⚠️Asi son las RUTAS 4x4 en BRASIL INTENTAMOS CRUZAR ENORME RÍO 💀 #Cambarádosul #Brasil

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first little artisanal bridge that we have to cross here we arrive and we have to cross that whole river, it's not enough to risk our house and it's incredible how the peak of happiness can turn into a not so happy moment [Music] there, there, there, there in [ Music] laes this video starts in a cafeteria in the middle of a route that few know here in Brazil if you don't know me I am Isa I live there Traveling in this Camper and a week and a half ago or so we entered Brazil And you don't You know what this country has been like, we already had an incredible dance in a park in Puerto Alegre, we took a route that is the route of hydrangeas And at this moment we are heading towards unknown and little explored places in Brazil here in the cafeteria they explain to us that This entire area of ​​Brazil, which is in Rio Grande do Sul, near Cambara do Sul, is an area called Serra Gaucha and it is a super environmentally protected area, well speaking, well, we ordered cakes, the cakes are like empanadas, meatloaf and cheesecake. Well, they had already told us that it is delicious and this is about average. Because sometimes they sell it as well as a complete cake, this is our breakfast at 12 noon with a cappuccino and a coffee. We already hit the road and our first stop will be a river and a cachoeira, a waterfall called Paso Dues, it is a place that is supposedly only reached by 4x4 all-terrain vehicles, so let's see how far we are going to go and what state the road is in to get to this paradisiacal place. here we are already entering unknown territory on gravel, first gravel in Brazil. My God, we. Why do we get into these types of places, right, fat man, or who is sending us? I just hope that this takes us to a nice and beautiful place. [Music] first little artisanal bridge that We have to cross God my love you are seeing that yes Oh you know that one stops breathing one holds one's breath yes yes yes no it is not for sure no it is not what a scare What a scare but in general the route is moderately good so far supposedly It's 8 km of unpaved gravel road because he goes crazy with nature Ah cordo Ah look where we brought you Ah come on carali let's go tremendous climb come on carali let's go no the Clan of for the Clan of these are fries yes or no De It's true that Kia should hire us to advertise Well here they are already welcoming us to the Ven Vindos girls' state park Well, this entire area is a natural conservation area and we are already inside the park as such and I can't stop being surprised by the Araucarias are much smaller than what one sees in Chile or Argentina but they are [Music] beautiful here we arrive and we have to cross all that river if you see and here it says paso du paso p to the left of the signal that is to the left of those signs there you have to go through my God and see how the route is, it's heav No my love you put 4 by 4 Oh because there is a lot of loose stone Well there is a motorcycle there we can know more or less where it is people who are bathing Well Here we are testing the terrain to see if we can get through with the car but the truth is that it scares us, it scares us quite a bit, they say that it is a step s because it can be passed like this if you see that it is like a s and there are the flags always on the left side of the flags and and always on Don where the water moves like this if you see never ever where the water is still as it is there my God but but it's scary the truth is a little scary [Music] we don't want to cross not risking our house either, that is, we like adventure, we have a 4x cu car but it's not like we can risk our house passing it through places, so we're going to walk there and we're going to see if it can hold up or if it can't handle crossing everything because Oops For example, look, I just put my foot up to the knee. Can you imagine the car doing this? No no no no no no no no You know what my opinion is going to be. I am a nervous person and the truth is I don't like to take risks like that but it's always The one who pushes me to do things that are out of the ordinary, apart from that, it is very risky, it is believing a flag that someone else raised, no, it is not going to happen [Applause] no. Ricky He's not very sure, let's think about it with the pillow, no lies, let's think about it for a while and think about it with a cool head, but in the meantime, on this side of the river you can see the cachoeira, which is really what we came to see, this incredible tourist attraction of the Tias State Park, look at all the people who have come here, I imagine that all of these have to be motorcycles or people who like off-roading. Look, obviously one of these passes my love, but look at your Aventura combi, if a combi has passed over there well I don't know I don't know risk of death he says here risk of death he says there risk of death he says there I mean they are quite quite serious river come come here Come here it is forbidden to walk over the waterfall you have to be very careful When you get to these places where there are so many notices telling you to be careful, be careful [Music] be careful [Music] Wow, look, this is worth it even if you come here to see this incredible thing [Music] Wow, it's like it's natural beauties that you really didn't expect find, that is, those places that you say this Why does this exist here because this is not better known because more people do not come to see such natural beauty so we would not have arrived at this place if it were not for the recommendation of a local, in fact it is a person who has an incredible 4 by 4 truck , an incredible troller that we met in a parking lot and he simply AC to tell us what his next destination is, don't stop visiting such a place. Hey, and so we arrived at this incredible place that really, really, what? paradise what a waterfall Wow Hey pause Ricky He can't stop thinking Ricky He can't stop looking and looking at the river over and over again and thinking he's been through it like three times of asking them I mean I don't think I've ever seen him so thoughtful Tell him the people your decision our decision Let's go let's go with everything we'll go with everything we're going to pass and we're not going to have any problems and we're going to win the fight is nervous obviously we're nervous I already have a pantanera boot on and Our first journey and Adventure and madness by Brazil My God [Music] k [Music] 0:10:59.040,1193:02:47.295 [Music] be careful [Music] we stop here we are going to fly the drone and I am trembling that is, I am trembling see the clande see tremble tremble one two TR up and we continue [Music] way [Music] [Music] ah piggy bank it will be that we are going to achieve it it will be that we are going to achieve it Oops it will be [Music] hiju pua Ay Ay Ay my love come on mother come on let's go la clande let's go la clande u we can't make it fat I have 190 heartbeats literally oh my God someone help us my God we got to the other side let's go my love I want to publicly thank you for risking doing these types of things that if I were alone I wouldn't do them that's it a team thank you thank you wonderful carali carali please everyone everyone everyone to leave in the comments some nice congratulations to the best driver in Latin America, let's go Rick and to the best pilot on planet Earth, if I had been a co-pilot I don't know the story what it would be, you had the co-pilot calmest in the world he stuck his head out the window so that crossing of that river is dedicated to all those who ever criticized the purchase of this truck you heard it is dedicated to you Well tell how you did it that is driving technique the blessing and without truce what Ricky says give advice, that is, give advice how you put the bass in. Eh yes Well no, actually I put the 4x cu and the bass so that the truck could go slower without having to use the clutch or the clutch and not I didn't touch the accelerator or the brake but I let the truck go normally. Obviously we first passed by walking seeing the place always pass by the left place of the flag and where the water moves a certain clearing where the water moves if the water is It is very quiet, it is very deep, so you don't get in there. Exactly, you have to make sure that the car is prepared to get into the water that has snor, that the filter does not have, no water passes, that no water is going to reach the engine in any way because that is yes Ah the differentials are ready to go into the water eh Well and the blessing Well here I think that here is the deviation wait yes I think I think now we are going to another place called Paso da Ilia well up and down the truth if it is a route in where the 4 by 4 is necessary, that is, if you don't skate a lot on the loose stone you would have to go giving it [Music] ta [Music] look and here we find farms, it is very strange to find little houses in the middle of nowhere but farms like one basically drew them in the [Music] school Guess that to go to the other place step doil we have to cross a Stream again we are going to cross another Stream My God My God I thought that the suffering was over but this one It seems to be much softer as it is shorter It seems to be but Well, always check how things are and pass with boots and so on to make sure there are no big gaps. It's much, much easier, so let's go, yes or no, drone up and cross, let's go, an amphibian, the clan of [ Music] amphibian [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] k [Music] [Music] good well well well well re 10 father our my [Music] love We have already arrived at the other place I am making lunch and it is incredible as the top Happiness can change to a not so happy moment in just a few minutes. Ricky was landing the drone and I was going to grab his hand and the drone lost control. We have no idea what happened and in the end it fell to the floor. It was damaged by complete so obviously it makes me sad let's say that I'm not that attached to material things but obviously it makes me sad because it's my work tool and uh let's say that the previous videos have been watched with uh judgment there are a lot of drone shots So I don't know it makes me sad because in a while there will be no shots with the drone on the Isa Canal until I manage to save up to buy a new one. So I hope you go and share this video very much very much to many people to that many people see it and that way I can save a little more to buy a new drone, but that doesn't take away from the spectacular place we arrived at. Well, and with dessert I'll show you what this place is if you see that there In the back There are 4atro by fours, they go there and they go there to the waterfall, it seems spectacular to me and you can also go over Well, by car but we are going the other way but what a divine place, see that spectacular forest over there with araucarias, we are already heading towards what you want stop and ask him Well ready stop and ask him suddenly good day [Music] obrigado muo obrigado ready if you see better we had Maps mi and maps mi he sent us there but asking if we get to Rome yes or no rich they said it's better here then change blue right here it's 5 in the afternoon really 5:20 in the afternoon and we don't want it to get dark here because there is no place to sleep we are going to go to cambara zl which is a well known city or town in rí grande de still blue south of Brazil after 1000 hours no lies like an hour of a lot of gravel we see the route again like this asphalt What emotion and What happiness we have 20 minutes left until cambara [Music] azul we are entering camba azul Looking for the tourist center That's where we're going to sleep and what a beautiful little town, again, it's a little town that has a lot of Central European culture, so the architecture is very European-style, with Portuguese descent, I imagine it's incredible, very, very beautiful. Let's go look for the tourist center that they told us. There we could sleep We have arrived in paradise for tourists I wish they would welcome you like this everywhere there is energy Here we are connected to the energy because there have been days of very little sunlight So we have almost no battery and here is the tourist house where we are going to ask everything related to the national parks we want to go to apart from that there is water there and you don't know how they welcomed us you can stay calm relax arrive What excitement What happiness what a day we have had people until tomorrow cambara sul is also known as the land of Los canyons well it looks like this is a tremendous canyon it's cu c 5 in the morning we've already given up on this Ops the canyon in veño What is it Ricky is the biggest canyon in all of [Music] South America around there around there around there Isa out there Isa ri Rio in the clandestine breathe dream live in the clandestine
Channel: Isa por ahí
Views: 87,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: passo do s, cambará do sul, rio grande do sul, passo da ilha, são francisco de paula, rio tainhas, brasil, isa por ahi en brasil, tierra de cañones, tainhas, vivir viajando, viajes, ushuaia a alaska, que hacer en brasil, montañas de brasil, vacaciones en brasil, vacaciones Brasil, viajes por el mundo, viajes por ahí, sur de brasil, que hacer en el sur de Brasil
Id: ggvdpy4lvkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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