‘The Five’ talks how migrants in NYC are lining up for food and phones

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biden's border crisis causing a free-for-all in america's largest liberal city hundreds of illegal immigrants lining up outside a new york city hospital bus there by texas governor greg abbott the city offering migrants free phones food health care and many are being put up in 400 a night luxury hotels now these great perks coming of course courtesy of the american taxpayer the new york post summing it up as quote land of the free but what about the american citizens who are already here do they get a handout as well nope rent prices have been exploding all across the country one person forced to pay nearly twenty thousand dollars just in order to secure a one-bedroom apartment so joey i'm going to start with you you hear all these handouts what's the message to america's homeless veterans or families who are struggling and i mentioned this as well when this whole border stuff started heating up under joe biden and i heard they were putting um illegal migrants inside of barracks i thought well why haven't we been doing that with homeless veterans um so what's the message to the american people when they see this well it's called i don't personally equate those two things because i think there are two problems with two different route issues it's easy though to look at that and say where are your priorities government i would say that the democrat party would love to have veterans on on their on their dime as well so that they can be pacified and bring their votes in as well they love any class of americans they can put into a position where they need the government to make ends meet with illegal immigrants though and that's and that is the root cause of this issue this problem is so old news i laugh at it i mean i grew up in a town in the 90s where this was a problem my grandfather worked next to an illegal immigrant every day for seven years that illegal immigrant paid one dollar in taxes my grandfather paid a lot more when the government caught up to him he left he came back six months later under a different name and social security number continued to do the same thing and that happened over and over again the infrastructure for fraudulent identities in this country is a problem and it's something that the the government knows about it's something that in some ways both partisan sides are complicit in because in the 90s it was great to have all that cheap labor well now it's a little bit harder to do that and so everybody's gotten more creative but the immigration problem starts and ends with a government so dysfunctional that it can't do what most americans are asking it to do which is to reform immigration and have a policy that makes sense and i go back and i beat this dead horse and that's okay because dead horses don't feel anything i beat this dead horse nancy pelosi had a deal with president trump to fund the wall and in return get a codified daca and reforms and visa applications something the democrats wanted she didn't take it because she couldn't give president trump the win and she knew she might have a chance at winning in the course what she did on daca so when you talk about doing what's best for the people that's always going to come second for what's best for partisan politics especially for those like nancy that are in power and that's where we are so jesse joey talks about the politics of it there's also a lot of money in all of this illegal immigration there are ngos catholic charities lutheran charities um other ngos that are making a lot of money these hotels are making a lot of money there's a business behind this there is if i were a homeless person in america i'd be upset because i used to be the toast of the town in manhattan remember de blasio was letting me stay in hotels for free joe was sending me free crack pipes i mean i could do pretty much whatever i wanted i could light the fox news christmas tree on fire and walk out the next day from jail no bail and now all of a sudden there's like some better looking person in town that the democrats are just falling all over uh they're giving them free health care they're doing interviews they get the new biden phone i still stuck with the new the old obama phone it doesn't even work i actually saw a homeless guy today on the upper east side with a phone and he was in a sleeping bag it was like an rei sleeping bag it was a really nice sleeping bag they shouldn't have all this kind of stuff so right now the migrants are like the new victim flavor of the week and if you're homeless and you're american i'm sorry go to the back of the line but if you're a parent in manhattan i'd be even more angry because my child you know that was a lost year during covet and so you're already behind and now you're putting like five migrants into your fourth grade classroom they don't really speak english don't you think that's going to slow the lesson plan down yeah i mean you might get a better soccer team yeah out of it i'm sure the coaches are asking abbott to send buses faster before the season starts um very good soccer players but but it can't continue to happen and joe biden can shut this thing down right now if he wanted to but you know what he's doing he's building a fence around his house in delaware so people don't trespass onto his property but he'll let anybody else trespass on the rest of our property i can't believe no one's asked joe about that just want you to know i have nine latino kids no good soccer players what happened i don't know maybe when you get a hockey player irish wisconsin husband something goes wrong you should actually get it from both from both sides on that the athletic ability should be strong we should probably move on [Laughter] all right harold somebody else at the back of the line so the all of these services are coming from the city's immigration affairs office a part of it some of it's coming from other parts but you know the other people who are at the back of the line are those people who feel like chumps for trying to be um trying to come here legally who are following the rules what about them is this fair to them probably not i'd say no um what i don't get and joey i appreciate you differentiating between some of the and rachel meant no nothing more than just talking about ways in which we allocate resources to our country and you're talking about the veterans should be treated i don't think democrats wonder about on the dole but i do think you're right we should separate how we think about this but i don't know what we're trying to get out here i i think mayor adams uh and governor abbott had it out a week or two ago verbally and i think governor abbott got the better of that exchange at the beginning and i think mayor adams is trying to figure out how we how we grapple and i give him a lot of credit for saying we're going to help those who are in need but the question i have is what is the long-term answer here you were getting at the long-term answer in terms of immigration reform but what did we plan on doing do we just want as americans busloads of people whom are crossing the border legally or illegally to just be shipped around the country on buses and be integrated into communities i read this we don't want to cross the border to begin with what if there was remain in mexico and they never actually i'm trying to agree with you but with the trump trump about the process i don't get what's going on here and again i think what we need to do it we need to build a wall there at the border with the daca reforms we've talked about we need an asylum process that is expedited we need to send more judges down there to ensure whether it's remaining mexico or wherever even it should not just be remain in mexico she'd be remaining wherever these these people are from to me the border is a national security issue and it's become a humanitarian crisis because we've allowed it in many ways and we shouldn't kid ourselves this has gone on for a long time when i was in congress her boss dana's boss tried to negotiate with john mccain trying to negotiate a a a immigration reform plan and we've had these things blow up you know why because each side gets a little out of this somewhere along the line you guys virtue signaled that you guys were sanctuary cities and i don't know of any democrat or republican that believes well what's busting people across what's the question we have a national security practices he's saying it's the only way to get democrats to care about this i'm not faulting it i'm saying this is a national issue that needs to be addressed so we got a fox news alert you're for the wall here's another problem one migrant told dana npr that he stayed at a new york city shelter and he was scared for his life he told the reporter i'd 1 000 times rather stay in the streets than a shelter in new york city he called for the mayor he's one of the ones that didn't get the four-star hotel he called for the mayor and the city to offer more support but he said this was interesting not just for illegals he called for the city to take better care of their own people that are in dire straits okay so control room don't get mad at me because i know you said we have to go but i this is my favorite topic it's my favorite story of the month it might be my favorite story of the year because now you take those two issues immigration and crime and now you don't just have hypothetical situations you have blue cities having to defend the policies that they like so now you have to test the fact that the border is open and now muriel bowser the mayor of dc is asking for the national guard she in fact she just asked for more she originally got turned down now she's asking for more the washington post editorial page says today boy the mayor you've got to really prepare for this this is really bad but nowhere in the editorial does it say joe biden and his administration should do something different they don't say anything like build a wall then you have the question of sanctuary cities oh the sanctuary is great until it's happening in your schools and then you have the issue of the fact that you have free social services well that sounds really good until you start to put it into practice so finally it might not be the right solution but you're finally changing the conversation because we are 18 months into this administration and you have not had any media cover the story i don't see how the media covers this story they're so worried about the migrants that are coming here and no one talks about the fact of how they got here in the first place it's actually quite an art that the media is performing right now thank you i thought you tied that together brilliantly thank you and you're right i thought it was a silly stunt by abbott i think it was brilliant it was brilliant [Laughter] shooting down efforts to fix the massive teacher shortage in our country hi everyone i'm brian kilmeade i want 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Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,085,706
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Keywords: dagen mcdowell, dana perino, emily compagno, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news the five, fox news voices, geraldo rivera, greag gutfeld reacts, greg gutfeld, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld reacts, jeanine pirro, jesse watters, juan williams, katie pavlich, the five, the five fox news, the five greg gutfeld, the five greg gutfeld monologue
Id: KzLgyh-vlQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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