⁴ᴷ⁶⁰ Walking NYC (Narrated) : Central Park from 5th Avenue - 59th Street to Belvedere Castle

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[Music] hi everyone today's July 8 2019 4:15 p.m. 78 degrees Fahrenheit 27 degrees Celsius I just got off a manhattan-bound while a Whitehall Street bound w local train at the front of the car I will leave me off on 59th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues and today I'll be doing a walk through Central Park southern section so to the right is Central Park south and to the left is the exit nears to the Plaza Hotel you can take either side of the staircase it doesn't really matter but the left side leaves you off at 6th Avenue and the yellow side leaves you off closer to 5th Avenue here's the Plaza Hotel which I'm facing across the street and the subway entrance is right across the street from me unfortunately you can't really see it because of that van there that's blocking the way but I'm gonna be walking to the most popular entrance to the Central Park which is on Fifth Avenue and 59th Street here you can see some street vendors selling their artwork the apple store is on the southeastern corner of 5th Avenue and 59th Street they're still doing construction on the main store the cube as of today but it should be open shortly I see most of it has been finished already it's still open for business 24 hours at the building behind it it is the summertime so you'll see a lot of people out here enjoying Central Park it is the most visited Park in New York City by far with 37 to 38 million visitors annually and it's about 2.45 miles long I'm sorry I can't convert that to kilometers right away but in terms of acreage it's a very large park its 843 acres it's bounded by 59th Street on the southern side a hundred and tenth Street on the northern side 8th Avenue on the western side and Fifth Avenue on the eastern side it's actually New York City's fifth largest park despite it being probably the most well known it's behind flushing meadows-corona spark Van Cortlandt Park Staten Island green belt and Pelham Bay Park this is where you go if you'd like to get a horse carriage ride be aware that they do charge higher prices for their convenience and their service so be aware of the pricing before you decide to take a ride I'm descending into the lake portion of Central Park right now the lake is one of the seven bodies of water in Central Park the biggest being the reservoir the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis reservoir which shall be ending this video at here's the pond I don't remember if I said the pond or the lake but this is the pond and the other one is the lake the lake is right beside Bethsaida Fountain and terrace here at the pond was the incident of a famous mandarin duck Asian duck encounter last year I don't know if they're still present in the park I doubt they are after the long winter we had but there's plenty of common ducks here and I do think that's a stork in the background here's a giant rock in the middle of Central Park Central Park has a lot of geological features it was actually built in the 1850s and required a lot of work a lot of people moving rocks and debris out of the park there is notoriously hard to construct a lot of people here taking pictures is a very popular place for photos but this park came about because of a urban need for some park space because Manhattan was developing so rapidly so Central Park is maintained by the Central Park Conservancy it was created because the park itself saw several declines back in the 70s and I guess early 1960s verso so this park was entirely man-made it was created and designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vosges Green word plan under the Green word plan design here you can see some many towers off in the distance you might spot them when I did my 57th Street now ready to talk tour one of them being the Central Park Tower which is still being constructed there's the Essex House this is the Gap style bridge one of the neat features of Central Park are these little stone bridges that go over the waterways here you can see the Plaza Hotel in the distance reminding you that even this this is still a park is still within New York City and you're not far away from the city when you're in Central Park there's the sign for the Gap style bridge and here's a closer look at the northern edge of the pond I'm actually going to be walking westward to Columbus Circle which is on the southwest corner of the park in there is the Hallett nature sanctuary usually it's open from ten o'clock in the morning until six o'clock at night but sometimes their hours differ and basically it's a nature trail within Central Park it's really secluded kind of hard to find but that's what makes it so special too it's very popular for people that come into Central Park and watch the wildlife especially the birds and speaking of bird here is an American Robin just scooting about the dirt here well what do you know this is the Hallett nature sanctuary right here this is the main entrance the other one was a side entrance and it's open from 10 a.m. to 30 minutes before sunset this is kind of a neat little place you can kind of get a little bit lost in here there's no more than 20 visitors at a time allowed in here according to the sign I've seen everything from raccoons here to rare birds it's a lot of native plants in here and if you didn't think that you were like in New York City well let me rephrase that you could you could pretend you not in New York City in here this isn't the only exclusive wooded section in Central Park Wow that's a red cardinal female red corner and a male 1 hi there can you sing a song for me and this I think that is a I forget the name maybe a Finch but it's incredibly cool how tame these birds are anyway I'm going to make my way outside of the nature sanctuary now it's a lot of small flies there but that's to be expected in a wild section of Central Park so nice little cool place for a detour now I'm going to talk about navigation in Central Park at many of the main entrances they do have free Maps you could take that will show you where you are in the park and and the notable attractions but I'll show you when I get to an official lampposts surrounding the the main perimeter road how you can easily find your way around since your park even if you don't have battery on your phone or a map this is the main perimeter road of Central Park there is a larger perimeter road and a shorter perimeter road actually it's called the short loop and the and the full loop but the full loop is about six miles long if you were to walk all the way around or cycle all the way around and the short loop only goes up to 72nd Street and then comes back down [Music] just make sure when you're crossing the main perimeter roads to watch out for any cyclists or people like that going fast it really should be yielding to the pedestrian there's a yield sign there but here's one of the main lampposts it says 6001 the first two numbers represent the the number of the street that you're closest to so 60 means that I'm closest to 60th Street the squirrels are always very very entertaining to watch in Central Park there are numerous public restrooms inside Central Park that building ahead of me across the lawn is one of them so I'll just talk a little bit more about the history of Central Park again the construction of Central Park was in all all roses there was a lot of opposition to the construction of this park particularly due to the many Irish and African settlers who had villages in the park the most prominent of them being Seneca village near 85th Street on the west side it was almost all forgotten until was excavated and many of the remains were actually moved to the African burial ground in lower Manhattan I believe but a lot of the land here was claimed on their eminent domain that's when the government seizes the land in exchange for a fair market value so they can develop the land for public use is commonly most commonly used to develop highways and other public roads to the right of me is the children's section of Central Park there's a lot of swings here and playgrounds I'll show you later there's also a carousel that's nearby but I do want to do a thorough tour of the southern section of Central Park and no tour can be complete with thee when Central Park Central Park's Columbus Circle is isn't included actually a Columbus Circle isn't within Central Park but it's one of the main entrances through the park itself on 8th Avenue and 59th Street it's amazing that this park was completely man-made even some of the sections that you think weren't man-made are all entirely man-made including all the old structures in the park and the some of these artifacts are like over 300 years old which I'll show you when I get there now on Olmstead and vou designed the parks they did have some under passes through the main perimeter roads the loop roads which was a great design they could have added some more though because at some of the busier places of crossings such as like 63rd Street and that loop road I was at ease earlier it could have used a loop and on the pass there and said you kind of have to wait for the light and hope the cyclists stop or just wait for a clear signal across the street before you go like now but there are speeding cyclists like this one a little bit scary but if you're quick then it shouldn't matter too much this is the Columbus Circle entrance to Central Park locate the intersections of 59th Street 8th Avenue and Broadway this circle is named because the statue of Christopher Columbus is in the center and there's a big traffic circle that goes around it seems like there's a race going on the New York Road Runners have their shirts on across the street for me is the Time Warner Center it's a shopping mall and residence as well as a commercial building there's a lot of different food carts here for your pleasure this is the USS Maine monument notoriously frequented by pigeons believe all their belongings here their unwanted belongings anyway there's the Trump International Hotel with the globe in the background the steel globe but I'll be heading back into the park there is a subway station at Columbus Circle it's served by the a B C D and 1 trains it's really a shame that this entrance to Central Park specifically doesn't have a safe way to cross the roadway most people are usually respectful to each other and yield to the pedestrians who have the light but you always got to be careful cars and other motor vehicles are not allowed on the loop roads with the exception of the official vehicles such as parks department vehicles and the emergency services see here I have to wait a little bit for the cyclists so you see there's the map for the attractions but I want to bring you to the carousel which I was talking to you earlier and a New York legend called the rat Rock officially it's called the umpire rock but it's called rat Rock because it's a term that's that was given by New Yorkers because they assume that it's a place that harbors rats I guess let me just go over this way because I want to show you another arch that's very beautiful this is the gray shot arch his arch could use a little bit of a paint job but nevertheless is still beautiful very intricate designs so here's the baseball field and this right here is umpire rock otherwise also known as rat rock so also a good spot for a bouldering - people do rock climbing over there if you go over to the back side of the rock you can see chalk marks maybe I'll do that when I get over there so this is ratrock I don't see any rats here today though if you want a great picture let me direct you to the view on the right side over here you can get some nice angles here with the Plaza Hotel and some of the skyscrapers along with the trees of Central Park and the playground if you desire but I'm going to get off this rock because I have a lot more to show you here's the bouldering spot I was telling you about people do rock climbing here this good grip and hand sections here [Music] I think I'll just go for it and ascend this way even though it's a little bit steep let this entire backs are the rock is full with chalk I forgot to mention that I did do full walkthroughs of Central Park through the spring summer fall and winter seasons if you like to check those out I have non narrated videos on my channel this is one of the many food stands within Central Park just be aware of the prices I did see that the hotdogs costed $3 and one of the ice cream bars was $4 just to give you a reasonable expectation of the prices oftentimes you'll also see some creative people in Central Park playing music or sketching your picture it's really interesting there's a musician on the meet the arch there and once I get to the carousel I'm going to turn right again and lead you to the Central Park Zoo I feel that many of the tourists go to Central Park just to visit the zoo but there's many many more essential park than these zoo itself so this is the Central Park Carousel it's near 65th Street at Central Park this carousel was actually restored in 1990 and it has 57 carved horses 52 which jump and five are standing one ride is $3.25 15 ride booklet is $45 and a $25 I'm 25 ride booklet is $72 and it's cash only - just an FYI [Music] doesn't seem to be too crowded at this time running in the park I am going to make a slight detour because I want to show you something cool in the park that's that actually predates the park itself so I said that vehicles were banned in Central Park but that's an official Park sanitation truck so Central Park as I mentioned before was actually developed due to a lot of land claimed by eminent domain but before that even happened the land had to be surveyed and this person named John Randall surveyed the land and actually put bolts in Manhattan Island at major intersections so one of the bolts is around this area where 65th Street would have met sixth Avenue it's on this rock somewhere I've seen it before I don't know exactly where well maybe it's on the rock ahead maybe this is the rock I'm not sure but it used to be here anyway it's sad that it got removed because it's not here anymore but let me check the northern side it has to still be here I can't believe that someone would have defaced it yup I actually don't see it so maybe it was removed but that's pretty sad if I find an old picture that I took of the survey bowl I put it up but it's pretty neat so I'm now I'm headed into the eastern section of Central Park this is the dairy visitor center and gift shop you can get many Central Park themed gifts here and over here is the chess and checkers house you can actually get a loan of a chess or checkers set by going into that building during normal hours and giving your identification so pretty cool place so the chess and checkers house these designers of the park put a lot of these game areas close together because they wanted this to be the children's area that's why you have the carousel there the dairy house the chest and checkers house and the carousel it's actually people playing chess right now I won't bother them yeah pretty cool and the summer is open from 9 to 7 but in the outdoors there's actually chess and checker game boards directly drawn on the tables themselves so interesting outing if you're ever in the area and desire a game of chess or checkers it can come to the chest and checkers house so I'm actually going to take you on to the site of the Wollman Rink which is an ice skating rink in the wintertime but in the summertime this ice skating rink becomes an amusement park it's operated by the same owners as the owners who run Luna Park in Coney Island this is the Wollman Rink right now turn the mutant Park for the summertime I don't know when exactly this amusement park ends so if you decide to visit it just make sure to check their hours before you go it's called a Victorian Gardens NYC at Wollman Rink but nice little spot for pictures also if you want to get some color in your shots this rock is very very impressive I see many people just come here to lounge on this rock I won't be doing that but instead I'll be taking the staircase and crossing over on to the east side of the rock when the or the east side of the park actually so the Central Park Zoo isn't too far away I will have to come around to the north side because there's no way to descend on the right side here [Music] this rock is a great spot for pictures as you can tell right now I'm looking at midtown Manhattan and billionaires row Towers are still being constructed there was a lot of opposition due to the doubts on whether those structures will cast cast shadows on Central Park especially during the winter time and we all know that Manhattan is striving for sun spit sunshine because of all the tall buildings okay I do see an opening through the east side of the park so I'm going to take it and so I'm instructing their children to not wander away too far I assume I forgot how hard it is to get to the eastern side of Central Park unless you already start there some beautiful birds around here lots of different colors and species here's another nature sanctuary the Dean's Slope native metal I'm still trying to make my way to the Central Park Zoo hello definitely not camera-shy did that bird just poop in front of the camera shame on you well time to get away from the pooping birds but obviously they don't like us [Music] I'll come back this way once I make my way down to the zoo and show you as well as the Arsenal which is the headquarters for the New York City Parks Department yeah okay battery died I just replaced the battery let's return to this walk through the Central Park Zoo unfortunately we came too late and I think most of the zoo is closed already but this is the Children's Zoo for the Central Park Zoo you can feed lots of animals here I believe the admission for the Maine zoo doesn't include the tickets through the Children's Zoo so it's an additional fee if you'd like to attend the Children's Zoo so this clock I forgot the name of the clock but supposedly it has over 40 different songs they could play I think it's the George Delacorte clock now that I read it oh my gosh so many flies everyone is just amazed by this black squirrel here it's so tame maybe I'll give the squirrel a visit too Wow I think that's the closest a squirrel ever let me go up to witty Tamara all right say bye you might have just gotten some glimpse of Central Park seals in the middle dinosaur Safari is the main exhibit now well looks like the advertised for the Bronx Zoo if you want to get tickets for the zoo the tickets are on the left-hand side and the entrance of the zoo is on the right but I'm going to turn my camera to this building here which is the Arsenal building it's the headquarters for the New York City Parks Department so now that I'm exiting the zoo section I'm going to take you on a tour at the vault so Statue the mall and the best seta Fountain and terrace and the Alice in Wonderland sculpture strawberry fields cherry hill the bull bridge and the ramble as well as Belvedere Castle and Shakespeare garden I may be missing some but that's what I could remember off the top of my head right now I'm actually going to get a drink of water right now so excuse me while I get some water okay that water was very refreshing and now I can talk without my mouth being dried up I won't be going over to the right side but there's an interesting building at the top there I see many brides and grooms going up there to take pictures this person [Music] I can't believe I walked for an hour in Central Park already and I still haven't gone past 65th Street that's how massive this park is I still have quite a bit to go before I reach the reservoir this is the Balto statue in reference to Balto the Alaskan sleigh dog sled dog who helped survivors through the treacherous winters of Alaska and conditions I'm going underneath the Willows L arche boulder to the Central Park of Central Park right now it's way to visit Central Park during any of the four seasons season brings along a different vibe to the park whether it be different vegetation or geographic features there's a lot of different events going on at the park depending on when you come during the summertime especially there's a lot of musical festivals that happen within Central Park the most notable being the summer stage I'm just about to enter the mall right now this was meant to be the defining feature of Central Park it was designed that way basically it's one long walk towards the middle to the best seta Bethesda Fountain and terrace I can never pronounce that name correctly no matter how long I try or how hard I try but I won't be going there yet I want to show you Sheep Meadow which is in the western and western central part of the southern half of the park it's a nice part part of the park for some recreational activities and picnicking things of that nature I don't want to walk too far because I still have a lot of ground to cover but that's sheep meadow from a distance it's called sheep marrow because back in the day a lot of sheep were raised on this meadow on this part of land so they decided to call it Sheep Meadow you wouldn't have never thought that New York used to be in agricultural society but much of Manhattan was developed on the lower part of Manhattan and South Manhattan and Midtown and most of the northern parts of Manhattan were all farmland so I do think that more movies were filmed in this particular location of Central Park the mall and the fountain than any other location because it's so iconic it's a lot of interesting artists here $10 for a self-portrait is so talented I hear some Blue Jays up in the trees just a quick note because I saw a person on a city bike just passed by cycling is not allowed in Central Park unless you're on the main loop road or the southern loop road it's amazing what the change of a season will do for Central Park I was here numerous times during snowstorms and nobody was out here in the mall or the fountain it was like I had the whole park to myself so somewhat there's some very iconic posters there and portraits I always enjoy these bubble of entertainers they always have a lot of fun with the children like here they do run on tips though so if you enjoy their work make sure to give them some appreciation with a donation this is the Central Park band show in the middle of the mall sometimes it's used for beautiful events so I'm approaching the best Ezzor Terrace I just want to show you a cool feature on these pillows here we've got a witch here with a pumpkin an owl and a book is a house with some hay and a tree and a chicken and I don't know what that's supposed to be there's a nice rest room here for the men's room on the left side and woman's here on the right I'm actually going to avoid going in there because I don't want to get hit with YouTube a youtube copyright claim on music and then I'll have to replace the audio which isn't very good so instead I'll go over and show you the fountain from the other side you can visit the underneath of the Buffs ed Bethesda Terrace through my other videos but the architecture is truly unique and the ceiling is just amazing this is the spot you see in all the movies the fountain with its running water and the lake with all the robots you can rent the rowboats to the upper-right of the direction of the camera and it's actually a very pleasant thing to do you can get great pictures in the middle of the lake and have some fun it's just so pretty over here everyone's out enjoying the day people from all over the world New Yorkers and worldly people like so here I'm gonna do something different since it's very hard to get from one side of the park to the other I'm going to go up to the Alice in Wonderland statue show you that and then come back around and go over to the west side to show you cherry hill cherry hill and strawberry fields and then I'll go over the bow bridge into the ramble it's a lot of walking to do in this short video I wouldn't say short but in one Park this is the low E but house will you rent all the rowboats I'm not sure of the pricing make sure to check it out on their website if you're interested in renting a boat here to go out [Music] wow it's actually very busy and it's cash only - I'm going to pass under through the through the trefoil arch very fitting name because it's overgrown with vegetation woohoo nice echo in here you can hear me pretty loud and clear some of the brickwork looks a little bit loose though so here's another body of water this is actually the modal sailboat modal sailboat lake I guess or water you could actually rent model sailboats here and and sail them all around this lake at the structure across the street Oh across the water for me it's also a good place to eat there's also a stand here for the paying keel - then no wonder why I had trouble remembering the name of this body of water is just called conservatory water there's a pair of ducks just grooming themselves I believe to rent the sailboat is only $12 I may be wrong but make sure to check the pricing was for you besides our rent wow that's a lot of bubbles there it's fun to see these children go at it with the bubbles as well that's the hands Christian and the sin statue I don't know the background of that man but I assume he is very famous with the children because there is a story telling our sign there so here's the Alice in Wonderland statue you can easily miss it if you decide to venture off to Strawberry Fields or the ramble that's very popular with the kids and the children got Alice there Mad Hatter the rabbit now I am going to make my way over to the Strawberry Fields and cherry hill which is back there fun fact there is a peregrine falcon somewhere over there it's a very famous peregrine falcon but that peregrine falcon has been here for quite some time would have nest on one of those buildings I do believe his name is hail male and they're raising the nest there with many hatchlings but then again I read that about a year ago so maybe they're all grown up now but make sure that uh that you check the website or their whereabouts before you come here otherwise you might be disappointed if there's no Peregrine's peregrine falcons to be seen that's why it's so dangerous to cross against the light here when you don't have right away and there's a speeding cyclists you have to cross at your own risk ba-bye this is the LOI boathouse there's also restrooms over here if you need them it's also a great restaurant here you take a quick look at the prices so I did read that one our rental is $15 and you do need a $20 deposit there's also a fee for every 15 minutes after the one hour rental so American Robin one thing I will say though if you come here during the right time you can get some very very beautiful cherry blossoms all around the lake tourist traps in my left as you want to mention that anyone you see giving beads to you or pamphlets or special like ornament they may be giving you a fake item well it's not fake but it's an item to try to get you to depart with your money they'll say they're from a buddhist organization trying to build a temple but they're actually fake so don't give them any money several Buddhist temples have actually said that they won't be out there in public asking for donations or solicitations that just doesn't happen many news sources and youtubers I've also reported on reported on the scam it just doesn't happen only in New York either it happens in other cities around Europe the United States it's very common actually and it's a shame so the left of me is cherry hill you have a lot of cherry blossoms there someone's doing a photo shoot I believe very cool this is called a swamp white oak tree very nice with the Leafs aesthetics tending to the waterline see a lot of people here relaxing on lake this is the bowl bridge also featured and a lot of movies it's a great place for couples to hang out and take pictures it's very common to have photo shoots here you can get a much better view of the bridge from the side right there is where you want to be what a zoom lens and you get a perfect angle on the bowl bridge so nice pathway that goes off to the side in front of me is the cherry fountain but looks like it's on the renovations right now it's where a lot of the pedicabs and horse and carriages leave you off if you're coming to Central Park do you visit don't do what I'm doing and visit all the locations if you're oppressed on time make sure to visit only the ones that you want to visit so you have time to visit other things of your choosing just by seeing me walk from the east side to the west side because I want to see the Alice in Wonderland statue and also the Strawberry Fields is taking me a long time to walk crosstown plus I have to walk back over the bowl bridge just to get back to the ramble here's a statue of Daniel Webster I'm just about at Strawberry Fields right now I have to cross the street across the road thank you it's not too uncommon to hear Beatles music around here Strawberry Fields was memorialized after the late Beatle John Legend was tragically murdered at the Dakota on 72nd Street and 8th Avenue yup and there's Beatles music being played right now but this is the imagine mosaic very talented musician there and since I mentioned it I am going to walk through the border of Central Park and show you the Dakota building where John Lennon was tragically murdered [Music] so it's in this building that John Lennon walked out of and he was murdered there's a coda building at Central Park West and 72nd Street here's the lamppost if you ever lost 7201 means I'm closest to 72nd Street and I'll surprise there because I just saw it but now I have to make the long walk back to the bowl bridge and across the bridge into the ramble exactly okay my battery died I'm walking from Strawberry Fields back to the ramble playing Hey Jude now [Music] [Applause] [Applause] are alive so it's pretty nice to always hear some music played by some talented performers I have to cross the street again it's yellow I mean red life for them they can tell Central Park is absolutely huge I would have done the whole park in one setting but it's just gonna take too long just walking from one end of the park to the other without visiting any of the other attractions in between takes around two hours and I've already walked more than two hours in the southern half of the park I'm approximately a third of the way done with the whole entire park so you can just imagine if I were to cover this park thoroughly it would probably take me at least like six hours to do I think actually I'll end this walk at the Belvedere Castle and not the reservoirs I originally stated because this is just taking way too long I can always come back to do the rest that's just incredible how insanely huge this park is which is why doing a narrated video of Central Park in general will just take forever because there's so many sites that I want to see or I want to show you show you I may have to do this in like three parts that's probably what I'll end up doing maybe even four so there's the bow bridge there's the bow bridge nice lighting at this time of day what is going on here with these birds the elusive jumping picture very hard to get on camera unless you constantly holding the shutter button down actually that's the small idea that using a GoPro as well easier they get a still picture from the video than it is to try to get a picture but now I'm in the ramble the ramble is one of the main wooded sections of Central Park you can get lost in the ramble there's many different places on the ramble I won't be able to show you everything that the ramble has to offer but I'll show you a few highlights if you continue to the right here and follow the coastline and continue to make a right the first available opportunity you'll get to pass by a part of the ramble called ramble point that will jut out into the the pond I do want to show you a cool part of the ramble which is a cave that was act accessible by all the row boats on the pond here it's still accessible but the interior has been sealed off there's other cool spots in the rambles such as the feeding area for the birds it's really quiet in this place sometimes it feels like you're the only person here especially if you come during odd hours which I don't recommend at all there is lighting but I feel that it isn't adequate enough at nighttime even though Central Park officially closes at 2:00 a.m. in the morning someone's having picnic here the rambles a great place to see birds I really don't know why people are bringing their city bikes up here like it is a timed rental so they're just wasting more time on the city bikes bringing them up here rather than docking them in Central Park and then like checking out a new one later Plus as you heard them mention there before it's heavy one of my favorite encounters in the ramble was with a squirrel during the wintertime came right up to the camera and started sniffing it and then a few times I've actually heard woodpeckers here and caught them on camera so right here below me is the ramble cave I'm just going to go around to it and show you what happened well it is overgrown a little bit here kind of surprising there is a gate here but no one's stopping anyone from going through the gate but down there's the entrance through the ramble cave I won't actually go down there because it's kind of overblown but you can kind of see that it's sealed off there in the past there used to be some mischievious acts being done over there and that's why I got sealed off plus people used to come up here just on the rowboats and hang out but I'm going to get back onto the main path now okay one of the cool features of Central Park you find some hidden spots like that it's unfortunately I couldn't find John Randall's survey bolts from the commissioners plan of 1811 for the survey here's the western and northern part of the lake if you're on the rowboat if you want peace and quiet this is the section where you want to be at what was that help there's someone's playing a practical joke boy that really need help Brij close ahead is survivable to follow that sign actually I do believe the Belvedere Castle is still under construction so I won't be able to visit it today instead I'll make my way out of the park many people have talked to who have actually been in the ramble some of them are afraid to go in here who is they afraid to get lost but I tell them that all the rows in the ramble lead out as long as you just keep walking around you'll find your way out it's not like it's a maze where you're at you aren't able to find your way out of here actually I am reading that Belvedere Castle reopened on June 28th so maybe I can't oh that's a rat yikes they're out in the middle of the day hi rat what's up you don't just see squirrels around here in Central Park you see all the rodents what I'll actually do is I'll go through Shakespeare's garden and then head up to Belvedere then I've still got some energy left in me to show you this is a Swedish college cottage and marionette theater I believe it's one of the oldest continuing marionette theaters around and this house was entirely man-made and imported into New York City this is Shakespeare garden filled with many flowers and plants from Shakespeare's plays Shakespeare garden a lot of different flowers and plants lilies well these smells of these flowers just incredible oh it's a stabilizer oh it's a microphone yeah I'm doing no it's not connected I'm doing it all well I'm gonna computer later and they last long these flowers are just so colorful and beautiful they also smell very nice I'm guessing that's a clock it's a real trip just going up Shakespeare garden okay where is the whispering bench it's at the top of shakes through your garden oh it's right here good so here at the whispering bench if he talked on one side you'll be able to hear the other person on the other side hello you can even just hear echo right there so it's a good thing I read up belvedere castle is open so we can know now go and explore it and also I get to see how the renovations progress on the castle itself [Music] so here is belvedere castle it's very nicely remodeled and redone it's a nice overview of Central Park okay built in 1872 and restored in 2019 so I actually won't be going up to Belvedere today but you can catch it in one of my previous videos of Central Park I'll be ending this video here if you liked it make sure it'll give it a like subscribe leave a comment down below and stay tuned for the next adventure catch you all later and take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: ActionKid
Views: 245,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nyc, new york, new york city, urban, travel, adventure, fun, explore, visit, sightseeing, tourist, walking, walking tour, virtual walking tour, 59th street, central park, belvedere castle, the ramble, horses, central park west, sheep's meadow, shakespeare garden, walkthrough, 110th street, music, birds, squirrels, north woods, 5th avenue, 8th avenue, the met, tourism, spring, east meadow, conservatory gardens, flowers, the reservoir, strawberry fields, columbus circle, the dakota building
Id: YvSfVndkRVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 41sec (7241 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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