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the son of man has Authority on Earth to forgive sins so Jesus is saying I have authority to forgive sins sorry can we not fil sorry um so Jesus is saying I have authority to forgive sin on this Earth acknowledging what the phes have said but only God can forgive so this is Jesus saying that he's God Jesus said your sins are forgiven he didn't say I forgive your sins so for example if you forgive someone and you can right as a as a Christian as a human being yes because the the disciples were also told to forgive the sins of others so if you forgive someone's sins does that make you God no it doesn't if Jesus said I forgive your sins or I acting as God forgive your sins he said I have the authority the question is who gave him the authority to forgive sins sorry who gave him this Authority exactly so he was given the authority secondly no let me finish I haven't finished my point yet second Jesus said I by myself can do nothing does that sound like God to you no but he was talking about um in his human sorry can we not film anything thank you but he was talking about so that's what I'm talking about when Jesus is fully man and he's also fully God at the same time so Jesus know because that's another way in which Jesus claimed to be God because he's saying you see me healing these people you see me doing these good works you see me, people I could not do that if I was not God no but he said I by myself can do nothing if he was fully God would you would he ever say such a thing I by myself because he did the point that he is making is that you're right no man could do these things I do them through the power of God no but he's saying I look look you're not addressing the point I'm making I'm saying Jesus is clearly saying that he by himself independently can do nothing are you with me in John 5:30 second Point does God have a god did Jesus have a god well Jesus talks about uh being differential to the father as part of the Trinity so just before he gets crucified he praise so I think that that shows the relationship that he has with his a trinity but I don't think that Jesus has a God so you don't think Jesus has a God okay read John chapter 20 sorry John uh yeah John John 2017 that's what I was saying before you interrupted me stop it John 20:1 17 remember you said he doesn't have a God now let's see what Jesus says 20 verse what sorry 17 17 read it aloud if you don't mind uh Jesus says do you not hold on to me for I have not yet ascended to the father go instead to my brothers and tell them I I am ascending to my father and your father to my God and your god what does my God mean sorry when Jesus says my God what does it mean I think it means that he is he acknowledges um his father no he already said my father I'm not asking about the bit where he said my father I'm asking about the bit where he says my god well I suppose it means that he is like he is um as a human he's under the same God as they are so only as a human when he said the when he said my God was fully God yeah so this fully God has a God but he's fully human at the same time yeah of course he's fully human we have no dispute in that okay as a look if he said this if he said my God as a human I have no objection whatsoever but because you insist that he's not just fully man but also fully God that is where your problem lies because a fully God doesn't have a God if he's if there is only one God then he cannot have a god you see what I mean when Jesus proclaimed clearly that I go to my father and your father so first he addresses him as a father which is good which is the in the Jewish context that is no problem whatsoever but then what he says is something that you should really take note of as a Christian he says I go to my God and your God so your fully God has a God and not only that he's God and the god of his disciples and the god of the Believers is also the the same so who do you believe he talking about I believe that he is not God and he claims that he is a God because when Jesus says things like I can by myself do nothing as I hear I obey yes this show that he's subject to someone of a higher authority and even yeah and I but I I I don't disre that so things like um in the Bible it says that no one knows the hour but the father yes absolutely which again shows that he's ignorant of something that God knows but so I think that there is there is a relationship between the Trinity of God they not they don't all feel the same wrong what kind of relationship a master servant relationship no no did Jesus say he came as a servant yeah to other people no he was a servant he said I when when uh sorry when Paul says the head of Jesus Christ is God yes are you aware of that verse no it's in first Corinthians 11:3 okay lights please when he says the head of Jesus Christ is God first Corinthians 11: time yeah you're the light man and let there be lights let one all right Corinthians 11 5 three three sorry three three um but I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ and the head of of every woman is man and the head of Christ is God every man he prays and prophesies with his head cover it's only up to three yeah yeah so when he says the head of Christ is God yeah and by the way Paul when you know when Paul wrote that post Resurrection so it's no more man like the way you're saying so there's no loopholes here I'm not trying again so so tell me why does Paul I'm sure who knows more of what Jesus is than you I'm or or any other Christian unless you're telling me you know more than Paul why does Paul say that the head of Jesus Christ is God if if Jesus Is God why does Paul say that head of Jesus Christ is God he didn't say it's his father he said it's God Can Can someone who is God Rel that yeah but you see this relationship is not one of Coe equality it's a relationship of one where where one I.E Jesus is always subordinate to the higher authority the father think um I think that's true but isn't that like saying so for example in the Bible it talks about in a marriage men and women having different roles no but he says the head of the woman is man the same ver you read it's not equal so there's no Coe equality in Authority yes Coe equality like for example if you and your husband are both human being and I'm sure most of the people out there they're both married to human beings then in terms of your essence yes they're the same that they both are human but in terms of authority the husband is hard than that than the Woman based on that same verse sorry can I fin I was going to say yeah yeah please do yeah so um yeah so the Bible talks about so there's lots of verses in the Bible that talk about having different roles but not being unequal in that role so in a marriage men and women have different roles in that relationship it talks about Masters and servants it talks about um children and parents so if you've got a child and a parent relationship you're right you do have a parent who's the authority but that doesn't mean that they have less the child has less value than the parents so I believe that Jesus the Holy Spirit and God are all equally God God is one being I believe they're all equally gods and they fulfill a different role in God's purpose and who's in charge of those roles I don't know the answer to that question well it says the head of Christ is God you see when you when you talk about different roles within a marriage yes I totally agree with you yes they have different roles no doubt like for example a man cannot give birth to a child yeah exactly yes but a woman can yes and we know rules are fixed by God but why can you not then apply that to um to let me finish let me the let me finish the statement so in terms of authority within the marriage yeah who is the boss who's who's the head I don't think there should be a boss well he says Paul says that the head of the woman is man what does he mean by that well there are lots of different verses that marriage to the Bible no no this verse let's talk about that verse what does it what do you as a Christian understand when you read that verse the head of the the woman is man what do you understand by that cuz we we have already agreed they have different roles no doubt about it but in terms of what that role is that role is or who is in charge of those roles it's very clear that in that book in that Bible in that um Epistle of uh Paul the First Corinthians he says the head of the woman is man and the next verse or sorry the same verse the next uh part says the head of Christ is God so you see both of them both of these particular passages they're talking about in terms of authority are you with me so the father or the god of Jesus has higher authority than Jesus do you agree yeah Jesus doesn't have a high because if you read throughout the Bible Jesus is always subordinate to God yes he's never higher than God or equal to God he's always lower in authority to God Almighty whom he says my father is greater than I very clearly in the Bible yes and post Resurrection this was pre Resurrection when he says my father greater than I post Resurrection Paul confirms this and not only in one place in several places I can give you another verse in First Corinthians chapter 15 I think verse 24 where he says after he's defeated all his enemies he gives a kingdom to whom to whom to the father yes he gives the Kingdom to the father to God and then he becomes subject to God yes this is after the end when the world and all his all the gods of enemies will be destroyed after he's put all his enemies on as a foot stool after his defeated death itself he hands the kingdom back to God and he becomes subject to God thank you are you see with me no okay read 1 Corinthians chapter 15 if you don't believe me what of Revelation now before we go to Revelation I want to establish this point from the Bible whether I just made it up or it's actually there where's the light man gone you got you got a mobile on you go brother so before you ask me a question what do you think of that statement I made about 1 Corinthians chapter 15 that he'll become subject to God at the end at the end what do you make of that because you you keep saying that Jesus is God but I see Jesus always subordinate to God in your Bible First Corinthians chapter 15 seems like you have a different version of from seems that I think I have first Corin either that or she hasn't read the passage or maybe you not aware of the passage I have read theage I think I so remake of it then4 First Corinthians 15 you can read it in context if you want but it starts at 24 21 I believe uh then the EM will come when he hands over the kingdom of God the Father after he has destroyed all Dominion Authority and power for he must re until he has put all enemies under his feet The Last Enemy to be destroyed his death he has put everything under his feet uh now when it says that everything has been put under him it is clear that this does not include God himself who put everything under Christ when he has done this then the son himself will be made subject to him that put everything unto him so that God may be all in all so the son read that again where he says the sun will what yeah the son himself will remain subject to him everything but so that God may be all in all yes exactly and God is who when Jesus says while he is on Earth I go to my God and your God so you see Jesus here he becomes subject to God even at the end God can never be subject to anyone do you agree yeah but Jesus always is subject to God the reason for that is because Jesus a never claimed to be God Jesus is always subordinate to God and Jesus said by myself I can do nothing these clear clear passages in the Bible are explicit they are not something that these are implied meaning these are explicit verses in the Bible in the New Testament which you cannot deny what you're doing is you're going by implicit verses for example where Jesus says your sins are forgiven yes these are implicit verses it doesn't mean if he has been given the authority to even raise people from the dead yes which even the Antichrist will have that power and after the that doesn't make them God you see having ability to do certain things certain Miracles doesn't mean that they become God it just means that they have given God has given that ability to them like for example if when Moses split the sea do you think Jesus could have done that we don't know cuz he's never done that but if Jesus was given the same power as Moses was given by God Almighty then he could have done that no problem even you could have done that if God gave you the power but the important thing is this if Jesus himself never explicitly claims that he has a God if Jesus explicitly claims that he has a God then you cannot say that he is God unless you believe in more than one God well I disagree with all that but can I well you disree with the Bible then then you disagree with the Bible That's what I was trying to say it's different from what the teachings of the Bible are um but you so you said that I could ask you some questions yeah and like me that you made some good points no no that's fine you can ask questions please do um what would you cuz a lot of Muslims that I told you say we believe the Bible but it seems to me that you don't believe what the Bible says sorry say again what what would you use the Bible for if you believe in the Bible the reason I use the Bible you saying the Quran she the reason I the reason I use the Bible is because you believe in the Bible and if you are not going to believe even the Bible then what is the point of me going to quote the Quran to you right now you see what you have done you have said that I don't believe any of that even after I've explicitly stated the very verses of the Bible which you I don't know for some reason just reject it no I don't reject it at all so you believe Jesus as a God no there you go you see Jesus himself says I go to my God and your God but my question to you and he said the only true God is father so you're saying that the only reason you the Bible is because I yeah because you believe in the Bible and if you if I'm going to point to you something that you believe in then that will have a greater effect on you I mean I'll be more than I'll be more than happy to quote the Quran to you where for example in chapter 4 171 in the Quran Allah says about what who Jesus is he says he's the Messiah yes a word from Allah and he is not the Son of God he's submitted to God but he's the servant and messenger of God sorry Allah no Jesus Allah said that Jesus is a servant and the messenger of God not the Son of God he is basically not God clearly yeah and this is what it is now if I tell you that from the Quran what are you going to say but I disagree anyway exactly my point but you see what you have done there you not only disagreed with the Quran but you have also disagreed with the Bible because it goes against your doctrine of the 4th Century not even in the Bible the Trinity the Trinity Doctrine is not there in the Bible you will never find anyone in the Bible advocating the three persons or the Triune nature of God in the Bible no one no old Old Testament prophets no New Testament prophets no Jesus no Disciples of Jesus not even Paul himself claims or Advocates this Triune God this is a fourth Century Doctrine which you believe in unfortunately this is not in the Bible for you well I disagree with that but you keep saying disagree with that show me the Bible where anyone Advocates the Trinity go I thought I got to ask you some questions now yeah you can but we time you asking me a questions no no fair enough go ask your questions yeah I cannot disagree you ask me single questions I asked if I could ask you some questions no no you can ask questions I never said no so um something like something that I've never asked before is about Jihad so correct me if I'm wrong but understand there are multiple meanings of jihad yes yeah so are there three different types of jash tell me what you know what's the question so I think so I can't remember what they're called but I think one of them is internal struggle yeah the best to be better yes well carry on I'm listening I I'll respond after you finish I my I guess my question is what do you understand the meaning of jihad okay Jihad is basically struggle the literal meaning of jihad is struggle so you can be struggling with your naps which is basically your your conscience yes and that is the internal Jihad and then there is a real Jihad for example if someone oppresses a Muslim or a non-muslim even and you have the ability to protect them with the with fighting even then that is called the external Jihad for example when Moses killed the people in midianites like it says in the Bible and for example Joshua who killed the people of the amalekites destroyed them every male every female every child and these were sanctions given by whom by Jesus in the Old Testament unless you don't believe Jesus was a God in the Old Testament so you see this Jihad is also there in the Bible the only difference is this in the Quran Allah says if they want to establish peace with you if they don't want to fight with you anymore then you also approach I'm paraphrasing here from the Quran here you basically accept the peace yes and this is what it says in the Quran you do not fight them if they do not fight you so if someone wants to make peace with you even even after the war has started if if the if the opposite party says we want to stop the war and we want to have make peace and we want to establish a um a contract then they have to stop they have to stop fighting them and and accept the peace contract so why do you think they Jo go on sorry was a question there are a lot of people that have used yeah like for example there are many people who misuse the Bible for example in the the Crusades yes so if you look at that I would draw a parallel between The Fringe groups called the Isis and alqa or whoever they are and the Crusades from the past and the KKK you know the KKK the misused verses of the Bible if you look at the website it's completely filled with just justifying killing of certain people from the Bible clearly so we have these elements this French groups in both Christianity uh Islam and even in other religions like Judaism Hinduism look at Buddhism yeah look at what is happened in myamar today the rohinga people are being massacred by this peaceful Buddhist yes so you see these elements these Rogue elements are found in every Faith or even people who do not follow faith for example chairman ma for example there are other people yeah Buddhist is more than no that wasn't my question my question was does Jesus have a God Jesus the fully man the fully God Jesus the fully man the fully God does the second person of the Trinity have a god um I would say I would say God doesn't have a g but Jesus as a man submitted himself to God the Father you see what you have done there you have GED his divinity and only focused on his Humanity Jesus according to your own Creed has two Natures the Divine and the human the hypothetic union you see the nature is attached to a person nature is not devoid of or basically separated or divorced from the person you as a person can be a kind person can be a loving person yes your dad or your grandfather your grandmother similarly can be a kind person or a good person so when your great great grandmother died people didn't say her kindness died yes or her this loving basically loving nature died they say the person died because when the person died all the natures died with him or her similarly in the case of Jesus because he has two natures and the two Natures will stay with him for all eternity his Humanity doesn't end with his crucifixion no and if you have that idea I think you should go and read up on your Creed of the trinity because his humanity and his divinity are with him all the time so if he has the Divinity and Humanity with him how is it that this fully God fully man claims when he was on Earth that he has a God and how does Paul then confirm this even after the resurrection that the head of Jesus Christ is God good no problem was your name by the way Al Anna Alana Alana okay very nice talking to you Alana you take care okay byebye not no problem take care bye-bye all right brothers and sisters [Music]
Channel: باللغه العربيه SCDawah Arabic
Views: 11,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speakers corner, hyde park, sdawah channel, حوار, نقاش, مناظرة, مسلم, نصراني, نصرانية, مسيحي, مسيحية, المسيح, عيسى, يهودي, يهودية, علي, البيت, الصحابة, السنة, london, hyde, park, speakers, corner, Muslims, Islam, Jewish, discussion, London, ركن, الخطباء, mansur, scdawah, ahmad, ahmed, scdawah channel, scdawah hashim, scdawah mansur, المتحدثين, speakers corner 2022
Id: xK6uVRrT7FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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