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i'm gonna be pranking my friends that i am drunk today i am going to be pranking my friends and i am drunk drunk just a little disclaimer not getting drunk at all but i i am uh connor no this is a prank on the squad and am i getting pranked right yes we're supposed to be supposed to break you well now he can't i'm not actually getting drunk but like it's just a little prank on my friends before we get into this prank i just want to say it's really not the best to drink and if you guys are gonna drink make sure you wait until you're of age and i know a lot of teenagers are getting offered drinks and like alcohol and all of that stuff please just say no it's better for your health okay so okay the point of this video is to bring awareness to teens like getting alcohol guys and if you don't know there's literally a statistic right here of a huge percentage of teenagers have like literally been offered or drank alcohol between the ages of 12 and 20. and that's insane that's a huge number that's here frank frank frank we'll test you right now okay here is some alcohol kind sir i see your hands no frank in editing in pretend pretend uh would you like uh alcohol i don't know how old am i no oh my god no you're only two years old [Music] [Applause] there's a huge look at this here's a huge list of bad things that it could do to you especially if you're under the age like literally your brain is still developing it's extremely bad for you like it can make you very dumb and being dumb is not good yes absolutely not good frank what would you know it's literally bad and like drinking and driving is bad too like like literally every 15 minutes someone in america dies from a drunk driver alcohol is bad yeah so but what i'm trying to like you know do today is you know to bring awareness to it but i need your help connor like you know you're a good actor how do you know i play a drunk yeah how would piper act do i intoxicate do i like do i like act like a different person why is she talking like do i act like i forget my memory and i'm like um what i don't think that happens when um okay fiverr you're supposed to be distorted slur your words connor you're good actors clear your words okay admit it like you gotta like like i'm really tired like your eyes are kind of close and you're like i'm good and then you like you might like you can't walk around okay get really dizzy shut up what if i like offer like my friends and like oh guys oh god you actually did so that's what we're doing today if you guys are excited for make sure you give this video a big like subscribe and turn on those you know your drinking habits i think that you should be really angry at people drunk exactly exactly yes exactly and guys that is a side effect that is sometimes bad yeah you don't want to think about it you're going to be one of those cool drunks i don't want to be one of those angry ones drunk people aren't cool piper yeah it's not easy it's not cool okay viper you know what you know what you can be you can be a funny drunk as well you need to be angry and show people that being drunk is not a good thing okay not only am i going to be acting drunk i'm also going to be offering a drink to my friends to see if they say yes or no which hopefully they say no that's right and if they say yes then we're going to have a talk with them and we're going to teach them a lesson and if you have a drink i actually know what let me tell these kids yeah yeah look me in the air kids okay but you're out of focus yeah i know your eyes are looking too different look at me and yes i'm very intimidating if you even think about drinking i'll come i will find you i will fart on you it will be juicy it will be wet that's why since you are now in my eyes and i will be watching you you better never drink because it's bad it's almost as bad as this said no [Music] all right get the heck out of my eyeball now and the smell will never come out anytime if anyone ever offers you a drink think about frank farting like seriously it's the bad it's gross it's not good for you so you know we should stop talking about this and just get into the prank so we have a few free people at the house here we're going to bring them on up connor thanks for your time and we're going to be pranking my boyfriend so this is going to be also guys just to show you that we're not drinking any alcohol all this this uh this is all sealed we're not gonna open it yes and this is the stuff that piper's gonna actually be drinking it's just sparkling water lime flavored very nice yeah this is just sparkling water non-alcohol so anything that you see piper drinking just know it is sparkling water lime total disclaimer this is just perfect i am not drinking it's unhealthy and bad for you and it makes you get older fast can literally kill you yes literally you actually can it's not good all right don't do it we interrupt this program to bring you a special message stop wait wait wait first we gotta promote the merch guys if you want to go get the merch you can go get it at shoppercalc.com go get it this is a girl squad merch it's adorable it's so cute it's amazing even the bears like it oh yeah guys look at the bear hi bear wave at me hey what's good well guys this merch is awesome has all the girls on it check it out check it out and piper are you got a pin we do got a pin on if you guys want to go get this is also on shopify.com actually all of our merch right here this is like all of ours and my boyfriend stuff is there too yeah guys lev has new merch out check it out right there and guys the cool thing with the pins you can put them on your scrunchies and check this out i noticed a lot of you guys on instagram have pictures of piper in the squad like on the wall right and like you know even piper's song covers what if we came out with piper we could even sign some of them and send them to you guys let us know i don't know okay so piper this is kind of like a social experiment guys i don't know if you've ever seen those but we're going to test your friends and see if they will like you know not have a drink what the heck guys we're almost at 7.2 million crazy yeah guys the family is growing strong we're one of the biggest on youtube so so so so quick so if you guys want something go ahead don't be shy yeah guys literally two-thirds of you aren't even subscribed and like look at look at us guys we're growing we're blowing up on youtube let's go all right while my friends are heading up here i'm gonna have frank take it away and explain how this is gonna work look at me i'm a bartender no frank you're not a bartender okay guys so back here tender in the back of piper's closet is where we put the fake alcohol yes so again no one is drinking in the video but frank why is the alcohol back here god you gotta hide it yes that's right piper's not gonna be drinking in plain sight or now you gotta be sniffing yeah we're gonna be sneaky yeah and you know she gotta bring her friends back in you know be like hey you want a shot but then i got this mean girl's shot glass oh my gosh yes guys again it's just it's not even alcohol just perio okay and let's see if they say yes or no yeah i mean no okay so the audio actually got cut out of this clip but my friends are on the way upstairs so watch me punch myself in the face to get in my position [Music] oh my god okay okay pretend go go you got this you got they're coming up the stairs they're coming up the stairs i just love you guys so much don't stay there okay guys okay this is just so look look literally see soda all right so i'm actually going to invite someone back here you know and offer them a drink i have a pretend little mini ball right there so they're asking for you go please [Music] [Music] [Music] because you're 13 and i don't want to do that that's not good no pirate guys drunk no no no no she's just jumping guys she's literally just joking what do you mean look at this piper this is okay are you joking right you mean is [Music] [Music] bad what did you do i'm hiding in the closet [Applause] [Music] is obviously it's not okay when you're underage you don't have to have fun by dreaming this is ridiculous you're literally not even of age and even if you are you shouldn't be drinking at all i think everyone should just take a little pill like no this is not okay piper you are literally 13. your mom doesn't even know if this means if she dies she wouldn't let you do this that like if i don't like just let me do it right now yeah you obviously can't control yourself right now do you realize the dangers of drinking this is really dangerous piper i don't think you actually understand yeah it's fun and everything but it's bad for you we should all just challenge you to be okay you can't do this right i don't know you literally can't do that why are you crying because i'm worried about you [Music] when you're like you guys you're not going to be frightened when you're okay i'm actually drunk right now so like i'm just gonna go enjoy me being drunk so why don't you just you can't leave him hey okay there's so many people that look up to you and this can't happen you're only 13 like you have so many other things you can do i just can't be a part of this yeah oh wait no it was good you all said no this was good really good friends you're a great friend you're a great friend you're a great friend you're a great friend you're a great friend you're a great friend you're all great friends like literally emily you held her accountable the second you found out you told everyone you told everyone in the situation holy cow so first of all teens are being offered alcohol a lot like a huge percentage and like a lot of teens before they're even 21 have drinking and that's not okay that's not okay like alcohol is not okay so guys if anyone ever offers you a drink what do you think no all right so guys first of all huge shout out to all of you for this like you guys held your friend accountable nothing it's just and yeah it's it's literally just bubbling water piper didn't drink anything emily you were offered and you said no that's amazing like holy cow great job oh my gosh you guys are great that's so cool so like honestly if you're wondering like oh why not well because like your brain is still developing and you should just you're putting your life in danger yeah like literally like when you're drunk you can't thankfully yeah seriously you don't know what you can do yeah it's extremely not okay guys and even when you're of age you shouldn't do it anyway just damn oh my gosh good job you were like no not okay not okay both of us were really shocked yeah i was like i was like i don't know what to say like not piper like okay as an actor of darman i'm always about like the lessons and the moral of story and learning lessons so i just i think it's a serious problem and we need to bring awareness to it so i'm glad that we can because it is a serious problem that's not someone ever offers you alcohol so no yeah or like tell someone like you like get yourself i was going together hold your friends accountable don't drink aiden you don't drink don't drink don't drink okay all right guys so now that everyone's gone and my boyfriend is on the way here we're about to bring him but i want to amp it up a little bit i know we got this in here i'm going to offer him some drinks i'm also going to like mess up my hair i should probably like tease it a little bit like make it look like i've been drinking all day and i'm gonna have a really bad hangover tomorrow and i'm also gonna mess up my makeup so this is gonna be 10 times better let's get into it [Music] again guys it's just a prank you saw me today i know williams in such a long time [Music] [Music] it's okay don't touch my face i don't really want to touch my face are you okay yeah what are you doing why are you keep asking me that i hate when people ask me even know did you mean that that was so gross that's something fun why would i need to drunk you silly why why would i do that i just wouldn't have a fun time with you i'm sorry i wait i swear to god piper would you where is it no where is it it's nowhere i just had a little bit you shouldn't have seen it i don't wanna talk to me i only care okay where is it where is it is i'm [Music] me not do this pirate you got better things to do in your life you know what you know what i don't even need you anymore you could just leave but i couldn't tell anyone about this no i am i don't know shut up you literally sound like such an idiot piper there's a reason piper there's a reason you can only do it if you're over 21. i don't know [Music] no do you understand if you do this this is bad for you good i'll just go tell my mom [Music] it's an empty soda can it's just sparkling water look look look love obviously that was good and listen piper offered you some and you said no you're a good boyfriend he's salty right now salty is just so look she's not intoxicated at all like walk a straight line dude okay she might not be good at walking straight lines but still this is just to get your reaction that was so weird okay well listen teenagers are being offered alcohol at your age a lot you're an old teenager so if anybody this statistic is crazy so like you guys should definitely say no so we wanted to see what you would do if you were put in that situation and he held you accountable yeah no i was literally [Music] all right that was today's video guys remember there's a number down there if you need help in the description if you have an addiction or anything like that and guys this goes like look if you're afraid to tell your parents or to tell anyone you can go down below there's ways to help websites to help we have links descriptions like all we want to do is videos awareness and i'm sorry that if some of this video made you cringe or something like that but i hope you guys enjoyed it give this video a big like subscribe and turn on those notifications and make sure you like stay on my page to see what else i post because i post some really crazy stuff and yeah more pranks like this on web come on let's go happy that this is not true thank god it's not you and then by the way guys i would love to get butterflies to eight million so it's probably already at this eight million by the time you watch this but like up to nine million yes i want 25 billion [Music] you
Channel: Piper Rockelle
Views: 7,818,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drunk prank, drunk girlfriend prank on boyfriend, drunk girlfriend, drunk girlfriend prank, drunk boyfriend prank, prank on boyfriend, prank boyfriend, boyfriend prank, we broke up, break up prank, broke up, drunk prank on boyfriend, boyfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend prank, boyfriend girlfriend, drunk, drink, drinking prank, piper rockelle, Piper Rockelle prank, piper prank, Piper Rockelle song, piper, rockelle, Piper Rockelle boyfriend, Piper Rockelle crush, piper break up, kiss
Id: nZ-ZEmjyeEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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