พากย์ไทย: EP.2 (FULL EP) | รักข้ามสหัสวรรษ (Thousand Years For You) | iQIYI Thailand

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[iQIYI Present] ♫Spirits in between heaven and earth are scattered♫ ♫Spirits in between heaven and earth are scattered while snow blossoming♫ ♫Thousand years of time is immortal like amber♫ ♫I'm still obsessed♫ ♫Twilight is falling into chaos♫ ♫Twilight is falling into chaos and past life is hard to let go♫ ♫Tears are falling, my love♫ ♫Tears are falling, my love is deep like see♫ ♫Fate rises and falls♫ ♫ Fate rises and falls, my heart is sealed♫ ♫Love and hate are pouring down♫ ♫ Love and hate are pouring down following me♫ ♫Lonely safeguarding, going faraway, roaring in anger♫ ♫Lonely safeguarding, going faraway, roaring in anger, but never let go♫ ♫It's me♫ ♫It's me staring at you♫ ♫It's me♫ ♫ It's me lighting you up♫ ♫It's me♫ ♫It's me running towards you♫ ♫It's me♫ ♫It's me merging into you♫ ♫It's me♫ [Thousand Years For You] [Episode 2] [Xin's Sedan Chair Company] Be careful! Don't break them. Or they'll lose value. Careful. Don't move. Put them down. These are all gold, right? We could make a fortune! Put down! Put down! Don't touch that! Are you the shopkeeper? Who on earth are you? Don't touch that. Let's put that aside. Let me ask you. Is Lu's sedan chair from your company? What trick did your company do? You sabotaged my plan, and made me lose my man. How will you make up to me? So you are that bully! Be careful what you say! Be careful of your words! Calm down! So, you admit you did something to the sedan chair? No! We are a normal company. And we do decent business. The sedan chairs we rent are ordinary. Shut up! Cut the crap! Pay for our loss! Or we'll take away all your things! -Let's do it! -Take those things! See if you dare! Don't be so rude. Let's settle this calmly. [Xin's Sedan Chair Company] Hey, boy. [Xin's Sedan Chair Company] Judging from his look, you are the real shopkeeper, aren't you? So, [Xin's Sedan Chair Company] your company made me lose my man. I am so angry, and sad. [Xin's Sedan Chair Company] Money can't possibly heal my broken heart. So, how should we settle this? How do you want to settle this? [Xin's Sedan Chair Company] You made me lose a man. You should pay me back with a man. You are a cute boy. Maybe you can be my man instead of him. [Xin's Sedan Chair Company] [Xin's Sedan Chair Company] [Xin's Sedan Chair Company] Master. Chief! [Xin's Sedan Chair Company] Master! Are you okay? Are you okay? Master, is everything all right? Master, you are vomiting blood! What is wrong with him? How can he beat you into this? Yeah, what's wrong with that guy? Hey, he didn't beat me into this. My gums are bleeding because of inner fever. Okay, okay, okay. Master, you have an inner fever. I believe you. Are you okay? Master! Damn that man! Let's beat him! Beat him! Go beat him! [Xin's Sedan Chair Company] He can beat me like this. You are looking for death! I... This guy has great inner power. Not bad. How interesting. What do you mean, master? Are we really going to let him go? We can't let him go so easily! We can't! He sabotaged our plan. How can we let him go? Yeah, how can we just let go of him? You all saw the countless antiques in that room. These are worth more than Lu's wealth. Ten times more than Lu's wealth. We could make a fortune. [Xin's Sedan Chair Company] This man is mine. Sir, this chieftain looks a lot like my master. Could she be... I tested with the hair clasp left by Yun Xi. She is not Yun Xi. What matters most now is to find the emblem. The company has many sources out there. Chang and I will take action separately, and find it out. I arranged this room for you. Please have a rest. Okay. Sir. Sir. Sir. Be careful. [Tea] I'm still in pain. When I get you, I'll show you how good I am. Be careful. Be careful. Here. Quiet. Master, they are no ordinary men. How should we deal with them? Haven't you heard? No matter how powerful a man is, he is always afraid of hidden tricks. I just saw the shopkeeper go out. [Be friend with books] Whose money is that? No matter how powerful a man is, he can be knocked down by drugs. He looks so handsome and cute. He is as handsome as the movie stars. If I marry you, I'll let you bear 10 children for me. Such delicate nose and lips. Master, what are doing sitting there? Did our plan work? Take him with us. Sir? Sir? [I took him and send his marriage dowry to Qingquan Stronghold] [I took him and send his marriage dowry to Qingquan Stronghold] You are awake. I thought you were dead. Okay, stay here. I'll get you something to eat. Stay here. Lie here. Don't go anywhere. [Hope of Qingquan Stronghold] [Hope of Qingquan Stronghold] Uncle. it's been so long, why hasn't my heroic husband woken up? You gave him too much drug. Let alone humans, even a bear couldn't wake up. Don't worry. Dahai is watching him. When I drugged him, why didn't you tell me how powerful the drug was? What should we do now? The drug is too strong. Maybe get a doctor to check him out? We don't need to. He'll wake up when he gets enough sleep. Dengdeng, look at yourself. You should sit and stand properly. Can you please act like a lady? Can you be a beautiful girl? A pretty girl? Can you? Please? I don't need to. You have to. You are the chief of a stronghold, act like one! Don't talk about that in our house! Let me tell you. Now you are married. You have a husband. The next step is to have children. And then your job is done. It hurts! Dahai, when did you learn the flying skill? You can fly now! Are you blind? I was thrown out of the window! Are you okay? My waist hurts. The newcomer dares to beat my people. Such a rough man. Ouch, my waist. You again! Yes, me again. Is that a problem? Dahai, what's wrong with you? I told you to serve him good dishes. How could you... He didn't eat at all. And he just kicked me out. Why didn't you tie him up? I did. He broke out. Hey, dude. Boy. No, that's not right, either. Anyway, it's wrong to beat people. He deserves it. But you can't beat him. We got you here in this way. And we know you don't like it. However, if you stay here for a while, you'll know how lucky you are. Don't touch me. What's your name? Get out of the way. I ask you what your name is. Master. His name is Lu Yan. So you will be Yu Lu in the future. My heroic husband. I suggest you behaving well in my stronghold. If you behave, you won't get into trouble. If you don't behave, I'll kick you... Heroic husband? Dengdeng, stop talking. Don't be so rude. Here is the thing. She has been spoiled by me. Dengdeng is still young. I hadn't been able to get her a proper heroic husband. Those guys were either poor, or ugly. But ever since she met you, she has been in love. I said, don't touch me. Do you think I'm asking for your advice? Here is Qingquan Stronghold! Dahai. Take that thing out. Let me show you what it is. Have a look! With it... Just look! What is it? It's upside down. Look what it is! [Engagement Letter] [Lu Yang Yu Dengdeng] Marriage paper. Can you see it? Here is your handprint. And your signature. [Lu Yang Yu Dengdeng] Do you want to break your promise? I'm telling you. If you agree to be my heroic husband, you can be safe. But if you don't comply, I'll break one of your legs. And you can be the best friend with the bed. It could be worse. Yeah. Where are you going? I haven't finished talking! Master. Be careful. Do you want to fight? It would be bad if you get hurt. [Yu] [Yu] [Yu] Master. Are you okay? See? You are bleeding. What a nice pair of hands! What a pity if you have scars on them! I told you. Don't resist. The more you resist, the more excited I get. Don't underestimate my stronghold. Although it's just a small stronghold, as long as you obey me, you can have anything you want. Later, buy some ointment for his wound. Okay. You've heard her. You'll get hurt if you resist. Stop resisting. You can't run away no matter how hard you try. Think about it. Yeah, you signed the marriage paper. It's no use regretting. Yeah. And you want to kill my master? If you kill her, you'll be a widower. Hey, what are you talking about? I'm just scaring him. I can stay. But I have a request. Say it. I don't like to be constrained. So in this stronghold, I need to walk freely. What if you try to run away? There are so many people here. How can I run away? He can't run away. He definitely can't. I wouldn't tie you up if you had complied like this. Rest assured. Later, Daqian will show you around. Also, I don't like being touched by people. We don't touch him. Come here. Let him think about it. Let's go. Rough boy. Today, I'll give you some space. Yeah. Let's give him some space. Gigolo. Is he afraid of being touched? Is he porcelain? Will we break him or what? He'll be yours sooner or later. Ridiculous. Give him some space. Don't touch him. He's boring. He'll come around. How interesting. I thought Beigou Stronghold was tough. [Chief of Nanfeng Stronghold] [Gu Beixi] You dare to sneak around in Nanfeng Stronghold. Chief! Chief! Chief! Bad news! Qingquan Stronghold is holding a wedding! A man gets a wife. What's the big fuss? Not a man. It's Yu Dengdeng. She's getting married. Tell your chief. If he messes with me and Qingquan Stronghold again, I'll destroy everything he owns. Get out! Yes sir. Did you say Yu Dengdeng is getting married? After losing Mr. Lu, Yu Dengdeng went to the sedan chair company to reason with them. And then she fell in love with the owner of the company. So she took him back to Qingquan Stronghold by some tricks. She's a girl. How could she do something like that! In broad daylight! Sabotage that wedding. What does that have anything to do with us? What are you saying? I, as the chief of Nanfeng Stronghold, haven't had any wife. And the chief of Qingquan Stronghold is about to have a second husband. How does that make you feel? Chief, when the late chief was still alive, people were lining up to get wives for you. You were the one who refused all of them. Those women were garbage. Too weak. Too spoiled. And they spoke foreign languages. I don't like any of them. Yeah yeah yeah. I know what you like. You like careless, loose, and rough women. It would be better if she can fight, right? You knew? Chief, you have feelings for Miss Yu. We all know that. You all know? How can you all know, while Yu Dengdeng doesn't get it? Is she pretending not to see my heart? Why can't she be mild, cute, and smart in front of me? That guy is in Qingquan Stronghold now. Maybe we could go there and kill... No. Qingquan Stronghold looks loose, in fact, it is well guarded. If we take actions recklessly, and she knows it, she'll lose face, and blame us for sabotaging her wedding. Chief. I have an idea. That's good. Master, maybe you should get another man to be your heroic husband. Every time you see each other, you two fight. It's so dangerous. There are so many good-looking and rich guys in the world. Why do you hold onto this rough guy? No. I only want him. The furniture he broke will be counted into his dowry. Okay. Chief, you are so good at making money. If I don't make more money, how can I support you guys? I'll ask for three times more dowry. Make some preparations. The wedding will be three days later. So soon? Invite all the chiefs of the strongholds to come to the wedding. Ask them for wedding gifts. I want to show them. I, Yu Dengdeng, can not only marry a rooster, but also find a good husband. After the wedding, the sedan chair company will be ours. By the way, keep an eye on him and don't let him run away. I always have this feeling, that the reason he said yes so quickly is to find an opportunity to run away. Don't worry, Master. Our stronghold is heavily guarded. Even a mosquito can't run away. But I think Lu Yan is so stubborn and unrestrained. One day he'll get on top of you. He is an unrestrained horse. But I am a skillful horseman. He is unrestrained. I will tame him. How enterprising, Master! There are six gardens and one hall in our stronghold. Aunt Lu. Oh no, Mr. Lu. Now you are living in Gongbao Garden. This is Yuxiang Garden. Chief lives here. It's so lively here, right? Please. This is the hall where we have meetings. It's called Delicious Hall. This is where we live. This is called Hotpot Courtyard. [Hotpot Courtyard] Except for this place, feel free to go anywhere else. [Hotpot Courtyard] What's the copper coin for? That's merely a decoration. Our Former chieftain Paralyzed Yu is superstitious. He insisted it was some Feng Shui preservation stuff. He wouldn't let us remove it no matter what. [Hotpot Courtyard] With this on display, people in the stronghold are still living in poverty. It's not really useful. On the east side, it's adjacent to a precipice; on the west side, it's hanging from mountains and rivers. All of its eight sides are evil and dangerous. To ward the evil off, a small amount of money should be spent. [Hotpot Courtyard] This Qingquan Stronghold, although it seems to have a cheesy and confusing layout, and being in the center of evil everywhere, it actually lives by death. The set-up person is a master. Mr. Lu, I can tell that you are a real man. How can a man of the house suffer from a woman? As you came, we are counting on you to withstand our Chief. If you think I'm decent, I, Daqian, can help you. Our Qingquan Stronghold cannot be operated by a woman all the time. Sir. Sir. Sir. What are you doing? What do you want? How dare you kidnap our Sir? Do you want to die? Don't make me beat you. Release him now. Isn't he the young shopkeeper of Xin's Sedan Chair Company? He is. Then, why should we let him go? Why should we let him go? Let's escort him to Delicious Hall for interrogation. Move. Move. Release him. Sir. Are you alright? Who do you think you are to order us around? I will not do as you say. Let's go. Aunt Lu says to let him go, and you let him go. Are you deaf? Sir. Master. He came to give us money. How can we treat him like this? Yes. To give money. Right, I left a note. Silly me. You're here to give us money. What a misunderstanding. Your family is here, and why didn't you give us a heads-up? What about to have dinner together? Right, let's go. [Gongbao Garden] Master. Here. Here you go, Master. When you smell the rooster, way to go. You start practicing. Here we go. Sir. Are we really going to have dinner with these morons? Why not just fight our way out? Take a look around you. [Yu] This stronghold is the culprit who stole our master. We should observe quietly, and don't act rashly. Alright. That's it for today's practice of Rooster and Dog Rise to Heaven. Hurry up and eat. But, Master. You are not practicing enough. It's our Senior Master who set the rule to practice when smelling the rooster. Isn't he enjoying himself traveling around the world now? He lied to me about catching some sort of monsters. Aunt Lu, and our matrikin, come sit, and start digging in. In our family, the servants are not allowed to sit and eat with us. Who do you call a servant? He is my apprentice. Everyone is equal in Qingquan Stronghold. If you like to stand, suit yourself. Here, Master. Have a chicken heart. I tried so hard to save this from those brats. Have a try. I'm not a fan of this. You have more. It can keep your wits about you next time. I'll have this sweet glutinous rice cake. What's this? It's called glutinous rice cake. It's a snack made of sticky rice. Here. Try it. Aunt Lu. Why don't you eat? What are you doing? We asked you to eat, not eat these. Bring them on. Coming. Here you go. These are for you. What do you mean by this? The food is not good enough for you? Each and every house in Qingquan Stronghold has its own share. Not only did you smash utensils, but you also hurt my apprentice. To sum it all up, your budget for this month has already been used up. If you want more fancy food, you should pay more. It's like this. From now on, every meal, I mean every meal, if you want to change steamed corn bread to fine flour bun. It's 50 cents. Change the leftover to freshly made dishes, that would be 80 cents. If you are tired of vegetables and crave for meat, my goodness, that's a big deal. Let me tell you. How can you calculate the bill like this? In our family, we calculate it like this. Aunt Lu. Choose your combo. After all, what your want is our Sedan Chair Company's money. Aunt Lu, how could you say that? I'm not an unconscionable person. Right now, you belong to me, Yu Dengdeng. As long as you serve me well, I'll provide you fine food and garments. Here, first, show me your smile. How dare you! You have a fine body, when you've done smiling, do a dance for me. Don't push us too far. Sir, let's leave. Halt. You smashed my table, contaminated my dishes, and now you want to leave? Which one of the things here belongs to you? You just bought them on credit. What do you mean by that? Are you looking down on us? We earn our money fair and square. You are just a shopkeeper of a sedan chair company, what's so great about that? As I quote from the play, Are the princes and barons, generals and ministers born supreme than the others? The merchandises come at different prices, but how can life bear to be remarkable or insignificant? We should teach you some rules here. Dahai. Tell Aunt Lu about the rules in our stronghold, in detail. With pleasure. Listen carefully. About this... I hold it the wrong way. Hurry up. Well, Chief is the master of the whole stronghold, Aunt Lu, she also is the head of your family. From now on, anything ranges from talking and acting, to eating, dressing and living, you should obey the arrangement of Chief. You can't throw a tantrum at her. Not to mention that you cannot compare yourself with her. Most importantly, you cannot blowup at will just because of her favor. Do you understand? If you step out of this door, you may not be able to know anything about the emblem in your life. If you finish learning the rules properly, I can give you a treat and tell you about the emblem. It seems to be the emblem. Do you think I don't know? The reason you were cut by my dagger it's not that you cannot dodge, but you were lost in thought when seeing the emblem on it. You seem to be wandering around in the Qingquan Stronghold, but what you really does is gathering information. It's all about the emblem. In the whole Qingquan Stronghold, nothing can be hidden from me. Right, right. Dahai, continue. Okie dokie. When Chief doesn't ask you to come, you shouldn't persist, when she does want to see you, you can't just shrug it off, either. [Delicious Hall] See? Excuse me. Pardon me. Make the way. Qingquan Stronghold is a stronghold of etiquette. As the heroic husband, you should show respect to elders, by attending upon them every morning and night, bidding greetings and serving them tea. Right. Greetings and tea serving are the main objectives. Here. Hurry, it's your time to shine. Show yourself. Don't just stand there, hold it. Your stuff is not well made, one touch and your tables break, so do your cups. Dahai, get another one. Forget it. We are family now. We don't need the mere courtesy. Since Chief has already decided that, as a man, there is no shame in being submissive to your wife. Here. These are hand-sewn by me. It's been three or four years, and they finally come in handy today. Come here. There you go. The both of you. I'm counting on you to give birth to Yu The Third. Yes. These are good. Here, take them. See, see. What a goodie. As the heroic husband, you should unite your brothers more, treat the people of the stronghold well, and you cannot put on airs or be condescending. You should wear a smile all the time. Moreover, When others greet you, you should always respond. Am I right? Yes, you must respond. -You have to. -Bring them up. Coming. Take this. Take a look at mine. Mine is great. Don't do that. Stop it. Stop it. Don't act like this. Order. Order. Be quiet. These are their first harvest after a year long of hardworking. You are a bit inappropriate to put up such a show, aren't you? Good, good. As the heroic husband, not only should you respect elders, unite brothers, and, serve your master, moreover, you should diligently and willingly serve the main husband. and this Big Red is Chief's main husband. Your rooster's name is Big Red? Big Red. Big at heart and red as fire. Sounds joyous. True. It's joyous. This is your main husband. What's so funny? It's a chicken. It's also your big brother. From now on, You can't sleep until it hits the hay. You have to get up before it does. Grooming, feeding, cleaning the coop, these are all your responsibility. -Chief is right. -True. However, you can also pay others to do it for you. I can do that. You can ask me. Here. Serve your big brother to eat. Believe it or not, I'll have roasted chicken tonight. Don't you dare. I just told you the family rules and you've already forgotten them. Here, Master. Let me do a demonstration. Remember to pay me afterward. Big Red. I messed around with you for half a day, don't keep draining my patience. Forget about it. As Chief, I'm not an unreasonable person, I also have a tender heart for fair "lady". Come to my room later. [Yu] So you want to know about the family emblem. To be fair, there's nothing unusual about this ol' dagger. To be honest, the emblem engraved on it is the family emblem left by our old Yu family ancestors. Except for us Yu family, nobody knows how to use it. It's both ugly and difficult to draw. What does this mean? It's a character Yu. It's handmade by our old Yu family ancestors. Although it's a bit ugly, but it also has a pass-down value, don't you know it? Where did you live 20 years ago? Have you been living in Qingquan Stronghold all the time? How could I remember what happened 20 years ago? For as long as I can remember, I'd been traveling with my father, until he built the Qingquan Stronghold. We've been living here since then. So, the Qingquan Stronghold is built by your father? Right. Do you know that there's a type of creature in the world called the spirit clan? It's said that the spirit clan originally lived in the sky. Thousands of years ago, they descended from the sky, to compete for territory with human. From then on, there is one more great profession in this world. It's called the spirit-hunter. The spirit clan and humans fought for hundreds of years, and hundreds of turns. The spirit-hunters beat the spirit clan up. They fled in desperation, and hid in the mountain since then. But actually... But actually... I'm just kidding. See the look on your face, You bought it. Really? You really believe it? These are just tales my father used to tell me when I was little. So your father's a spirit-hunter. What spirit-hunter? It's just a bluff he used to scam people. Did your father ever bring anyone back from the spirit clan? I couldn't remember. You can ask Second-in-command. He knows everything my father did. Then what else do you know? It's actually what you really want to know. Why do you show such great interest in our family emblem? It's nothing. I just happen to be interested in spirit-hunters. Look at yourself, for such a decent young man like you, why do you still believe in this superstition? Let me tell you, there's no such thing as spirit clan in this world. There's no spirit-hunter either. I've seen my father spirit-hunting, it's just a trick he did together with Uncle. It's just for scam. Have you also been tricked? What age is this? How can there be people still believing in spirit clan? I haven't finished yet, why do you leave? What a long face. Master. Did you upset the god of mourning again? No, I didn't. He just asked about the emblem on the dagger and ran away. He is such a handful. I'd say you two don't fit at all. Aunt Lu is simply impractical. He looks like one of those delicate sissy who obtains some knowledge of lyre-playing, chess, calligraphy and painting. He thinks he is out of our league, and the feeling is mutual. Am I right? What do you know? Isn't it just being delicate? Isn't it just lyre-playing, chess, calligraphy and painting? Go. Bring my brush and ink, I have a masterpiece to paint today, to blow his mind. You are quite ambitious, Master. Impressive. I'll fetch them for ya. Sir, how's it going? She knows nothing. She doesn't know anything? But, but the emblem, and her appearance, those are more than mere coincidences, right? Although she knows nothing, the identity of Paralyzed Yu is suspicious. This Qingquan Stronghold must hold more secrets. But from what I know, its Former chieftain doesn't come back all year round. So who else knows about this? [Hotpot Courtyard] Isn't this Aunt Lu? Did you fail to fall asleep and came out for a walk? It's Second-in-command. [Hotpot Courtyard] I just wanted to take a walk in the stronghold, to get acquainted with the environment. I didn't expect to get lost. [Hotpot Courtyard] It seems this Hotpot Courtyard is not somewhere I'm allowed to come. Don't say that. We are family now. You can go anywhere you like. It's full of goodies here. Let me show you around. [Hotpot Courtyard] Here. See? A secret chamber. There are lots of family Yu's possessions hidden here. Let me show you. [Chamber of Secrets] Here, welcome. Take a look. The feather of a phoenix. The eyeball of a four-eye bird. And the tail sting of a hook snake. Such abundant remains of ancient spirit clan. You know about this kind of thing, too? I know a smattering of it. These are mere garbage. The ancients of Yu's family are spirit-hunters. They got a lot of booties. The most valuable one is the bone of Ying Dragon. [Yu's Ancestral Temple] You can have it if you like it. It doesn't possess the energy of Yun Xi. No, thank you. It's worth a ton in the black market. I don't have much to do with that. [Yu's Ancestral Temple] Aunt Lu, can you be honest with me? Who on earth are you? [Thousand Years For You] ♫What if♫ ♫What if love can be sensed♫ ♫Miss will♫ ♫Miss will be heard♫ ♫In life♫ ♫Most beautiful scenery in life♫ ♫All I hear is♫ ♫All I hear is about you♫ ♫When two hearts are so close to each other♫ ♫When the whole world is occupied by you♫ ♫I'll call out your name so hard♫ ♫Until you respond ♫ ♫You're the only one for me♫ ♫The scenery that I walk into♫ ♫This encounter with the seasons♫ ♫Fate is carved into love♫ ♫How lucky I am♫ ♫The decision I made for you♫ ♫When two hearts are so close to each other♫ ♫When my whole world is occupied by you♫ ♫I'll call out your name so hard♫ ♫Until you respond♫ ♫You're the only one for me♫ ♫The scenery that I walk into♫ ♫This encounter with the seasons♫ ♫Fate is carved into love♫ ♫How lucky I am♫ ♫The decision I made for you♫ [iQIYI]
Channel: iQIYI Thailand - Get the iQIYI APP
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Keywords: Thousand Years For You, Thousand Years For You ซับไทย, รักข้ามสหัสวรรษ ซับไทย, รักข้ามสหัสวรรษ 1, รักข้ามสหัสวรรษ, Thousand Years For You ep1, รักข้ามสหัสวรรษ ตอนที่1, โรแมนติก, chinese drama ความรัก, iQIYI Thailand, ซีรี่ย์จีน พากย์ไทย, จูบ, ซีรี่ย์จีน ซับไทย, เลิฟซีน, รักข้ามสหัสวรรษซับไทย1, เหรินเจียหลุน, หลี่ชิ่น, Allen Ren, Ren Jialun, ทุกชาติภพ กระดูกงดงาม, Li Qin, ภารกิจลับ ภารกิจรัก, รักข้ามสหัสวรรษพากย์ไทย, ซีรี่ย์จีนพากย์ไทย ทั้งหมด, JoyOfLife2, หาญท้าชะตาฟ้าปริศนายุทธจักร2
Id: C1hk7fPEmfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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