อยากเก่งภาษา ต้องหา “คนคุย” | คำนี้ดี EP.1078 Feat. ขวัญ ฐิตะภวังค์ #SpeakingBuddy

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be liberal when I was at a party I just go up to strangers and just say oh my gosh girl I love your shoes and they'll be like thank you I love yours you know and like you said conversations score would you say that during our language Cafe it's not just me encouraging them it's also them encouraging me and giving me advices as well because when you speak English it's only gonna benefit you and you alone so keep going keep learning don't let anyone stop you smart I don't care Boston I Care Plus my life you know screw them foreign [Music] how can you improve your English by just talking not just talking talking to strangers with woman Works episodes foreign first of all very happy and very excited to be here um obviously you guys are gonna feel nervous with a Pang of anxiety when you speak to strangers especially when you have to speak in English because it's not your first language but from my experience I feel that when I speak to our participants all of them told me that they felt more comfortable to speak English with strangers more relaxed right yes more relaxed and more comfortable and less awkward because there's no pressure yes there's no pressure exactly and when they try to speak English with their friends or in their family members they felt awkward and weird and embarrassed because they're still used to speaking in Thai with them yeah and with us they have no expectations and it's our first time meeting each other and they know and we know that we have the purpose to speak in English yeah and we're not gonna even correct your grammar exactly because that's the biggest thing for a lot of Thai people trying to speak English yes worried about grammar so much yes and we're not correcting your grammar at the language Cafe yes and why is that it's a safe space for you to practice English we're both here to learn English together and I want you to remember that the most important part to speaking English is communication communication is key it's not about getting a hundred percent correct on grammars or speaking like native because you're not going to expect foreigners to be to speak Thai like native yeah of course right yeah as long as we make sense as long as we can convey our message across yes and second of all if you have fun yes talking to the person in front of you yes yeah and I from what I heard you always always have fun speaking to all those strangers who are our members at k see yes exactly yeah because it's you know what coming here um being part of the candy team being a speaking buddy for the language Cafe you get to meet very different people from a very different backgrounds and they have very diverse stories I get to learn about different things knowledge and experiences like like some of them are doctors teachers students students learning Arabic in Kuwait wow yeah or housewife living in Switzerland and wanted to practice her English and I and I speak to members as young as 14 years old up to 60 years old wow yeah so it's it's really exhilarating and exciting for me no wonder that's a lot of fun for you too yes yeah and that's what you got out of being our uh speaking buddy you guys by the way you can apply if you want to join bequan at our team yes and working as a speaking buddy and making friends with a lot of people from like different walks of life and you know if you want to practice your English if you want to meet new people and also exchange experience this with them please come be a part of our team Okay so first thing first I think our audience really want to know now at this point why your English is so good so have you lived abroad before or how did you grow grow up okay so growing up my my parents sent me to international school so I was very fortunate to be able to use and speak English every single day from early on like from kindergarten from yes from kindergarten I would say yes from kindergarten because actually during kindergarten I was in a Thai School but but my um my dad he always encouraged me to speak in English because both of my parents graduated from the states so yeah so they always encouraged me to speak English with them and then at the age of seven they moved me to international schools and at the beginning I had to admit I was really bad I was yeah I couldn't catch up with my friends at all they were really good and I remember when I was there the first question that they asked me like very simple hi where are you from and I couldn't answer yeah I froze yeah even though because you were nervous because I was nervous you did know the answer I didn't know the answer but I was really no nervous I froze and I was like thinking to myself oh my God is she asking me where I'm from in terms of school or asking me where I'm from in terms of countries oh my gosh oh my gosh this is crazy so is it okay to assume at this point that you weren't that good in speaking with swingers before yes okay yes and how did that change when did that change um really gradually I have to say but it is because I'm really passionate with English and learning English I have a really strong goals and purpose ever since I was young I always wanted to be able to speak like native because I love to watch Hollywood films there you go yeah same here yeah Beauty yes guilty and I want I was like oh my gosh I want to go to Hollywood I want to be Hollywood stars this is true guys like yeah I still do want to be Hollywood stars okay yeah so that's your strong goal yeah exactly and I and I also want to be able to keep up to my International friends so I tried really hard I worked really hard I took ESL class English support class um and then eventually before I know it I became fluent but guys it took me years and years before I become this fluent believe me and then when I was about 12 years old my parents sent me to a boarding school in Wales oh okay yeah right and I stayed there for a year and I had no Thai friends at all how was it um did you like it there okay I like it there and I also didn't like it there how so why I love the environment there because I stayed at pembrokeshire Saunders fruit so it's near the beach sounds great yeah it's near it's very rural okay yeah very rural so when I was young I was a bit more like oh I want to be like around like Cosmopolitan City girl Concrete Jungle you want to go shopping all that stuff I I didn't really appreciate it as much as I do now okay but I I love the environment or I love the people Welsh people are really nice yeah and I loved all my friends but I think that's like a big changing point for me because I had no Thai friends to speak Thai to at all and guys I hated English class really yes I always dreaded speaking in front of the class okay yeah because you were too self-conscious about your English not because I was self-conscious with my English because um I got over English since when I was in international schools in Thai but when I was in the UK I was I just I I don't like public speaking okay so it's different issue yeah English but is speaking in front of people yes it's a different issue now and when and whenever there is like a class you know like presentation yeah like presentations or reading essays time I always like oh my gosh please God let me go last you know because I'm I was too afraid to to read what I wrote and whenever um the teacher gave me an English essays I've already received like bad comments really on grammars oh yes on grammars like red I see red red red everywhere and it was like sentencing sentence sentence tense stay to the same tense and did I care no but but that might have you know got you um a pretty bad feeling about the way you use English because you're you're always like corrected and judged on mistakes that yeah right yeah I I was notoriously bad at grammars but you know what I I didn't feel that bad because I know that yeah I am bad at grammars but I didn't get my point deducted okay from making mistakes on grammars the teacher just told me that okay you made mistakes here and here and here but it wasn't that bad yeah it wasn't that bad for me and eventually I I improved I learned and how about outside the classroom so did you have problem uh connecting with uh people over there using the language not at all okay because as I told you I was really lucky that I get to immerse myself with a multicultural environment when I was in international schools in Thailand so when I was there it was really easy for me to to make friends there okay I would say it was really hard for me to make friends with Hong Kong students really why because they like to stick together and they like to speak in Cantonese we which I don't understand and I had to to live in a boarding house which means I had to live with all the um overseas students and they tend to stick together and speak in their languages I see yeah so it was kind of a bit of a loner ah yeah but that would force you to go make friends with somebody else who yeah would like would be like happy to talk to you in English exactly so at the end that would benefit your English at the end right yes I was close to of course during during school time I was close with my Welch friends and during my boarding school time or during the weekends I tend to stay with my Japanese friends okay yeah because they always speak English with me and they always speak English with each other yeah so I think uh add one aspect language is something that would be a bridge for you to connect with other people exactly as opposed to a wall that you just build around yourself and just be with your own kind or with your own people who speak the same language that way maybe you're you're having fun but you're not learning anything new exactly exactly so let's come back and talk a little bit about the benefits of talking to strangers in English and I've got like a lot of a lot of um benefits that we've found online and so I think this is very interesting so first of all uh they said it it reduces it reduces your anxiety which is the same thing that you talked about earlier that instead of like talking to a stranger and that would make you even more anxious the anxiety kind of goes away yeah because you talk to someone with a purpose like for example in our language Cafe we know why we're here and we are willing to be here to practice Yeah friends yeah so that way we kind of know that okay this person is not going to judge me yes and it's not he's not going to make fun of me yeah yeah so we're not anxious anymore no because whenever um our members join our language Cafe I'll always remind them that hey we're we're here to just speak in English and you know it's like two friends having a conversation so you don't need to feel nervous or afraid to make mistakes at all yeah which brings us to the second Point here real life communication so as opposed to classroom exercise like dialogue yeah which is written in this textbook soon textbook you guys yeah right so if you go out and talk to real people um you you get a relevant real conversation exactly and you learn that way yeah and it's up to date and it's very natural and it's what what you used in real life I mean think of foreigners learning Thai I think they would have to learn something like oh yeah this is nothing wrong with it yeah nothing wrong with it um as a beginner yes as exactly as a beginner but as you go along and you know move up to your English proficiency level yeah you of course want to be able to use it in the real situation yes yes and the other one is the diverse perspectives which is very important because you we are not just learning language yeah uh the language itself is not our goal but the connection with other people or the ability to um to say what to think yeah tell out the people how you feel yeah so that's that's why we want to talk to the other person so when we when we um talk I get to know what you think about things yeah right so and you can learn from that a lot yes exactly because um during our language Cafe it's not just me encouraging them it's also them encouraging me and giving me advices as well about life because I as I told you it's like speaking with friends and it's unavoidable that personal things or personal topics are gonna come up like I've spoke to many participants telling me about their traumas or their their past traumas and you know I can't help but encouraging them and telling them about mine as well and it's like two friends encouraging each other and trying to move forward and think positive you know and even though you're not like understanding each other from every ish word yeah the person like speak out of their mouth but you can guess from the context right exactly [Music] [Music] that is not necessary that we have to understand all the words exactly in order to enjoy it right context and and everything would be like have to put on pause for you to look up the words and no real life person would do that I I did that though oh really yeah oh my gosh you used to do that yes I hate to admit this but I still do that sometimes two times yes okay yes yes and how do you feel when you have to like pause a look up words it's really annoying I hate it but I still do yes okay this is when you're having a conversation with someone or oh no no no no no when I'm watching a movie oh okay yeah oh that I do too yes technical films yeah sure but I was talking about like when we are talking oh and we're talking yes no no no I don't do that I would never let just a second and look up yeah can you spell that for me no yeah so just just talk and have fun exactly okay so now let's talk about how can we start a conversation with a stranger is it easy for you to just go up and talk to a stranger about anything to strangers like randomly or randomly um because I can imagine you can do that very easily at parties oh yes or like social events but like randomly would you do that randomly well it needs to have it needs to has the situation that requires me to do that that first or if I want to do that for example for example I was in a concert and I was late to a concert and so suddenly I just poke the person beside me and asked him hey have they played this song yet okay yeah and it was fine you know right and sometimes I when I was at a party okay I just go up to strangers and just say oh my gosh girl I love your shoes oh yeah and they'll be like thank you I love yours you know like you said conversations score would you say that yeah yeah yeah this just compliment them yeah something yes everybody loves a compliment yeah yeah everybody loves to be complimented that's a great way to start a conversation maybe we can just like exchange a few like Praises yeah and then if nothing clicks you can just go on your separate ways exactly it's okay too and move on to the next person to talk exactly yeah but if something clicks you can just keep talking and that could that could be a fun conversation like whenever I attend a parties I believe this happened to most of you as well whenever you go out partying and then you meet people your your friends your friends of your friends or strangers you would go up dancing with them and like oh my gosh you're so beautiful right because you love dancing with you I love this song especially with the Boost in your hands loosen up yeah loosen up a little bit that could be a great thing in in party at parties yeah don't get drunk on streets man yeah don't do that but just you know drink sensibly guys hi yes call me I really like this um this thing be curious and ask questions and be genuine about your Curiosities yes don't just fake it you know what I take it back you can fake a little fake it till you make it fake it a little just just to you know get the conversation going yeah what I mean is like even though you're not super impressed with your top for example actually I'm very impressed with your tops today but if you're not into um what what she's wearing but you can go like I love what you're wearing thank you and this is not so like evil ish to to to fake it no not at all I think it's what gets the conversations going yeah but even better you can just scan and find something you really like and just let the other person know that you appreciate your earrings yeah that's nice where did you get it thank you so much it's my own design wow yeah see now you have something to talk about exactly you can ask more be curious ask question I might go like really you like created your own brand yes what is it called RQ type okay where did you get that name from um it's from archetype like archetypal and type it's just that easy oh okay yeah see I have something to ask her and uh she can share some of her interests and I we can just go back and forth like this and then at one point she might ask me a question back too about myself and then we have a real conversation going yes that's right like I love your hat oh thank you where did you get that from actually it's from uh this brand is from one of my colleagues oh really yeah Korean brand and I am a I'm a big customer of his oh that's cool yeah I'm a big hat girl too yeah see and we have something in common exactly oh you love hats too yes how many hats you have I have like ten oh I've got 20. oh wow now it turns into a competition do we want that to happen actually it could be healthy yeah it'd be like no that weird like do this like so it doesn't have fun yeah well if both of you have like the big personality and that's cool too you know anything that works for you yeah but you have to be careful like check the vibe first yes do you do Vibe gone wow experience and language California at first I thought that being a speaking buddy for the language Cafe you're just going to speak and that's that's the name suggests yeah you're just going to speak Momo and I'm always actually but there's a lot more to being a speaking buddy you really need to listen I think that's what's even more important than speaking because you need to focus listen to your partner and observe their interests or their English skills so that you can adjust yourself accordingly Ah that's such a good point so being a speaking buddy is not super easy guys no it needs a lot of uh skills yeah a lot of um being considerate I think yeah consider it yeah so you have to like really listen to what they might like and what their um English level might be and yes I I really like that word you use adjust accordingly what could you do what's happening that's that's really important guys because some of our members are really beginners English users Ma she lives in I think suratani or something and she's only 14 years old yeah and I can tell that she was really nervous because she was like and I was like this is your first time right you must be really nervous how are you feeling and she was like nervous and she I would say that it's really hard for her to make a sentence by herself I don't know if it's because of her English skills or it's because of the nerves but as a speaking buddy you really gotta be a good facilitator yeah to help her make a conversation with you like constantly asking questions simple questions yeah and slowly easing her into the conversation and into the environment and at the end of the day it turns out that she's really happy and again she's been speaking for 30 minutes just by us helping her to speak and that's a ultimate goal of the language Cafe at Candy we want we want you to feel good about your English yes no matter what level you are at we really value the ladder yes yes we do like having a fun conversation in English and make you feel good about yourself yeah and encourage you to do even more and make it better yeah uh right no okay my name is okay no matter no matter what kind of mistakes you're making we've done that two right right before we get to this point yeah we make loads of mistakes it's part of the learning process guys but who cares who cares and there's no shortcuts besides you know just keep using it keep enjoying it yeah keep practicing yeah okay be curious ask questions Ranger and how about uh bring up a shared topic like we were starting talking about hats for example but you kind of observe and you saw something yeah that okay this person might be into whatever yeah exactly because there's um one member actually two members that were talking to me and they had cats oh and while they were speaking their cats jumped on the screen and I was like oh my gosh I loved cats too I'm a big cat person your cat is female right I can tell by their faces and I bet that wasn't on the script no see that's not real it's not realistic no no um don't just be too strict to what you intended to talk about yeah just go with the flow yeah right yeah that's really important and it's a big part of being a journalist as well that's true yeah that's true because okay of course you gotta prepare your script and what you would like to ask your um partner or participant but then you gotta listen to what your partner is saying and then you continue from what they said I think that's more important because it could lead to a more interesting topics and more interesting issues of course am I right of course yeah I believe that too and the other thing it says uh stay up to date on current events um I agree you think that has anything to do with making a good conversation with strangers definitely because um all of our members they have many different interests and I gotta admit that it helps me tremendously that I've been keeping up with current news and events and I like learning about many different things whether it's serious or entertainment or anything I love to watch for example I want to send my children to Finland do you know anything about that and I was like I know this because see before this and she was just talking about education in Finland so I was like yes Finland has one of the best education in the world because they took the curriculums from Germany and Germany is one of the best you know has one of the best curriculums and Educational Systems in the world see you have some inputs yeah and sometimes they even ask about it's our job I'm worried about my daughters she's turning 15 soon and she's going to leave the nest really soon I don't know how to talk to her about sex this is true it came up and I was like I know this you're gonna talk to her about consent that's the most important part know your rights her body her choice consent see and sometimes politics super trending because yeah but this is the Hot Topic on sex like consent it's like consensual sex yes it's big today so if you keep yourself up with the current events and the trends of course you might sound a lot relevant yeah you learn something relevant back too exactly and and you have more topics to speak with your partners uh [Music] I'm into politics I've been watching debates yeah so learn from the trending topics learn from something the public is interested in at the moment yeah it's very important yeah sure and the other thing ask for opinions I like that too long time so instead of saying that I like your earrings I can ask you do you think I'm okay in look okay in this hat yeah yeah maybe it's happening at the shop okay maybe you go uh excuse me um do I look okay with this color you look great great suits you really because I haven't been a big fan of gray it gives you a really Fair complexion and it brings out your skin color and yours lots of vocabulary see if you kind of opened up yourself to talking to strangers yes you might get some feedback you might make some friends you might get a lot of words that new words you can ask well what do you mean by complexion and she can just tell me yeah like CPU okay see or you can just pretend that you know and then you go back home and you say uh show me the meaning of complexion please yeah you can ask your Siri you can ask your Alexa Google Google use your best friend sure do that yeah yeah but at least you have some reason to learn yes because you connect with real people yeah and she brought up some words that make you curious yeah be a curious cat yeah sure of course I really like that so ask for opinions that would open because a lot of people like most people loves giving out opinions don't you think I think so yeah um [Music] or how do you feel about this one be straightforward and give them like tell them straight that okay I'm learning English and I I want to talk to you can you um be my conversation partner for like 10 minutes I'll buy you coffee oh nice free cup love that if they'll be yours speaking partner I mean I think that's a really good one as well to be straightforward because if someone comes up to me like that I would be more than willing to help them yeah because I have all these skills and knowledge I want to be a facilitator I want to help out I want to help them build the confidence to speak English but don't feel bad if they said no because I can imagine I can imagine myself saying no to to most people if I don't feel like it yeah and that's a valid reason maybe they just don't feel like it they're just not in the mood and they have something to do yeah they have somewhere to go and they are not ready to help you then and there but that's okay it's okay you have nothing to lose so the worst thing has happened they said no yeah it's fine we can all have bad days even me I'm not always happy and bubbly like this all the time foreign yes foreign are a good listener yes as long as you are a really good listener your focus it's believe me it's easier than you think to get the conversations going and um we also have activities for you to do as well oh at the language yes at the language Cafe for example for example we have some activities that will trigger your thoughts that will allow you to use vocabularies outside of your comfort zone and it will allows you to think a little bit more about each words or each situation and I think that's really fun game language someone mental thing out of their comfort zone so you have to think of what words to use that you usually don't and you have to try to explain um the situation or the feelings or whatever um you might not have the word but you can try to describe yes yeah and that's learning yes and or you can ask because many people really don't know the words and you can just ask us in Thai as well and we'll tell you yeah we will help you with that because some someone might just trying to like describe and be oh do you mean do you mean that's that's where you learn yeah don't let the awkward moments trip you up ah yes this is really important and a big deal for everyone else could get awkward so that's normal I think yeah especially when talking with strangers yeah of course it could get awkward sometimes yeah people are really afraid of dead airs no it's not a it's not a bad thing yeah Cabral current ability um see it's normal it's normal it happens already right there yeah yeah but yeah um foreign ask questions yes ask questions yes and be open-minded ask questions and stay open-minded yeah be liberal right open-minded and liberal and liberated to your biases [Music] Cafe foreign yeah so just come and join the language Cafe yeah and make friends exactly and use your language use your English yes keep learning there's no age limits to joining our language Cafe so wherever you are whatever you do wherever wherever you're from please come join our language Cafe okay last question what have you learned from being a speaking buddy for like almost six months what have I learned huh I've learned a lot like really a lot like as I as I told you earlier I get to meet new people from really different backgrounds I I get to um encourage people to be confident with their English oh most Thai people they're afraid to speak English because they're afraid to be judged and mocked and bullied and believe it or not they're more afraid to speak English with other ties than foreigners because they believe that other ties would make fun of them yes and are more judgmental one of them told me that they were practicing English alone and they were making notes in English and their friends were like yeah yeah that really hurts I know that could leave like a huge scar and that is big enough for them not to returning to learning again yes and this happens to many of our members and so I told them that screw them and F them really because when you speak English it's only going to benefit you and you alone so keep going keep learning don't let anyone stop you smart Mom I don't care about I care about my life you know yes keep going okay foreign foreign spread [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so thank you so much for coming today and I had a lot of fun talking to you in both languages of course oh thank you so much for having me I love being here and I love being part of the candy team yeah just join sign up yes I think cycle nine or ten bye candy internships videos foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: KND Studio
Views: 478,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knd studio, knd, คำนี้ดี, knd podcast, ขวัญ ฐิตะภวังค์, นักธุรกิจ, ภาษาอังกฤษ, ฝึกพูดภาษาอังกฤษ, คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษ, ธุรกิจ, ผู้บริหาร, เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ
Id: yakJyl0E0YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 35sec (3335 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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