▶ "One Step Beyond": The House of the Dead. (rare episode)

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no but Colonel why couldn't I leave tomorrow by plane yes I know about the other server this is very important to me of course I realized my responsibility to my mentor yes and I know that's all right sir yes I'll be at the dock at 11 o'clock thank you Lieutenant Harry Frazier Her Majesty's Infantry his trouble has brought him here to the street of the cat in the middle of tumultuous Hong Kong Street of the cat has long been a routine stop for every wide-eyed tourist but for lieutenant Harry Fraser will soon become far from routine [Music] honorable visitors here is the street of the cat here since olden days have been those who seeing nothing are said by some to see all observed please foreign if you have a question you wish answered you may ask the old man he will write the answer on a piece of paper with a pointed stick about a stick won't make a mark you have spoken well madam you must then take the piece of paper to a young child he will Trace in pencil what the old one Drew with a sick he who sees not draws what cannot be seen and he who is too young to understand rights and positive said is the truth no anyone would like to try it only 12 Hong Kong dollars not me just me the creeps looks like Olvera Street not as clean though uh where do we go next we go to Kowloon Road where there are many Jade shops all follow me please Hong Kong dollars for a blind man with a stiff one that's almost two American dollars they must think all tourists are suckers how ridiculous how ridiculous cheer Hocus Pocus Oriental superstition well now who knows maybe How could a blind man with a stick possibly help a soldier in trouble indeed who knows in Hong Kong all things are possible and nothing is what it seems to be of life and death last night Lieutenant Frasier's life was very different last night Hong Kong was beautiful view this one isn't it beautiful very beautiful listen when you remember me tomorrow night will you remember what you can no longer see what do you mean your regiments going home isn't it it's true isn't it yes it's true the resume is going home tomorrow night but there's always a secret you Englishmen never understand Hong Kong Secret s our trade like watches and Switzerland so the watch exists after being created by the secrets just how long have you known it was all over the hospital the other nurses tried to keep it keep it fit me they were so sad and so triumphant hello two weeks you mustn't decide these last three months I will never forget them and I know when it began it could never be more than when something never to be forgotten you were wrong please darling we don't need explanations can't we just say what do the Americans say fan well it lasted Miley listen to me I haven't got much time yes I am going back to London tomorrow night and yes it was fun while it lasted perhaps when we first met that was all I wanted but I want a lot more than that now I wanted to be forever smiling I love you marry me [Applause] it's all here officers request for permission to marry approved the ring the license office request for wife's Transportation you'll have to sign that after we're married I like the sound of that don't you after we're married what's the matter look here you do love me don't you I mean well maybe I've taken a lot for granted if you don't love me just say so we can forget the whole thing it's not dead oh what is it then you are free aren't you I mean you've never mentioned anyone and you're not wearing a ring but I don't I don't know the Customs here there's no one inside then what is it don't you know no I don't I love you you say you love me but when I ask you to marry me you won't say yes look at me hey I'm looking what do you see I see the girl I love do you see your wife can you hear yourself single may I present my wife [Music] Can You Hear The Whispers who are freezer poor Fraser the world is grown up since Madame butterfly's time dear not that much the day would come when you lose a promotion because of me and you hit me for it stop it of course if I were married to help my military career I'd I'd marry an English girl preferably a general's daughter with a brother in politics and a rich Uncle who had no children of his own and simply a daughter but I am one of those unrealistic backward types who prefers to marry the girl he loves don't make fun of me Harry you haven't answered me you know do you love me that's all that matters do you too much too no not too much for anything just yes or no smiling darling I love you I want to marry you do you love me Harry foreign [Music] no no nothing is wrong forgive my intrusion please allow me to introduce myself I'm Mr lamb live at end of Hall take care of building what can I do for you Mr Lam how do you do officer sir is it correct I see British officer come and go many times I think smiling likes British officer good enough for me I like British officer too I'm delighted to hear it now British officer is going away how does he know so I bring rice wine traditional drink of Traveler bring good luck on voyage and also taste good you will honor Me by drinking of course you will excellent thank you you drink it's very good Mr love I hope you both have wonderful trip Ruth until this moment I did not know so you keep secret good what is he talking about my link drink of traveler oh so did you I am host host must drink drink or traveler host and Traveler no one else congratulations to both of you thank you thank you very much I wish you long life and happiness lots of children is that the truth I mean about the toast yes darling oh you heard me scared to death [Music] foreign [Music] darling hurry we have much to do [Music] finally [Music] good morning officer where is my link my link she's not with you obviously she's fat with me she got moving cart and talk everything down the street Gwen maybe six or seven this morning very early as I look out the window I saw the cart going away and she saw the driver where she was going maybe but I didn't hear I couldn't go down because not dressed so he's not with you just gone someplace but where do you have any idea if you don't know how should I forgot to find it it was 10 a.m when Lieutenant Harry Frazier began his search for violin without a clue it was an impossible task one only a man in love would even attempt Tommy how many more times do I have to tell you I'll be back in a month I love you from the bottom of my heart excited I gotta stop talking now I've got some more packing to do now stop crying I'll be back in a month and I'll bring you something pretty Sergeant yes sir are you sure the Colonel's coming back here yes sir you know so these Oriental types really cling it'll be the longest month in the Chinese calendar I thought you said he'd be here an hour ago I told you just what the colonel told me sir of course I guess the Colonel's got a few goodbyes to say too if you know what I mean sir no offense sir well sir Hong Kong's okay for a while but I don't know it'd be a bit of all right to get back to some Pink Cheeks and a few blue eyes are you sure you don't know where I can find him I have an occlusa sudden yes sir what is the last possible minute I can arrive at the dark well you know how the colonel is Sir about regulations 11 o'clock is 11 o'clock excited call me the minute he arrives I'll be at the Sisters of Mercy Hospital yes it's terribly important very good sir it was eight o'clock when a despairing Lieutenant Frasier returned to the convent Hospital I'm sorry to have kept you waiting have you had any luck I've been in every place you suggested nothing I'm so sorry I don't know what to do I've got to find it we all love my being listened I remember the day she came here from her Village shy frightened awkward and she had a sensitivity Reserve she could not dare to hurt or be hurt she'd sooner die first why would I hurt her by forcing her through love to leave a world in which he felt safe for a world of uncertainty and fear Love's supposed to be stronger than fear has not minding given you the answer to that my son this is very important to me of course I realize my responsibility to my mentor yes and I know that's all right sir yes I'll be at the dock at 11 o'clock from Dallas for a blind man with a stick for dollars they must think all tourists are suckers how ridiculous [Music] do you speak English many times you may ask I have one question to ask yes I will try to help you tell me tell me where is my Ling and of what I see cause your eyes to weep so when die you will have shed as many tears as you have gone breaths I must know foreign this is my grandson I see his crayon yes foreign [Music] the final for this to me House of 10. the what that is where a girl is House of the Dead no no no no she can't be did I not warn that truth can't bring pain tell me where is this place Hong Kong has many many House of dead for as not everyone poor do we not live all our lives in Wags and coal but when death comes close for a few coins one can have a clean room a clean bed to die with dignity many many House of dead how many 10 20 I'll go to the mall I would think 20 times 20 and more and more twenty times twenty and more and Lieutenant Fraser had less than two hours in which to find my link and if he found her in a house the dead for lieutenant Fraser time was running out foreign and more [Music] friction take me to the docks now it is 10 25. [Music] we are here sir I told you to the docks House of the Dead [Music] ready [Music] funny [Applause] oh my God [Music] why did you run away why I've I've searched I've gone I've looked at I've been fighting without you oh Miley I love you I love you so much come with me marry me yes yes [Music] it is a custom to make paper models of whatever a man might need his tools and so on and burn them now so that he might have done in the next word [Music] hurry [Music] when did he die tell me about this ago why did you know him I mean from before no yet [Music] that I could do for him he was almost dead he was so grateful that I said by his bed so he wouldn't die alone he asked me to talk to him would not think of his pain talk to him about anything I could talk about nothing except with you and me if the first selfish of me then something very strange happens at the end he had been too weak to even please but suddenly he got so strong his voice was so strong started me said do you love this man I mean truly loved him beyond all doubt Beyond All Care at that instant he fell back dead he never heard me say yes oh yes didn't they hear students of psychic phenomena whose job it is to prove or disprove have reported many instances when those who are making the transition between existence and non-existence as we know it are sometimes given the power to perform a last Act of Grace before moving on to whatever is next in a moment something about next week [Music] foreign
Channel: One-Step-Beyond
Views: 99,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Step Beyond
Id: 8GabSPzlzT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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