“It’s All Good from Allah” President Hamza Yusuf

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first of all welcome everybody back inah may Allah make this a blessed semester for you for those that are concluding their Journey uh May the beginning of their next far you know the next Mana the next phase be a blessed one wherever you go wherever you up um and also for those that are going to be here inah next year may Allah subhana wa tala make this uh know a solid foundation for what you're going to be coming into this program hopefully becomes clear and clear as you move along the program hopefully by the end things are clear uh so shukar is it's just such a great word in Arabic you know the sheen they call so gratitude is something that when somebody's in a state of gratitude other people feel it when somebody's in a state of ingratitude other people feel it also nobody wants to be around ungrateful people and then the ra is very interesting because it's it's something so some of the people translated that you know if you are grateful for your worldly things Allah will give you more but I think a more appropriate interpretation was that that my love for you will increase not your blessings the blessings they're already innumerable so people are greedy for more so who's I think one of the most extraordinary people this um produced he uh from the great city of asahan RA beautiful name too Ra was uh he's a very enig enigmatic figure because we know so little about him his death date is within a 100 years it's amazing for somebody that had such an impact because he influenced I mean his muat are the foundation for all the people after for really understanding the Arabic of the Quran but his uh and then his tapir which a lot of it we lost but we still have a few volumes uh which I commented on this Ramadan is I one of the most extraordinary books I've ever read anyway his I've been reading this book for a long time and um it it's a new book every time I've looked at it it's just always things uh come out but I think what he did in this book you know I was talking about it with somebody today uh what he did with this book was he he just gave a a commentary on on the Quran itself you know whena was asked what was the character of the Prophet she said his character was the Quran and what he did was he set out to to really like to to to give the of the Quran because he distinguishes between which anybody can learn if you have the him and the and the patients sh can learn but m is a different thing and he says that the sh cannot be realized until the M are realized and he said the the purpose of the m is to achieve that you can't be aif of Allah until you embody the of the and all of it is in the Quran and and and he has a Quran that I haven't seen in any other author to be honest with you I really haven't you know and this is I mean some of the scholars here have the same uh or more you know reading uh but um you know this is like almost 40 years in the tath of the Islamic tradition and it's just his ability to to um just open up the Quran he had immense so he says that is to really uh conceive of the you know the one who's blessed that he he really has a an understanding of the blessing but then he manifest it so it's not simply to to to have a of it to have some understanding of it but actually to to manifest it the Arabs having the isar and the the the kubra they they have a whenever the letters are related there's some kind of relationship according to uh some of the scholar so he says it's so there's Arabic words that they're if you if you reverse them you'll get a some Nuance meaning of the word in its like and so is to be bright the is brilliant like same type of word so is a scholar so that's a an example of the the word being and then having a Nuance of the meaning so he says the Arab say you know like the the uh the uh the dog revealed its teeth like the poet says so so so cover in English may be related Allah or just coincidence cover you know to cover something so the shukar is to reveal the the kufur is to conceal so the the one who's grateful is revealing Their Blessings the one who's ungrateful is concealing them and that's why C is the opposite of Shak right so kufur in its Essence is in gratitude first of all to your creator just to not even acknowledge Him like an atheist who doesn't even acknowledge that that they're created which is ridiculous so so the Arabs call A A A like a hefty um animal like it's got good Flesh on it they call it why because it's showing that the owner takes good care of it so when you're grateful you're really you're showing that you appreciate what Allah has done for you so the Arab say it's to be filled with the the remembrance of the one who has blessed you and from this perspective it's been said that it actually is more far-reaching then praise and it said that it's more far-reaching than praise because the ham is to mention something the the praiseworthy qualities of it but shukar is to mention those qualities but also the blessings that accompany those qualities there's three types of sh gratitude of the heart so it's this perception of the this understanding and then gratitude with the tongue which is to praise the one who has blessed you and and that's gratitude with the rest of the limbs like in the he says that that Shar is to expand what uh has been given to you of blessings in uh things that please the one who gave it so you know if if you give somebody money to use it for something positive and then they just go waste it you feel like they were ungrateful in terms of the blessing they were given and that and that's why on I think probably the most difficult thing for most of us for if not the vast majority of humans is the human potential that Allah gave us and the fact that we never really exhausted it you know we have this amazing human potential the intellect like you can learn so many things you can you can do so many things and yet we squander all that it's also in terms of the one who actually is grateful one so this is also the and the there's three types so the Gratitude of a of a human being for that which is over him the one who's over him and that is through service and praise what Dua and supplication so somebody who's a a of somebody who's and with Allah subhana tala obviously and also the gratitude that you have for your peer and that's with that you recompense them and the one who's lower than you and and the way you show gratitude is actually to reward them for their service to you right cuz you you're grateful but because they're beneath you you you reward them I hope I got that right Sab he was Pharisee so this is his language so he says that the Allah described himself as showing uh you know his gratitude towards the righteous among his servants and his his uh and this the Gratitude of the servant to his Lord is the awareness of the blessing and then to guard his limbs in preventing them from using those blessings in what is not appropriate and its meaning at FIA is Sabas so he's he guards uh His blessings for the one who gave it to him uh concerning his Limbs and to be grateful to the one who has bestowed something on you you know it's it's something that's there's a rational Duty here as well as a a sacred Duty so so so just even a non-muslim who who might not even believe in God there's a an awareness that he should be grateful for somebody who's giving him some kind of uh something that warrants his gratitude so the the the the the most uh you know the one you're most obliged uh to have is the Gratitude of the Creator and then the Gratitude of one who Allah made him a means by which you arrived at some good in your life especially your teachers right I mean that that your your parents who are your first teachers whoever taught you even the person you know the uh the Arab say if somebody teaches you a letter that you you become like a servant to them and and that's a type of gratitude they have not shown gratitude to Allah those who have not shown gratitude to people to the means be grateful to the one who has blessed you and bless the one and bless the one who has shown gratitude to you because there's no like says about the in uh in the uh so so whoever doesn't show gratitude to Allah right then he's exposed his NS to to to to to dissipate and that's why he says sallallahu alaihi wasam in this Hadith uh he says that you know be grateful be bless the one who great shows you gratitude the the blessing will not dissipate if it's if it's thanked and there's no continuity of a blessing if it's uh if there's no gratitude for it and some of the scholars have said every blessing every blessing you can actually have gratitude for except the blessings of Allah because the Gratitude of his Blessing is a blessing so he needs the servant needs to be grateful for for the blessing of of actually being grateful and then he says and then you have to be grateful that you were grateful for the blessing that you were given and then that you were grateful that you were grateful for the blessing and then he says that goes on forever and so you can never be grateful to the blessings of Allah subhana wa tala and that's why m you have commanded me to be grateful oh Allah for your blessing on upon me but your blessing but my gratitude toward you for your blessing is among your blessings if my gratitude to the blessing of Allah is is is a is an act of gratitude then upon me is the likes of it I'm obligated to show gratitude so how could I ever reach the Gratitude of his Bounty of Allah's Bounty even if the days are long and and and and the life continues and for for this reason it's been said that the extent of gratitude to Allah is simply to admit that you're incapable of showing gratitude to Allah Allah has said if you show uh if you enumerate the blessings of Allah you will never uh complete them if you begin to count them you will never enumerate them everything that Allah does to Allah's servant is from Allah a blessing even if you think it's a tribulation it's all good from Allah the prophet said so when you see a lot of what's happening in the Muslim world it's the DU of of our um we in a state of sinfulness we have been for a long time but the prophet said it's but we don't see it because whoever sees that the the of Allah is not in the of Allah then it's from myopia you're just not looking far enough cuz you're not looking to the you're just looking stuck in this D on this plane thinking this is all there is you know the afterlife's a hype right pie in the sky and this is what the atheist say you know they say it's all a lie it's just a way that the people in power are tricking everybody to think they're going to get some kind of judgment in the afterlife they'll see that's what Allah says and this is why Allah subhah oh you whose withholding is giving oh you whose tribulation is blessing but because this is so difficult to show gratitude for how few of my servants are always grateful like it's hyperbole right so thank God it didn't say right in the entire Quran there's only two servants that Allah praises es them for gratitude out of the entire Quran so it's a so he's saying even those small blessings he was grateful n was a always grateful this is a man who had immense tribulation is 950 years putting up with KU patience and right so so the Quran if you look there's several places where SA and shukar are are are put together because that's that's the entirety of IM and it's almost over and then you can eat some of the there's you know some differentiate between suia and but he's probably not here gratitude is better than patience it's to control the the ego in terms of its navigating in terms of its um basically accommodating the tribulation you so they're just living with it but in a way that it's not they're not at war with it because a lot of people when they have tribulation they're just angry all the time so they prevent their NPS from from that but gratitude you don't even look at the tribulation you don't even think of it as a tribulation they see it as a blessing so whoever is patient they have they don't show their right so the people that Allah says are these people that are aligned with Allah subhana wa tala they don't have this Jaz they don't show it they might have internally difficulties but they're not going to show it but the one who's grateful he he transcends that to actually manifesting his like the Arab call and do you know those term it's in the yeah so is when it's inside you you feel the Joy inside but people might not know that you're happy is when every is when it's inside and and uh and and they can't see it and is when everybody can see it sometimes you could be happy and nobody knows you're happy so he's saying they show that also patience is not to do something bad and gratitude is to do something good you can't equate the one who leaves off doing something bad to the one who actually does Something Beautiful Allah has he has just toos gratitude with reward whereas he and he said so this is what a lover does for the one he loves or she loves right we will reward the people of gratitude this was a master of the Arabic language but he justos patience with a wage the is somebody who does something for to get a wage like so he says the patient ones will have their reward but it really the a is something that you get for doing something without any Reckoning or re Reckoning and how what what how can you compare a wage even if it's immense and comes without any Reckoning with a reward so he said in with whereas with he said so with the patience he put it in the so he didn't name the even though it's Allah subhana wa tala but with the the one who the Gratitude he named the Allah subhana wa tala in another look at the in in just the utterance of this before we get to the actual action he only mentioned two prophets with gratitude and the prophet said so we know I mean the prophet has that I mean he told us uh and then so so so then he says all the prophets are patient so there he put the before and the Shakur after so it begins with patience it ends with gratitude because patience is really a type of in the end I mean you're what else can you do Allah commands the prophets to to to have a patience without any uh complaint to the creation but he says gratitude is given willingly alhamdulillah inah what do they say in u before meal don't they say anything what they [Applause] sayani
Channel: Zaytuna College
Views: 39,482
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Id: WmsET2NXd-s
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Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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