วันนั้น วันนี้ เพื่อนกันตลอดไป เดอะซีรีส์ ( NEVER DANCE ALONE)[พากย์ไทย]EP.1 | TVB Love Series

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(1986) Here's the latest update on the typhoon... No 8 typhoon signal is still hoisted, Typhoon Peggy is centered in the northeast, heading northwest at 130 km... Taxi... Chun-lei... Fatty! Chun-lei! Well? There's no time! What? It's Chu Lei! Come... There're no taxis! We couldn't find a taxi! What should we do, Siu-sze? Chatty, have you called the ambulance? Call an ambulance! Do we have to call 999? That's a really big deal! Make the call, Chatty! There's no time! Right! Chu Lei, why did you pee? No, she didn't pee! Her water broke. I read somewhere a woman must be careful at this stage, because the baby's head may come out anytime 999? We need an ambulance. I can't stand this...I'm dying! Calm down...There's no time! Chun-lei, did Sister Magazine talk about delivering a baby? Those blue magazines... No, but I saw in the movies... The south side... What are you doing? What are you doing, Fatty? My Mom said it's auspicious to have a baby in the south corner. It's so dirty out here! Take her to the room. No... Put her down... What should we do? The baby is coming... She's going to give birth... Listen to me! Get me hot water, towels and scissors. Turn up the music. That should calm our nerves! Go! You must help me! Give me the towel! Breathe in...out...in...push! Relax... Relax...come on I see it! It's coming! A baby! How amazing! Look! She's smiling! Give me a hand with her name. Yes, you must give her the right name. I'll consult the oracle and find out what she needs. You don't need an oracle. It's so obvious what she needs. The baby needs a father. No one should be blamed but... Hey! I don't know if I can raise the baby alone. Don't worry, Chu Lei. In addition to a mother, the baby also has 5 godmothers. We swear we'll never abandon you. We'll help you look after the baby. No matter what happens to us, we'll never be apart and we'll always be best friends. ...thunder shattering the sky with violence. My vision blurs as I run wild in the rain... I've come up with a name! Screaming Lorelei Lorelei... Sweet Lorelei The mysterious Lorelei lives in the eye of the storm. She thrives on destruction and disappears without a trace. In the pitch darkness and insuppressible love, she embraced me in the gust wind. Oh...only the wind is beside me! Stuck in the memory and lost in my loneliness, I stumble in the gust wind, feeling her presence once again, Lorelei! Hurry! The baby must be wailing! Which one of you forgot to close the door? I'll check on the baby. Watch it! What's wrong? Lorelei is gone! What? How did that happen? How? We were all young once. Everyone has years gone by. To speak of the years gone by usually means everything is over. ...Tears fall like petals in the misty moonlight, shattering all dreams... "Cantonese Opera Golden Classics Concert" Words are still ringing... "Remember, we will meet again!" Oh my goodness, Siu-sze! You need reading glasses! No! I was just fooling around. I don't think I have presbyopia. They say once you have it, you'll age very quickly, especially for women. I don't mean you. I'm telling you Wing-mui wants you. Mother! Are you up next with Auntie Wan? Need you ask? Zip me up! Have you gained weight? Of course not! The tailor made it too tight. Right! You're fit for someone your age. You bet! When I was your age, my waist was less than 20 inches. I was nothing like you. There... Give me more hairspray. Sorry... You're up, Wing-mui! Coming... You're such a klutz! Can't even do something so simple! If you were my maid, I'd kick you from here to Timbuktu. Almost choked me to death... I'm no different from a maid. Tears fall like the rain outside till dawn. Cold and lonely am I here... Hello! What are you doing? What did you say? I can't hear you. I asked what you were doing at home. The music is too loud. You're not in a concert! Turn it down! The Cantonese opera at your end is just as loud. Your Grandma is showing off again. You're shouting as well. Are you bored at home? Should I come home and keep you company? I'm not bored at all. If you want to ditch Grandma don't use me as your excuse. I'm using you? That's a serious charge! Come on, help me out! Just tell Grandma you want to go. What? I can't hear you! Bye! Hello? Wong Ho! You think I wasn't singing so well today? No! You were just as good as always. You're good, but not me! It's cold! I'll get you a fresh cup. I don't want tea. Give me warm water. Right... I'm so jealous... You're so lucky to have a daughter-in-law who follows you everywhere and waits on you. She's superb! You just don't see how she's driving me nuts. You think she's filial? No doubt she's here with me, but her mind is somewhere else. She's neither a highbred lady nor a career woman. You think I'm lucky? She's actually luckier because she's married to my son. Your water, Mother. Find out how I should take the voice enhancing pill. Mrs Chiu bought this for me in Beijing. She said it's good for the voice. Really? Well? Can you read? Shall I get you reading glasses? No! I can see. 3 times a day, 3 tablets each time. Can we go after you've changed? What's your hurry? The concert is not over yet. I'll listen to the next 2 songs. Then I'll change for the curtain call. If you want something to do, go buy some cake for the musicians. Great! Go to Tai Lin Bakery. The musicians love their cakes. Siu-sze! Don't stand there like a wood block! Did you hear us? Sure. Excuse me... Yes? This one...this one and that, 3 of each. Right. A moment please. What happened to the shop that sells steamed rice rolls around the corner? Nobody will open a shop for that anymore. People only want to sell powdered milk. Everything in Hong Kong has changed, not just our street. Everything is so different now! (Aerobics Class - Enquiries: 25233573) Fung-sin? It's really still here! Law Fung-sin! Cyndi... Open the door, Cyndi Lauper! Siu-sze! Come in, we're waiting for you. An old folks' home? You want to learn to dance? Learn from Sin, her aerobics is awesome! Who's Sin? Sin, you have a new student. Law Fung-sin! Cyndi? Cyndi Lauper? Mo Siu-sze? I'm so glad to see you! Oh my God! Everything is the same in here! Just like how they were over 20 years ago. Alan Tam and Akina Nakamori! And you...exactly like you were in Form 4. But you're totally different. You think I look old? You have changed...You loved hanging out with your friends. But since that incident... What incident? That incident! That incident! Since then, the whole world has changed. Everyone seems to have disappeared. I don't know what happened to them. How's your Mom? Dead! When my Dad died of a heart attack 8 years ago, she died from the shock. I didn't really disappear. I went to the US. Remember? Soon after that I got married. We emigrated to Canada and lived there for a few years. Then my husband started doing business in China, and we lived there for a few years. I've been very busy these 20 odd years, looking after my daughter and my mother-in-law. I have had no spare time since I got married. I didn't get married. I have no time either. You have a lot of students? No! I need time to practise aerobics. I'm in the Dancers Championship the day after tomorrow. Aerobics? As in one more, two more? Do people still do aerobics these days? Don't you remember what I used to say? I said I would promote this greatest and healthiest dance. My mind has not changed. I remember...You saw the Miss Fitness Contest and then you wanted to learn aerobics. You got into a huge fight with your Mom and refused to learn ballroom dance from her I can't believe you've remained so committed. I promised my Mom when she died that I'd win the world championship. Have you won that? Not yet! But it won't be long. I've invented some incredible moves! I can teach you... No thanks...I'm stiff as a board. I'll show you! OK! 5...6...7...8... 1...2...3...4...5...6... You've kept the pictures! Siu-sze... This is Chu Lei. Chu Lei, this is Siu-sze. Chu Lei is the daughter of my Mom's friend back home. Siu-sze is my classmate and best friend. Funny name! A Piggy's Tongue ("Chu Lei") Wo's name is Chu Lei, as in jasmine ("Moot Lei"). "Wo's" name? (Putonghua) Chu Lei just came a few years ago. She speaks Cantonese fairly well already. Sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of you. Chu Lei is living with her aunt. She'll come to our school after this term, and we'll be in Form 4 together. We'll be seeing a lot of each other. You like pop songs? Who's your favourite singer? I like Leslie... Alan Tam. Super! Great minds think alike. We'll have lots to talk about. My Dad was driving a taxi last night, and he drove Ken Choi of JSG. He got 3 tickets to the JSG summer concert. Great! I want to go! Do you want to go? Great! We'll let you play with us. Great! How is Chu Lei? Completely different. Why? She had plastic surgery? Not sure, but she's rich now, and she dresses herself like a rich lady. Nothing like before. Has she mentioned... I wonder if she has found her... No. When I saw her, she was busy queuing up for a bag. Did she talk about me...us? No, she said nothing. We only exchanged phone numbers. She promised she'd root for me at the championship. That's why you must come too. You two can be my cheerleaders. Me? A cheerleader? Or you want to join me and dance? No...of course not! I'm afraid Chu Lei doesn't want to see me. Besides, I'm busy babysitting my mother-in-law. My God! Look at the time! I have to go home and wait on my mother-in-law. Wait! I don't have your phone number. Remember to root for me. Right! I'll support whatever you do! We'll talk when we sit down for tea. Too much oil, Grandma no like. Too much salt, Grandma no like. What else does Grandma no like? You! Daisy! Yes, Grandma? Did you make this? The vegetables are dry and tasteless. No, it wasn't me, Grandma! Eat your vegetables or you'll constipate! That's gross! We're eating! Wong Ho! What? It's rude to wear your earphones while you eat. How can I talk to you? Since when did we ever talk? That's true! You have nothing to say. Stop getting on her case! I'd rather wear my earphones than listen to you too. Wong Ho, what are you listening to? Let Grandma hear this. Is it good? Let me hear it. This is pretty good! The sky next to the meteorite is my home The dark sky is my origin I live my life for you... Screaming I'm lonely Alan, I want to marry you! You are great! He should be out soon. Can he see us in this crowd? I don't care, I must have his autograph. I'll throw myself at him when he comes out. Me too! I've waited for so long, I must touch him. Alan, can I have your autograph? Alan... Alan... Are you two alright? Darn! I didn't get his autograph! Let me... I quietly find my way in the fog. I wish I'd be lucky enough to find your footsteps. I want to see you and pour out my heart! Adoration... I stare at all the signs along the road. They seem confusing but they also seem to be guiding me. I knock around and look around... I realised how stupid I was only when I fell in a trap. My heart has been captured. Looking for love had got me in a trap. Your beauty is intoxicating! I've fallen in the snares of love while you just keep watching on the sideline and won't set me free You laugh while you look at me as if I was your prey. My heart is broken!... Alan, can I have your autograph? My friend really likes you very much. Thank you! I got it! Are you crazy, Chu Lei? That was dangerous! Are you hurt? See? You scraped your hand! It's OK! Look, Siu-sze! I got Alan's autograph. You can have it. For me? Thanks, Chu Lei! Does it still hurt? No, it's OK! That's nothing. You risked your life to get his autograph, I'll keep this poster the rest of my life. Then you'll always remember me. Gosh! It's melting! Here comes the ice-cream! Thank you! It's dripping all over! Can you get my handkerchief? It's in the bag Leslie? You like Leslie and not Alan? You lied to me! Not really. She just listens to the songs. Cyndi, you must have a stand. A dancer will dance to all kinds of music. I belong to dancing. Why did you lie? Tell me! I want to be your friend. I don't have any friends in Hong Kong. But I don't want to be your friend. Friends should not lie and have secrets. Chu Lei... Siu-sze! But then again...your secret is out. Besides, Leslie and Alan can be friends too. Come on, let's finish the ice-cream. Let's eat. What are you doing, Honey? Good! You're home! Give me a hand. I want to find an Alan Tam poster. It has his autograph on it. You were a fan? You never told me. If I didn't run into Cyndi, I probably wouldn't remember that either. Cyndi who? You don't know her. She was one of my best friends. I haven't seen her in over 20 years. You sound like you have many friends. We've been married for so long. I didn't know you have friends. Of course I have friends. There was Cyndi and Chu Lei... Sorry... Mr Chan? Yes, how are you? It's OK...Yes...very well. Sorry, let's talk about your pal Ceci. Cyndi, not Ceci. Whatever... Kwok-leung, are you home? Come drink the soup I saved you. Let her wait. Go on... I've reheated it. Drink it while it's hot! It's OK. I'll manage. I come home in the morning light My mother says "When are you gonna live your life right?" Oh mother dear, we're not the fortunate ones and girls they wanna have fun! Oh girls just wanna have fun... You're competing tonight. Go for it! Thanks, Auntie Leung. I know I'll win. Isn't it too hot for you to wear legwarmers? Don't worry! I've been wearing them for over 20 years. They're like my second skin. But girls they wanna have fun! Oh girls just wanna have... That's all they really want... Sin...What's wrong? Answer me! Fetch the sheets of music from my room. I need to compare those with the musicians' copy. Bring another bottle of voice enhancing pills. Let me take them before I start singing. Right. They don't really go together... Let me see... No! This is better... Are you ready to go? Yes! It takes you all morning to get ready. Let's go! Wait! I need to use the toilet. Cyndi? What is it, Cyndi? You're not Cyndi? Who are you? What? What did you say? What's wrong? I have something important to do. What? Sorry! What? I'm Mo Siu-sze, Law Fung-sin's friend. You asked me to come to the hospital. How is she? Law Fung-sin? Let me check... The doctor said she collapsed from a heatstroke. But she's awake now. She can go home after she finishes the drip. If I knew you were coming, I'd have finished my nails first. You are... Chu Lei? Is that really you? Stop staring, I didn't have plastic surgery. You probably didn't either. Your skin is a bit loose. I didn't expect to see you here. I want to know why too. Law Fung-sin was unconscious when she arrived. We needed to notify her family. We checked her phone log. You two were the only people she called. That's why we notified you both. You can take her home after clearing some paperwork. I'll leave Cyndi to you. I need to go. I have to finish my nails. Chu Lei... Chu Lei! Siu-sze! I'm so glad you both came. Make yourselves at home like you used to. Remember that? I'll go change. Isn't it amazing? Everything is just the same. Nothing has changed! Look...the hot water bottle is still here. We used to hang out here every day after school. And read dirty magazines. Sister Magazine was a fashion magazine, not a dirty magazine. Get off that! Don't play innocent with me! Fashion my foot! We read it to learn how we could meet boys. OK! Let's go! Go where? To compete. Compete for what? The Dancers Championship. How can you forget something so important? You both agreed to root for me and be my cheerleaders. Let's go... Hey...I never promised you that. Me neither. Of course you did. If you promised her, you should go. So did you. I said "no"! I didn't either. You both did. Cyndi, you just came from the hospital. You should get some rest. Exactly! You need to stay healthy to do aerobic dance. No! I'm very confident I'll win, especially after I ran into you two. I feel it has special meaning to me. Not that I don't want to show my support, but I have a dinner date tonight. Sorry, I snuck out just now. I must hurry back to wait on my mother-in-law. Nobody is leaving today. I really need you both, OK? Yeah! Let's go! Let's do our cheer before we go, OK? Do you still remember? M Club...M Club...Everyone must show up! Let's go! (Community Hall) ("Dancers Championship") Siu-sze, can you tie up my hair like you used to? With the braids? Good idea! That's so corny! Is that a joke? What do you suggest? Let it down. It's better to get the hair out of her face. That's so childish! She's not in grade school. Let it down, you'll look sexy. Cyndi is doing aerobic dance, not pole dance This goes with her image. What do you housewives know about fashion? Let it down. No, tie it up! Let it down! No, tie it up! Let it down! Tie it up! Let it down! Stop pulling my hair. It hurts! Sorry... Trust me, Cyndi! Let it down! Trust you? Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. Of course you did. No, it's not true! You never admit your mistakes. That's not true! I'm very nervous. I'll be next... I really meant it when I said I was sorry. Saying "sorry" won't fix everything. You can't get away with saying you're sorry. Stop this... I knew you'd bring up the past! I'm not talking to you! Can you see me? I'm actually right here! Cyndi, I have to go! Let's have tea later. I'm sorry, Cyndi! I must get going. Keep in touch! No! No one is leaving until I go on stage. Cyndi! I said "no"! Honestly, what kind of championship is this? Exactly! What happened to you? How come everything is so different? The 6 of us in M Club said we'd always be best friends, and we'd never be apart. Just because you have family and a career, promises you made to a friend don't count anymore? We'll have tea sometime, later? I'll call you and we'll talk? I'll call you? And then you act like nothing has happened. Is that it? I've been waiting for you to call all these years. But nobody called me. You didn't make the call. My phone didn't ring, not even once. Law Fung-sin, get ready! Cyndi! Cyndi! Your nose is bleeding. Don't go yet. Let's stop the bleeding. No! I must do this. The next contestant wants to tell you persistence is the only way to make a dream come true. Cyndi was right about us. Cyndi was right about you. You're always such a phony. Chu Lei, about what happened... Don't bring that up or I'm leaving! The next contestant is Cyndi Law Fung-sin! Chu Lei, actually... You're such a pain! I'm leaving! Cyndi, please be OK. You're so silly. What's the point of all this? You should know...she wants us to be good friends again. That's stupid! Actually...I've been thinking the same. I want us to be friends again. But all these years, about Lorelei... You have no right to talk about her. It was my fault! Entirely my fault! I was supposed to watch Lorelei that day. I was irresponsible and let someone snatch her away. I owe you that. I've been feeling very guilty, but other than telling you I'm sorry, I don't know what else I can do. You can give me a few billions! Shut up if you don't have the money! And stop telling me you're sorry! I'll never forgive you no matter what you say. We stopped being friends after that summer and we'll never be friends again. Cyndi, you want to say something? I miss M Club. I want to see them. M Club...oh girls just wanna have fun. I come home in the morning light My mother says "When are you gonna live your life right?" Oh mother dear, we're not the fortunate ones And girls... Spit it out! Oh girls just wanna have fun! The phone rings in the middle of the night. My father yells "What are you gonna do with your life?" Turn off the radio! How can I sleep with that racket? Yes, Your Highness! Oh girls just wanna have... That's all they really want...Some fun! When the working day is done Oh girls they wanna have fun! Oh girls just wanna have fun... Honey, when can we eat? Soon! Oh girls just wanna have... That's all they really want...Some fun! When the working day is done Oh girls they wanna have fun! Oh girls they just wanna have...
Channel: TVB Love Series
Views: 11,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ซีรีส์จีน, พากย์ไทย, ซีรีส์จีนเต็มเรื่องพากย์ไทย, หนังจีน, หนังจีนพากย์ไทย, TVB, TVB Thailand, MVhub, แนะนำซีรีส์, ดูซีรีส์ออนไลน์, นักแสดงฮ่องกง, จีน, ซีรีส์จีนพากย์ไทย, ดูซีรีส์จีน, tvb love, ซีรีส์ดราม่า, ซีรีส์เข้มข้น, ดูหนังสุดฟิน, ฟินจิกหมอน, ซีรีส์จีนเข้มข้น, วันนั้น วันนี้ เพื่อนกันตลอดไป เดอะซีรีส์, นักแสดงนำ หยวนเจี๋ยอิง, เฉินฮุ๋ยซัน, เจิ้งตานรุ่ย, อู๋ฉีหัว, หลี่ลี่เจิน, หลี่ยั่วถง, เจียงซินเยี่ยน, จางฮุ่ยอี๋, เยี่ยเหวินอี้
Id: CD9U2gCm0BA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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