☯️ Setting Up 2 Frame Mating Nucs : Increase your Apiary

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okay so we are back to where we made nucs two days  ago and we're going to just pull those frames fill   the four ways and head down to where I have  my mating yard it's one of the easier jobs and   one of the things you can do to ensure you have  a nice population as you pull those frames is   you can do this in the late afternoon when all  the foragers are back obviously you want to have   your equipment ready your personal protection  foragers tend to be the meaner ones of the hive   and um but as usual with Queen rearing it is  an overcast day it's so wet out here it might   as well be raining and yet some of my girls are  still flying and but if you do the late afternoon   you get a better population on your frames and you  don't have to shake as many just to fill up that   uh fill up those frames in case it's a little bit  light you still might have to but generally no and   I've seen beekeepers who do it in the evening  they're like seriously in the evening I'm not   well my help is certainly not going to do that  so I might have tried it but my help won't   and that's family so but as like I said Queen  wearing is usually in the dark or a rainy day   or a spring weather Spring weather is  changeable and so let's make some nucs [Music]   this is the 10 frame Hive that has already been  prepped with brood and resources to make the two   frame nukes that go into a four-way mating  nuke this can be done for any size nuke just   bringing up resources and placing them above a  queen excluder so that you never grab the queen   of course the first thing to do is remove  the feedback the feedback was there to help   draw up more bees into the 10 frames so  that the bees are more populated than not that's one of the brood frames the next will be the honey frame and so on this point because they've been brought up two  days prior it's just a matter of moving the frames you really gotta show the  camera oh no I don't I'm in that will definitely have heard when you pull the frame how are you  pulling it this way yeah when you   turn it turn it towards this way  and then turn it back to set it one of my subscribers asked if I preferred capped  brood or open brewed for these nukes and if I have   to go with one over the other I like a mix but  if I look for a frame I look for mostly capped   because I'm putting a Virgin Queen in  there and so as the frame emerges cells   will open and she will have absolutely  the youngest bees I could provide for her foreign you can actually make two frame nukes a little  too strong because then they'll swarm on you   even with a Virgin Queen if it was very cold   I would probably go with more open brood but  it's not cold it's just rainy and dark and dreary and you can see how quickly this is going  you could grab two at a time I prefer one I like to see what this population these frames are now extra  because it's a four frame they will be shook into the hive to get that population off of them and then  the frames will be used to bump up smaller   hives or consolidate it into just one Hive  and used for extras nothing's lost your foot okay so today now we're going  to try it at super speed   it is a very moist day windy and the bees don't  like being opened up so a little bit of smoke   will go a long way but you don't smoke in the  hive otherwise they're gonna draw down instead   of up where you want them one thing about  the smoke is that a little goes a long way   generally I use the spray a water spray but  sometimes if they're really active the smoke will   help you so doing this is just basically the same  thing taking out and placing into the four-way   each time just in case you might want to take  a cursory look at the queen or not at the queen   but looking for the queen just in case for some  reason she either held onto the frame that you   shook or maybe for some reason you lost your mind  and didn't shake that frame and moved it up anyway   there's also the possibility of  your hive having more than one Queen   things happen and you tend to see it all  the more you work in your hives [Music]   one thing with clean rearing I've said  before it's spring and spring is rain wind   cold heat cold heat wind and rain it's  always going to be something that you   didn't want on the day that you needed it  to be nice but you have to deal with it [Music]   and if I haven't said it already each  of these four ways the entrances are   blocked off they are confined bees  so that they don't fly out well she looks a great little light but I've  got extra frames so I'm gonna shake them in there we have it in about a minute we've  successfully built four [Music] two frame nucs   and have an extra two frames to spare those two  frames are actually not bad to have as a backup   if for some reason there was something wrong  with a frame that you previously thought was   fine now you have an extra or again like I've  said they will go to bump up smaller hives   they can also go back down in if you need do it again I didn't get it I wasn't ready foreign [Music] okay so we're down where the nukes  belong tomorrow in goes sells but for now   they are open they're going to orient  and in this yard there's no there's a   couple of hives but nothing major so they  will Orient to this area cells go in and   hopefully they come back mated the one  part you don't have any control over so that's it for making some nucs it's an easy way   this is the one part that  you don't have control over the flower pattern or Circle kind of thing those  boxes will have colored discs on the entrances   yikes and uh that's about all you can do just  try to make them visible and different so that   the queen comes back she has a lot to negotiate  if you look around there's all kinds of other bugs   I've got a ton of birds I'm in the Mississippi  Flyway of the Gulf Coast so they have a lot to   try to negotiate back once they're back it's  a success I I measure my successes on Queen   cells hatched some people on Queen graftss  taken and uh you just hope for the best on   them returning and you make it as Mo you make  it as conducive as possible for her to return   but again you can have all the best  things in place but if she's yeah yeah if she gets eaten by a bird there's nothing  you can do you didn't you didn't do that   so until next time happy beekeeping may your  Queen's all hatch and come back mated yikes happy beekeeping
Channel: Butts Bees LLC
Views: 7,241
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Keywords: 2 Frame Mating Nucs, susan butts beekeeper, butts bees, mating nuc, 4 way mating nuc, mating nucs, 2 frame queen mating nuc, mating nucs made easy, mating nuc beekeeping, Setting Up 2 Frame Mating Nucs : Increase your Apiary
Id: ulaaL1JNVMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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