How To Avoid & Escape Wage Slavery (Most People Won't Do This)

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all right this one is going to probably piss off a lot of older people but today we're going to talk about a rather spicy topic schools were created to make you a slave now I first came across this idea in the book that I burned through this past week called operating manual for spaceship earth by r book Minster Fuller now in this book he told a metaphorical story about what he calls the great Pirates now this kind of holds some historical accuracy of when there were the sea Masters or actual pirates in the past but for me to explain this concept to you very quickly the Pirates we're just going to call them the Pirates but think of them as big picture thinkers people who have broad General understanding they were the world's generalists so the Pirates Who had to navigate the sea and visit different lands they had Global Knowledge they understood Celestial navigation geography they understood how to navigate storms they understood how to control the men on their team they understood the ins and outs of the ships they were one of the barriers to Commerce between different lands so they understood the economics of the entire world so these great Pirates or these entrepreneurs or these generalists or these strategists or these Visionaries they did not solely focus on one thing and if we tie this together with in the past when there were slaves slaves were expected to do one thing for the entirety of their life the freem men or the gentlemen were expected to do many things throughout their lives pursue many interests gain a big picture understanding of the world so that they could navigate themselves within it so that they became the Masters so that they understood the psychology of other people how to get what they want by organizing the structure and operations in order to actually get that thing so fast forward a bit these Pirates had more of a general powerful knowledge than the rulers of the land or the kings of the land because the people on the land they only knew what was on their land they only knew what was going on there so they were technically the Specialists of this situation they didn't know what the Pirates knew they didn't have that Global understanding they only knew what they needed to do in order to survive survival is a very key word there in their land so one day the Pirates go to them because they realize that the only people that can overtake the Pirates or the generalists are the people with bright Minds this is why the Pirates surrounded themselves with dimwits or dumb people because they knew that they would just listen to instruction and not do anything about it they would listen to and perform a set string of tasks so pattern here is that the generalists hire the Specialists no matter how high Prestige the Specialists are so the Pirates go to the rulers of the land after realizing that the bright minds are the only ones that can throw them over so they go to the rulers of the land they say Hey whenever a bright mind reveals himself bring them to me so that's what the rulers did they notice people when they seem more intelligent or more skilled they bring them to the Pirates and the Pirates first tell the rulers to say when this happens you promote them and you give them a prestigious title and job such as the Royal historian or the Royal Treasurer so this is the start of how schools were created even if this isn't historically accurate exactly this is how schools are created is you first give someone a specific job or task and then create education to allow them to perform that job or task now why is this a bad thing when you accept the job title or some prestigious status or Rank and then educate yourself in order to get there you're only doing it for the sake of the job you're only doing it to reach that narrow goal so you only learn and educate yourself on the things that allow you to achieve that goal why did the Pirates have the rulers of the land do this they knew that The Prestige of that rank would narrow their attention on learning the things that would allow them to maintain that rank rather than study broadly and generally and become more powerful so that they could overtake them so fast forward to today well one schools were created shortly after that time and that's just what happened the rulers educated ated people to form specific roles within their society so that even if the intention wasn't to make it so they were dimwitted and dull and narrow-minded that was just the result of it so no matter which way you view this schools were created to make you a slave whether the intention of making you a slave was there or not that's just the byproduct of going through a school in order to get a job now the problem is one that's not what education is true education is Discovery and curiosity this fabricated education to hypers specialize you into a system to make you subservient to it is what today's schools are simply because tell me this isn't true because it is the only reason you go to school today is because you want to get a high-paying job you want to make more money so you are only going for that goal so you were only learning things in alignment with that goal there are of course a select few people who are smart and they lean into their nature as generalists but most people they're told what to do by their parents their mind gets programmed or conditioned to continue doing those things so they're narrow-minded from the start all they know and all they discovered in life is what they've been told to do now let's go on to another Point really quick because I want to hammer into your head that being a generalist and pursuing your curiosity is so important for your success you can't see it yet until it actually happens this was the thing that created my success and I didn't realize that I was becoming a generalist when I first started the thing that I did was I tried to build multiple different businesses and I failed at all of them but in doing so and scattering my attention between each of them and kind of pursuing the one that I just wanted to build at the time I didn't see much success with it but along the way I learned the skills that I had to learn in order to make those businesses a success and I wouldn't have understood the importance of learning those skills if I hadn't started the prior business if I hadn't failed first so I wouldn't have learned graphic design if I didn't do digital art on Instagram as a business I wouldn't have learned advertising if I didn't do blue light glasses e-commerce I wouldn't have learned branding if I didn't do Drop Shipping I wouldn't have learned web design if I didn't try to freelance with it etc etc now in my position I have a decent amount of power that's just how it is in today's world people who hold the attention have the most power therefore it's the celebrities that influencers the creators I want to be a Creator I'm not a fan of influencers or celebrities I like creators because they are focused on value rather than entertainment and I feel like they have a genuine opportunity to shape Society going into the future for good so in my eyes I'm not saying this because I am one maybe I am I don't know biases play a huge role I believe that creators right now at this point in history with social media where it's at and where attention where it is they hold the most power in this Society because they are generalists they are unemployed employable they do whatever they want to do by talking about whatever they want and the only way they do that is when they have a broad array of skills like web design graphic design copywriting advertising persuasion everything that allows you to run a oneperson Creator business you have to learn all the skills that allow you to run a business in general because you're the only person Manning that business and that wouldn't have been possible not too long ago when the internet didn't even exist and when there wasn't so much information on it that allowed you to learn and Implement those skills fast and since the internet is so low barrier to entry that you can build a website you can write content on social media you can write a book you can self-publish one on Amazon for close to Z you they take a lot of your royalties but you get what I'm saying you can do anything nowadays and that's why generalists Thrive so another point that I want to bring up is that specialization leads to Extinction humans are generalist by Nature we are the speak species who builds tools to make up for our deficiencies that means we're just generalists we're not Specialists that's so you think of a bird right a bird with a long beak it has the advantage of being able to get into tight spaces or big spaces to eat food from the water to eat like minnows that group up in a space of water so they go into the environment where they can eat that food by the water they continue eating it but the birds with the longest beaks are the ones that have the advantage and then the other ones start to die off and so when they reproduce the birds grow longer and longer beaks to the point where they can't fly so they can't fly they can't go to another environment they're eating all the food and then when they have newborn birds with small beaks those birds can't even eat so they go extinct now you can think through this in many different situations of how Specialists go extinct but one big one is just with AI because computers are hypers Specialists creators onep person businesses are employing Ai and automation to allow them to be one person so another point there is that specialization may have worked in the Industrial Age but it doesn't in the information age or the age of AI or imagination because that's just how things change it's like waves if you understand the generalized principles of nature or just patterns of the universe you understand that there's es and flows there's centralization and decentralization there's unification and dissolution there is creation and there's destruction so in the Industrial Age when all of the power comes together and centralizes in corporations who hire Specialists under them now when it starts to decentralize and flow back the power goes to the individual and the creators who have access to the technology on the individual level that is being created for them so how do you become a generalist today the really only way to do it is to become an entrepreneur because everything else takes specific education to work for someone else which Narrows your mind and makes you a slave to some degree this isn't like a binary onoff you're a slave you're not a slave we're all slaves to some extent some mentally to attention and dopamine on their phone others wage slaves that's well alive that's a very real thing others just mostly of their mind and the things that they can perceive and pay attention to in reality because if your goals are assigned to you and your livelihood is dependent on it by the job that you have then your mind is going to have difficulty perceiving different aspects of life that don't align with that goal so become an entrepreneur because you need to learn the general skills you need to have a big picture overview of everything that you're handling and everything within your control another tip that I can give is to choose a vision not a skill or education path or career path or specialization choose a vision you have to continuously cultivate your vision for the future how do you do this you create an anti Vision so you pay attention and observe what you don't want out of life from there you spin those to the opposite side and create your vision and you start to culminate that over years and years and years of what you want to see in the future and what you want to build and then what you do from there is you pursue your curiosity and let that Vision frame your perception of the things that you consume and find interesting in life so anything which is almost everything that aligns with your vision for a 20 30 year vision for the future that's fair game to learn and those things will compound and connect together in ways that you do not know are possible until it actually happens and power is not like just a gradual increase it's like levels you unlock it's like when you have Insight in your mind where the right idea comes to your mind and then everything makes sense when before it made zero sense that's what I'm talking about but you have to learn and be curious and read books and content and actually build things along the way so my last tip there is just that build things along the way write content document your journey document your ideas you need people in order to do anything worthwhile as an entrepreneur generalist people need to support your work and value that you're creating and eventually want to get paid for so write content become a Creator create a digital product create a service create a freelance service create a software create whatever that's really all I have to say on the matter so hopefully you understand understand the importance of not being a specialist and if you are a specialist right now of course don't just quit but you have to continuously program your mind to think as a generalist so that's it Link in the description to our writer if you want to learn a high income skill that is like the skill of the generalist as two-hour writing or writing in general mental monetization if you want to learn how to monetize your creative work with a digital product that sells while you sleep buy my book The Art of focus which will actually help quite a bit with becoming a generalist aside from that free stuff Link in the description thanks for watching bye
Channel: Dan Koe
Views: 34,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self improvement, mindset, personal development, online marketing, online business, make money online, spirituality, entrepreneurship, motivation, personal growth, social media growth, self mastery, actualization
Id: sqKThnMz58o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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