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[Song] Ancient people considered this to be a human being. They call it the land of the earth. These people are the void men and the void women. Hello to all my friends from the Mu line. I hear you. Well, welcome to the Momutelu channel. This is why I brought all my friends to the park. The world's first largest hermit monk. It's me, maybe I'm famous here. The story of the old hermit's father is true, but there is more. One thing that is also famous is that The story of Achan Phon Thong Niam's tattoo. Or is it our Father Phon today? Yes, I will bring all my friends to dig deeper and open. The history of tattooing has its origins. How and let's solve various doubts as well. Let's go see what I'm like. Okay. Now we are with Acharn Phon. Phayakharat or Father Phon Thong Niam of It's us. First of all, I would like to say hello to Father Phon. First of all, Dad, today I want to Come and ask father for some knowledge about the history. How did the practice of tattooing begin? Father, we have to go back to the beginning of the story. This tattoo has been around since ancient times. It was the same. Before there was civility, it was Tattooing about beliefs Tribal group, all sorts of things. What kind of spiritual symbol is this? In the past, people in the past had faith in Stories about nature, about animals, respecting animals Things like crocodiles, all kinds of tribes. When the morality of religion arises That is, Brahmanism or Hinduism began to have the Vedas. In the past, they were inscribed. Sa paper in various texts until one day it was called faith to the point of using the name various gods or Vedas from long ago Tattoo on the body, from going onto the paper shell, it will go down. Various types of leather That is, spells and things like that. What are the Vedas after Buddhism? Cultural multilateralism emerged. Believe both God believes. There are also various Abhidhamma Buddhas. Belief that those things are Sacred objects began to be invented. What does this yantra mean? This yantra also translates. that he was asleep The meaning in Buddhism is This talisman is what they call it. The characters that were invented are called Always awaken and pray for the power to arise. Various things have influence on various matters. These things are the mechanisms of occult magic. This means that it is asleep. The word sleep. Still here, some people think if they don't know how to translate. that it is a science that is asleep, a science that It didn't produce any results, so that was his strategy. When you're asleep, you have to wake it up. The way to wake it up is to pray regularly. Always create good deeds and pray according to the principles. of the teachers who said something like that Therefore, tattooing magical numbers is Evolution from ancient times before there were religions and beliefs Until there was a simple religion that came from Faith, faith from various kinds of Abhidhamma faith Teachers from the past invented ideas. I found it as a talisman and tattooed it on my body. It's like what they call a moving textbook. Not lost or forgotten about anything like that. Believe in divine power and Buddha power. What do they call this influence on this side? It's like that. And now this is the father of tattooing. In the past, it was a symbol, right? It would be ink. Why is this really the case? It was originally an ancient temple. Get a tattoo from a good animal, not ink, not good ink. Animals are snakehead fish bile or bear bile and tiger bile. According to belief, it is mixed with soot from a fire. Mix it to make tattoo color. Now ask why. Must use Dee Animal 1, that is, Dee, Bang Bang. Some animals have properties related to Regarding treating disease, what will make the wound heal quickly? Hey, there's a matter of medicinal herbs involved as well. The medicinal herbs here are various herbs. Various things that have various powers are brought to us. He called for Mastu to burn the fire and turn it into soot. Then take that soot and mix it with animal bile. Come get a tattoo to actually create color and hope for the result is 1, to create color 2, that is, I hope from the magic. Sacred in various medicines and things like that. Oh, ink came later. Is this the reason? No, Father, that's the reason why There was an oil tattoo. This oil is what it really is. What must be said is that it is a method that can be done. It's easier than making squid and another thing. That is, it is what is called the influence on the side. It's full of medicinal herbs. You don't have to mix it with the ancient bromide. They'll take medicinal herbs. Various things are cooked with sesame oil. Coconuts and then bring them for a tattoo called Tiger Hid Nails. Yes, actually, this was originally a consecrated tattoo. Yantra numbers with oil are both 1. Tattooing is for magical purposes and 2. Tattooing is to treat disease. Something like that is probably in the past. If you don't have a syringe, use a needle to tattoo. Just enter the line with the tattoo needle. And this tattoo needle actually wasn't originally like this? It can be the steel that we see. Use rattan thorns. Let's bind them together. Come for a while and it continues to evolve and evolve accordingly. In this era and age, is it necessary? That when we get a tattoo we have to use a needle. Teacher, what is this? It must be said before evolution. As I said above, in the past. They may not have any stainless steel or any down. Iron is made from thorns, rattan thorns, and other thorns tied together to form a wooden crown. Come and prick, simply put, its purpose is to come. Prick it into the flesh until later. It evolved and began to be called Teachers from each line of teachers are passed down. Invented the idea of ​​making tattoo needles. What were tattoo needles made from in the past? that if a teacher who does not have the strength to Creating a valuable needle may use a rod. Umbrella stems start with various things that are called umbrella stem needles. Is it an ancient umbrella needle or did some people make it out of magic? Holiness by using the fuse of matter Ancient Samrong Samrit was cast and turned into tattoo needles. Until later, the needles were stainless steel. Why is there a problem with cleanliness? The medical profession is involved. Now, is this "Khem Kru" important? What is the meaning of the word "Khem Kru"? It must be said that it might be the right needle. Passed down from era to era, era to era, since Kruba. The first Grand Master of the mountain line is Sueb. Frying together up to the present, making needles Tattoos nowadays are divided into 2 cases. 1 is that nowadays they focus on beauty. Ah, an invention made from, ah, they call it The group needles are the needles used in the tattoo machine. Applied to tie the tip with a tattoo needle. To create a beautiful pattern, intensity and beauty with another 2 is the ancient style, which is a needle through the mouth. The mouth is divided into 2 types: Champa 4 and 2. Oh, when stabbing it out, It looks similar to this fish egg pattern, like a traditional one. It used to be something like that, now it's the word "Khem Khru Nai". This doesn't mean whether or not the mouth will be cut open. The slit in its mouth means something that has been passed down. It belongs to a teacher, it is something high, something like that. It is an inheritance that has been consecrated. What goes into the needle? In the anointing and celebration of Call the formula for the name that will be consecrated. It has been passed down through generations because of some lines of teachers. Some people will give importance to what they call you. that it contains various kinds of magical needles, considered that the needles are A representative of a teacher, something like that. Like when we got a tattoo, it's already gone. Are there any prohibitions? In ancient times, the ancestors had prohibitions for It is a code of conduct for the person who has already had the tattoo. Practice goodness. 2 Look at me. I've been a teacher for the most part. All of them are forbidden, they teach you. We are always mindful. Simply put, don't be careless in your actions. Ah, it's a strategy not to be careless in your actions. What is the right way to live a life of good behavior? Therefore, there will be many different practices. following the lines of each office since the past What I've often heard is that gourds should not be eaten. Don't go through the cracks of the fabric, don't go through the banana tree supports. Do not escape the single-headed bridge or anything like this. It will be an international standard. But some offices will have Deeper than that, it is a strategy and a charm. Then each office went Have you ever heard that... Don't eat this or that, vegetables and fruits. Those things go with aloe vera too, right? Isn't it? Father, part of it is like that. Actually, I have to tell you what I said above. Well, everything is a strategy. In ancient times, they had faith that they Do not eat gourds and gourds. These are creeping plants. Sometimes, sometimes, when it's oily, it's oily. With the ground, the snake is slithering with its fangs. Passing through it may spit out poison. It is the skin that is removed from the ancient people. Very ingenious. Maybe our body is sick because He didn't say the reason, he didn't know or didn't know. The manifestation may be something that is not good. Inside, eating these things might be Slang Oh causes various poisons to come out in some people. Tell me, is it possible for a snake to crawl? Once passed, it will molt and leave behind poisonous undergrowth. Have you heard the old saying when we eat cucumbers? Yes, if the melon is bitter, it means a snake is slithering through. This is an ancient belief. It was a strategy that he might have been cautious about. Maybe I already got a tattoo and it has some medicine that It's in the tattoo ink and tattoo oil. Eat it. It may manifest itself or it may cause unintended consequences. Well, there's some inflammation, or maybe it's caused by it? It's called an allergy or something like that in slang. Something like that is like going in a hurry. The reaction may be uncomfortable. It might be already and then it's enough to eat. It might cause something else to happen. It is what is called the wise philosopher of the ancestors. It is wisdom as well, assuming that People who have already gotten tattoos have done it to the teacher's fault or they It's called geological substance, right? Father, yes, it must be geological substance. Is there a way to solve the problem? I have to tell you this. All of this is what the teacher The teacher forbade this. It is. Strategies that we should behave with righteousness With Dhamma, first of all, if we behave incorrectly, 1 we will be untruthful to the teacher. We went to get a tattoo. This talisman we went to ask the teacher to tattoo. Cast amulet numbers because your desires and desires take you away. He wanted the teacher to tattoo him back. The birth of good fortune and the birth of sorrow Therefore, teachers before If you give a tattoo, it will be given to you. It's called seizing. I'm sure it's the first thing to do. If we are wrong, that is 1, we are wrong about the truth. That's why the ancient ancient teachers said that people will Whatever you do, if you do not have the truth, you will not find dignity. There are no rights, so first of all it's wrong. That's exactly what we did wrong. We went against the teacher's words. The teacher already made us feel miserable. One thing is uncomfortable. The second thing is, if there is a prohibition that goes deeper than that, maybe That is, do not insult the Triple Gem, do not insult your father. Mothers, teachers, these things are That which is already raised above the head It is gratitude that should be given. If it is practiced correctly by any human being Be careless and make a mistake by a person who is a benefactor of the forum. In ancient times, it was considered to be a person's genus. They called it These people must be considered to be void men and void women. Those who violate the Triple Gem make a living. Rarely do we ask if it is not caused by any mystery. So it all comes from our own nature. That's right. Today, our parents are still not grateful. One day we go to work on a career. People who are gracious to us, we don't think about it. Regarding the gratitude of these people, it will be found There is no prosperity, that's about it, so we We must first realize that what we did was wrong. If we fail, we will not do anything that is not right. It doesn't like it. It doesn't consist of Dhamma. Don't do anything else this minute after we've had it. Consciousness has a method called Summon the morale of the ancient Borum ancestors. It will be sprinkled with holy water. We are separated from what they call it as we understand. Or is it a strategy that pleases you? Another thing that creates Confident in creating auspiciousness that since From now on, whatever is not good will be discarded. Live in new things, do the right thing. It's like if we solve it, there might be. Corrective rituals only relieve us of our discomfort. But the main thing is to fix yourself, yes I will say. Please listen, people today may not understand. Regarding various strategies, look at these things. This is said to be a stupid and nonsensical thing for people in the past. Well, with today's people, are they smart or stupid? They are different. Don't look down on the ancestors. Stupid Tao Tun. If you're stupid, Tao Tun isn't stupid. Creating an evolution that has continued for us to this day. But people in the past had clever tricks. Yes, in order to deceive people or to make people be good people. Sometimes it's impossible to speak normally. It will show you the normal way, but it doesn't have to be different ways. Various things to attract the eye like a monk The Buddha said that humans are compared It's like how many lotuses there are, 4 lotuses, right? Some people are like lotuses out of oil and have wisdom. And then it's okay, there's no need to force or threaten it. It's very difficult, but some people think it's a lotus where they live. Underwater, it's difficult to come and cultivate habits. Must rely on strategy to pull it in correctly like The teacher said that in crossing the coast The water requires a boat to cross. When we cross to the other side, we will not be able to carry it. As the boat goes and so does the tattoo. Conjure magical numbers for amulets and talismans These things are strategies for success. Give it to people who need encouragement when they behave with righteousness and dharma. And asked if this thing was necessary, it was. It's not necessary because his mind has Dhamma, so what? Something like that, so the new generation shouldn't look. Interpret these things as being irrational. The result is that you have to study a lot like you said. Being an intellectual, you are a modern person, you must be reasonable. Should be studied and monitored clearly and Be clear and understand in time to be aware of various strategies. If you ask someone who has no knowledge, the answer will be random. Answered casually without having anything to say. It's called solving your doubts and it will become. It's like you're going to look at these things. Quality is only the person who answers. If people really know, people know deeply, and people explain clearly, we will have an understanding of That cool accessory People who follow my channel who likes to watch my channel Most of them will like tattoos, right? I want my father to warn people who like to take amulets. On the internet, you can get your own tattoo done by a modern tattoo artist. The tattoo didn't have anything on it, but no one tattooed it for me. The past took this matter very seriously. My generation in the past used to hold on to this. It takes a lot to get each yantra and each yantra to go. After studying for each subject, we have to take a test. Try to encourage yourself. Teachers must There is a trial before becoming a teacher. How much quality do these people have? How much knowledge do they have? Before we can get there, it must be called You must show your body, speech, and mind. Go and have perseverance and perseverance. Therefore, anything that has not been learned Using it to make an ancient brochure is considered to be I'm sorry...so I'll give you my thoughts. People who are interested in tattooing sacred numbers Nowadays, there are a lot of teachers. Some know the truth and some not, just like people. Study, there are people who study. People who are good at studying are not good at studying, but they say they have studied. That's it, it's the same ending, it's the same ending. The quality is different, some people just go and get it. Some from the internet and some to buy textbooks. Come study for yourself, which ancient forums have beliefs about. I take this matter very seriously. They call it a must-thin. There are no teachers to show you the way. Didn't enter through the alleys or exit through the doors, so it was There will be a curse for those who get tattoos. Some people don't know that we have become a victim of these mysteries. Then he came back and traced it to his children and grandchildren. Therefore, you must be careful when tattooing numbers. Yantra with various teachers, really Kruba There are many good teachers who know a lot, but some. The team is not only beautiful, but also beautiful in pictures. But if the kiss isn't good, it's something like that. Find a teacher who truly knows and sees clearly. Actually, there are many, many people in this industry. Let us waste some time in studying first. Once you get a tattoo, if it's already tattooed, it's not good. It will stick with us until death, especially if we Get a colored tattoo and an ink tattoo. This thing will deceive you. It haunts us forever. It can't be erased. Once it's erased, it will. I also think the scar is visible, so I'm going to get a tattoo. It is important to study well and learn well. Ultimately, you must have faith. To learn, you must have faith. and wisdom to be the same, rather than seeing him as good, let's go together before bowing down to the teacher Which teacher is a superior teacher? Above us, this teacher is And here we can't break up, it has to be together. Therefore, you must study well and learn. Be good and have firm faith. It's not like you just go and do it. Just beauty and popularity alone. Yes, the most important thing is to have faith and study. Learn well, my child. This is what I think. Yes, for reading knowledge or thoughts. For Father Phon who gave it to us Today, I thank Father Phon very much. Thank you, as I said, everyone. Today, just being good is not enough. You have to be good. And be lucky too for today's cool Momutelu channel. That Saimu shouldn't miss, let's say goodbye for now and see you later. Let's continue with the next clip. Goodbye .
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Id: _t0Y3v0-ApM
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Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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