“I'm Always Sucker for STUPID NAMES” MagzyBogues vs BagzyMogues | Magnus Carlsen Banter Blitz

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yeah let's just let's just accept like the moogs of course uh as people who have seen this stream before will know i'm um i'm a sucker for these stupid names [Music] and my opponent says huge fun good luck reaching 2900 thank you very much i do feel though as since i'm like 32 69 now reaching 2900 would be a bit of a bummer but that's just me okay so let's talk more play uh what's the story here so he sacrificed upon he he's it's a bit similar to the blumenthal gambit against 1d4 um and by the way good luck to my opponents as well may you one day reach 2900 as well so i think i should strike in the center with with e5 um move which has several purposes um obviously developing opening up from the for the bishop on on f8 so that uh the knight on b4 would not be not be hanging uh and also it was not so easy to actually actually take this i probably should go to b8 actually knight a5 looks a bit looks a bit weird um so he couldn't actually take an e5 earlier on uh or he could but it wasn't that great because of queen h4 jack and with if g3 there's always queen to e4 um so it will be interesting to see what he does now now now he can take because um [Music] because before when the queen goes to e4 i would had a fork on c2 with the knight but now he probably could have taken because queenie for quidditch 424 you can go knight f3 and meet that fairly satisfactory satisfactory yeah whatever i think that's how we say it um so he goes bishop g5 okay i'm just gonna go f6 try and keep everything sort of tidy uh bishop g4 i think not so worried about giving up the bishop perez my strategy is very much dark squared based here so i'm just provoking this i think i'm going to eliminate this knight i'm going play knight d7 and uh my opponent does have some activity but i think i have too much too much control over the position harry to be really worried so this knight is just being rerouted in a hurry to [Music] to d6 um so now i'm just gonna put the queen on c5 probably yeah queen c5 check king 2 so if he'd gone queen e3 i think i just would have gone b6 trying to keep the blockade at all cost now i'm seeing that i'm running short on time actually like spending so much time yapping that i'm actually i'm actually a little bit worried okay i'm just going to take this look at fate hopefully start invading uh okay g6 and now e4 should win take this back if it takes an f8 i take with the queen and then rookie 8 after greedy 4. and this one as well is lost for him now i have now mccleary night up and he resigned okay good game but eventually the pawn that he stacked in the opening very much told since it gave me a bunch of good squares for for my pieces
Channel: chess24.5
Views: 143,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess24, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen chess, carlsen chess, carlsen chess games, carlsen banter blitz, banter blitz, chess24 banter, magnus carlsen blitz, carlsen blitz games, carlsen bullet, carlsen lichess, world chess championship, world chess champion, carlsen charity business, draw offer carlsen, magzybogues, bagzymogues
Id: QK86H2BBgX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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