“I Have To Drink 20 Litres Of Water A Day To Stay Alive" | Body Bizarre
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Channel: tlc uk
Views: 11,533,920
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Keywords: tlc uk, tlc, my strange addiction, cake boss, 90 day fiance, my 600 pound life, conjoined twins body bizarre, conjoined twins surgery success, body bizarre full episodes, body bizarre episodes online, unique skin conditions, rare disorders, filipino culture, body bizarre profiles, body bizarre german episode, body bizarre 20l a day man, a gallon of water a day challenge, a gallon of water a day before and after, benefits of drinking a gallon of water a day
Id: ap3A2G1GZI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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good god, i'd jump off a cliff if i had to piss 20 liters a day and wake up who knows how many times a night. every... night.
i'm glad to see the treatment is working. that's no way to live.
Water Champ.
When the camera holds on the guy for a second after he opens the storage doors it looked like he was about to murder that water.
Bielefeld isn't real
Would a transplanted kidney not fix this?
Jesus, they ain't got tap water in Germany?
There is no Bielefeld.
Who else just suddenly got really thirsty?
Diabetes insipididus