ᛞ C4D TUTORIAL | Smooth Dynamic Camera Rigs

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[Music] greetings all use smooth moving motion designers I'm about to show you a very simple camera rig it's gonna make all your future camera moves smooth as a slimy sugar glider swooping down a step inside I've got this quite extremist camera move flying in towards the asteroid and then slowing down and doing a bit finer camera moves and I'm gonna start by completely deleting that camera and setting up a similar camera from scratch again this whole thing is based on sort of four very simple steps let me start by drawing a very nice and simple spline I'm gonna set it to maybe a cubic spline and then I'm just gonna draw a camera as it would fly in from far away it close to this asteroid here and then maybe maybe it goes into orbiting the asteroid yeah then I'm gonna just move these into slightly better positions okay so now I've got something that I think looks pretty darn smooth and let me just start by chucking a default camera and attaching that to the spline by going into tags animation tags and align to spline and just using the spline we have and we also need a target object for the camera to look at otherwise if we animate this it's just gonna sort of look in whatever which direction it does so let me create a null object which I will name the target and another tag to our camera also from animation tags the target tag drag our target into that target tag now if I and make this position option on the aligned a spline tag camera is always going to be looking at that target site that we have so I can just move that to be probably somewhere in there where our dude is so the camera is always gonna be looking at our high subsurface scattering dude over here perfect so now this is a sort of quite kind of smooth animation but it does go a little bit up and down on bobble here and there I set a keyframe at the first frame and then increase the position to a hundred percent on the last frame and jump into my timeline make both of those keyframes linear it is a little bit wonky still kind of wobbles up and down and the most obvious thing is that the camera move starts by moving a lot quicker than it does at the end that's because this aligned to spline tag the position option there doesn't actually mean the position on the spline by length but rather on the spline by points the spline has far more points towards the end than it does at the beginning so when this animates it first starts by moving quickly and then even if we increase the value by the same amount it goes much slower when it's in this orbit loop here and that's why you need to add your mograph most spline object to make sure that those points are distributed evenly across the whole spline I'm gonna set that most spline from the simple mode the spline mode and go to the spline tab and dry this blind that we just drew into the source spline and then also changed the generation mode from vertex to even and let's just make sure that the points are evenly distributed across the entire spline if you now change the allowing the spline tag to use the mouse plug instead this whole animation is going to be the same speed from start to finish but yeah it's still a little bit wonky so let me just smooth off this animation at the end a tiny bit and just change these keyframes back to spline keyframes and have the animation slowed down quite a lot at the end here we can smooth this all art with the final magic step let me create a new camera drop that underneath I'm gonna name the first camera cam okay and this new one just cam into this new camera I'm gonna add a tag from rigging tags previously character ties called the constraint tag and I'm gonna set that to spring mode as a reference down here in target I'm going to set the camera hook object and make sure that the length is set to 0 so that the cam stays really nice and tight on cam hook if we look at this from the outside I'm playing it from the start we're gonna see that this new camera that we made sort of jiggles after the old camera and with a little bit of tweaking namely by setting the stiffness way lower maybe just to 2% and setting the drag much higher all the way up to 20 this new camera is moving very smoothly indeed and if we look at the scene from that camera in the start of the scene it is flying in over this asteroid in a much smoother way then we still need to do a little bit of tweaking to our main spline because at this point the camera actually does technically lie straight through the asteroid and realistically you can't do that I mean just push that point a little bit further out but you can see how this just makes any old rough camera move nice and smooth then one little issue that you can see here when it repeats is that it takes a while for our camera to move back to the original position and the way to fix that is simply to change the start key frame of your timeline to something like minus 50 just to give it 50 extra frames to get back into place before it reaches frames 0 when you play it back by frame 0 the camera is basically static and just starts nice and smooth you can use the spring constraint method on any old shity animation that you just want to smooth out and depending on how you change these parameters you can get quite different characteristics to a higher stiffness and lower drag for example is gonna give you a more and held shakey feel for the camera and the higher you set the stiffness the closer is gonna be to the original animation and that is basically all there is to it now before you go I want to let you know that the process of motion ebook is finally finished that's nearly 200 pages on the creative client and freelance process for motion design you can download it from the link in the description if you're on the course if you haven't joined yet this is an official heads-up that the book being done means that the work-in-progress 25% off that I've been doing will end on the 14th of June but now I really want to thank you for your time and until next time stay in silky smooth motions [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Daniel Danielsson
Views: 52,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, cinema 4d, motion graphics, motion design, 3d, VFX, GFX, CGI, techniques, after effects, how to, animation, ASMR, Voice, Man
Id: QHcb1pqa8Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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