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A textbook for success and special content from us, the library Premium Content. Watch both channels today, both YouTube membership and www.theibrarylearn.com. Because learning will make you Free dark stages of human games of social animals. If talking about games, listeners, this is the game. Everyone must be able to play if you play the game. This is a life you may not experience. Success in leaps and bounds, but if you play this game It's not life, you'll find it, I'll say. That's all right, and this is something the school doesn't have. We will definitely teach you. I will talk about this game: Power. Over the past 2 years, I have had the opportunity to study the subject of power. For a while I dared to say that this game Yes, it is a game that has been created since Our ancestors, it is the nature of Social animals, what is the reason we come to study them? Know this if you, the listener, still remember the Prince textbook, the ruler of the city, let's say you The listener is a king in a certain city. Now I myself am becoming a Makwea. I am currently writing the textbook The Prince or the ruler of the city and now I am submitting that textbook. For everyone, I will start with the first point. First, what is power? What is Power? Number 1: The definition of Power. The definition of power before I explain why. This game is important and we have to play carefully. So that we don't accidentally do anything wrong. We must understand this before power. What is power? Power is the ability to command or determine behavior. Others include the results of life events. Ours are connected to this from birth. Yes, and listeners, you really connect. With this you know intuitively. When we are with our parents, we know that you His parents have more power than us. If we were right, both of them abandoned us, we would not be able to live. We can survive, we know it from our subconscious. As we grow up, both you, the listener, and myself They are all under the rule of something. something or someone all the time, therefore in each People, everyone we interact with each other. Lawan is connected to power if you don't know. This is therefore not an exaggeration. It will be more difficult to stay because of why you are staying. is more difficult, it will be linked to number 2, know Who You Are dealing with. You must know that every time you have When interacting with anyone, please remember that you It might be playing with someone who has more power than you. This is fine. I had a chance to read the book The 4x law of Power by Robert Green. I'll explain it briefly if you want. Not knowing this, you may accidentally offend people. The powers that be are displeased with you whenever and wherever you are. What would you do to make people in power dissatisfied? You can get it back. He might get it back with his work. Or if it's a little heavy, it might be life-threatening. Listeners, try to reach this historical moment. Yes, a time when ordinary people were dominated by powerful people. The murder of ordinary people was silenced by those in power regardless. No matter how much time passes, this will be the thing. That will always happen. The reason He says you have to know how much time you have. Interacting with someone, he will have the upper hand. Than some people will have less power than you. You have to know it intuitively because if you don't Know, for example, that you, the listener, have Interacting or having communication with people He has a lot of power and you accidentally did it to him. He was dissatisfied with not remembering the meaning of power. What is power is the ability to command. and determine your behavior and destiny If that person has the power to determine one's destiny You and you made him dissatisfied, think about it. Yes, who is the person who has been harmed by you? Yes. Yes, this is what is necessary. That you must know every time you are playing. Whoever you are with, I will read this sentence to you, the listener. Yes, you can treat beggars like kings. But you cannot treat a king like a beggar. Be decisive because you may not walk back out. Even from the palace, that's the reason. Important point number 2: Now I have laid the groundwork. It's about power. Power is power. To be able to dictate or determine the second outcome, you need to know that you may be interacting. with people in power, and if you are Please interact with them. Remember not to offend them. If it's not necessary or not, don't upset them. If you do not have power equal to him, this is number 2. I believe that you, the listener, are Study and develop yourself all the time. I believe that the reason everyone follows the library channel is because of us. Summary of the important keys of 1 book for everyone within a few minutes, which is sure. 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We all need companions who Take care of our brain health and KLARITY is ready to be a part of the convenient journey. Easy to eat and most importantly, there is no fishy smell at all. The listener can order Purchase omega 3 Norway Daily products at www.klarity.asia/thelibrarypodcast Or you can click the link below. Everyone can order this product now. Ask KLARITY to be a part of our learning. Point 3: charismatic is your first power, charm or appearance. Outside of your personality is the power you have over people. directly, listeners, please think about Hitler, Adolf Hitler, if I say this name Many of you will think of the criminals of World War 2, right? Listeners, I believe that One thing that we should ask a lot of questions about. Why was Adolf Hitler the only man? able to mobilize people in the country to rise up and take action There can only be one man in a war. So I went to study the history of Mount Dof. Hitler was a man who grew up in The family that exists is not good at anything. After a lot of time, he got government service and then left. fought in World War I and the country of He lost. When it happened, defeat happened. But losing really made him feel that. And there was someone who orchestrated that defeat. We have been defeated without actually realizing it. We could even fight, but we just lost. Hitler is angry at this and the people in the country. was angry at this as well, and when Hitler began to gain power. One of which is to let people hear your thoughts. He's Hitler, sir, say what they want. I heard this is the 1st thing, the 2nd thing is Hitler, when he has a certain level of power he goes away. Study subjects, maybe study acting, speaking in places Publicly, listeners can see my personality in Speaking now, do you have hands, eyes, and water? Voice, demeanor, what personality can you You can see that it is important. It is the appearance or external personality that will Send me power that Hitler learned That thing is very serious, so that everyone Every time he goes out to speak in public, people Must be able to sense power or prestige. Through his personality, this is an example. First of all, your affection and personality will It is the power that you have directly over others like the second person, Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln is the former president of the United States. He is the most famous former president. As far as the world has ever existed, Maraham Lincoln was the man who had Being very tall is considered an advantage. It's like a monkey that has a limp body. The time when Abraham Lincoln would go out and speak. Give a speech or go speak in public, he practices. Speaking, practicing arguing and most importantly, practicing Rehearse his personality to be very dignified. Mostly because he saw the importance of things. This is if Rahm Lincoln had big dreams. Speak eloquently and have an eloquent style that attracts people. But there is no big personality or no A personality that changes with every virtue What he says will be of no use and this is it. Yes, this is a game where I will use the word authority. Let's play for listeners to watch in the political circles. Or go look at the foreign circles where he is a person. Those who have power together will always use this to suppress each other. time. If you don't believe it, try going back in History, think about monkeys. gorilla gorilla time it will show Its greatness will make itself wider, yes. or not, then it will pound its chest like we do. I've seen it in documentaries before and even if it happens. How long has it been since the apes that have DNA similar to our ancestors have done the same thing? That too and today we still do it. Simply having someone is called having good morals. Or there is a culture that has been passed down more. Sure enough, it has a pattern that is unlike any other animal. Go, sir, this is a matter of what your personality will be like. Something that directly expresses your power in I might recommend this if you listen. Want to be another person who wants to create prestige To yourself, your appearance, don't Look over, it's true, it's a thing. Outwardly it has nothing to do with the soul. How much is yours? But it is important to your mind. The spirit of others takes good care of your body. When going to speak, when going to approach someone, their personality and posture Formality is almost everything in Your initial period. Next, number 4. Truth number 4. Courage and Vision are what raised your Power. Courage and vision are the starting point. Things of authority later if we look at people who has power and charisma and can create Making change to this world is the starting point. His will comes from courage and The vision is therefore not an exaggeration. Yes, who has courage and who has Vision: If these 2 things come together, people will That will become a leader and will become a person. power in the end, I will like the one sentence that I Has been compiled from Three Kingdoms literature. Being the greatest leader may not be necessary. You have to be the best at fighting, you don't have to take care of your assets. The best money in the country may not be It is necessary to be as eloquent as possible, but it is necessary. That will require a lot of courage and vision. Enough to make people who are better than him want to join. Work with him and those starting points came. From courage and vision, I I think of a man named Cao Cao. Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms literature, the beginning of Cao Cao Cao Cao is a person who was born into a noble family. Because Cao Cao was a nobleman, Cao Cao's position in the palace is for a reason. that he could gather his troops and continue. Dan Er was able to get different tables at that time because Cao Cao's courage was far superior to anyone else's. And then there was a vision every time Cao Cao would go. When giving encouragement to his warlord, he would say The reason we have come to form a fighting force is because of us. Want to restore the decaying Han Dynasty For many years, this day will be the day for all of you. We have succeeded in saving the royal family. May everyone You sacrificed your sweat and hard work for your children and grandchildren. This is what Cao Cao would say. Yes, it is to incite people to join together. Hands with him emphasized once again, courage. Courage and vision will be the starting point in Create merit in your life, including everyone who has You see it in this world too. Next, I will talk about rule number 5, this truth: your Word can be your friend either enemy or Life and Death. Or even your life, please be careful of things. This is a good speech. In this episode, I am very careful in using my words because words When I say it, it will really be my boss. Yes, listener, therefore your words are Just the sound is intangible, it cannot be done. Let there be any changes immediately. Agree. Repeat, but don't forget, your words will be preserved. Your life includes your life as well. This is why we should use it. Is it good if we use words in the wrong way? to say something at the wrong time or place With the chance that those words may cause harm to us. and once said, it is very difficult to take it back. When anyone heard those words I like a sentence that I once read. Please don't. Say everything you think, but you have to think everything. Before speaking, no matter what you think, it is not necessary that You will have to spit out whatever you think. matters because sometimes your thoughts are Maybe it's not that good or maybe it's not. It hasn't crystallized if you accidentally say it sometimes. You definitely have a feeling of anger. Those words may It doesn't save your life at all, it might do the opposite. So it's okay, but if every time you think before you speak Can you imagine saying this to him? How might they respond if you said something? Most people listen to feedback or responses. Will the response from those people be in a good way? Way worse when you have to plan and think. Before saying, your life will be easier. You won't. Must accept karma for words that cannot be taken back Next, truth number 6: your best friend might be Changed because of benefit Of Power, even your true friends can change. When meeting with interests and power, therefore, do not I just hurriedly trusted everyone, I have to say. First of all, this is not something I imagined out of thin air. But it is something that I have studied from the power book. and every war textbook will say so. The same voice. A friend is someone who knows deeply. Thick and thin of you and most people, including those who Has power all the way to the king and emperor Each of them was betrayed by his friends. This is what It's the reality of this world if you, the listener, try. Read history, there are many people who have encountered it. with disasters because of people close to us, most of the problems in Your life may not come from someone far away at all. Or the enemy that is far away may not have done it. What's wrong with you but the person you don't look at? Beside you is the person you trust the most. Be careful, we may not say you don't have to believe it. Everyone's heart is finished. It's not that much, but Whenever you trust too easily It may have serious negative consequences for you and yourself. You will be the recipient of that expensive lesson. By myself, I therefore emphasize this point again. Because I believe that most of the problems in life Yours will not come from someone far away, even a friend. Your true nature may change when faced with the results. Benefits and power, so don't rush. Trust everyone, I would like to quote a saying from Confucius, if you want to read it, try it for me. That person is closer to the benefits and looks. That person will still maintain his own morality. Can you keep it? Truth number 7: If Someone Keep quiet among the crowd He is Dangerous than you think. If you see someone keep quiet among a group of people. Be careful of him. Be careful of him. I will give an example if the listener goes to an event or Go to any group and there will be chatter. What's going on? If there's someone sitting Stay quiet there and be careful of that person. Yes, because he will observe everything that You can't see and this is the reality of This world sucks, people are quiet in every moment. People are making noises, people are making plans. or thinking about something, you must Observe him too, don't let him get enough of you. heart, but must follow him closely, I think This is what I want the listener to do. Let's try to think together. I will think of men. One Napoleon Bonaparte, Napoleon. Bonaparte is the former emperor of France during that era, in that era It was an era in which France encountered the antics of the aristocracy. Within the civil servants there is competition and competition. Prominent people compete for power among each other over the king. In that era, they were not able to manage the country very well. How much, plus the war is always raging? The time of Napoleon Bonaparte at that time Beginning with the opportunity to work in government agencies If you could call me simply and at that time Napoleon Napa saw one thing: this person couldn't. He has the same abilities as us, but he happens to be a big child. So the eldest person got a higher position than us like this. It's not fair. This is the starting point. Napoleon Bonaparte began to see the inconsistency Napoleon was fair in his own country. Bonepart began to have the desire to revolutionize. In the beginning, Napoleon did not speak. What does it mean that we won't have a revolution, Napoleon? PT did his duty, keeping a quiet face. What if there is a need to clean up the mob? It's called a mob. It creates a riot. Napoleon then led his soldiers to kill the people. crashed at that time, which was a big event And after that, Napoleon also had Opportunity to go to the battlefield and fight for the nation and also do it for the government and after Then, when more battles were won, Napoleon lost his power. Became famous and began to be accepted by battle and when he has more strength, sir Without waiting, he brought his forces to occupy the area. The government is in order. There has been a coup d'état. And it was successful because Napoleon died when he was about to do it. When it comes to big things, he won't delay, he will make a plan. Quietly, he wouldn't say anything loudly, but When it's time for him to take action, he'll be called Thunder B. Hit it and this is the strategy that stands out. The best of Napoleon, so I repeat it again. If you are talking about something important or if you are talking Something in a group of people, who do you see? One person is sitting quietly, be careful of him. He is observing you. Truth No. 8 : There is Power there is a War. As long as humans have to play this game in the world. There will always be war in this world. Great powers compete for military power. Commercial power, educational power, political power The quality of our world's population must be competed for. Well, the issue of power is always there. It's avoided. It is unavoidable because it is the correct nature. It's in our genetic code. Listen, imagine that we have thought that the war in This world will never happen, but today we know it. that what we had expected was not like that That is, the world will always have war until There will be some living thing to replace them. But until that time comes, we may not answer. Whether we are still on this earth or not, and I Believe that the game of power still needs to be There is a cycle of transition that occurs and dies. Always go and you must know this game and must Play it like I said in the beginning. Yes, if you know this game, your life may not be Got better by leaps and bounds, nothing noticeable. But when you don't know this game, you probably Making a mistake causing someone's displeasure or power Miss doing something that makes you Not supported and that's it. Yes, disaster may follow. I will talk about it later. Truth number 9. If in the past era, To power is to use force is to use strategy. They devise plans to conquer each other. And each other, and today, what do we use power with most ? Money. When Money speaks no one Check the gramm. Humans will look at money. As power is always money, man is man. Let's imagine that money is a piece of paper. For nothing if one day we don't believe in This would have no value at all. Every human being believes in this and it is. Something that indicates status, power and nobility. One of the best things in the 21st century is money. That is why if Talking about setting goals for people. Big things in this world must have money involved. That's the reason money will be a thing. It shows power when money makes noise, people will No doubt so you need one. I don't know whether you will be rich or poor with money. But if you Want to create prestige and power within yourself. Money will be a reflection of your stature. You can come out, but you have to accept that there will be more. One aspect where someone becomes a person of money It is true that money shows your power but When someone is dominated by money Then he will have no power over money. then he will become the father of money and he will Became the source of other things without realizing it. Therefore, I would like to summarize this point that money will be an important thing. It's important in life, but just ask and you will. Must be a person with higher qualifications than the number The power of those money is not the money. That only comes to dictate to you. This is truth number 9 that I have studied. Truth number 10: Human will always Believe in Something even though it Doesn't make any Sense but Don't Fight with it Even if some of it doesn't make any sense at all. Anyway, everyone, but you don't have to fight. with it because you changed your beliefs Human beings cannot, especially those who believe in Beliefs that have been ingrained since ancient times Our ancestors, if I talk about beliefs that There are two things that are the strongest in a human being. 1 is money and 2 is religion. Sir, humans will always believe in these things. And you can't change your beliefs. of them, would you believe in that? You can't believe it, but most people will. and some beliefs, even if they are unreasonable Believe it or not, he will still believe it. Because this is a human being. Human beings are not things. A life driven by reason and logic Man alone is a living being. Driven by emotion and instinct So we don't have reason with each other all the time. That's why you need to understand. This, if you don't understand this, it probably has Something happened, for example, I Go against certain beliefs that everyone has. We've believed a lot and I've risen. Declared that I would overthrow this belief. You can be ordered to be executed even though things As I say it makes sense, but this is it. Another example occurred during the witch hunts. of Europe during the witch hunts that everyone looked at That this woman seems to have magical powers. There seems to be something strange about this person. Naturally, it must be a witch. We gave it to him. Standing on the base of the basket and burning it. Yes, there was a witch hunt among humans during that era. Everyone falsely believed that there must be Witches in the real world today If we look back, it doesn't make any sense. It's true, this is point number 11, man. This point will be the last point. Who can satis will always End in disaster. Those who know enough to know how will always end in disaster. Always a disaster. This topic is related to Direct power, according to the book The 4x law of Power, I think that if you have a goal, then Get to that point and know enough to not let it go. Go beyond that if you want to go beyond that. Make a plan to reset, don't go because of greed. I will think of two men, the first being Napoleon Bon Part, Napoleon Bon Part, yes. Yes, he can grow up to be an emperor. There can only be a reason that caused him to leave this world. He doesn't look very dignified because of this. Yes, Napoleon was insatiable when Napoleon did. If he becomes emperor, he will need soil. That land, this land, until the people who came to serve He was starting to wonder if we weren't going to stop. Let's start a war until everyone starts making up their minds. Asking this is the starting point. causing Napoleon to rapidly decline in power So fast that Napoleon began to forget his qualities. His own military combat power, so he fought in 2 battlefields, actually there were 3 in each, which is a very heavy defeat. Simply put, 10 victories, but 3 defeats he received. It's almost erased 10 times before, for example, the battlefield. Waterloo, Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon Prepared the troops but forgot about that side. He has allies and troops coming to help. together, which is a large group until the end The defeat must have forced him to surrender. and then was exiled to the inner island of Senlen Finally, the second person is Adolf Hitler. If Adolf Hitler knew enough since Initially, Adolf Hitler refused to take over. Poland and then seizing Poland at the time That caused the surrounding countries to become dissatisfied. Hitler captured Poland and Hitler was not enough. Yes, it will continue to expand if Hitler knows enough. He may not have been a criminal from the beginning. The war also saw the destruction of those with great powers in Some of the great people of the world died because they were not satisfied. It is not and if it is in our daily life, Maybe it's not different when Succeeded and got what was expected. And then live in those present moments and soak in them. Don't be put off by those achievements. Move with greed or in other words don't. I have fallen as a slave to my passion. I have dreams and dreams. Lai has success that is defined as It's a good story, but if you think that if you Without success in this life you will not have. If you're happy, you might be no different from Hitler. And the insatiable Napoleon was fine. What I said from point 1 to point 11 may be what I think is wrong. It is what I composed and I believe. It will make you, the listener, understand the truth of the world. This one has gotten more, repeating it again now. If you all were kings, I was becoming a Maki. Veli who is sending The Prince textbook to everyone and finally, I believe it is It is very important that everyone will take the knowledge today. Use it in a moral way and apply it to create power and prestige and then pass on those values For society, I believe so. [Song]
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Keywords: podcast, life, book, สรุปหนังสือ, หนังสือเสียง, จิตวิทยา, พัฒนาตัวเอง, ชีวิต, จิตใจ, อาหารสมอง, ความรู้, the library, no.1 podcaster, ted talk, the article, จิตวิญญาณ, เติบโต, mindset, กรอบความคิด, sigma, การเรียนรู้, speaker, ทีมงาน, ปรัชญา, พอดแคสต์
Id: 01Vfi5gY0cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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