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Today I present the story of Phra Achan Khae. He is a monk who lives in Surin Province and may not be well known among the wider community. But people around here respect Phra Achan Khae very much. In the matter of your Buddha's knowledge He built the temple without any means . Here, the monastery was made from the old wood of a person who had died. This means that this kuti is the kuti where, I'm sorry , the person who was there earlier hanged himself. And people at home cannot stay at home. The house was dismantled and given to the monk. Build a cubicle I saw that Phra Achan likes to go on a pilgrimage. Yes , then he had a vision and saw a white Naga. Yes, in the vision he said that he was half asleep and half awake. Oh, it was like a dream, Grandpa Khao. Previously, Phra Achan was in a cave. So he said that in the future we will meet again, sir . I will go help build the temple. Saw the monk go to study in the line of Luang Pho Yi, Luang Pho Yi, Sattahip Temple as well. It is a subject in the field of creating Palad Khik. If Palad kicks Luang Phor Ee, this is not normal. Phra Ajarn went to study in your line of study . Yes, I ask for mercy from Phra Ajarn. In the anointing of hands , what is the name of the talisman, Phra Achan? Phra Sivalee talisman to accelerate fortune Phra Siwali is a Buddha that has great fortune. You can worship it, worship it, and ask for good fortune. You can worship it. Hello, welcome to the travel program. Please don't be disrespectful. In this EP, I am in Koh Kaew Subdistrict. Samrong Thap District Surin Province Located in the area of ​​Wat Pa Thammanusorn. There are many stories and history here. There is one monk. He is not yet very old in his rainy season. But people have a lot of respect and faith. That is Phra Achan Khae. What will the story of Wat Pa Thammanusorn be like? And what will Phra Achan Khae be like? Viewers should not miss it in any way. With the travel program, don't be disrespectful in this EP. But first of all I will soon take the audience to see the inside of this temple area. Made an appointment with an older person. My name is P' Tee. This is P' Tee. Come to P' Tee. P ' Tee: Hello officially . Thank you very much for the information. With the travel program, don't disrespect us. Have you been a student of Phra Ajahn Khae for a long time? This year is his 4th year. This is the 4th year. People around here, if they talk about Phra Ajahn Khae. What is he going to say, Pee Tee? He is called a young monk of Aphiniharn, meaning that he is called a monk who is a developer . He is young, and the villagers also believe in Phra Achan. And of course The villagers believe in Phra Achan Khae. The back of this hair We come to Surin, the city of Chang. But there is a big Naga figure here. Yes, what is the connection with this, Pee Tee? This Naga the Master once told me about. Now I have come to observe the 8 precepts and come to live with the monks. The first residence with the Master. This is the residence. Yes, this is the Master's first residence. The kuti that he built for the temple without his having any means , now the kuti was obtained from the old wood of a person who had passed away. That is, he hanged himself. His relatives, sir, were unable to stay at home, so they offered something to offer. The monk's roof was the same as his house's roof. It means that this kuti is the kuti that apologized. Yes, that is, the person who lived before him hanged himself. And there are people at home. Can't stay at home The house was dismantled and given to the monk to make it into a monastery. Phra Ajarn is at the temple here. Come on, here's the Naga image . Yes, I saw that Phra Ajarn. like to hike Then he went and had a vision and saw the white Naga in the vision. He said he was half asleep and half awake. It's like Grandfather White's dream . Before, he didn't want to live in a cave. So he said In the future we will meet again, sir. In the future, I will help build a temple like this. His master woke up and he didn't really care. He didn't quite believe it, so he let it go. Now he has returned from the pilgrimage. Then I came to know that Luang Pu Singh Thammasaro was an ill teacher. When he was ill, he came to serve the teachers until Luang Pu Singh passed away. Before Luang Pu Singh dies, you can Take your hand, brother. Go and touch Phra Achan Khae's heart. Even though I'm still sleeping. Next, you will build your temple. Luang Pu also passed away. And until this Thammanusorn Forest Temple was born. And of course, as Pee Tee said This amulet Grandfather Khao encountered in a vision of the Master when he was walking on a pilgrimage. Yes, that is important to the viewer. And another thing that people come to worship is the Naga Heart. Where is the Naga Heart ? You have to travel this way. Let's go see it. Walk from the Pu Khao statue. Walk just a little, just a little, and you'll see Phra Achan. This place is called like a pavilion. He called it a temple. The temple is not yet completed. But the Master made something like this . In the future, he said There will be people who have good fortune. I will come and make the ceiling for you. We'll go in and see what's in here. It is believed to be the heart, the heart of the Naga. Come take a look. Please. Hey , can I please bow down first? Go ahead, sir. Because most people here Disciples will come. and came to pay respects here as well Nagaraj's Heart Glass. Yes , this is the Naga 's Heart. Walk closer and take a look. Do you see it? Is this a stone ? Yes. The master brought it for me to look at. Can you see? It is transparent. If you look at it, it will shine through. So it's similar, right? It's like a blood vessel. And this straight shape, is it like a heart ? Is it like a heart? Oh, it's like, this is real. Come take a closer look. There are kith and kin from around here who came to see me. And the heart of the Naga is at Huai Thap Than, in front of the temple , right in front of the temple. That's right, because in front of the temple it is next to Huai Thap Than. Yes, Huai Thap Than. The main water can flow to the Mekong River. It's the Mekong River. And this, at first I thought it was just a normal rock. It's like the Master said, it's clear and red. Yes , you have to come and see the real thing. It will be like a capillary. And it has a main artery running. And if the light shines It will be red. The blood vessels here will be red. This is real. This is a rock. But this one looks like a heart shape. You have to look at the picture. Hey, this big picture, hey, hey. Yes, can you see that? It looks like a blood vessel. Yes, and this one looks like some kind of blood. This one we took, we still can't see it as clearly as we can see with our eyes. Oh my goodness, Brother Nat, look at this. It's awesome. Take it here . They believe that it is the heart of the Naga that Grandfather Khao resides in. It's here and it's a big one. Whoever goes, who comes, what do they mostly come to ask for? Ah, everyone's suffering is different, Brother Nat. Some people are stuck with finances. Some people come to ask for money, some people come to ask for luck, some people come to ask for fortune, some people come to ask for a change in their lives. Some people come to ask for debt relief. Most of them will get it. And then I'll take the eggs. Let's bring rice to make a vow. It depends on your merit, not exceeding your karma. You can ask for it first, among the Naga beliefs. Yes , I myself had a dream once. Sister Nang, who lives in Bangkok, had a dream once. People who are dreamed of by distant students Here we come to an agreement. He knew that I would help Phra Achan build it. That person also dreamed. This person also dreamed and saw the same Naga image. Now the news is spreading . It's spreading through some kind of lady like this. Hea Yong, a student in Bangkok. They came to help each other . As soon as we reached an agreement, right here, where my little dormitory is, there was a staircase going up, right ? Yes , suddenly there was an anthill that made a nest. It made a nest that was like a Naga crest. and then stopped right here Stop right there. Sister Nang Hia Yong on the Bangkok side drove here. Come light incense sticks and light candles and make a wish. Sister Nang returned to it for another 4 days. The lottery would be drawn in about 4 - 5 days. Sister Nang won the lottery for about 500,000 baht, and then came back again and brought eggs. Bring eggs to make a vow, come and make a vow, ask for more, and won in a row. Three installments The construction of the Naga was completed within three months, three months, four months as the Master said. Finished before the pavilion But I believe in one thing. If anyone has seen this EP If you can see it I believe that making merit is connected. Some of you viewers don't know. Should have come here Must come and see with your own eyes. You have to come and see with your own eyes, P'Tee. This is exactly as P'Tee said. That is, it is a white pavilion , yes. And on this side is the main Buddha . Yes, the pavilion is the Buddha , the Buddha in the blessing posture. / Yes, there are the same ones like this . There are only two in the world. That's all . There is a group of faithful disciples. Yes , that is the abbot. It's in Sweden . He made two of them. He said that the other one was to be given to Phra Ajarn Khae. Oh, he came to be the host. And here in front you will see Pu Khao, yes , and in front of that is Huai Thap Than. Huai Thap Than, as Pee Tee said a moment ago, this is the first episode. Naha, according to the vision of the master , or from going into a dream . And my disciples said that actually this place had to be completed first. Yes, the Naga Buddha image , yes, but the Naga Buddha image was completed first. Finished building first What happened? That is, many of his students won the lottery on the side that helped the White Pavilion and swarmed the White Pavilion. The side that made the Nagas swarmed the Nagas. It turned out that The base of rights is really the same faith , but they help each other on different sides. Seriously, they built it together. Together, yes, but at that time there were only disciples and disciples. We spoke in our local language and won the lottery and got rich from Grandfather Khao. Yes, so we helped build it. But now it's Grandpa Khao who built it first. It was built first. Okay, the pavilion is bigger. And it requires a lot of capital. It might be finished later. But all of them It's finished. Yes, today we came to Wat Pa Thammanusorn. Tomorrow there will be a ceremony to celebrate the temple, that is, celebrate everything including Grandfather Khao Phaya Naga, the White Pavilion, and the main Buddha image. And then the Navakosa millionaire Tomorrow I will take the audience to see the pictures. In the ceremony to celebrate Lord Navakot Setthi That means many people want to see what it's like. Let's go see first. Will there be any of these celebrations? Bring your camera. Now, walk to the point where the Lord Navakoti millionaire Tomorrow there will be a celebration ceremony. Yes, there is Luang Pu Udomsap here. Let's come together for the Buddha Phisek ceremony. Therefore, as said, Your name is already good. Setthi Nawakos. The 9 millionaires are personal beliefs. But many people I've had a lot of luck and fortune with Lord Navakoti. Yes, I'll see tomorrow to see what the work will be like. Yes, and tomorrow Pee Tee will be staying with me for another day? I'm here. I'm staying until the job is finished. OK , but today's mission isn't finished yet. Brother Tee, can you please take me to worship Phra Achan Khae? /Yes, sir. /Are you there? Are you there? If so, please go this way. Please come. Right now, I'm inside Wat Pa Thammanusorn. yes At Koh Kaew Subdistrict Samrong Thap District Surin Province Then he stayed with Phra Mettanja Mettajitto or Phra Achan Khae. Please pay respects. Thank you for your kindness. With the travel program, you can't disrespect it. In coming to interview at this forest temple The first thing you saw was that the temple area was very large. What is the approximate area of ​​this area, Phra Achan? In total, it's 20. That's over 20 rai. Where was the original Phra Achan from? I am a person from Samrong Thap District, a person from the village of Ban Tang Mang. Therefore, I have studied or been ordained as a monk since. How old are you? Ordained as a monk at the age of thirteen years, thirteen years as a novice , that is, before that the Master already liked the Dhamma or liked to meditate. Chanting and various magical arts. Oh, Surin area is an area. He called it having faith. In the matter of black magic Black magic too, yes, but I don't believe in it as much as before. Oh, before, I didn't believe in 50 50. I thought it probably didn't exist anymore like this. And does it really exist? Professor, does it exist? Is it right? When I met myself Going for a hike or anything. I saw it with myself. So I know that it still exists . Oh, various mysterious areas. According to the information, according to history, it is Phra Ajarn Doenthutong. From the age of fifteen. Ah, yes, yes. / I'm a novice. I 'm a novice. How many pictures of the monk did you take? Going to one picture, sometimes going with a monk, like this. Which monk did the master entrust himself with as a disciple? There was Luang Pu Singh of Wat Bost as the main teacher. And people around here talk about Luang Pu Singh. What are you good at, Master? Observe psychic powers In the subject of magic, you have many as well. In the past, he studied magic as an old tiger, a layman, something like this. There were Grandfather Serm and Grandfather Puek who were subjects in the line of ah, Luang Pho Mum, Wat Prasat Yena, ah okay, and said that he saw the master go to study in the line of Luang Pho Tee. Ah, Luang Por Ee, Luang Por Ee, Sattahip Temple, Sattahip Temple as well, is a subject in the line of creating Palad Khik. If the paladkhik Luang Por Yi is not normal, yes, the monk went to study in his line, yes, and there are many others. Whether it's a tiger There is a tiger course . I have studied it all. Sarika Linthong subject, this is the Khmer line of our country. Muang Surin , if talking about Surin He will be afraid of the black line. What is this, Master? In this way, the master studied in the white line. Or something like this? Oh, study as a white belt , a type of helping people, like a black belt doesn't study. If you study for a long time, it will revert back to this person. Not good, not good. Of course, as I asked the master, The monk presented himself as disciple with many lines of experts together, and if there are people around here If talking about Phra Achan Khae Of course, there are many disciples. This is where I come to pay my respects to the Master. Teacher, this area is said to be Everything in this area at Wat Pa Thammanusorn is The Master designed it himself . Yes, he designed it himself. The villagers helped to make it, made it, made a pavilion , made a temple , made a monastery like this . How many years has it been since they helped to do it , Master? Six years, six years, almost seven years. Ahh, of course it was before that. The teacher lives in a temple at a church. Yes, that's right . And how did you find it here? join together to donate The land was offered so I invited him to stay . I saw that the villagers also saw that there was no temple here and wanted to have a temple in my own village to make merit nearby. So I invited the monk at Wat Bot to come stay and bring the villagers. The monks and novices helped build it . When the monk went on a pilgrimage in the forest, I saw that you had a vision and met the Naga like this? It is as if we are half asleep and half awake . It will be a dream like a vision. Saw the white Naga and came to say that we will meet soon. And after that, what happened to the Master? He went into the water and disappeared in a vision. Until a temple was built here. This means that when the temple was built here Then I had a vision and saw that white Naga again. Is it the same one? The same one ? So what did you say, Master? He said that he would come and help protect him. If built, this place will prosper. So I told him I didn't have any money. If you want me to do it, go find it. What do they call it? Your children and grandchildren will come. I'll build it myself. After that, how long will it take for Master to be able to create it? It won't be long, about four or five months. Oh, he went into a dream with a Yom over there. He entered a dream with a Yom, and that Yom came to host the creation like this. Like coming here All of my students will speak with the same voice: Some people are penniless. Some people do bad business. Or even some people are in debt, over 20 million baht, but their life has turned around, they've paid off all their debt , and now, wow, I used the word "have tens of millions". He definitely believed in coming to the Master. What most people will come for is to have the Master anoint their hands. Ah, yes, what is the anointing of hands, Master? Anointing hands to enhance great fortune . It is a subject to enhance great fortune. This subject was learned by the master from Luang Pu Singh of Wat Bot. At Wat Bosat, yes , that's right. Many people come and say that their lives have changed, Phra Achan. If we look at the matter of faith Is it true? Yes, it is true. It is an encouragement in many ways. It is the result of many things, our actions. Let's not be careless and be more careful. He can succeed. But if you anoint it and just lie at home, you can't do it. It's not the same. And aside from the Phra Achan anointing his hand, there are also many sacred objects. The monk carved the block himself. And there are talismans such as paladkhik, tiger, carved ivory , and there are many. The master did it himself/carved it himself. He carved ivory and something like this, carved wood. Would you like the Phra Ajahn to find a hand for you? Yes, yes. There are many amulets, but I don't know where they were today. Oh, and viewers, let the monk anoint your hands. This is a personal belief. Viewers must use discretion and common sense when watching and listening. I beg for mercy. What is the talisman? Phra Sivalee talisman to accelerate fortune Phra Sivalee talisman to accelerate fortune Phra Achan, the meaning of this Phra Sivali is Phra Siwali is a monk who has great fortune and is worshiped a lot. You can worship and pay homage, ask for good fortune, and pay homage. And if you anoint your hand, Master, we must have prayers. What mantra do you recite? Phra Sivali mantra Worship Phra Siwali/ You can do it all. You can have it all. You can get it all. There are prohibitions. The prohibition is keeping the precepts, keeping the precepts, staying in the precepts in the Dhamma. Behave yourself as a good person. Yes, that's it. I'll try it out. I'll have Phra Achan anoint your hand with the Phra Siwali talisman to accelerate fortune. Hey, now I'm here with another student of Phra Achan Khae, sitting next to you. Hello, Hi Yong. Is that right? / Yes. Yes, Hi Yong, please introduce yourself. Who am I? My name is Napasu Deepaadisai . Or my friends call me Hiayong. The disciples will call him Hiayong. Then I heard Hi Yong's story and information. Briefly, a little. Hi Yong has been a student of Phra Achan Khae for how long? 4 years, going into the 5th year. 4 years, going into the 5th year. That means that he is probably a person from around the world. Where are you from recently ? People from Bang Bo Samut Prakan Bang Bo, Samut Prakan. Yes, and then I arrived here. Yes, what was the starting point for coming to worship Phra Achan Khae? I had a friend tell me about it, but I just didn't think much of it. He's a young monk who has strong willpower and can make things jump. Well, I just listened and was indifferent because there were a lot of scams. We met a lot. When your friend says it many, many times , you can go and try it out. It doesn't cost much here. Many people in the group Many people are beginning to know me. Then I asked when I would come and pay homage to the Master . I said that I didn't have to come and pay homage. Because we have a lot of debt. At that time I had a large debt of 5 million baht. 5 million baht. I sold aluminum windows and also installed them. But at that time the economy was bad and he was in debt of 5 million baht. He didn't come to pay respects to the monk. Because I still have a large debt to myself, yes, so I want to save that money to use as a family, yes, then what happened? I prayed to see the teacher. If you let me go and pay respects at the temple. At the end of this year, take this money. This debt is paid off first. I'll go soon. What month is the prayer date? It should be June , June, June, August , September, October, November, December, 6 months , with a debt of five million. I live a normal life. I didn't go to any trouble. But we know we prayed and ended him. And then go about my normal work. I came to work in the morning. In the evening, it's normal to get off work. Didn't struggle much. But it was accidental. Too much of a coincidence The Japanese company I used to work for him suddenly came after me, which has been gone for five years now. There was no sign of him coming back, no, he suddenly came in and called me in. Ah, there was a project at Nicole Welco in Paet Riw, Chachoengsao . That project cost over 7 million baht. I took it and paid off the debt. It wasn't finished yet. After I got it there, I was finished. Less than a month after starting work, there are 3 more projects coming. That's 2 million, 3 million, all inclusive. It earned about 5 million baht from many projects and it was OK. The profit was over 5 million baht. Yes, I took it to pay off my debt. Oh wow, I didn't think anything of it. But I didn't dream that it would be 5 million. But after that, he owed a total of 50 million. Really, it was 68 million? 68 million ? Yes, after the debt of 5 million. That's when That debt is gone, but I'm still renting his shop. I rented his shop for about 7 lots, rent 70,000 baht per month, 10,000 baht per lot , so I thought I'd find a better place to buy. Coincidentally, next door, they advertised 2 rai for sale. I went to ask to buy, and he sold, but I had a condition with him. 2 rai must be divided into 2 plots. I transferred first. 1 rai is 20 million. Another plot is 20 million. Give me another year to pay, then transfer. Oh, okay . I explained to my father. He said that if I borrow this lump sum to pay. Give it all to the rich man. So where will I get the funds to build a shop? Hey, go borrow money. There is no money already in the safe. or wallet Go borrow money. The explanation is that there are 2 rai there , yes, but he said that he would like to divide it into 2 lots, 1 rai of land , and then he sells it for 20 million per rai, 1 rai for 20 million, but asks to pay 20 million first. Another rai has not yet been paid. Because I'm going to use the money to build something , build a warehouse, will he accept it? Yes, it's even more complicated than that, another rai of 20 million , the old man is so kind that he doesn't charge interest for one year. He doesn't charge interest either. Crazy. Wait, how much is the interest for 20 million a year? Well, there must be at least seventy-eight thousand per month, but his father didn't take the interest at all. At first it wasn't that much, I thought the price of 20 million was OK, reasonable, but when I went to transfer , strange things happened again. The appraised value of those 2 plots must be 40 million baht. That's equal to 2 plots worth 8 million baht , not 80 million baht. 80 million baht. But he bought 2 plots, which is 40 million baht, missing half. That's right. And why did he sell it? It's a loss. It's not a loss , he said. You bought them 20 years ago. All of them were big, over 5 rai. You bought them for 17 million. Okay, if from that point of view there's no loss, no loss, how much more do you have to borrow to build a factory? The factory, the warehouse , the warehouse I built. In total, it's just over 20 million. OK, lower than him. Because we used our own construction team , now it's over 40 million. Where does the rest come from? Hey, as soon as the warehouse construction was finished, There's no entrance. The contractor told him I have to build a house. Build another building. Build a 4-story building Now it has become sixty-eight million, sixty-eight million. After that, he owes sixty-eight million, uh, for running the aluminum glass factory as before. It's like he was able to pay off his debt within two and a half years. Two and a half years, he paid off 68 million in debt. Yes, okay. I don't know what the possibility is. In order to build a glass factory Or is it aluminum? There might be a lot of work. There might be a lot of customers. Could he be able to pay off his debt like this? Probability Is it possible? Unlikely Today we have to admit that Selling at the store for a small profit The storefront can support itself. In the same profession as me, everyone says " He's good." He has a lot of customers. We work with honesty as the Master said. To be honest, don't take it too expensively , um, just enough to live on, um, they can live on, we can live on, um, word of mouth , it comes in by itself, why does it come in by itself? Actually, my brother, Annia, asked me whether he believed in the Master or not. or what it is I am quite confident . I am quite confident . In fact, it is the Master himself. He is a monk who rarely reveals himself. And never boasted. If I have the opportunity to come and discuss Dhamma with you. Your teachings may be good, I don't know. I would say that your teachings are short and simple, simple to understand in basic language, nothing too deep or too deep. But yours uses simple, easy-to-understand language like this, that's it, that's it. Actually , I want to tell the audience that Don't just believe me and Hiayong, try it, come down to Surin province, at this temple, Wat Pa Thammanusorn. Let's try asking Phra Achan Khae. Let's study the age of Lent. Your age may be young, but seriously, you are truly extraordinary. I encountered myself like this. At first I didn't want to speak on the program because I was afraid that I would speak too much or something. I encountered myself yesterday when I interviewed Phra Ajarn Hiayong. And as soon as the interview was finished, Phra Ajarn Bao Thong for me. Huh. Talking about Bao Thong for me is another story. Another friend of mine has 3 people who can't blow dry at home. Slap the gold on yourself. One person fell pregnant and went in for an x-ray. The gold leaf is in here. Another person slapped gold here. Appears in the back. Seriously, maybe we can't say much, Hey Yong. But maybe people think that he's showing off or not? But the audience has tried it. That's all we can say. A student can say something like this, yes, but one thing that can be understood is the person who came here. From an okay life, you may have been stuck. But after meeting Phra Ajarn Khae, life got better and better, so we definitely want to tell him about it. If you, the viewer, have merit, you may be able to come to this temple. You might get to meet Phra Achan Khae. Today, thank you very much to Hi Yong. Thank you. Come and meet Luang Pu Udomsap as well. Luang Pu bows down and pays respects. / Charoenphon has been to take photos of Luang Pu in Sisaket. Ban Chan Temple And many people asked about Luang Pu a lot, he would come to Sisaket again the next day. May I have permission to take photos at the temple? I have to tell you next day. Next day. Well, today when I came here they said there was an event celebrating Luang Pu. Ah, the 9-faced Buddha image , Millionaire Nawakos Buddha image. How is this Navakosha millionaire related to Buddhism? The word millionaire Navakosa means Navalokutham, 9 paths, 4 fruits, 4 nirvana, 1 which is said to be progress. Born to be a millionaire. That is the reason for the origin, the origin, and here. Wat Pa Thammanusorn, Phra Achan Khae , how are you, Luang Pu? Do you practice well? Practice well, practice well, Master Khae. Master Khae is considered to be a descendant of the Northern Line. If anyone has watched the tape of Luang Pu Udomsap What we are saying is that Luang Pu is a monk from above the world. Phra Achan Khae is the same. At first it wasn't worldly. Alone, back and forth I heard the news about Ajarn Khae, so I came to visit. When I came to visit, Ajahn Khae did a good job . Oh, Grandfather, in the evening there will be a celebration of the Setthi Nawakos as well, and I'll take pictures to share with the audience today. Grandfather Udomsap came here so asked Luang Pu to give blessings to the fans of the program. Amen. May the blessings of the disciples of Luk Ha be blessed. In the program that I listen to, the word "blessing" is given. No one can give blessings to each other. In addition to doing it yourself, the poem of the teacher said that doing good is a blessing. There is no need to beg for blessings from anyone. A blessing that keeps fluctuating It's like the howling wind. Go and net, don't get lost. Blessings that do good by themselves are stable day and night and remain faithful to those who know the Dhamma. Everyone is born to be bad, good, and poor because of the results of their own karma. Hold karma, believe in karma, be afraid of bad sins, be afraid of them, do only good karma . Thaweeporn, Sathu Charoen, Amen. Today, thank you to the Master. I bow down and worship. At this time it is approximately 5:00 p.m. and more than 40 minutes. The celebration ceremony at Wat Pa Thammanusorn is about to begin. As I said. There was also Luang Pu Udomsap. and many monks who came And today I present the story of Phra Achan Khae It is a monk who lives in Surin province. May not be well known among the wider community. But people around here are respectful. Phra Acharn cares very much. In the matter of your Buddha's knowledge Today I have to say goodbye to you, the audience. But I will leave you with the last picture. Celebration at this temple for the audience to see. Today, please follow, press like, press share, press subscribe, press the notification bell. That the viewers will not miss the next clip of the program. Travel can't be disrespectful. Today, I am Natthapee and must take my leave. See you again in today's next episode. Hello .
Channel: สุดเกล้า
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Keywords: เท่ียวได้ไม่ลบหลู่, สุดเกล้า, พระอาจารย์แค, วัดป่าธรรมานุสรณ์
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Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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