for the forest I'm thankful for being able to get away turn everything off stop talking think process just go through those events like you need to folks I'm going to bed I will see you all bright and early I'm going to set my alarm for 6 6 30. I will see you all then unless something happens good night for now folks thanks for joining me on this trip [Applause] good morning everyone it is almost two o'clock in the morning and as you walk in here it's raining rather nicely it is basically rained all night long but just now is it really beginning to pick up foreign [Applause] [Applause] and hopefully I'll be able to get some sleep I'm not sure if that's possible because it's raining so hard but we shall see [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] good morning everyone good morning it is 7 30. slept in a little bit why not right been pouring the rain all night long right now it's just dripping from the trees but still coming down all right foreign [Applause] good morning everyone good coffee this morning perfect temperatures it's chilly enough to have a fleece on and this jacket and the toboggan I thought it was interesting yesterday how silent the forest was I mean I didn't hear anything every once in a while I would hear like a crow fly over but that's about it I didn't hear any red squirrels no birds nothing that continued on throughout the night last night I heard absolutely nothing it was just silent up here I still think I thought about the entire night was this pile of firewood I put quite a bit of work into this unfortunately I'm not going to be able to use it if I stepped out from underneath the tarp right here I would just get soaked it's just dripping down everything around here is wet that's okay I'll leave this for another day one day in the winter come out here I'll be super glad that I have this pile of firewood my hammock set up here did a great job this is the one Tigress compound this is a very interesting hammock first off it's very inexpensive this hammock has an unusual feature on the inside there's this layer of fabric that can be zipped up on both sides and basically what that does is block wind and it holds in heat it also blocks moisture so I was able to utilize that last night just to stay a little bit warmer it's a pretty nice system especially when you consider the price of it so low I love being out in the fog in the Mist you know you could just see it floating by [Applause] what a cool place to wake up at I mean this place is just incredible [Applause] [Applause] let's see what the time is now so it's almost 8 30. I think it's a good time to wrap this up and to say goodbye I'm going to begin breaking down Camp finish up my coffee and it's time to hike out of here I came into the area from up there but I'm going to go this way go around and then back up that route is shorter this one is easier so I'm going to take the easy route this morning I would take you all with me but because it's raining that's a no-go everybody I want to say thank you so much for joining me for this trip I really do appreciate you all so so much if you enjoyed this episode hit the thumbs up it helps the channel a great deal consider subscribing if you want to you can also support the channel on patreon on YouTube The Outdoor Gear review has never had a single sponsor and it never will the channel is fully supported by you all so thank you all so much for making everything happen I really do appreciate every single viewer and every single supporter those on patreon and those on YouTube the wolf pack in the future an aqp version of this adventure will go up that is my second YouTube channel a quiet place Adventures make sure to check it out consider subscribing if you want to on my psychic Channel quiet place Adventures I do no talking at all it's all about nature and less to do with me with those Adventures it's like you're right there with me in nature and it's a fantastic way to relax a fantastic way to go to sleep so check it out with that cheers everyone take care be well strength and honor bye for now [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 127,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outdoors, hike, hiking, camp, camping, hiking gear, camping gear, camp fire, solo camping, camping adventure, backpacking, Solo camping, bushcraft camping, mountain camping, forest camping, wilderness camping, backcountry camping, Hot tent, Hot tent camping, Camping in a hot tent, Winter hot tent, pomoly hot tent, big hot tent, storm camping, rain camping, camping in a thunderstorms, violent storm camping, tarp camping, tarp storm campoing, tarp rain camping, naturehike bear
Id: 6k85294sbrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 4sec (2824 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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