“It’s The Hottest Thing I’ve Ever Eaten” Adam vs. The Fire In Your Hole Challenge | Man v. Food

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Channel: DMAX UK
Views: 575,247
Rating: 4.8476834 out of 5
Keywords: discovery uk, discovery channel, DMAX, Man v food, man v. food, man vs food, man v food, man v. food adam, dam man v. food, adam man v food, man vs food hot wings, man v. food hot wings, man v. food Munchies 420 Cafe, Munchies 420 Cafe man v food, Munchies 420 Cafe, The Fire In Your Hole Challenge, It’s The Hottest Thing I’ve Ever Eaten, adam hot wings, adam eats hot wings, adam 10 hot wings, 10 hot wings man v food, 10 hot wings, man v food 10 hot wings
Id: nKUbwf2w4JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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