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open up the Bible show where did he say worship the father through me it's a specific ask God is Spirit there a worship Worship in spirit and in truth you know what you're doing my friend you're not being very discussing with me in sincere sense if you are going to make some claims you need to substantiate the claims without any ambiguity you can't say you know what I'll tell you the angels are God you know why because Paul of that day or that hour no one knows not even the angels not even the son but only the father so you got father son and the angels that's the Trinity there so the angels are God does it follow it doesn't follow it's a nonsense argument just because three things are mentioned together it doesn't make them God a part of a trinity if you want to make someone God it needs to be explicit do you find any statements in the Old Testament where God says I am God and there's none else have you found any statement no no I'm not going to ask for a reference have you come across references where God says I am God and there's none else before me there was no God form after me there was no God form I alone am God and there's none else did God make categorical statements like this in the Old Testament he has he has now find me a categorical statement like this in the New Testament where Jesus says something like that about himself before Abram was I am okay imagine now I am Jesus and saying the same statement okay just picture me I'm Jesus and I'm telling you before Abraham was I am what am I saying what am I claiming you're quing Exodus no no no no no what am I claiming before in fact Jesus didn't speak English so let's go back to the original before Abraham was the word I am comes from a name of God name of God Yahweh eha Yahweh whatever let's say Yahweh so I'll make the same statement Jesus did before Abraham was yahwah did you hear what I said okay everyone hear this I'm making a claim and I want you to tell me what claim have I made before Abraham was yah what claim am I making claim to be God so if I said before Abraham was Yahweh it means I'm claiming to be God do you speak English I speak English yeah so in what part of my statement tells you that I am claiming to be God because I am only saying before Abraham was Yahweh where is I in there where is I in there saying I am look if I said before Abraham was camera am I claiming I am God in my statement before okay wait wait before Abraham was CRA am I claiming to be God in that statement come on man you speak English Jesus Parables no no I don't want Parables when it comes to God Jesus spoke then you have a big problem you cannot know anything surely categorically what he claimed because in the Old Testament God freed the people of the children of Israel from them worshiping a camera if there was a camera there wasn't EGP whatever because if God spoke Ambiguously like who he was then they could have worshiped a stone or a calf or a banana but God made it very clear I am God you shall have no other God besides me you shall worship no one else besides me why he did that to make everyone be sure that it's God that you should worship football likewise in the New Testament if God came on this Earth imagine now God's actually here around us and you been speaking to him and he left and yet you even have a got a clue whether he's God on Earth or not in fact in fact what you realize is ah look at this man how nice he is look at this what man look how nice he is he's trying to heal my sick child oh thank God for sending out such a man like that if you really thought God came on this Earth to tell people I God and worship me it was a failure instead people saw saw by the mirac wait wait wait let me let me contextualize when Jesus came the Bible narration goes like this people heard about him they said oh there's a mighty man doing all wonders and miracles let me go to him it's a prophet and they said oh can you heal this man and they praised God for what this man has done to him so did they consider this man to be God and say h Allelujah let me worship you no they were thanking God for such a man doing all this Miracles as a prophet so this demonstrates Jesus didn't go around telling people to worship me because if it did people have realize instead what we find is point worship Point worship instead what we find is people took him as a prophet as a Mighty Man a miracle worker and we find he himself says he is not the true God According To Jesus Christ do you know who the father he was the son wait wait wait wait hold on according toi According To Jesus Christ who is the only true God is it I'm going to option is it the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit is it the Holy Spirit only is it the son only is it the father only or is it something else I've given you four options let me repeat again is the only true God father son Holy Spirit option one it's only the Holy Spirit option two it's only the son option three it's only the father option four and option five none of that someone else keep who did Jesus say the only true God is before I do that in fact coni according to you as a Christian who is the only true God they one they one in nature go the Father the Son the Holy Spirit right so according to KI the only true God is the father Son and the Holy Spirit that's that's that's your belief let's see whether you agree with Jesus or not according to Jesus Christ as reported in your Bible which you believe in who is the only true God out of these five options I do the will of my father so he's a five options there's no six like you saying this is six option which I didn't bring according to the five op father you mention father son Holy Spirit you said according to Jesus which of those options mention options again one more time all three Father Son and Holy Spirit only the Holy Spirit only the son only the father or none of [Music] them the father Son and Holy Spirit and they're one in nature it's not simple as I am not saying they're not one in nature they're one in nature I've given you options either all of them them none of them or only one of them which one of those options According To Jesus Christ because he should be your arbitrator he should be the judge for you spirit so yeah whatever you believe understand it no what I'm saying is whatever you believe about God Jesus would have arbitrated to tell you who the true God is so who is it out of this five he said I am a father one who is it out of this five okay the father Son and Holy Spirit that is the God okay according to the godhead excuse me book of Colossians let let me now do my elimination one by one did Jesus say the only true God is the holy spirit only he didn't say that he didn't say that option out did he say the the son is the only true God only the Son and the father one of the option is did he say the son alone only is the only true God only no okay move move no that cannot be an option right did he say the father Son and the Holy Spirit they're all one true God different different verses yes different you want you just want one verse no no no no no if you are going to say Jesus said that you know my next question going to be F produce your proof If you speak the truth evidence so let me ask you again did Jesus Christ say the only true God is the father son and the Holy Spirit as you say baptize him in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit I'm not talking about God baptism or play football did he ever say the only I need the word only I need the word true and I need the word god look for that verse that say I need the word three exclusive terms only God and only true God this identification not by Paul not by Samantha wait wait wait wait wait wait not by Samantha not by Tom di Harry say only but Jesus himself you did not say that you use the word only no I want only because that means you use that word in the gospel he did where I will show you but let's go by elimination because there two options left either it's the father only or the father Son and the Holy Spirit only if someone says only we know that's becoming very clear it's exclusive term if you say Allah is the only true God can there be anyone else they cannot be that's why we will not worship a tree or a monkey or a banana because Allah says he's the only true God that gives us this Tranquility in the heart contentment in the heart that God is not the only true God and some people think but there might be another God God number two God number three King James King James whichever he finds we don't know we don't know wait wait no no no no no no no I want you to I want you to eliminate one by one like you've done in your no because I don't want to spoil no no I don't want to spoil the truth by simply not giving you the truth I want the Bible to speak the truth for you then speak the Bible first and then no no no not yet you said Jesus Christ said in many verses hold on for it bring it to me in a second in various verses the word is not in there that's what he said no I will show him only I will show that only because that's the crack of my argument so you said in various verses Jesus mentioned that fine show me those various verses where Jesus identifies and says the only true God is Father Son and the Holy Spirit come on I'm not being very restrictive to you I said yeah from all this vers in fact take the whole of the Bible he in himself with the father I am a father one you have seen me I've seen the father show me where he says the only true God is Father Son and the Holy Spirit that verse is not there you trying toate a verse so so that verse is not there neither is the teaching in fact now is the last option show me this the last option Book of John chapter 17 verse three King James version or any other Bible hind King James and this is life etal that they might know the the only true God and Jesus Christ John and Jesus Christ who and Jesus Christ who SS yeah so what's Jesus Christ is the one who you have s s so there's two individuals identified here the eternal life is knowing the meaning who you the father in verse one so the eternal life is knowing the father is the only true God and also knowing that he sent Jesus Christ as a one who's been sent exactly what we call the shahada there is no God but God and this Prophet is the prophet of God one who's been sent so according to Jesus Christ himself the only true God is not the son not the Holy Spirit but what you call the father so now you realize even Jesus does not claim to be God he says the one and only true God is the father in your understanding of God mentioned that John John 5:3 but let me go into it go to John and tell me how does that go against this how does this in any way goes no no how does that how does that support your case because if now okay in fact in John 3:16 in your belief you told God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that you may have eternal life right okay when he says only begotten son can there be another one can there be another begotten son there cannot be another begotten because it says what only begotten son the word only just like Jesus says you are the only true God if he said you are the only true God there cannot be anyone else you can't get anything clear from that my friend that's why there's a fight of intellect between the Unitarian Christians and the trinitarian Christians there's some unarian Christians of over there earlier on I saw them they will tell you the only true God is the father not Jesus not the Holy Spirit yeah you'll find many academics they'll Tu it they'll tell you no the only true God is the father so the Bible tells you that you should worship the god of Jesus Christ did you know that jesal life remember the only true God and Jesus Christ who you sent eternal life it didn't say only true God is Jesus Christ also the only true God is the Father and Jesus Christ the one who sent by this father that's for eternal life yes yes so every moment in history to have eternal life you have to believe in God and you have to believe in the prophet and the messenger sent at that time Jesus Christ at the time of Jesus he was the prophet you have to follow but after at the time of Moses it wasn't Jesus Christ it was Moses you had to follow him to get eternal life now that was the shadow now I want to ask you this question book of Hebrews one do you believe God the father has a god [Music] he's just going to follow is it even meaningful to even ask God the father has a god it's nonsense how can God have a god well you just asked it but I know do do you agree with me I agree with it's nonsense to say God has a God I agree with you and you agree with me now Look what Jesus said to Mar Magdalene wait till you here don't touch but go and tell my brethren that I am going to my father and your father and my God and your God who is Jesus going to Let's identify he's going to his father and your father so is his father and your father any different no after the resurrection there was Unity let's understand what Jesus is saying Jesus is saying his father and your father are the same if he's the son of God so are you so you're not going to be worthy of worship because you are a son of God he's saying the father is simply a way of expressing someone who's close to you right so the fathership is not something unique to Jesus it's your father too but that's not the end of it he says I'm going to my God and your God I'm going to my God does he have a god he's going to the answer is yes he says I have a God that's my God and I'm going to him God God yeah God does not have a god any individual who says I have a God I'm going to coni God has given you a brain and a heart wait wa wait God has given you a heart the and a mind and a soul and with this you should know that anyone who says I have a God I'm going to cannot be God because God doesn't he was unique look look bring his salvation listen anyone who says I have a god cannot be God he was unique in bring his salvation he was the word you know next thing anyone who say if the father said I have a God he cannot be God but he was a son I am saying about the father now I'm questioning the father if the father said I have a God I would not consider him to be God neither should you that was never said no no neither should you do you know why because God doesn't have a God because God is the only being who is self-sufficient coming back to my question my argument self-sufficiency the the only being who is self-sufficient is the one who is God can be God but how can you worship God this where Jesus Christ came into place Jesus Christ worshiped God had a god going to God and yet my friend coni you're still considering him Divine you're considering him part of God that is going to be something in the day of judgment when you will be questioned by God why did you associate a partner with me when a Muslim in High Park in 202 told you that the individual that you worshiped as God himself had a God and you knew that I cannot have a God how would you give your excuse and justification you know what God going to ask different people could ask different questions Quran tells us God will ask your book look Quran will ask even Christ himself did you tell people did you tell people to take you and your mother as God's besides God do you know what he will say never I've never said such a thing even if I said so you would know you know what's in your in my heart but I don't know what's in your heart but I've never said such thing I only said worship God my Lord and your lord he will say another such a thing some ask you how someone so those people who want to say oh Jesus but I thought you God
Channel: باللغه العربيه SCDawah Arabic
Views: 10,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speakers corner, hyde park, sdawah channel, حوار, نقاش, مناظرة, مسلم, نصراني, نصرانية, مسيحي, مسيحية, المسيح, عيسى, يهودي, يهودية, علي, البيت, الصحابة, السنة, london, hyde, park, speakers, corner, Muslims, Islam, Jewish, discussion, London, ركن, الخطباء, mansur, scdawah, ahmad, ahmed, scdawah channel, scdawah hashim, scdawah mansur, المتحدثين, speakers corner 2022
Id: 5puCBWsqOLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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