⚠️Una ciudad SUMERGIDA en Argentina💦- Gualeguaychú

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Minutes after the first patrol left, two more patrols arrive, we are unblocking a new province here in Argentina Entre Ríos Hey, but everything is super flooded, what an impression a guy has because of the flood, he says, you are all flooded. Good, ready. Thank you. Hello, you, for those who You don't know me, I'm Isa, I've been traveling for 4 years with Ricky, my partner and my dog, all over South America in our house on wheels. Right now we're close to getting to know our seventh country, Uruguay, but not before visiting one last must-see destination in Argentina. gualu chu So welcome to this new video this video was going to start in a different way But I'm going to start it like this it turns out that it is 10:30 at night and they have already taken us from two places to sleep we are going to take the route at 10:30 at night we had never done this before, it turns out that we wanted to go to a neighborhood because Ricky wanted wants still wants because we couldn't find a clock and the only part where there was was in a neighborhood called Nordelta on the outskirts from Buenos Aires capital, what an incredible thing we arrived here as if by mistake looking for a watch store and Wow Hey, continuing with the content of rich and ostentatious places in Buenos Aires, there is this northeastern place and see that all the houses are going to give as such to El delta that is like a little lake that the river comes from I think it is from the Lucan river that this comes from and Wow what an impression not that the house is going to face the lake and you can also get there either in a small boat or by car people people hold money we arrived at this neighborhood and we saw that in the application that we used there were two places to sleep with quite a few comments in the first place we went to a service station and they did not let us sleep there was a second place that was a public parking lot on a public street So we said here We are not going to have a problem, we parked and about 20 minutes and half an hour later, some guy from security arrived and told us that it is prohibited to camp here and we very kindly told him, Sir, please show us the public ordinance that says that we cannot sleep here, or is this It's a public parking lot. The man didn't know how to respond and left and told us, 'Sure, more later, you'll have a problem . ' We said it was a public parking lot but not to worry, we were already leaving but we were like in the middle of the meal. So we decided to finish eating and leave. 10 minutes after the first patrol left, two more patrols arrive. river now but it's really incredible, that is, the entire neighborhood, we put action in the neighborhood, or rather, when those two patrols arrived, well, then it was like they had already arrived, a patrol had already come, we already told them that we're leaving, sorry, well, now We're leaving, not a paper review, or rather, you don't know, eh, the biggest scolding in the world and we, like, Ah well, gentlemen, we left there with three patrols of eh, so that we could leave the neighborhood ready, here we are at 10:30 at night looking eh, another city because we really want to go, that is, not even another place nearby, but we already said, let's take the route because we don't want any more problems. Good morning people, we woke up in a city called Blanca Escobar and last night we arrived very, very late. We had to sleep. I don't know if it can be seen in the video but we are like this we are crooked well we had to sleep like this crooked we have been traveling for 4 years and we have not bought such levelers My God but look how beautiful the little park where we woke up Ah Ricky is over there exercising me I already exercised. Hey, yesterday we ended up very distressed by the whole situation with the police, etc., like, Wow, but it's okay to not come if we had woken up there, it's very likely that one of you wouldn't have brought us a dozen croissants, the Argentinians. My God, my God, what are we going to do with you? If I ate all the croissants that you have given us this last month and a half in Argentina, I wouldn't really fall through that door. Wow, the idea today is to go to a city called Gualeguaichu. gualeguaichu gualeguaichu and it is the border with Uruguay That is the idea we have today and then cross to that beautiful little country that I really want to visit, very famous [Music] [Music] Uruguay we are leaving but I didn't want to miss this moment to give you a small historical context of the square where we are staying, which in fact It is not the first Plaza that is called that way here in Argentina where we have stayed, this Plaza is called Las Malvinas And like other plazas in the country they pay tribute to all those veterans who fell during the Malvinas War in 1982 for those who They are not Argentines back in 1982 Argentina claimed the Malvinas Islands as its own territory and the United Kingdom was there. So a super strong war broke out between the United Kingdom and Argentina Argentina ended up surrendering and many, many combatants lost their lives in this war it is still a very sensitive issue among Argentines, one still sees very large signs that say the Malvinas Islands are Argentine. And one still sees squares like this where they explain the history very well and where, for example, there are places like this where they show how all the history and center as such of war veterans people So for example look at the center of war veterans always our always Argentines obviously talk about the Malvinas Islands and here they show photos of the Malvinas Islands and the moments where all those combatants lost their lives how strong How strong and here the Malvinas Islands are Argentine, what [Music] told them, we go out on the road and we have exactly 1 hour and 33 minutes left. I'm going to take this one hour and 33 minutes to the border with Uruguay, which is guale chum and it's here Look, I'm going to show you here exactly and here we're going to cross. I imagine Frey Ventos, a little bridge over the Uruguay River. I imagine. I have to confess that I have a lot of intrigue and a lot of expectations about Uruguay. For me, it is a calm, peaceful country that conveys a lot. peace at least the people we have met from Uruguay are like too calm and relaxed so I am very intrigued you too dad Ah everything looks super green eh I don't know if this area of ​​the country is normally like this because the other areas eh of Argentina only They look like this in spring and then they turn yellow eh but you can see the spring wow please see that from there too much eat it over there there is a city called sarate here I think it is still the province of Buenos Aires this place and here we are passing the Paraná River gentlemen the Paraná River parana stop stop How beautiful and Sarate has a waterfront, that sarate city is so very beautiful Wow what a beautiful thing and there you can see how the entire plain we go towards that side towards the side of Uruguay we are unlocking a new province here in Argentina Entre Ríos perception so far green very very very very green and everything seems like a swamp like a super super big humidity we are already saying goodbye to these Argentine routes Eternally straight Hey for me it is so so It's hard not to fall asleep on these routes, look at my sleeping face because nothing really happens, I mean, you're straight like that all the time with the same landscape. So it's like My respects to Mr. Ricky who can handle driving and doesn't get sleepy, there are even some like some toperol quotes that are like alarm clocks in case you become like that those things wake you up I imagine that my God you have to be careful tips to not fall asleep on the Argentine roads people here drink mate mate Exactly the mate Yes I think that More than because they like it, obviously they like it, it's for entertainment so they don't fall asleep. Exactly, that's a good tip, my love, we arrived at Gualeguaichu and we arrived in the middle of lunchtime, so everything is closed. Right now we are close to crossing the Uruguay River, a small part of the river. Uruguay, which is the river that divides Argentina from Uruguay, pause, then I would realize that I was wrong. This is not the Uruguay River, it is the Wale Guichu River, a river that originates in the north of Argentina on the coast and flows as such into the river [Music ] Uruguay Hey, but everything is super flooded, what an impression, no Rick, is it normal or is it because all of Entre Ríos and northern Argentina still had a super strong flood in recent weeks and see how it is, let's try to find somewhere maximum height 325 Oh it will be that [Music] yes Wow what a place Ah really tremendous place that Ugh what a pleasure we had of nature we had people see this Wow Welcome to guu be happy You are happy river happy happy we have been here all afternoon Enjoying the river I working went out for a run but I need you Please listen to the tranquility of this place, that is, you can hear nothing but my voice, the river and the birds. Good morning, from Gualeguaichu, I love saying that word. Hey, look, we moved yesterday and it is literally a traveling neighborhood, there were many motorhomes here. This morning they already left for Uruguay and all those who are on that side are the ones who stay here in Argentina. Wow, really, this travel culture is too strange to find in any other country. It is only seen in Argentina and so They have told us in Uruguay too, so we are excited to arrive in that new country but today is the day to do various things such as laundry, such as going to the senasa for the Rio papers to a veterinary hospital, well, in short, doing various things in life, van Life that normally you don't come here [Music] we were doing Van Life stuff all day And right now we're going to the house that I don't even know the name of a quasi-stranger because we met her yesterday for a few minutes to eat Paraguayan soup and We are going together with two other cars that are there. We are going to see what the Paraguayan soup that we have never eaten tastes like. We are already with all the travelers. Are you going to say hello? Hello people, for the first time I am going to try what this is, not Paraguayan soup, tortill soup. paragu Paraguayan soup And what does CEA have egg milk onion onion yam I don't like it and cheese you don't like onion no no delicious well it's delicious Thank you thank you thank you infinite people let's go with our Bridgestone moment and we're back with the original video you're going to hit the road this Christmas So here are some recommendations of things that you should definitely check before hitting the road Remember that Bridgeston has accompanied us throughout our trip through South America So we recommend it with a closed eye Here are the tips number one check all the fluids very well, the brake fluid, the oil, the coolant and even the windshield washer fluid number two go to a service station to check the inflation pressure of your tires number three check what you have done recently your alignment and balancing number four check that your tires are not worn worn tires can cause an accident and apart from this month is an excellent month to change them because for Christmas Bridgestone has a super promo in Colombia they have immediate discounts of up to 200,000 pesos and they give you free the double protection of bridges, which is a guarantee that protects you against bumps and cuts, thus protecting you from any accidental damage during the first year and they offer you guaranteed quality During the first five years people, our Bridgestone moment is over Now let's return with the original video new day in gualeguaichu yesterday we were with locals and we realized that this place from which we did not expect absolutely anything has a lot to offer and we are going to go to El mirador de la Península that the mirador de la Península shows us everything everything everything everything The Gualeguichu River was founded in 1780 and apart from that it is a pioneer in the carnival of Argentina and it is also a pioneer in environmental activism especially so that there is no pollution in the Uruguay River My God everything is flooded let's see if we can get close but it seems It seems like it can't be done, yes, no, no, it doesn't seem like it can, is it that Ah yes, yes, here is already a lake. Or better said, Here here is already a lake. He's already entered the pantanal, God, it's better to walk because the truth is we don't know how big it gets. Puddle Here we go [Music] viewpoint, you don't want to get wet, my life. Oh, be careful, be careful, you're going to jump, you're going to get wet. Give it to me, my love, well, you didn't get wet. We arrived at the viewpoint and it is closed closed doors supposedly from the top floor you can see an incredible view but well the one I tell you is closed enjoying this flood, no longer able to, it's the river, it's already gone to the bottom, yes or no. Look, look, look at the swamp, it completely submerged in the swamp. My God, anyone would say Isa, let him be, let him live, of course, how they don't live in a 6 m cu. mobile home where The bogged down dog gets up and flies like a goat. My God, we still let him be bye. It was a pleasure to meet you, Rio style, my love, nothing to do, nothing to do, see Rio style, this trip through Gualeguichu has left me quite sensitive about natural and environmental like the nature here Ricky also sets up like in the whole place that the human being has built and how nature really takes its place. It is not incredible to see this, that is, it is incredible to see how the Apocalypse can come to pass. see the Apocalypse like this or everything flooded or everything [Music] on fire Good morning people, we are going to an incredible place 20 km from Gualeguaichu called ñandubaisal I hope I am saying it correctly, it is a place that is actually on the banks of the Uruguay River almost in the mouth of the Gualeguaichu River to the Uruguay River and we are going to go kayaking are you excited my love yes happy happy happy really that for us the best plans are always going to be those in Rio I mean definitely and with the river it smells roasted it smells roasted Yes that is super normal in Argentina Sunday Sunday smells roast Sunday in Argentina it smells roast [Music] if they lower the Kay the first one inside Ah Well ready fi if there if you don't go around it's not that big go around like this because there isn't any beach there's a little bit DEA one because of the flood you say you are all flooded Well ready Thank you they say that everything is flooded and there is no silence else Well thank you incredible for the Uruguay River you must pay you must pay We are not sure how much we come with an agency that is a destination nature and They figure everything out for you, so I'm not sure how much is just the entrance fee, but it's incredible that to be able to access a river you have to pay DEA. That happens a lot in Colombia, too. Hey, to be able to access a river that should be public, you have to pay. We've arrived. It gives a great impression as everything everything is sand we seem to be on the beach see this looks like a camping town 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Better said this place is paradise for motorhomes in Argentina and we are here and this is the area for pets see supposedly all this is a beach but see how far the slope goes if you see everything flooded all this is a beach I saw photos and all this was a good beach what [Music] impression here our hosts arrived destination nature people Well let's try now and see how is Rio doing in the river you have to be careful u huge I am very excited because we are about to cross into a new country first in [Music] Uruguay there there there there there r in the clandes breathe dream travel in the candestine
Channel: Isa por ahí
Views: 108,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: duMXacHAh2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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